Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/66/1 - November 1916 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
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AWM3S Official History, 1974-18 War: Records of C E W Bean, Official Historian. Diaries and Notebooks Hem number: 3DR160616617 Title: Diary, November 1976 Reports conversations with his brother, Dr John Bean, Lord Birdwood and Sir Brudenell White and his visit to Montauban; mentions death of Brig GenD J Glasturd, trench feet, interviews with German prisoners, and the photographer, Lt HF Baldwin. AWNISS-3DRL60616611
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32 86 716 Nov6 Nov 26
can My dear Can find hough against this. boried 1 he again. hish a departure from ar to My principle inarida the mention he P. like your fist ? fouy respend a hird Furu by re 84 onh. ave requent War I the with him. discireed tdeir has a propersional & Edein Mere Seince & nd. in ear
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November 6th 1916 [written Nov. 20 127. A was not yet clear, this day, where the line had got to in yesterday fight H Walker is in common of the 7th Bde temporarily. He may be a have man but he is avery crude course one - & I wonder if he is the sort of man to tell the truth to te autorities as to where his men have got to even. he suspects it. Some C.O. re not pank - out of a mistaken idea that the must not admit a failure by their bottation at any cost - or else because they will not
4 ofcas for a moment to nothing at all remarkibly. waid a bit i Tack saw its gone for te nonint and sure tens in half ammonnte there ssread over the the sty to the South last flush most extraordinary that I have ever seen The whole of the lofh there began fleece of clouds to pow sudddenly rosy pink brighter & brighter until you could thave seen 6 the light rea to frow S2 stil this flush ap though there grew a narrow. of much pater ribbon likee the ray light some yellow sea
10 A L Seashd to sot Fome fiist Levitn form of pas or leguid somen einvented somet fire Iha. the work in plan for setting t a6 the first. e +a treal oft 4e totd De Treas 2 afterwar oceur t 4 £1 it I t up A51 to the watched, ia As we middle te ribbon of Cgt bright stadown ver ge t0 there cigar shaper. Dor lengths the moment the same thought came to every one two Zeppetins Sove
34 the ribbon a searchlight this was reported from somewhere officially to). But the ribbon was too raddy. The eppetins died onto fhush up, died out again. and then up & down that streat of light across the sky there began to move, waves of very swifty water. They travelled at fren on of it speed up the lenfth wave & after the other just as fast moved a cross it at right aught to the others There was no question at all they were wanes of water exact like te rupples on a poud when you krow but travell stone in tearful

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