Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/75/1 - March - April 1917 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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1173 Wer 14 on movey uppoin Lonverval. the 10 Bn struck trouble (or rather, it ws on I night 7/8 & early yestry momin They had to get out alln a Spar N of Boursies- The two flanks got out; but Chape centre yon cnto m.go or m. guns near corner of howveral & as heldap as marked Deniscourt in dotted line. Germans at Cau. C. atld. te honveralo opposite Boursies + found 12 Bor lying out ready to Tump off. They droves the 12th in. 12th drove them back agn F captd one. But when 12 Bre of sst ware. ated., to some sobont villag of others got wto yat
15 whereforman ig. at kept them penned down + urable to ster. Gernaus had abt roomen at G & their fire caused end Didwaves to get into ditch in vally & caned great trouble. Bombers however got into Village & Col. Elbeett at Abtmidday or in sad afternoon himself went thio Western end of village & found no ferious. We also had asen post (Capta German ing.) at entrance of vitlage & on it of village At 3 ourmen costill be seen at S & Germans were in Chapel.
I 2 16 and Bn attacked Hermee to t of tine of barbed were betw Hermies & Doynies 3rd Bn going up to your it from S 15 Bn lookedafter left plank & later anday got rount Denecourt tho having tosses from Boursies whws. not taken - Brd Bde reported it taken at 6 am. A ttack on night of 9/10 de not come off. He came back in heavy snow (Babloi & I onsration The attact ws temed for next morney instied. Grovick & I welt up to 14 central, He
Ap. 10/11 wlo an old infante post there. The snow had ceased to fall It was bitterly cold our hands fidge as we sat there. Settey in dark we made the ollowing notes at his i- but it ws too cold to hold a pencil. (There we at it a half moon about 5.30 tho light tS becoming fairly d-but it wsat6 before we cd use tlescope property on hien court 18 £30 Ourtombe Slar green flers from 4135 Baflewart Another gran Har 4 4.40. green & gold flares have been going up to lept & from Bullecourt Nothing from Reencourd Huge burdts as of explos Wrods Lagniconit- oe harizon 44 B or 15 of these tow bursts have laken place must be shell burst
29 have nevereen one like it before. 4.50. Whesth Cras tro It is not yet list. Bed ftare by Reencourt. 115t Anott flare 4.57. Sugh Greenflere Red Froin Bukleonst Marin Peed Frin From near Kiecour
20 Tl De 7 numerous I am. very few flarts Have the germars itn Sere in econsl mort flares 10. many 1600 red Hlares from Rencour Does this ne Fanks Wonan Cnist 5:15 20 E tate goy n extended ond Cavalry coming up Olhan Langalle
1 21 Abt 6 0C. we saw men in wire & past it in pout of Kiencourt, then We saw an object moving Aptol were it was a tank (Telescope had ba in are 10ms Saw tank move up & fire Later saw that tank monin back & anoher mavny up. cer on ferg on air Saw tank seen & stopped by Jerman Sen 20 Saw Jerman in /4Icre 4 Walkrry calonly back Ao along the hill slope Wof Reen court - about 30 of them Gen lorand tells me that the Tanks never got near the 1st Objve. then were caughtb ing on were.
3122 Heavy comalties thro igs getting too wire 30A24 2t ddjoe. 2eft 22 D 5.3. 2vickersgunsabl soyds in pont of 2objic. 22/r of12Bde is O22C05 30prsoners 4 Bd 23 2 lanks were seen in snow & firet on before thy started Therearesd to be o lyvy hit Cal. Steomson ofartiller Fot reports troops have occupied Keincourt obe Bdur doubts tis ther 1st Objec 5 1bam. 2ud Olyui 7.15 R Boundary -roadiO30a. Were is surptly mg fore + So canot be cat by dy cavatry werecutters tried todo it overe wiped out by mys. There are igs every (a young wounded cavaly officer says) The feans are suys S.Os, soive are sending the on arrying wel
29 Vowles. new Froup 2 Seclr. Qu0 OC. a Harrison. 2 plation b Eecles in Road. 1 H 7 12Bn. Ap. 15/19. D12 reld D 9Bn. on 20g. of 14/15. Relief fineshe at ypsn Lim of D from C12 central to C18B5.8. (2 piquets. Each with 2groups) Groug- N.C.OF8 chis advance party consested of 2 plations - 2 plaskept /2 move granks were dg & 2 secturs of I supportu pln weresent up Ind Sectr we seetout at abt 1rom to reconnoitre from of groups. Tis left only 1 pln & 1 secter EG in supports
254 abt 10071 1141 26 Tust after 4 Cs.M. came to O.C. & told him every had broken tro supports wakend ollood to - heavy rifle fire had started on rt port. Vowles advised COb telephone. (There had buno. Conbardment Corpt from font time reportid tt groups had return t left pand + y advance Shortly afterwa ever to post extenden sadvanceg. L.Gs drove rise. them Evening had pushes thro village - + brought m Fire had to right rear


on moving up from Louverval
the 10 Bn struck trouble (or
rather, it ws on / night
of 7/8 & early yesty morning).
They had to get out along
a spur N of Boursies -
The two flanks got out; but
centre ran into or
m.guns near corner & / Louverval
& ws held up as marked 
in dotted line.
Germans at 1 a.m.
c.attacked betw xxxxxxxxxxx
opposite Boursies &
found 12 Bn lying out under
ready to jump off. They
drove the 12th in. 12th
drove them back agan &
captured one. But when 12 Bn
attd., tho some of the 1st wave got into
village & others got into [[trenches?]] at


