Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/74/1 - March 1917 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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44 22 m 1 were found maided on Jerma pet tese Lap. amo 1 te Sgdus of ar ei There we a contoar X wh protected these Coys up to abt 500 yds fom village to tine as it the ot out Lene came over. most dropped there in of men bit were gs 45 at abt 5.30 am. P. They got to abt 300ydog S of village 15 B central to 16 a S.3. 16 B24. There we heavy m. g fire Tings were place in the part of Norcucl facing them. (There were Dr A Coy) cl reported back to Bde t Novenil we strongly held & a reintts god be needed if they were to go P.30 thro. (abb 49 am. at 9pm. instrus were recd. to drop back on line Vrancourt copse 21centrel, 28 central, Maricourt 100d
46 The line rltered in small parties & were in positin by 12.30 (atter medday 23 handed over to 26 Bn that night The Bois de Voulk had by reportd held. It as ordered to be cleared before advance. I coys went thro' it. The ave beld its advanced line but 15 Bde. as not up to morchees The fermans brought up 3 brains to Not of Norcait onhilltop; & germans brought up at least 2ags. & party of men from Lagnicourt to abt rd i 17 d. Therewsa
5 bit of high gro not shown on There guas Valley les & fave a Crouble at one tim (before da when this be trow ther
march. March $1512 Bde 48 after 6.30 p.m. Acroplane reporton Till, bos ordered to test by patrotes Left Bn foundwirs uncut so at opin. D gron fre 120 rounds into NG aS.4 Patrols were not able to enter tell Lep Bn (58) reports signs 5.1 am. cvacualn. 6 am. Leff. Br in Till at N9 a5.4. Rt Br. 6.45 in till. without opposited Patrols pushson. 35 R Bn (57) Patrolo t0 Fire French, still advancing I am. tincon Bap-Beaulencourt Pd - Rdber shellet w 9
Mar 9.60 Bns. 15 aust nJ. Coy) less 4 Bty 2 sectus., CSqu. 13ALH., 2 sectus 14 Field Coy. etc. (54Bty ws unable thio trussept. diff to get up - 3o 4th sent 8th march. 8 march (Capt MeIntipe) LH. palrots passed Reencont Bapanie outport line at 5.30am. tOocupud Bancourt, Vaufles In touch w 30 germans in Tremecourt at 7.30 am. closed round town & capts. 2 genans + w 1. (96RIR) 12.30 located 70 germans 1ig at Delant. 59 Bn deployed & captd at at 3.45 pm. (gennan off 3 men K. Haplincourt No opposite; germans down outdf Bengny. This day took Dilsaur Farm. The gernan offin on his ince gettin & charge got oubon back of fumpy walked up & down Y a stick. He we shot by or sutiin 50 touch 8 wine at am centrral W G.35 pm. S dent Div. order re advanced ghard reacion column moved to night. transport o guns became bogged in ksent of Faron Rd - order reversed were sent round o the ira Bazentin Martinpench Bapaine. Pace of column slow though men keen - but packs heavy & condit bad. 3. Fermans Capid ok. 1off & 3men (all of 38 Dwn). Took Bancourt Benrecourt Htaplencourt, Villersanttos & Bengny relieve b were 57 58 8Bdle w 1or. 70r Casnathes
51 19. March Tam. LH Palrots fies at from. O5C.7-8. (40 refter (af. L17d. 5-7 (30w ms) O3d. 66. (80 cavalry), & cdubgetahead By 1.45 C0Bm. in 4 Columns were in close contect at all these points & progres began at 2.30pur. 65.c 78 ws v. troublesome as it enfiladed advance, towards Velu. 12 Cay drove germans out (under arty 4.30 Vch selled - 4.35 Balroly Ento 4.5. Worked punt Lebucquiers. Leff Hlank hampen by fire of Serman cavalry in 2 Dev. Tone. To Dionsell in Baretoe. Lt march. S am. HH patrols wet heavy fire from Morchies & Beaumetz 8-30 LH occupien Bertincourt (held by Germans previous night 9.30 handed Bert. over to cavaly of 20 Dion 11 am. 59 agst morchies 60. Bn got Beaunety. Ever seen reinforce Beaunety (100 if & 2 ms. there eventually Morchies taken by 89 Bn at (po. 2.25 a.m. buf-began to move round. Beay mets. Bness slow. S pu Bretish cad ance, as low down. 4 pm. 29 Bn came up o reld. C0 Bm., wh wanted rest, wentout Deiy aptd Morchees but cdat take Beaumetz abry left Bertincourt. /e Coy 1 tn told to totere P.30 41 Bty fired on Beaumery - Eveny befay to withoral; but 30 Gokn ws practical aand Beaumety when o allack from
