Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/63/1 - October - November 1916 - Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
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7 6 lengt ofi1 were faced othen t 2 channch of them Egued mud There was nothing to do but plunge on through it I soon came well over my top boots up to my knees. We drove it along in waves) the E before us, as are weaded. It was extraordinanily breoyant like quicksituer you could not have sank in it Ithe think although there s some y arn abt a new Zealander having disappeared into the mad entiret tt he was seen to enter some place? never came out. II don't personally place rehiance at all on these yarns (So) man one has found to be untrue But this one wd be quite
1 possible about 30yds o 20 After of wading of thick Vydo we came to t mud a fork in 1 trench. Wort passages were empte weer uncertain wh way the pout truch lay the two arms were a very stecky mud. We turned down the left hand alley & around the second turn came to a prough of men sitting down 40r 5 of thum. To is tho for tine 3 Dashen Yes they said A mail? Salone of Kum. looking up at a bunch of newogey I was carrying. They were some sydney evening papers of mine, Mustrated & a Punch & some other papers of Bagleys - They were Syoney men N.5.12 of the 1st Battalin
& bey seized capety on the 28 papers & splet thim up & began reading at once. They sd they had been here 4days. The truch was guedb. a rater open -erregular in shape. one not very deep, wide at the top The firestep served for a sort of seat & was fairty dry & they sat on it with Eogs on the thick mud their of the narrow gutter wh made the floor af brench. don't step in that place whatever you do they sd pointin to a ratter wider mash of putty than the rest A blobe-steppet in here jast. now & it ws all wo cd do to pull him out you ld want a
79 traction engine 4 you got in there. They were quite cheerful He doesn't shell this port line they sa. He shells the supports & the communication crenches but we don’t fet it. There was only one plation at battalion in the pont line indeed the port of whole brigade in only held by a statoons. The others are behind - right away back to ngual The menn Ereneles have no blankets & no water proofsheets, as for as I cose even they may have thei overcoats. The nights are very cold o ou somedays it has rained all day tvough. But they are cheerful to a surprising extent. I think it makes a lot of differ
81 148 84 seeng those shells all going elsewhere Posceres?oh no. this is nothing like so lough as Posueres, t hentenant in charge told me. Ire not seen the place yet that was. This part round Longneval co pretty knoched about but its lite Cosures not We looked over at the Jerman territory. The longfinger of the foothell curved away in front a to the left & if the germans had a trunch, it must have been just beyond the creat of this down hope, for we ed not see it. Their trench is somewhere down that valley, anyway They hold the opposite use of course s but this long finger might be aroccupied for all that we see of sermans. Only
82 68 ti morning a bullet from some solitary conper was whigzing across the meagre parepet One man hnd hnd binocutars out was discuusy with his mate the position of this snper when we were there See that white patch down there. the ws saying - well be rectoned he cd make him out at some augte from the white patch tey Sel the termans occasion the white chalk streak along comig up the bottom of valley to their trench just as our man do Regormans too have a commatrence but it 4 so maddy (ourmen say) that they get ont & walk by 1 side of it as we do. Io is 1000 or 1100 qds ava too far to suipe (so they say) to thes Germans are seen Tor the rest it so a took just o an
83 fage of hillside half hell played but not by any weans as shell stripped as manjuet. There seemd to be no were in port of truches & Westerdan 6 gernars under an offizier Stell vortreter (Substitute officer sort of warrant oficer) wandered into our lives by mistake. One German who came on sd that he had followed his leading take right up to our lives (ut were the Oldfermen Grid hind today 16 men came wanderin in on a party & were taken prisoners They too had mistaken our lines for theirs we had only a guarter of an hour in the proupling. we lek it at 12.30 - & were well back passinHers at 1.15 pm. we
48 84 founda Bn of the 3th Bde in support in alugonts on the We side 9 canker road whruns W.w out of Hers. $ wear t top a ridge brtn on the occasionaly were sheling the S Bde H. Ors or sbund about him? I expect they had seen the men working thin we aent down into the WC duyout to see Jen. Tivey, Good man, & heard for the first time about the 8th Bde's rais on The Chickin knno crmenticnes. from the hill we looked back over to country A ferman acrapleng as salhyy overhed watching for any syns of an ofensive, I am sure. The Jermans hat opened a sudden shelling on Geadecourt to the right; o away to the lef we ad hear the gans at Regina French gonng
85 I had thought we wight hang on where we are, for the winter. But I had seen enough to know how difficutt o be just there ed 5 Caltory Conci stope A We hold valley leading of the down poo ters & also stope C But the Germans hold the ends of each of these just over the edge visible in this sketch; & they hold B th is really the hooked end of the finger -ridge C. So long as tags are disturbed of germans busynng temselves chiefly in fortifying to Bapanie hills of not wornying about trengh warfers. detaits. they don't seem to occup. Stope B3 at all. But when they truch wartare,I begin to settle to
86 Thurs Nov. 2. Birdword tells nd that he thinks The EM Army wo careght the hop that they pashed ahead without cimpay sufficiante of the road making a now ty have been discovered by the wet weather with 3 corps supplies along one hopeliasl conjested & abomanable road. The roads have all given out at once. Pools of slime (cover) holes in to which wories lurch + in which pack aninals die - at least you see them at (side of road. (He roads are copty from 1at night to for Sin the morning Bent they say th to mend them at night wd need flares, & to wd mean shelling. They have thousands of wen (on the roads working in their leather packets scraguing the mad of & putiig i matal. But the roads are so bad in spite of all to any day the Artillery (may say they cant go on - Berdie has tote the army this Railways - Decanville espicialy - are all the cry jus now. Fid. Nov. 3. Little Howell Price as hit thro cheek & neck the other day- looking over 1 pary Im Ture. We saw him in HoSp.. uncouscious work out menately all our weak points o the places where as best tey can Straf they would make valle this uite untenable. Sat After two days November 4- fing ans might comparativel ant agact (on the was wer. 2 to our cings mant Es5 we pcome Bayonel & hard off tomorrow Hasancertain in eartier part of night wheter it wod be possible. I saw white at 1et & he told me it we on. rdered my car to brn to at DE as the atteck at Price conscious today; Tack spoke to him a bitt. T tells me, he has a slight sqilent wh is the only bed syou Land. Nov. Didad wake wll eft about 6.15 [Lep about 6 & found the 20t Ptie wads wonderfull water in clear. Reached 2 Herbertson's dupont of 47 & heard to he had 2bor Montanton out abt gont 30 Divisioner


