Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/74/1 - March 1917 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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an 54 Esp. in Vrancourt Capse. On orders being recd to break off the aation withdraw the line taken up wt: 18 catral, 13 cent. 14 Centl. Vrancourt Copse line of pickets). This withd sawal aas under vijoious Tnepey & M.J. bursts but witout almost casuatties. Only two men at a time in Each plation noved it we very well done They got back & dug in again - each platoon sentback a represente. to locate the spot where they were di - hese points were slightly on our side of the rise
35 This we complete by 1.15 po The outpost ling wo then hett by 2 Coys, & the t remain 2cyo were withd raw to close support at Sagar G & Sunken Rd. at 19C. Te german camedown rodue afternoon to a patro o abb 20 agst post in 13 centrel, but this w very strong - 2 platoon SL.Go & German wss dowen I German as feeling abt a artilly to find posts. te was relieved by Bn 25
00 20 batte be les we 12484 of ay agst apt the Lougatte 8 alon a Ed in 2 came wh patrol they Sh well. 3 Bty Lnd Bty (the had a free hang ot out Dorevel & onto some the back Earghts f himself. 80 wh be
50 37 23Bn hot 2 ws pats ntarch Tast W. of Bap. Rd abt 200 10S wait in port YX Abt 6 am. patrots reported th germans held wart? light only 4 V. little mt fire exc director of in Bapannie Col. Bateman ordired Coys to go thro to support Aey Aro avesnes with rton man Bap Str. rl Abt Iam wesss ame back to San troops were in this tine. as right gotat Co posem Germ were
20 38 pusheng oub of Nof Bap Bn H.Q. wo shifted to Avesies & reserve Coy comondr we ordered tbe make for line of Ed from Monument wood, Eq Kly to rly crossing N of Bap. (where ett of BBde cintuatly was He Right coy when it ot in posety had o 4 patol through sent a unverseters the town from W. W E& back & found town anoccapced Orders were given to 2 more Coys to take up Same le as Reserve Remainy Coy ws held in
20 39 reseive sherb Ane held advan all day. the 4 At pm ccs i came back to troops wholes were feclive tro 21 There had by cn wood in 21d +Sners also on Mone wood & trec 22 then occupied objec fighty pairds were sent Favrenl along Bap 2 BengnatroRd an 22C to exa 10 30 post At from
26 Faorevil to S.Edge had patrol metw no ppositen D far. Lave Aft te e right patrol reported rgs in2ths 22 But report at to while ed the wer their on ig trees way back ceased fire had to O. concluded had gone So he End it comps a pached Favoenel wh ws occup. at 18 on an A BeygnalicB coy alon 2 in N1 te by on Ro ar
41 reuel to from Fav Sapynies strots found Bengnatre anoced WI taken same this (March 1 17/3 night B morning of March 18 live ron along Sap Favrenl Rd from 15 a round fav. + Bengnatre & back along Bap. Bengnatri Rd. w support G at 22/13. On HO in Tavrenil stayed there 16 1 all March Abt 3 Pm the 21 Bn passes 18 ut bro
50 42 Aternoon March 19 the 23B2 moved & took over fom C20d. 22 through 26 d 8.4, 13 centrel to 14DC 55. Took up this live abt dask. It ws held in posts. Early in monig of March E0 L.H. had patrolled toward Derevel on 19 & thought it we lightly held. Early March 20 Coy of 23 Br went along top of ridge to abt 17 a central, betw Dorenil &Lagnicourt
Their scouls reporty 43 considerable activit Neren & m. waction. This ws Abt 4.30 That ws the nearest to from NE of Vaulx They were instr not by allow themselves to become Senows engaged. If village were lightly held they were to rush ocaupy it redges beyond it. They withdrew to abt 15d 16c. at dawn the other loys came up Abt 5 am a 5.15 am. C.O. tig in doubt how Norcuit we held decided to pash two coys at it.