57 19. March Tam. LH Fatiots fied at brom. O56.7-8. (40 rifter (ms. L17d. 5-7 (30wm s) O3d. 66. (80 cavalry), & cdubget ahead. By 1.45 60Bm. in 4 Columns were in close content at all these points & progres began at 2.30 pe. 65.c7.8 ws v troublesome as it enfiladed advance towards Velu. 1e Coy drove germaus out (under arty 4.30 Veh selled - 4.35 Balroly Ento 4.5. worked pund Lebucquiers. Leff Hank hampen by fire of Serman cavalry in 2 Dev. Tone. To Dionsell in Barate. Lo march. S am. LH patrols wet heav fire from Morchies & Beaumett 8-30 LH occupies Bertincourt held by Germans previous right 9.30 hended Bert. over to caoaly of 20 Dion 11 am. 59 aget Morchies 60. B gyot Beaunety. Eveny seen reinforcay Beaunety (100 mnf & 2 ms. there eventually Morchies taken by 89 Bn at (pon. 2.25 am. but began to move round Bean mets. Braness slow, 3 pu Bretish cad Rainin at times. 52 60 Bn van guard as carries out advans. 4 Bty ws available stubbor Evemy ws vry & took time to sheft. Captd. Letucquiere Very Bertey. court to banded over OK Dean cas. 188 3or t. or W. 12 S Ran men tered out Bn cannt 60 Bn cub at ance as law down. 4 pm. 29 Bu came up o reld- S0 Bn, wh wanted rest, wentout Dua Captd Morchies but dat take Beaamets aboy left Bertincourt. Coy 15Bn told to tothere 3.30 A1 Bty fired on Beaumery - Evemy begon to withoral; byt 30 GoBn as practical aand Beaumety when oallack from
28th SATTATO. 3 on the efternoon of 20th Varch 1917 the 25th Battaiion, was ordered to proceed from TIII TRIFCR to reinforce the Favenced Guard of 5th Division, end on arrival at TREETCOSRT wer: instructed to reitere portion of the Outbost iine near BAINTTZ The S34r. and Goth. Pattalions had been fighting all day For BEAUEFTE, but towards pight the enemy countereattacked, and drove our people back. Farly in the morning of 2ist. March a bat from 28th. Battal Loa renetrated BTAMTZ, and finding it unoccupied, Sr Coy, of that Battalion (inder Gaptain E.R. Booth) was pashed forward to cecupy a line in Frent of the viilage, Throughout that and the foilowing day the enery a1d ayerything possibie (short of counter-attacking) to prevent the consolidation of the osition, in which hosever we succesued. During the early hours of 23/3117 the enemy delivered a heavy counter-attack, his treops cominy into contac) ritr ours at times varying from 4 16 to 4 35 a m A platoon of Ar Cay. on the right of 3-1UPFTE was attacked) two Companies of the enemy;, sho advanced in two waves Their firet wave was repulsed, and the piateon was holding up the attack of the second, when a number of the eneny, who had penetrated the line eisewhere, attacked it in rear, and the niation was farced to rarire tempererily. A gost on he left of the villass was also rushed and Ariven in, while or the right of TEr Co). the rnery succresee in entaring the village, A Rickers Cun; of 15th. M G. Coy. failed to work; but the situation was saved by a lewis Gunneyf29tl. Battalion and the enemy was driven out. AiCGests stsed fast ard after some street fighting the eneny was driven out and forced back with heavy loss, ieaving in our hands several woinded prisoners, and a levis Cun previously captured from 30th E Battalien who &cre on our left. A particularly fine piece of york was done by 2/lieut. E. A. Harrison, who had enly returned from Rospital the previous night and who nlaced himself at the head of 14 men, rushed roind the S. F. of BEAUMETL, charged into about 100 of the enemy and dreve them towards the BAPALEE EAA wounded prasoners taken in this action stated that they formed portion of two new Battalions who had been brought from Germany the previous night with the special object of retaking BRALEAIL. Hur uts Colonci C.O. 29th Rattalion.
March 21. Jam. LH. patrols supported by 29By found Beaumety unoccupied. once comolidated by us - That night no fermans within 600yds dour inf posts on other side of B. March 22 March 23. See Col. Clarke 30B. Hermies aperehended to about on allack on Beaumetz 54 51t Bty Joies Adv. gd. camatter 10.K. 10 or w Beaumetz taken cold. fine later raing atfirst 54 B repated Ye coy cyclents 30 Bri reporte & relieved 59 Bn billets in Bancourt S9Bn into I now fell this night Cas. 20r wt. wanderiy taten pris. t Germs. German for reported 7Bm. 58 Br duty & 15 Ah Tm B is some Germans put over shells. 1of cas. 30rk 1(or w. b bombarded 4.30a its. attacked at Beaun driven of a heavy 4.45 atnoon we adbouner loss
German At ts of thi fattack 458 2/4 Tevan 58Bn (lent to m. coy ad going out t gun to day snipin posite w party. They found thinklow in middle of 120 men of Sturn Pty. They charged & went thro' him mostof men were k. or w. but they get gau away. Sat March 24 A house w mr. 9. Terattackin house in village in wh Termans age after this gttack. too Stokes monars sent for - but in meantime 18pds gan came up to within 50oydo notfirit shot house collapsed on garrison, 7 56 carry out attack (in order to 59 Bn custames 15 camnaltis 15t M.. section eight 58Bs went in on 57 Bn on left. cas. 4 W. 1 off 23 0r. wanted to attack Den Elliott Dun veloed but Doynee thes genels attacks 4an cold Five drove mem but it at Beaun At 4 pm. 59 Bn attacked on anemy twe on our right attack quite successtal. at you. 57 Br. captured post at Farm. T8C.6-48 also socenful. seem to Tese frmans al the end have

