Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/75/1 - March - April 1917 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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46 the sunken road in 28] ove of thess went to Bullecourt - Nove of to the wire or near it. At 4am. 48Bn. move ut positn 46 in port on jumpiy off posity anrd a trench. 48 wt 100 gds in rear. The attack we to take place at 4.G0. Tauks were begn br 6 get thro were & wewere follow as closed as possible behind
41 The tanks were late 1o it we well to 6 a before we were able to advance. If waiter for tanks to then decision wt come to to o on without them At X 1San Col. Leave wered to 2odobjoe had by captaned. The were in some laces had been at w shell fire. A lot of men fell before they were able to move, &a toba 1 The men were.
8 42 were lying out in plan seen from 5 (John barrag on left lifter until 6 with Ballecourt firay at them. -6oth M.J. rifls, + barrage. The Ftanks started to fire from abt the jumping off y at att 5 a.m. but did not go forward They were form alongsed infy &Tuby passed them there In sooie ploces where I dead a faden over ( were passedover the th The 46 Bu took
43 part of Hobzie. 48 ran into part of sst objoc Dh Jermans were still in (on left 46) & 48 took to Rest weakon to poid 2 All coy commdrs Exc. Cost alave had bn shot by time the reacher 18t Obyve Capt. Moyes & Lieut Corawall (C) were shob in were, & Capt B) gettin mott Y- wound cnt 1st &b of ther in a deyout. Moyes T Comwall were carried back cd & -
44 Capt Leane went on with rema mere & took end Objoe (dating he message 6 18 am. There ws not much were in port of my. objoc. There were a food ma ferm but they most cleared when they saw our wc killed com We some. The EP. sot in up to the Road fas tarker). Jerws were very strong i C. aled Rd
45 several times to bombs The 48 boubd down to road in bottom of valler They put blocks abt each end. 8.20 C lane sd I am sending herewith te report. It V was impossible to sent one be fore owery to pittuaty. Have famd & consopst our positio fron 1023C85. OS C0. 357 023 find it impossible to get remainder cnto my hands oring to the Exposis nature of ground & fire brought to bear from villap of Balleconr. Bullecoutz
146 our arty is Constantly 81 falling over. Cot we in touch witl all coys cners all n I hope to fain this tonight Have wik < me lept 219 other 219 tofficers and 4 L wo like if poss. o truck wortars twh I g dislo sit fro rity resander of objoc & severall in director solated Rl of the villap. cam of opinion that trf will be a stroy Gallack this afternoon. St 5 a.m. Deeny the did not go forward Col. Leave thought the might be waite or signals from the He sd we tanks.
9 48 not wait You do or Signals of tanks Obsoe ts taken you followdn & take second objve. this to all Coy con HS.19. He sent to Bde: On account lateress of we of advance, has arrangents been made to keep barrage looger flanks at on Bullecout? On acct of arrangent with tanks this cont be dove. At 650 Capt heave
314 49 reported to strong parties of Gennia were renjoin up Lauken Rd hes attact broken by hi L.G fire. Have sent up. 2 Vickers 2 s & one male D assist land him on the plank No Abt 6.30 one of these tanks L seen Co p from rear arong ed towards Door Q. Bn H
an off open appeared. H asked. Is there an here. ot He Sd. Iothere I can 17 Any Yon. do Col. Orderedt proceed to lef to & dosist ofour Capt. Leave &belp him clear out for from Danhen Rd at that time ther

the sunken road in 2 BD.
One of these went to
Bullecourt - None
got to the wire or
near it.
At 4 a.m. 48 Bn
moved into positn,
46 in front on jumping
off position into a trench. 48 ws 100
yds in rear.
The attack ws
to take place at
4.30. Tanks were
to be gn ¼ hr to get
thro wire & we were
to follow as closely
as possible behind.


The tanks were
late & it ws well
on to 6 a.m. before
we were able
to advance. They
waited for tanks &
then decision ws
come to to go
on without them.
At 6.18 a.m. Col. Leane
wired tt 2nd objve
had bn captured.
The wire in some
places had been cut
w shell fire. A
lot of men fell before
they were able to
move, & a lot in /
wire. The men


were lying out in
plain view from 5 (when
barrage on left lifted)
until 6 with Bullecourt
firing at them. - both
m.g. rifles, &
barrage. The 2 tanks
started to fire from
abt the jumping off
[[?]] at abt 5 a.m.
but did not go forward.
They were firing alongside
/ infy & / infy
passed them there.
In some places
where / dead had
fallen over / wire
they passed over
them. The 45 Bn took


part of 1st objve.
48 ran into part of
1st objve wh Germans
were still in (on left
of 46) & 48 took
tt. Rest went on
to front [[trench?]].
All Coy Commandrs
exc. Capt Leane had
bn shot by time they 
reached 1st objve.
Capt. Moyes (A) & Lieut
Cornwall (C) were 
shot in wire, & Capt
Mott of (B) getting
into 1st [[trench?]] - wounded
& left there in a dugout.
Moyes & Cornwall were
wd & carried back.


Capt Leane went
on with remaining 
men & took 2nd 
objve (dating his 
message 6.18 am).
There ws not much
wire in front of 2nd
objve. There were
a good many Germs
but they mostly
cleared when they 
saw our men 
coming. We killed
The 48 got in
up to the Road (as
marked). Germs were
very strong & c.attd


several times w bombs.
The 48 bombed down to
road in bottom of
valley. They put
blocks at each

At 8.20 Capt Leane sd
I am sending herewith further report. It
was impossible to send one before owing
to / situatn. Have gained & consolidated our 
positn from (U23C85.05
to U 23 C xxxx O.35)
Find it impossible to get remainder
into my hands owing to the exposed
nature of ground & fire brought to bear
from village of Bullecourt.



our arty is
falling over.

Col' ws in touch
with all coys by
runners all ^this time

I hope to gain this tonight. Have with
me left 219 other
ranks & 7 officers and
4 L Gs.
Wd like if poss. 2 trench mortars
w wh I cd dislosge Fritz from /
remainder of objve & several
isolated huts in direction
of the village. Am of opinion that
there will be a strong c/attack
this afternoon.

At 5 a.m. seeing they
did not go forward
Col. Leane thought they
xx might be waiting
for signals from the
tanks. He sd, when


You do not wait
for signals from tanks
when 1st objve is taken
You follow on & take
second objve.
(This to all Coy Commdrs)
At 5.19 he sent to
Bde : "On account 
of lateness of the
advance, have
arrangements been
made to keep
barrage longer
on flanks at
On account of arrrangement
with tanks this cdnt
be done.
At 6.50 Capt Leane


reported tt strong
parties of Germans
were reinforcing
up [[Sanken?]] Rd.
( "This attack ws
broken by his 
L.G fire. Have
sent up 2 Vickers
M Gs & one male tank to assist
him on the flank".

At abt 6.30
one of these tanks
ws seen coming
up from rear
along rd towards
Bn H.Q. Door


opened & an offr
appeared. He 
asked: Is there an
offr here?
Col. sd he ws.
He sd: Is there
anything I can
do for you.
Col. ordered him
to proceed to left
of our [[?]] & assist
Capt Leane & help
him clear out Germs
from Sanken Rd.
At that time there


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