Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/75/1 - March - April 1917 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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264 at w light 23 27 partly to be swetche tt wdy. Eveny now close in font. a good S any camalties started return twaulx being between them Ener & Ba H.C. At Vault found 20B ady to attack. Vowles lhad 8 men with him H Roper. Reported to Bde. & rejoined Pon HG at 10.30 Strungth of C. tev was 20f. 4700 but others have regoined (55 allogtin ought on 3L Go were went in abt 160 uy fery
28 Newlands. H 241 29 ✓12Bn on right of D. Coy took over (piquet &t posts made it 2 picuet with 6 posts all went well till 4 am C wI Cte up on left &. Lordes of troop had bu no flare howt bl t ppened for d before
24 30 inden enen broken thro on flamk. & were getting to rear the Ot dener to withrow This ground fave oot fire port but no protection Ih were then attacke you part rc t withdrew to apport live in Sunhen Frt of Lagnicourt. tha 2425. 2ton H.D. now is from wh the vere able t repel at fouled attackI then attach
L1gad both sides of Red. 31 & warded the allack of It as abt 5 then. German was in roads leading it of Lagnicout & attacked up there & from lef ltencouil He ws dowen loase As soon as Genl had bu refulsed on AC left pushes out pln in 7 der. Before had gont 500y or in the platoon 6.30. an
35 platson gatter 34 Jerans o toot ap pte posts eog being relieved i by 20 Bn. Estimated Camnaltis bely. t there were 100 dead in Coy. Sec 2 Captal 100 E.K. account 85 Wei
11Bn Boarsies. 33 Half a coy of 11 Br. went arth the 12 ton apt left of Boursies. The German p attack first cought then Abb. 10.30pm. Gerons got as far as the Sunken Road to of Lonverval2 They weredowen out by Cattack The 12t11Bon on left attacked as follows Founces They went up valley, right former under bank - & thei came on op hill & got into very heavy i fire from Jerms on 2 in 29A/4) Only the first wave got over I will, & heng on all day, coming back at night - the pla on left having only 5 men left by then. The Germans in the Gat & havy on all day, but they too cleares back at night. $20 VBn At Bouroges early & Honl 14 9 e Aloy X with t toye 1t t at 3a yo. thee Demonstrate on r ple to draw fore attached with bembers up X T4e will before it was aware. HSherari ws k wid before the reacted to will ady 34
36 48 Bn. Ap11 At 11.20 Capt Leave who when hit sent back his message book by runner. a messa sent Setn queet. 22 X 07 pties of fs moving in many points in small numblers. So. are & of leaving village in ones & twos & breaking from Kndest. J Hendecourtz 25 my supers have accounted for many & Lganaces for numerous small or X. Gunners ptics up to 1300 qds. Six further casualy 1300 8x 6 Other ranks with me here are A9rs-7,ACoy 54 HEr 1 Atoy54
3t 15 Co9 H 3t is unawrs. to glive more detail DCo yet owin to the aut gut to be done. X 2 Viclers mps have not reptd yer 2 These fot 646 & not to him These wod be invaluable in staving of ta 6 Gattack, as at present, oway to berng held up on bot planks we are in the air. These hre very securely held & blocks estetlis & my posetin is ag steby, as it can be make. French morters tod be invaluable fr I wd very must like to gex at Fity with kem. Frity
38 The we sent 5 mins after 80Bn in rear & 4 Bde had taked Kunner who brought it came in with the last of 46Bn. A verbal messeg at 12.15 from Capt. H.S. Seane (Ton of Cd. E.T.L. intowi to ou barrage the 2 wer untenable. The retirement started ofs covered the retirement of the men
39 Ill got in Exc. Capt Leave & L Walson who we hit in the back & crawted in after. Capt Leane w seen by. Walson wto a shell hoppin hole behied the Jerman lines. Not seen Since. The 4-tanks were to start across tevel crossing as marked 78910. 3 got to the Sunken road; 2 crossed


It was pretty light 
at 5 a.m.
when retired

partly to be switched
tt way. Enemy now
close in front. a good
many casualties - so
started retiring twd Vaulx
Enemy being between them
& Bn H.Q.
At Vaulx found 20 Bn
ready to attack. Vowles
only had 8 men with him & 
Lt Roper. Reported to
Bde. & rejoined Bn H.Q.
at 10.30
Strength of pln Coy tt evening
was 2 off. 47 o.r. but others
have rejoined (Now 56 altogether)
& 3 L Gs were brought in.
Went in abt 160.