22 were found
marked on German
map. amongst these
3 Coys, villages 2 1/2 squares of
Cav. etc.
X There ws a contour
wh protected these Coys
up to abt 500 yds from
village &
(Diagram-see original)
got on to the line as it
came over - Line
dropped there - most
of men were hit in 

At abt 5.30 a.m.
They got to abt 300 yds of
S of village 15B central to
16 a 5.3. 16 B24. There
ws heavy m.g. fire -
7 were placed
in the part of Noreuil
facing Them. (These were
D & A Coy)X
C.O. reported back
to Bde tt Noreuil
ws strongly held & tt
reinfts wd be needed
if they were to go
thro. (Abt 9 8.30 am.)
At 9p.m. instrus
were recd. to drop
back on line Vraucourt
Copse, 21 Central, 28
Central, Maricourt wood.


The line returned in small
parties & were in positn
by 12.30 p.m. (after midday)
23Bn handed over
to 26 Bn that night.
The Bois de Vaulk had
bn reported held. It
ws ordered to be cleared
before advance. 2 Coys
went thro' it. The
(Bn cd have held its
advanced line but 15 Bde
ws not up to Morchies)
The Germans brought up
3 [[?brams]] to NWE of Noreuil
on hill top; & Germans
brought up at least 2
& party of men from
Lagnicourt to abt rd
in 17 d. There ws a 


bit of high ground there
not shown on map.
These guns played up the
valley leading to Noreuil.
& gave a good deal of 
trouble. Bn H.Q. ws
at one time in 16d
(before dawn) but withdrew
when this m.g. began to
be troublesome.


15th Bde
*16 March 6.30. pm. ^ after Aeroplane
report in Till, bns ordered
to test by patrolnd
Left Bn found wire uncut so
at 10p.m. D Group fired 120
rounds into Nq a 5.4 Patrols
were not able to enter Till.
*17 March 5.15 Left Bn (58) reports signs of
am. evacuation.
6 am. Left Bn in Till at
Nq a 5.4.
6.45 Rt Bn (57) in Till
without oppositn
Patrols pushed on.
7.35 Rt Bn (57) Patrols thro'
Fire Trench, still advancing.
8a.m. Line on Bap - Beaulencourt
Rd - Rd being shelled w


Mar 17
59.60 Bns. 15 Aust inf.Coy. ;ess
2 sections., C Squ.13 ALH., 4 Bty,
2 sectns 14 Field Coy. Etc.
(54 Bty ws unable thro'
transpt. diffs. to get up - so 4th sent)
18th March
18 March
L.H. patrols ^ (Capt McIntyre)
Bapaume outpost line at 6.30 am.
In touch w 30 Germans in Frenicourt
at 7.30 am. Closed round town &
captd. 2 Germans & w 1. (96RIR).
12.30 located 70 Germans 1 mg at
Delsaux.]59 Bn deployed & captd
it at 3.45 pm. 1 German offr 3 men K.
Haplincourt No oppositn; Germans
driven out of Beugny.
This day took Delsaux
Farm. The German offr in
charge on his men getting
[[?]] got out on back of
trench. & walked up & down
swinging a stick. He ws shot by *a sniper & had most valuable orders on him.