Hand drawn sketch- see original scan.




length of it & then were faced

by a channel of their liquid

mud. There was nothing to

do but plunge on through

it. It soon came well over

my top boots - up to my

knees. We drove it along

the trench before us in waves as we waded.

It was extraordinarily buoyant 

- like quicksilver. You could

not have sank in it, I shd

think - although there is some

yarn abt a New Zealander

having des disappeared into

the mud entirely; tt he was

seen to enter some place &

never came out. I dont

personally place much any reliance

at all on these yarns (so many

one has found to be untrue).

But this one wd be quite







After about 20 or 30 yds

of wading, & 70 yds of thick

trench mud, we came to

a fork in / trench. Both

st passages were empty

& we were uncertain wh way

the front trench lay. We The

two arms were dry bits of lined with very

sticky mud. We turned down

the left hand alley & around the 

second turn came to a group of

men sitting down - 4 or 5 of them.

"Is this the front line?" I asked.

"Yes," they said.

"A mail" sd one of them.

looking up at a bunch of newspapers

I was carrying. They were some

Sydney evening papers of mine,

& a Punch & some other illustrated papers

of Bazleys - They were Sydney

& N.S.W. men, of the 1st Battalion






& they seized eagerly on the

papers & split them up & began

reading at once.

They sd they had been there

4 days. The trench was not

liquid, but t a rather open

one - irregular in shape -

not very deep, wide at the

top - The firestep acted served

for a sort of seat & was fairly

dry - & they sat on it with

their legs boots in the thick mud

of the narrow gutter wh made

the floor o / trench.

"Dont step in that

place whatever you do." they

sd pointing to a rather wider

mash of putty than the rest -

"A bloke stepped in there just

now & it ws all we cd do to

pull him out. You'd want a






traction engine if you

got in there."

They were quite cheerful

"He doesn't shell this front

line," they sd. "He shells the

supports & the communication

trenches but we dont get it'.

There was only one platoon

o / battalion in the front line - 

- indeed the front o / whole

brigade is only held by 4

platoons. The others are

behind - right away back to

Longueval. The men in t trenches

have no blankets & no water

proof sheets, as far as I cd see,

even. They may have their

overcoats - The nights are

very cold & on somedays it

has rained all day through.

But they are cheerful to a 

surprising extent. I think it

makes a lot of difference





Hand drawn sketch - see original scan.




seeing those shells all going

elsewhere. "Pozieres! oh no,

This is nothing like so tough as

Pozieres," the 2nd Lieutenant in

charge told me. "I've not seen

the place yet that was. This

part round here Longueval is

pretty knocked about but its

not like Pozieres."