Esp. in Vraucourt Copse.
On orders being recd to
break off the action &
withdraw the line taken
up ws: 18 central,13 cent.,
14 Centl. Vraucourt Copse
(line of pickets). This
withdrawal ws under
vigorous sniping & m.g.
bursts but without almost
any casualties. Only two
men at a time in
each platoon moved - &
it ws very well done.
(They got back & dug in
again - each platoon
sent back a representation
to locate the spot where
they were to dig - These
points were slightly on
our side of the rise)


This ws complete by 1.15 p.m.
The outpost line ws then
held by 2 Coys, & the
outpost line to remaining
2 Coys were withdrawn
to close support at
Sugar Trench & Sunken Rd
at 19C. The German
came down rd during
afternoon patrol
of abt 20 agst post in
13 Central, but this ws
very strong - 2 platoons
& 3 L.Gs & German ws
driven off. German ws
feeling abt w artillery
to find posts; tt evg
21 we was relieved by
25 Bn


We had 2 batteries
of arty - 12th Bty 1 agst
Lougatte & apt the
rd in 8 a & c along
wh patrol came &
they shot very well.
2nd Bty ^ 13 Bty (They had a
free hand) got onto
Noreuil & onto some
targets further back
wh he saw himself.


23 Bn
16/17 March  23 ws holding posts.
Just W of Bap. Rd abt 300 yds
in front of Warl Trench.
Abt 6 a.m. patrols reported
the Germans held Warl Trench
only lightly. V. little m.g.
fire exc. in direction of
Col. Bateman ordered 3
Coys to go thro to
support line trench thro' Avesnes
with rt on main Bap.
rly stn.
Abt 7 a.m. message
came back to say
troops were in this line.
As right Coy got into
positn, Germs were


pushing out of N of Bap.
Bn H.Q. ws shifted to
Avesnes & reserve Coy
Commandr ws ordered to
make for line of rd from
Monument Wood, E of
Rlt to rly crossing NE
of Bap. (where left of
8 Bde eventually was).
The Right Coy when it
got in positn had gone
sent a patrol Coy under Fethers through
the town from W to E & 
back & found town
Orders were given to
2 more Coys to take up
same line as Reserve Coy.
Remaining Coy ws held in


The rly line held
the advance up all day.
At 7 p.m. a message
came back tt troops
were in ^ whole objective (thro
21D). There had bn
a m.g. in wood in 21d
& snipers; also in
Monument wood &
trench in 22C.
When objve occupied
2 ^ fighting patrols were sent
1. to Favreuil,
2. along Bap. Beugnatre Rd
to examine trench in 22C.
At 10.30 report from


S. Edge of Favreuil to
Say patrol had met w
no oppositn so far.
Abt same time right
patrol reported 4 mgs
in trench thro' 22C. But
report added tt while
they were on their
way back this m.g.
fire had ceased.
C.O. concluded tt
ememy had gone so he
pushed a Company into
Favrenil wh ws occupd.
At 2 am on 18th;
A coy along Beugnatre Rd
in 22 B & 17 C.
& a Coy on Rd leaving


from Favreuil to
Sapignies. Patrols found
Beugnatre unoccd. &
this ws taken same
night (March 18 17/18)
By morning of March
18. line ran along
Sap. Favreuil Rd from
15a round Fav. & 
Beugnatre x back along
Bap. Beugnatre Rd.
w Coy in support
at 22 B. Bn H.Q.
in Favreuil. Stayed there
all 18th.
Abt 3 p.m. March
18, The 21Bn passed


Afternoon March 19 the
23 Bn moved & took
over from C 2o d. 22
through 26 d 6.4, 13 central
to 14 A C 55. Took
up this line abt dusk.
It ws held in posts.
Early in morning of
March 20
L.H. had patrolled towards
Noreuil on 19 & thought
it ws lightly held.
Early March 20
on B Coy of 23 Bn went
along top of ridge to abt
17 a central, betw Noreuil
& Lagnicourt.


Their scouts reported 
considerable activity in
Noreuil & m.g. in action.
This ws abt 4.30
That ws the nearest Voy
from NE of Vauls.
They were instd not to
allow themselves to become
seriously engaged. If
village were lightly held
they were to rush &
occupy it & edges
beyond it.
They withdrew to abt
15d 16c.
At dawn the other Coys
came up abt 5 am or
5.15 a.m. C.O being in
doubt how Noreuil
ws held decided to
push two coys at it.



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