8.20 am Touch w enemy at
N5 central.
9.35 p.m. 5 Aust Div. order
re advanced guard
Column moved tt night.
Transport & guns became
bogged in Luisenhof
Farm Rd - order reversed
& they were sent around
via Bazentire, Martinpuich,
& Bapaume.
Pace of column slow
though men keen - but
packs heavy & conditn
bad. Captd 3. Germans
& k. 1 offr & 3 men (all of
38 Divn). Took Bancourt,
Frenicourt St aplenicourt,
VillersanFlos & Beuguy.
57 & 58 were relieved by
8 Bde.
Casualties  k.      w.
                     1 o.r  7 o.r


19 March
7 a.m. LH Patrols fired at
from. O 56.7-8.(40 rifles / m.g.)
I 17d. 5-7 (30 w mg), O3d.66.
(80 cavalry), & cdnt get ahead.
By 1.45 60Bn. in 4 Columns
were in close contact at all these
points & progress began at 2.30 p.m.
O5.c 7.8 ws v. troublesome as it
Enfiladed advance towards Velu.
1/2 Coy drove Germans out (under arty)
4.30 Velu shelled - 4.35 Patrils entd.
4.15. Worked round Lebucquiers. Left
flank hampered by fire of German Cavalry
in 2 Div. Zone.
20 Divn still in Barastre.
20 March
8 a.m. LH patrols met heavy
fire from Morchies & Beaumetz.
8.30 LH occupied Bertincourt
(held by Germans previous night
9.30 handed Bert. over to
cavalry of 20 Divn.
11 am. 59 agst Morchies 60 Bn
agst Beaumetz. Enemy seen
reinforcing Beaunetz (100 inf & 2 m.g.
there eventually)
Morchies taken by 59 Bn at 1 p.m.
2.25 pm. Inf began to move round Beaumetz.
Progress slow. 3 pm British *cavalry left Bertincourt. 1/2 Coy 15 Bn told to go there
3.30 4th Bty fired on Beaumetz - Enemy began
to withdraw; by 4.30 60Bn ws practically
around Beaumetz when c. attack from

down.4p.m. 29 Bn came up &
reld. 60 Bn., wh wanted 
rest, went out.
During day Captd Morchies but
cdnt take Beaumetz.


19 March
7 a.m. LH Patrols fired at
from. O 56.7-8.(40 rifles / m.g.)
I 17d. 5-7 (30 w mg), O3d.66.
(80 cavalry), & cdnt get ahead.
By 1.45 60Bn. in 4 Columns
were in close contact at all these
points & progress began at 2.30 p.m.
O5.c 7.8 ws v. troublesome as it
Enfiladed advance towards Velu.
1/2 Coy drove Germans out (under arty)
4.30 Velu shellled - 4.35 Patrils entd.
4.15. Worked round Lebucquiers. Left
flank hampered by fire of German Cavalry
in 2 Div. Zone.
20 Divn still in Barastre.
20 March
8 a.m. LH patrols met heavy
fire from Morchies & Beaumetz.
8.30 LH occupied Bertincourt
(held by Germans previous night
9.30 handed Bert. over to
cavalry of 20 Divn.
11 am. 59 agst Morchies 60 Bn
agst Beaumetz. Enemy seen
reinforcing Beaumetz (100 inf & 2 m.g.
there eventually)
Morchies taken by 59 Bn at 1 p.m.
2.25 pm. Inf began to move round Beaumetz.
Progress slow. 3 pm British *cavalry left Bertincourt. 1/2 Coy 15 Bn told to go there
3.30 4th Bty fired on Beaumetz - Enemy began
to withdraw; by 4.30 60Bn ws practically
around Beaumetz when c. attack from

