Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/65/1 - November 1916

First World War, 1914–18
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AWM3S Official History, 1974-18 War: Records of C E W Bean, Official Historian. Diaries and Notebooks Hem number: 3DR160616517 Title: Diary, November 1916 Comments on Lt Col0 Howell Price's death, mentions the Ist and 3rd Battalion's attack on Lard Trench and the 3rd Battalion at Pozieres. AWMI3S-3DRI6061651
t + 7 M 7 . 502 32 0 20 325 8 2 5 1616 Nov 8/164 Fane Sow poner. 472 27 5 8
Fov1 Ba secp 14. Nov. 5. (cont). It was a great shock whin de Crespiging told me that Howell Price Died last night I am sure he was hst goin round his time- be ws most faithful command oficer - never missy this duty. I remember the time I saw him in Fozieres when his placbattalion sosite as uncertain. Ae plaied it right enough house 46 1946 Now. 116 Attack of Nav14. Frans 2 Fordris attenct 9Nov. which was postoned Ohfie. Sixd De pir from it 15 at Bite 6 75 MExACS to the left of Dev. Bamvar at N18a 38 &N18 1 04 made in 10 wik Deor on let 54 6r5 t be cando Wide Bombiy posts with 4e lp. Bayonet Bile & Bank to secure stron points Juch of Bile & Bayonit 1 18895.15 18 133 86 65 4 to be did t4 tero nabine L 2
oblained tates Detarls 2 Col. Howell Fricd death. 4e as 26 the yought Lew Colonel in the army ( Scott of He was vesitin the 56th En tender early esp. ator wd line known by hi He had bn out to a m gsap in pomanstannd tws Juat back in tee ws. suipny a my also had place of Price on botter th was our pattiy reply to it o the gun section ws up but ws wrong with the tupad &1it gat be got ap. Price twrnd to speak to Lavida when he fell forward on his face outo of parapet & them roted over on to his back. Tau hurries him back in 20 minuttes to the First aid stout, and he sened poclly well kearself then 6 o 25 2iC 1 o hiees kenea 6.15am Fica Nench od front 1I Glasfird hit here Cresg Road. He 4
on November 5 th the 1t Bodfor attacked itt 260. 5 Sa Lard Freach & stro 45/11/16 8 44 Plandsawn by Lt Loviday Ht on o mad Pod Bus attack 229 Will tran New fro byve of 1Bm. Ct 6 Laid point. 12.30 Bombl. Nov. 4/ am. th 12.43 hil Bombl on ws ei An. TC. id ours foremestfoom Te (comple of our bombery posts 0 in whate have only, at right) HiIt TIEMCH (341 7 Se and wales C 40 tumpits German Strany a i My orm an Hollow Hollow Rd 46o A to t Lnd Objee t
Bn Bu port hin 1 Blanket support tie 7 piob in port hine 1 or day 78 in close oport. w60 or lin W.p. sheet. ther behind 8 Sod Bn. Iply went out from S. after shrs in Hitis Cr Loved ay. 8 bombers 17 enfaiy I Lewed fren Corp. &Icrew) 226s 2 proun d. 3 End Ply from same place kemmes & similar 4 Exc. no Lewis sun. 15t P at7.F went out past fero when mins wt lifting off hard Combt. not an (it wt Fruich oul bouilt intenue am o Bacon barrage on 8th Fd e from we but I at Same same place to laft time They righ 151 ty went
1414 into Lard 2nd 72 t When ty Fam up bt Lard in ind pro ut higher C san triangle Th ker 15t motin the 4 whom with to abt e up fic to wich anof S. German 9fa ad Germans X but Rd. from Hollow fa wd difficutt or yn io 4 of the of mo w wk t in wer ly Lep 82 ferman RI within whinpa fire went yds. t abt O. Germans or Light no allthes The party
10 2 Y a. bayoret. & cleaned Chalk Bank the as far as road were dugonts There allo way alo thisE My bor bet down t35 & sot C04 20 whom had to be k on way back to 7 Bn. Mey were 101R. 1 Ro Fty clambered ap half Bank & da a under Hame shougpost with Thiy duy a new nex L& Bishop (who greas of d t Left 144144) manked order break Abt do come in were recd to be abandond had this Ferms. 6 deep It ws abt 4 there). reported have sinct on
35 + aurplote 3n a wre 12 15wd Rp1 24 Louses 14 4 wd. Lep & abo 12 a 13) for the attack & abt another 106 the retaliation. Phe y There a food to 6 Nov. Battacks There had be befor C Div 290 an this there son lackly it &c hoops wer The witdrawn durn sonit tombl of te fell in ls in later Dwn 45 were t Combts At Bzl
reprisents to 3 different Cocation I think tis Boles line at Mong. Farm to ant 1 17. TE and bambe t 6 Ben to with ourcelette Rd. N his were Bombs. pa $54 p. M. all read After to the guns got on to Terman Juns outmen were hardly ever able to bit our pont line there but were on t toms Cut. (Terig ting ws on far side of gulty on this Prace side of Road in his 6 pat d Womansh at dugon in this fomon can our time cn Foz. thid yuus on 80 abt wer from at 6 p.m. order. hame wd Bn tt Howel c +
4 66 14e 10 or art prep lt held insfective w li Cpt bert 40 Rend K ag landi thrtan on life faverd w wt Maal 3om at las soon kalli were th 3 at 1 a 197
T 6 the bee a 20 the 18 to l ill 6 to0 6 in on the to 465 an Nov l re about 16