We looked over at the

German territory.  The long finger

of the foothill curved away in

front & to the left - & if the

Germans had a trench it must

have been just beyond the

crest of this down slope, for we

cd not see it. Their trench is

somewhere down that valley, anyway.

They hold the opposite rise

of course; but this long finger

might be unoccupied for all

that w see o /Germans. Only






this morning a bullet from

some solitary sniper was

whizzing across the meagre

parapet - one man had his

binoculars out & was discussing

with his mate the position of this

sniper when we were there.

"See that white patch down there",

he was saying - well he reckoned he

cd make him out at some angle 

from the white patch.

They see the Germans occasionally

coming up the white chalk streak along the bottom o /


to their trench just as our men

do. The Germans too have a

comm trench but it is so muddy the

(our men say) that they get out

& walk by / side of it as we

do. It is 1000 or 1100 yds away 

- too far to snipe (so they say) tt these

Germans are seen.

For the rest it is

just a look out over a muddy





finger of hillside - half shell

flayed but not by any means

as shell stripped as Mouquet.

There seems to be no wire in

front of trenches & yesterday

6 Germans under an "offizier

Stell vortreter" (substitute officer 

- sort of warrant officer) wandered

into our lines by mistake. One

German who came in sd that he

had followed his leading tape right

up to our lines (wh were the

Old German "Grid Line".).

Today 16 men came wandering

in in a party & were taken

prisoners. They too had mistaken

our lines for theirs.

We had only a quarter

of an hour in the front line. We

left it at 12.30 - & were well

back passing Flers at 1.15 p.m. We






found a Bn of the 8th Bde in

support in dugouts on the NE side

o / sunken road wh runs

N.W out of Flers. I fo Near the

top o / ridge, further on, they

were shelling occasionally the 8th Bde H.Qrs,

or around about them. I expect

they had seen the men working there.

We went down into the N.Z.

dugout to see Gen. Tivey, good man,

& heard for the first time about

the 8th Bde's raid on "The Chicken

Run" at Armentieres.

From the hill we looked back

over the country. A German aeroplane

ws sailing very high overhead 

- watching for any signs of an

offensive, I am sure. The Germans

had opened a sudden shelling on

Gueudecourt to the right; & away

to the left we cd hear the guns at

Regina Trench going.





I had thought we might hang on,

where we are, for the winter. But

I hd seen enough to know

how difficult it wd be, just there.


Drawing- see original scan.

We hold slope A of the valley leading

down from Flers, & also slope C.

But the Germans hold the ends of

each of these - just over the edge visible

in this sketch; & they hold B -

wh is really the hooked end of

the finger - ridge C. So long as 

things are disturbed, & the Germans

busying themselves chiefly in

fortifying the Bapaume hills & not

worrying about trench warfare

details, they dont seem to occupy

slope B at all. But when they

begin to settle to trench warfare, &





Thurs Nov. 2. Birdwood tells me that

he thinks the 4th Army ws "caught on

the hop" - that they pushed ahead

without thinking sufficiently of the road making,

& now they have been discovered by the

wet weather with 3 corps supplied along

one hopelessly congested & abominable

road. The roads have all given out at

once. Pools of slime cover holes into

which lorries lurch & in which pack

animals die - at least you see them

out / side o t road. The roads are empty

from 11 at night to 7 or 8 in the morning

But they say tt to mend them at

night wd need flares, & tt wd

mean shelling. They shd have

thousands of men on these roads

working in their leather jackets scraping

the mud off & putting in metal. But

the roads are so bad in spite of it all tt

any day the Artillery may say they

cant go on. Birdie has told the Army this.

Railways - Decauville especially - are

all the way just now.

Frid. Nov. 3. Little Howell Price ws hit "thro" th

cheek & neck the other day - looking over t parapet

I'm sure. We saw him in Hosp. - unconscious.




to work out minutely all

our weak points & the places where

They can “stray” us best -

they would make this valley

quite untenable.


Sat. November 4. After two days

comparatively fine, this night

was wet. The attack on the

nearest trench to our line,

bayonet & hard trench  to come

off tomorrow. It ws uncertain

in / earlier part o / night whether

it wd be possible; I saw White

at 11.45 7 he told me it ws on.

Ordered my car to stand by

at 5:45 as the attack is at 9.

Price conscious today; Jack spoke ^ with him a bit. J. tells

me he has a slight squint wh is the only bad sign.

Sund. Nov. 5. Div nt wake call

6. Left about 6.15. Left about 20 to 7 & found the roads wonderfully

clear. Reached

Herbertsons dugout at

Montauban about 7.45 & heard tt he had

gone out abt 4.30 w t Divisional

[* Price water in ? 3. pm*]

















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