Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/74/1 - March 1917 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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57 Ater this caltack 2 germous of Sturn pty got into house & suiped 10 of our mere. Tevan went out at dusk. wrifle. Came on one of these mere a rifle pointing to sheot shot him. Gs mate turned & can. Tevan haded time to re-load but grabbed german's rifle & shot other man as he ran. Jot valuable diary from these man, wh admitted to t had foum Beaunlty to strongly held. They were to attack as Bla ws given up too soon ofour 116 pe e oe Hor. 10 (250 man) 58 150 Stormay Bn 72 Infantry of 38 Dion were to follow the storn troops o occupy the village Half way thro villuge tey came under very heavy Mg. fire Pris sd he thought the Sisgpied Stelling as not quite ready to be accuped o Jermans were tryey to make time for it LSens have to return avoit our offensive but to retire to son will if find Sieg not rea line Co 95 Rept. 2d from direct came alon Doignies & were to your 57 6 Coys but cdad frn them (5&5 Coys had attacked night before a dont sccute haveon kean). 7eley
59 Extentin on Side both had ons. fire of road brought to bearon (them on road. Tey had a sentry poat near the shring where prisoner who mad Gtoy 9 Kayt t his stat ws capld.
agicourt Notes written an Col. Staves duontp B Vaulx, 4 ave - onwards 26 March p CCoy Acoy 6 Prent. 2L March 60 26Bn , 2 Coy. 28. Bn to attack & enoelop Laguecourt 25 Bn to remain in touch with left but not take partuntess sp. orderes. 26 Bn obje Lagnicourt Worenel Rd. C23 6 55.75 to C.17 C. 55.30. Top of Mur Cor Cagnccourt A cay to patrol od to Novevil B3 loy to swing et flank ford to C22 a 89 & to send ford strong patrol with support to recooneotre Noveuit.
61 Arty. 5.15 Gero. 5.15 to 5.35 on 2d from CgB.7.0. rounds. of Noreuit, round S.Wof Lagnicourt to C.29 B.8.0. Lift at 5.35 to 5.45 to various points in and begand hagnicourt. Elsewhere Remain on rd in 9d. 16 a and D till 5.45 am. Bde objve C.24d 77. C. 18d. 9.1. C18 d. 3.7. C18c.35.60 C 17d.7.4 C17C. 53. C22 a 8.9. to connest on left with post 615d.4.0 5th Aust div will at wvayce to Laguicourt - Beametz Road. & estab. posts on Laquicourt Doigoies Rd, left post at 6.24d. 7.
C17C55 62 Bde obyve Suaken Rd from C. 30 a. 5.6 to Laguicourt village of L., Sunken Rd. from Lagn. to 26Bn &2 Coys 28 Bn to attack from C.30 a 5.6 to Rd. Tanator at C. 23b. 55. 75. 27 Bn will attack from Rd Junctyr at C. 23. 6 55.75 to C.17.C.55.30. signal: hagnicourt 4 very lights w 15 seesbetw. Each. 71C Bril. Din is not attacking as arranged: 25 Bn ws to have attackes Norcuil but this is off 635 LepCoy (A) o 27p reports. Objoe gained Nocasnalties. Post estab at C. 17.C.H4. Lesteni post eolab. 100 y do in hondof obsve
70100 C17d38 63 C18d Sprisoners caught rushing up Sunken Road to W of Lagnicourt. Thicdericks was exatd, leading his batch. Leading bomber, 4or 5 yds ahead of him got Iseveral germans t bonbs - then ws hit in arm his message ws stnat 5.40 a.m. 64 26 Bn. has got thro' villape of Lagnicourt - 2 germans captured. 28 Bn is tro village 100 yards short of Tan & trap in C 18d- (abt C. 18c9.1 They have touch with 27tn on left 25 Bm are heldap by m.g. in Horcuit. our (.30 am. Redford reports mere seen moving about 1000d. behind Norcuil. Fredericks rup op to Say Germans coming on left. Mgo getting outs him & Geraen it in bethind him & beli hi viaging to A Beddam says many + Byce supers in Noveuib. Col. Stanly rings up battery to put it outs Norevil atonce 25 Bn asked to pash out towards village
65 Iam. Fredericks getting casnalles from ing. fire - wants Says that this men are not in C.10 at all Byce reports. Am being c. atle heari on left of my positi (1c. left of pasition on Sanken Rd. Beddown (along radge) to lo to give more support to Byce left Beddome reports that he had. been along ridge in 22a.6 & 17.Crd. Enemy were lying very close together along the Nw crest of ridge the estimate tem as 2Bns). Arty is now firing at these Termans, but some of te are withi So ydo of Byce. Bycer Fridericks have each bat 2 4.95 0 are having camather
Abt 11am. C. attack agso Travers w 26. Another Coy of28th order up thre German prisoners sain down, one with a bad pot wh he so was inches shorte tan te other Shortl afterthis I went up to 28Bn. They were sendey of their last loy bl c attack aswewere walchin for signs of fighting Elchrest (6 Engss) came up tasked me if wd go to Laguicours to him. I went (sceve there is describe in an article of this date - written nexsday).