S where German m.g. at G
kept them pinned down & 
unable to stir. Germans
had abt 200 men at G
& their fire caused 2nd  &
3rd waves to get into ditch
in valley & caused great trouble. Bombers however
got into village & Col. Elliott
at abt midday or in early
afternoon himself went thro
Western end of village & found
no Germans. We also had
post (using captured German m.g.) at
entrance of village & one
rt of village. !st Bn
At 3 our men cd still be
seen at 3 & Germans
were in Chapel.


2nd Bn attacked Hermies
to E of line of barbed wire
betw Hermies & Doignies
3rd Bn going up
to join it from S.
1st Bn looked after
left flank & later
in day [[Sof?]]
Demicourt tho' having
losses from Boursies wh ws
not taken - (3rd Bde reported
it taken at 6 a.m.)
Attack on night of 9/10 did
not come off. We came back
in heavy snow (Baldwin & I)
after consultation
The attack ws timed for next
morning instead. [[Gravesick?]]
& I went up to 14 central. We


Ap. 10/11
got into an old infantry
post there. The snow
had ceased to fall -
It was bitterly cold -
our hands froze as
we sat there. Sitting in /
dark we made the
following notes at the 
time - but it ws
too cold to hold a
pencil. (There ws at
first a half moon -
about 5.30 the light
ws becoming fairly
good - but it ws abt 6
before we cd use /
telescope properly on

54.30 our bombt starts
4.35 green flare from
4.36 - another green flare.
4.40 .green & gold flares
have been going up
to left & from Bullecourt
Nothing from Riencourt.
Huge bursts as of explosives
towds Sagnecourt - over
4.45 . 12 or 15 pf these
slow bursts have
taken place Must be
a shellburst


I have never seen
one like it before.
4.50. Whistle. Cease fire.
It is not yet light.
Red flare by Riencourt.
4.51. another red
4.57. Single green flares.
Red fire in Bullecourt
Red & green
from near Riencourt


Flares very numerous
5am. very few flares.
Have the Germans run?
Fire in [[Econst?]].
More flares.
5.10 many (6 or 7)
red flares from
Riencourt. Does this mean

5.15 German barrage to right
5.20 Supports going up in
extended order.
Cavalry coming up behind [[Lauzalle?]].


Abt 6 o'c. we saw men
in wire & past it beyond
in front of Riencourt.
Then We saw an object moving
up to / wire - it was a
tank (Telescope had bn in use
10 mins)
Saw tank move up & fire.
Later saw that tank moving
back & another moving up.
Saw men s bs in Germans x wire
Tank seen & stopped by German fire. Crew ran from it
8.20 Saw German in/y
walking calmly back
along the hill slope
W of Riencourt - about
30 of them.

Gen. Brand tells me that the
Tanks never got near the
1st objve.
Men were caught by
mgs in wire.


heavy casualties thro' getting thro wire.
V 30 A 24 rt of objve.
Left 22 D 5.3.
2 Vickers guns abt
50 yds in front of 2 objve.
Left of 12 Bde is
U 21 Co5
[38 w prisoners 4 Bde.]
To 10.30 Kapp had had no 
of The 12 Bde tanks
2 were hit on way to objve
1 got to wire

1 lost its way,
was redirected
on by some
Australians & 
when last heard of 
ws making for Bullecourt.

2 Tanks were seen in snow
& fired on before they started
There are sd to be 4 lying hit.
Col. Stevenson of artillery
FOO reports troops have
occupied Riencourt & he is there.
Bdier doubts this
1st Onjve 5:16 a.m.
2nd objve 7.15.
Rt Boundary - road in U30a.
Wire is swept by m.g. fire
& so cannot be cut by day.
Cavalry wirecutters tried
to do it & were wiped out
by There are mgs everywhere
- (a young wounded cavalry
officer says).
The Germans are sniping
s. bs, so we are sending them
on carrying wd.



12 Bn. Ap. 15/1917
D 12 reld D 9Bn.
on evg. of 14/15.
finished at 11 p.m.
Line of D from C12 central
to C 18 B 5.8. (2 piquets
each with 2 groups)

[Group = N.C.O. & 8  [[?]]
This advance party consisted
of 2 platoons - 2 plns kept
in support. [2 more groups
were dug & 2 sections of / supporting
pln were sent up].
3rd section ws sent out at
abt 12pm to reconnoitre
front of groups.
This left only / pln + 1 section L G
in supports.


25 A


abt 100 yds.

Just after 4 C.S.M.
came to O.C. & told him
enemy had broken thro -
supports wakened & stood
to - heavy rifle fire had
started on rt front.
Vowles advised C O by
telephone. [There had bn no
Corpl from front line reported
tt groups had retired to left flank
& enemy advancing
Shortly afterwd. enemy
seen to front extended,
& advancing. L.Gs drove
them over rise.

Enemy had pushed 
thro village - & brought mg
to right rear. Fire had


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