A. Coy. 18 Bn.
on right of D Coy

(Took over / piquet & 4
posts made it 2 piquets
with 6 posts).
All went well till
1st intimatn ws flares
going up on left &
hordes of troops moving.
There had bn no flares
direct on front till then.
(This had xx happened for 
a week before).


Finding tt / enemy
had broken thro on
flank & were getting
to rear the O.C. decided
to withdraw. to xxxxxx
point. This ground gave
a good fire front but
no protection. They
were then attacked
from front in force.
A Coy withdrew to
support line in Sunken
Road to rt of Lagnicourt
(thro 24 & 25 where 12 Bn H.Q. now is)
from wh they were able
to repel the frontal 
attack. They were
then attacked from 
rear & from Lagnicourt



[[?]] both sides of Rd

& warded the attack off.
It ws abt 5 then.
German was in rods leading
out of Lagnicourt & 
attacked up there
& from left rear
simultaneously. He
ws driven back.
As soon as Germs
had been repulsed on 
left xxxxx A Coy
pushed out pln in
skirmishing order. Before
they had gone 500 yds
they had more Germans
surrender than there 
were men in the platoon.
This ws abt 6.30. am.


The platoon gathered
up / Germans & took
up their old forward posts
in [[?]] being relieved
by 20 Bn.
Estimated casualties
It is estimated tt there were
100 dead in Coys sector &
they captd 100 -
8 k. 15 w. 8 m.
/ accounted for
xx (85 went in.)


11 Bn Boursies
Half a coy of 11 Bn. went
with the 12 Bn agst the left of Boursies.
The German xx. attack first caught
them abt 10.30 pm. Germs got as far
as the Sunken Road R of Louverval(Z)
They were driven out by xx c-attack
The 12 & 11 Bn on left attacked as follows

They went up valley, right formed
under bank - & then came on xx
hill & got into very heavy m g 
fire from Germs in [[trench?]] in 29A (X)
Only the first wave got there
over / hill, & hung on all day,
Coming back at night - the pln
on left having only 5 men left
by then. The Germans in the [[trench?]] at
X hung on all day, but they too
cleared back at night.

A coy 12 Bn.
At Bouries, early 8 April.

attacked with A Coy & 1 pln
agst mill at 3 am.
There were 3 mgs there.
Demonstrated on rt w
/ pln to draw fire &
attacked with bombers up
road. The main force
ws on / mill before it
was aware. Lt Sherwin
ws k [[?]] before they
reached the mill. acting 2 in C.


48 n. Ap11.

At 11.20 Capt Leane (
who when hit sent
back his message
book by runner.)
sent a message.
Sitn quiet.
pties of Gs moving in may
points in small numbers. Gs are
leaving village in ones &
twos & breaking from Hendecourt.
My snipers have accounted for many
& L. Gunners for numerous small
pties up to 1300 yds. Six further casualties
Other ranks with me
here are Hqrs - 7, A Coy 54,


B Coy [[?]] 67 &
D 60. It is imposs. to give more detail as
yet owing to the amt of wk to be done.
2 Vickers mgs have not reptd yet
These got to 46 & not to him
These wd be invaluable in staving off a
c/attack, as at present, owing to being
held up on both flanks we are in the 
air. These are very securely held
& blocks established & my positn
is as strong as it can be made.
Trench mortars wd be
invaluable, & I wd very much
like to get at Fritz with them.


This ws sent 5 mins
after 46 Bn in rear &
4 Bde had retired.
Runner who brought
it came in with the last of 46 bn.
A verbal message
at 12.15 from Capt. A.E.
lane (son of Col. E.T.L)
saying tt owing to our
barrage the [[trenches?]] were
The retirement started
& 7 offrs covered the
retirement of the men.


All got in exc. Capt
Leane & Lt Watson
who ws hit in the
back & crawled in after.

Capt Leane ws
seen by Watson

hopping into a shell
hole behind the
German lines. Not
seen since.
The 4 tanks were
to start across level
crossing as marked
7 8 9 10. 3 got to the
Sunken road; 2 crossed


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