Raining at times.
60 Bn as vanguard
carried out advance. 4 Bty
ws available.
Enemy ws xxxx stubborn
& took time to shift. Captd.
Lebucquiere, Velu, Bertincourt
(handed over to 20th
Cas.  1 off. 3 or K.
          12 or. w.
Raining, cold, men tired out
60 Bn, 59 Bn carried
out advance. as laid
4 p.m. 29 Bn came up &
reld. 60 Bn., wh wanted 
rest, went out.
During day Captd Morchies but
cdn't take Beaumetz


On the afternoon of 20th March 1917 the 29th. Battalion, was
ordered to proceed from TILL TRENCH to reinforce the Advanced Guard of
5th. Division, and on arrival at FREMICOURT were instructed to relieve
portion of the Outpost line near BEAUMETZ.
The 59th. and 60th. Battalions had been fighting all day
for BEAUMETZ, and finding it unoccupied, "B" Coy, of that
Battalion (under Captain. E.R.Booth) was pushed forward to occupy a line
in front of the village. Throughout that and the following day the enemy
did everything possible (short of counter-attacking) to prevent the
consolidation of the position, in which however we succeeded.
During the early hours of 23/3/17 the enemy delivered a 
heavy counter-attack, his troops coming into contact with ours at times
varying from 4.10 to 4.35 a.m.
A platoon of "A" Coy. on the right of BEAUMETZ was attacked by
two Companies of the enemy, who advanced in two waves. Their first wave
was repulsed, and the platoon was holding up the attack of the second,
when a number of the enemy , who had penetrated the line elsewhere, attacked
it in rear, and the platoon was forced to retire temporarily.
A post on the left of the village was also rushed and
driven in, while on the right of "B" Coy. the enemy succeeded in entering
the village. A Vickers Gun of 15th. M.G.Coy. failed to work, but the
situation was saved by a lewis gunner of 29th. Battalion and the enemy was 
driven out. 
All other posts stood fast and after some street fighting the
enemy was driven out and forced back with heavy loss, leaving in our hands
several wounded prisoners, and a lewis Gun previously captured from 30th XX
Battalion who were on our left.
A particularly fine piece of work was done by 2/Lieut. H.A.
Harrison, who had only returned from Hospital the previous night and who
charged into about 100 of the enemy and drove them towards the BAPAUME
Wounded prisoners taken in this action stated that they
formed portion of two new Battalions who had been brought from Germany
the previous night with the special job of retaking BEAUMATZ.
C>O> 29th.Battalion.


March 21.
7 a.m. L.H.patrols supported by 29 Bn
found Beaumetz unoccupied. At
once consolidated by us - That night
no Germans within 600 yds of our
inf. posts on other side of B.
March 22

Hermies apprehended. Thought [[?wiser]] to
about on attack on Beaumetz.
5-5th Bty joined Adv. Gd
casualties 1  o.r. k.
                    10 o.r. w.
Beaumetz taken. cold-
raining at first: fine later.
54 Bty reported.
30 Bn & 1/2 Coy cyclists
reported & relieved 59 Bn.
59 Bn into billets in Bancourt.
Snow fell thro night Cas. 2 or w.
Germs:/ wandering Germans k. 1 taken pris.
57 Bn. 58 Bn reported for
duty & 15 ALTMB.|Germans put over some Gas |shells.
Cas.  1 offr. 3 or k
          11 or w.
4.30 am Enemy bombarded
Beaumatz attacked at
4.45-am driven off w heavy
loss. At noon we advanced


At time of this ^ German c/attack
2/Lt Trevan 58Bn(lent to m.g.Coy)
ws going out w gun today sniping
postn w party. they found themselves
in middle of 120 men of [[?Sturen]] Pty.
They charged & went thro' there,
mostly men were k. or w. but 
they got gun away.
Sat. March 24.
X A house w m.g.
In attacking hours in village in wh Germans
took refuge after this attack.
Stokes Mortars sent for - but
in meantime 18 pds gun came
up to within 500 yds & at first
shot house collapsed on garrison.

to carry out attack (in Orders 7)
59 Bn sustained 15 casualties
& 15 m.g. section 7.
58 Bn went in on right.
57 Bn on left.
Cas. K. 4 or
w. 1 off 23 or
Gen Elliott wanted to attack
Doignies - but Divn vetoed
Fine. Cold. 4 a.m. ^ Germans attacked
at Beaumetz but ^ we drove enemy
At 4pm. 59 Bn attacked
on enemy line on our right.
Attack quite successful.
At 9p.m. 57 Bn captured
post at Farm J8c.6-4 X
- also successful.
These Germans seem to
have belonged to the 2nd


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