Official History,
1974-18 War: Records of C E W Bean,
Official Historian.
Diaries and  Notebooks
Item number: 3DRL606/65/1
Title: Diary, November 1916
Comments on Lt Col O Howell Price's death,
mentions the 1st and 3rd Battalion's attack on
Lard Trench and the 3rd Battalion at Pozieres.




1916 Nov. 9/16 to
Plans 0 2
9 Nov.
stponed. 65
& find support

Original. DIARY No. 65.
AWM 38 3 DRL 606 ITEM 65 [1]

THE use of these diaries and notes is subject to conditions laid down in the terms
of gift to the Australian War Memorial. But, apart from those terms, I wish the
following circumstances and considerations to be brought to the notice of every
reader and writer who may use them.
These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be
true. The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what
was then in the writer’s mind. Often he wrote them when very tired and half asleep;
also, not infrequently, what he believed to be true was not so — but it does not
follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistakes when
discovered. Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them.
These records should, therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what
their author, at the time of writing, believed. Further, he cannot, of course, vouch
for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded. But he
did try to ensure such accuracy by consulting, as far as possible, those who had
seen or otherwise taken part in the events. The constant falsity of second-hand
evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed
upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that
those who passed on such stories usually themselves believed them to be true. All
second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind.
16 Sept., 1946. C. E. W. BEAN.



For 1 BN sec p 14.
Nov. 5. (cont).
It was a great shock when
de Crespigny told me that
Howell Price died last night.
I am sure he was hit going
round his line - he
ws ^a most faithful commanding
officer - never missed
his duty. I remember the
time I saw him in Pozieres
when he’s placed battalion's
positn ws uncertain. He
placed it right enough himself.

66           1916     Nov 9 16 to           
[Attack of Nov 14. Plans               
[For ^an orig. attack 9 Nov.        2
which was postponed               65

Objve. Gird & fire support

from junction of Bayonet T

Bite at M46b35.95

& M 24 a 10.05

to the left of Div. Boundary

at M18 a 35.1 & M18.0.05.

Made in coop with

Divn. On left (50th Div)

Or is. to be carrd out by 5 Inftsde.

Bombing posts with T heads

up Bayonet, Bile & Bank trench

to secure strong points at

Junction of Bile & Bayonet.

M   18c95.15



Jumping of trench to be improved ]

so tt is no delay in getting out.         ]      

ladders or [[?]]



Details obtained later
^(abt Nov.19) of Col. Howell Prices death.
He ws 26 - the youngest
Lieut Colonel in the Army.
He was visiting the
front trenches early - esp. the
new forwd. line known by his
name. He had bn out to a
m.g. sap in Nomansland
& ws supe just back
whe in Price trench; there ws
some sniping - a m.g. also had
bn bothering tt place. Price
was directing them putting up
o / drawm.g. to reply to it -
when one of the gun section ws
trying to get the gun up but
something ws wrong with the
tripod & it cd not be got up.
Price turnd to speak to Loveday
when he fell forward on his
face onto / parapet & then
rolled over on to his back. They
hurried him back in 20 minutes
to the First Aid Station Post, and he
carried pretty well himself then.