After this c. attack Tevan
waited f 2 Germans of storm pty
got into house & sniped 10 of our
men. Tevan went out at dusk.
w rifle. Came on one of these
men w rifle pointing to shoot -
Shot him. Gs mate turned & ran.
Tevan hadnt time to re-load but
grabbed German's rifle & shot
other man as he ran. Got
valuable diary from these men, 
wh admitted tt they had found
Beaumetz to strongly held.
[They were to attack "as Beaumetz
ws given up too soon"
25th 3 of our
planes driven down
by German Planes today in
flames in 15 Bde area.

Coy ^ (250 men) of Storming Bn".
Infantry of 38 Divn were to
follow the storm troops &
occupy the village. Half 
way thro village they
came under very heavy
Pris. sd he thought the
Siegfreld Stelling ws not
quite ready to be occupied
& Germans were trying to
make time for it.
[Germs have to retire
to avoid our offensive - but
if retire too soon will find Siegf.
line not ready.
[7 & 8 Coys of 95 Regt
came along rd from directn
Doignies & were to join
5 & 6 Coys but cdnt find
them (5&6 Coys had attacked
night before & dont seem to
have been keen). 7 & 8 Coys


extended on both sides
of road & had m.g. fire
brought to bear on them
on road. They had a 
sentry post near. The
shrine where prisoner
(7 Coy G5 Regt) who made
this statement ws Captd.)


Notes written in
Col. Slones dugout /26 Bn
Vaulx, 4 a.m. - onwards
26 March.
(Diagram-see original)

26 March
26 Bn & 2 Coys 28 Bn to
attack & envelop Lagnicourt.
25 Bn to remain in touch
with left but not take
part unless sp. ordered.
267 Bn objve.
Lagnicourt Noreuil Rd.
C23 b 55-75 to C.17 c.55.30
(Diagram-see original)
A Coy to patrol rd to Noreuil
B Coy to swing rt flank
forwd to C22 a 89
& to send forwd strong patrol
with support to reconnoitre


Arty. 5.15 zero.
5.15 to 5.35 on rd from
Cq B. 7.0. round S. of
Noreuil, round S.W of
Lagnicourt to C.29 B.8.).
Lift at 5.35 to 5.45 to
various points in and
beyond Lagnicourt. Elsewhere
Remain on rd in 9d,
16 a and D till 5.45 a.m.
Bde objve.
C.24.d 7.7. C.18d.9.1.
C 18 d. 3.7. C18c.35.60
C.17d. 7.4. C17c. 53.
C22a 8.9. to connect on
left with post O 15d . 4.0.
5th Aust div will attack advance to
Lagnicourt - Beametz Road &
estab. posts on Lagnicourt
Doignies Rd, left post at C.24d.


7 Bde objve.
Sunken Rd from C.30a.
5.6 to Lagnicourt., village
of L., Sunken Rd from Lagn,
to 017.c.55.30.
26 Bn, & 2 Coys 28 Bn to attack
from C.30 a 5.6 to Rd Junction
at C.23 b. 55.75.
27 Bn will attack from
Rd Junctn at C. 23. b 55.75
to C.17. c. 55.30.
Signal: Lagnicourt 4 very [[?lykts]] w
15 secs betw. each.
7th Brit. Divn is not attacking
as arranged: 25 Bn ws to have
attacked Noreuil but this
is off.
6.35 Left Coy (A) of 27 Bn
reports. Objve gained
No casualties. Past estab
at C.17.C.1 1/2 4. Listening post
estab. 100 yds in front of objve X


17.d3.8. 7o10o
8 prisoners caught rushing up
Sunken Road to W of Lagnicourt.
Friederichs was cx adv, leading
his batch. Leading bomber, 4 or
5 yds ahead of him got S several
Germans w bombs - then ws 
hit in arm

This message ws sent at.
5.40 a.m.
26 Bn has got thro' village
of Lagnicourt - 2 Germans
captured -
25 Bn is thro' village
100 yards short of Tank Trap
in C 18 d - (abt C.18c 9.1.)
They have touch with 27 Bn on
25 Bn are held up by
m.g. in Noreuil.
7.30 a.m. Redford reports our men
seen moving about 10c & d,_
behind Noreuil.
Fredericks rings up to
say Germans coming on
left. getting onto him & Germans
trying to get in behind him & betw. him & Byce
Beddome says many
snipers in Noreuil.
Col. Slanby rings up battery to
put it onto Noreuil at once.
25 Bn asked to push out towards


8a.m. Fredericks getting casualties
from m.g. fire - wants says that his men are 
not in C.10 at all-
Byse reports.
Am being c. attd heavily
on left of my positn. (i.e.
left of positn on Sunken Rd.)
Beddom (along ridge) told to
give more support to Byce's
Beddom reports that he had
been along ridge in 22 a & b
& 17 c & d. Enemy were lying
very close together along the
NW crest of ridge (he estimated
them as 2 Bns).
Arty is now firing at these
Germans, but some of them
are within 50 yds of Byce.
Byce & Fredericks have each
lost 2 L.Gs & are having casualties.


Abt 11a.m. C. Attak agst
Travers w 26. another
Coy of 28th ordered up
Three German prisoners
going down, one with a 
bad foot wh he sd was
6 inches shorter than the other.
Shortly after this I went 
up to 28 Bn. They were
sending off their last
Coy to ^ meet a C.attack.
As we were watching
for signs of fighting
Gilchriest (6 Eufrs) came
up & asked me if I
wd go to Lagnicourt
w him. I went -
(scene there is described
in an article of
this date - written
next day).


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