Drawing - see original document



5 / 66

6 / 66
on November 4/5 th the 1st
& 3rd Bns attacked Lard Trench
(with 1st Bn) in Lard Trench & strong point.
4-5/11/16      12.30 a.m.           Nov. 4/5 Bombt.

Drawing - see original document




3rd Bn had 18 days in
front line or close support.
1 Blanket & own coat in
support line & w.p. sheet.
They probly left these behind
in front line!

3rd Bn. / pty  went out
from J. after 3hrs in Hill Trench
Lt Loveday 8 bombers
17 infantry 1 Lewis Gun (Corp.
3 crew) 2s.b.s. 2 runners
(Believed Pty of 30 or 40).
2nd Pty from same place.
Lt Kempis  & similar
pty exc. no Lewis gun.
1st Pty went out at 7. from J
mins past zero when
bombt ws lifting off Lard

Trench. (It was not an
intense bombt - only
barrage on Ham & Bacon
& other trench.
2nd Pty went out from
same place (J) at same
time. They went to left.
1st Pty went to right.



When 2nd Pty got into Lard trench
Germans turned out of up
Lard Trench ran up hill
onto higher ground in
triangle. They saw
nothing of 1st Bn -
with whom they were
to join up. They k. abt
8 Germans incl. an offr.
(Germans had m.g. going
from Hollow Rd - but
it ws difficult to say origin
of most of the [[?]]
wh was going).

Left Pty were in aft

8 mins & retired.

Rt Pty: Germans opened 

w/g fire when party within

Aft 5 yds. pty went

right onto 5 or 6 Germans

in trench. The party K. All these




& cleaned  trench w bayonet
as far as the Chalk Bank
& road. There were dugouts
all / way along this trench
they bombed down this -
k. 35 & got 5 2 of
whom had to be k on
way back to 7 Bn.
They were 101 R.I.R.
Rt Pty clambered up
Chalk Bank & dug a
strong post under Ham Trench
They dug a new trench with
Lt Bishop (who ws k. next
day) to Left of Grease
Trench (marked +++++++).
Abt day break orders
were recd to come in
& this had to be abandoned.
It ws abt 4ft 6 deep. Germs.
have since bn reported there).


 (x Air photo)
 (3rd Bn at Pozieres)
Losses. 2k & 5 wd. Rt pty

1 k. 4 wd. Lft Pty
abt. 12 or 13 for the attack
& abt another 10 by the
(There is a good photo of
Nov. 6th).x
There had bn 4 attacks
on this by 29th Divn, before
1st Bn tackled it; there has
been one since.
The troops were not
withdrawn during early
heavy bombt. of this point
& many shells fell in
our own trench. In later
bombts they were withdrawn.
At Pozieres, 3rd Bn was



Drawing, see original document


to have bombed out
with 4th Bn. to G. Trench
N. of Courcelette Rd.
Bombg. parties were
all ready at B 4 p.m.
After tt the guns got on to
our men - German guns
were hardly ever able
to hit our front line there
but were on H Thom's
Cut. (Firing line ws
on far side of gully on this
side of Road - & Price
had put his H.Q. in a
dugout out in Nomansld.
Our casualties from our
own guns in Poz. this time
were abt. 80 -
At 6 p.m. order came from
Howell Price tt  Bn ws



not to go out - He
held tt 1 / arty preparatory
we were quite innefective
Pte Reynolds & Cpl Roberts two
K. soon after landing.  K. at landing

Manly life savers were with
3 Bn at landing but both
were soon killed.
The 1st Bn in their
attack, made at 12.30.
& at 4.30 again, & each
time unsuccessful, lost
170 men. I have not
seen them yet.



[ This part of this diary is
written on 5 Nov. 20 -
the last two weeks have
been occupied in getting
around the rest area
seeing battalions about
the Australians fighting
^of July 19 & also going up & down
to T from Montauban
which is now a
full days journey].

Nov 6th.



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