Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/63/1 - October - November 1916 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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GANUARY 1917 8 II THURSDAY (II-354) Hilary Law Sittings begin 1608. Arrival of Peter the Great in England I population. wim ants flowing in sad alter the character isties of country. The I2 FRIDAY (12-353) 10rS. Heavy fighting near Soissons cd repopalate it k annegants but the wanted it populates h Austiclians. They thonght custatis that I3 SATURDAY (13-352) 1016. Fall of Cettigne S. R.S.3. S. S. 4.14 enough to war without forci those who didnt The Great Ank Weish to come. Unfortunately this bird became extinct in Europe in 1844. Its extraordinarily small wings unfitted it for fight, but it had grand diving and swimming powers to Compensate. If we want to realise the build of this bird we may compare it with the Razorbill and the Guillemots, both near relations, though these have larger wings. The size of the body has been compared to that of a Goose.
20 JANUARY 1917 Bunday (i4-351) 14 and after Epiphany Matins.—Isaiah 5s. Matthew 8, 28 Evensong.—Isaiah 57, or 6r. Acts 8, 26 1742. Halley, astronomer, died They knew what the was like, now, o the were not soa to ask 15 MONBAY (iy-350) 1759. British Muscum opened others to come into it their will. agst young ws going to wait till sunday, but be want 16 TUESDAY (16-349) 1915. Defeat of the Turks by the Russians (Last Quarter, II.42 a.M. away on Saturday. I he 23 & 21 Bus, which he saw were almost wnavimonsty agat I7 WEDNESDAY (F-348) 1885. Arabs defeated by General Stewart at Abou- Klea him. They are faring have eggars - but they
JANUARY, 1917 68 1 18 THURSDAY (18-347) 187r. King of Prussia proclaimed German Emperor a tobof sence. It cand be called a selfish attitude anyway. On the way up 19 FRIDAY [19-346) 10rs. Germans drop bombs on Varmouth white told me to as a goungsty for S years he gob up at 6 am. worked at his own 20 SATURDAY (20- 345] 1779. David Garrick, actor, died S. R. 7-57. S. S. 4.25 edocation until & set to it again at apm. & workd The Winter Jasmine. 46 Our gardens need not be without winter Howers. Among these is Jasmine nudi- 5 caule. Its Howers are yellow. The word nudicante means naked stem, the Howers being borne after the leaves are shed and before the next ones are produced. If branches in bud be cut and brought into the house the fowers will expand in water in a warm room.
1915. JANUARY, 1917 12 21 Sunday (2r-344) 3rd after Epiphany Matins.—Isaiah 6z. Matthew 12, 22 Evensong—Isaiah 65, or 66. Acts 73, to 26 1568. Miles Coverdale, translator of the Bible, died till mid night. Hes father hadbeenan old army officer o 22 MONDAY [22-343) TorS. German air raid over Dunkirk came to t Australia & took up and in Qweenslan en became ar 23 TUESDAY (23-342) 1857. Indian Mutiny broke out New Moon 7.40 a.m. wealthy man. But drought or some misfortune make him suddent ve 24 WEDNESDAY (24-341) British victory in the North Sea; the Blucher’' sunk poor. He was a maguificent fellow & he 618
JANUARY 1917 13 25 THURSDAY (25-340) Conversion of S. Paul 79rS. H.M.S. Garelle’ torpedoed in the North Sea never once prumbled at his fate. He just teraed his face to the journe yave & Ded out grint 26 FRIDAY (26-339) 107s. Heavy fighting at La Bassee without a word, on the long aphill road. Three as four trues he was broken. &S0 it 27 SATURDAY (27-338) 101s. Heavy fighting at Perthes S. R. 7.49. S. S. 4.37 tie to little white had to go to a vormal -a state school. choo Beetles. Beetles are Nature's scavengers; they clear away, and in some cases bury, dead animal and vegetable matter. Beetles belong to the Coleoptera order of insects, the word signifying sheathed wings. The stiff hard wings are called elytra, and the hinder transparent wings are hidden beneath them when not in use. There are more than a hundred and thirty thousand different species. Among the British species are Tiger Beetles, Stag Beetles, Burying Beetles, etc.
L4JANUARY. 1917 X Sunday (28-337) 28 4th after Epiphany Matins.—Job 27. Matthew 15, 2r Evensong.—Job 28, or 20. Matthew 17, to 16 107s. Heavy fighting in the Vosges and Alsace until he was 15 His elder brother - a save him fine chap- 29 MONDAY (20-336) 107s. Heavy fighting near Nicuport a years schooling at Loisbane a private School, Elon run by an old Eton waster - paying bec 30 TUESDAY (30-335] 10rs. Renewed fighting at La Bassee D First Quarter, 1.2 a.m. fees for him. White left with a f2parge for shorthen &never cast his father a penny from th momen WEDNESDAY (3I-334) 31 The insurance herein contained is not valid until your name has been registered 197s. Heavy fighting between Arras and Rheims
3.0 68 FEBRUARY, 1917 I THURSDAY (32-333) rors. Sergeant O’Leary won the V.C. at Cuinchy He went ito a bank getting $50 a year ot first &later when they sent ten ap cocntery). ₤120 2 FRIDAY (33-332. Purification of B.V.M. Candlemas. 107S. Turks defeated on the Suer Canal For 3 years be stuck at this stavery - under a hard manager. 3 SATURDAY (34-331) 188r. Thomas Carlyle, writer, died S. R. 7-39.S. S. 4.50 his monthh f10 13 was sent to his mother adweet Irish woman at The Glow Worm. These little creatures, that give out 2 a phosphorescent light in the dark, are to be numbered among our British beetles. The females have no wings, neither elytra, nor transparent ones, 29.20 but are far more luminous than the males. This family is most numerous in South America, but it is also found almost the world over
26 FEBRUARY, 1917 4 Sunday 135-330) Septuagesima Matins.—Genesis r and 2, to 4. Rev. 2r, to 9 Evensong.—Genesisez, 4. or Job 38. Rev. 2r, 9 to 22, 6 101s. Fighting near Albert with his fatur face without a wurneer tell to life out back wen MONDAY (36-329) 1852. Victoria Cross instituted to a woman - [There had only been one Shepherds wife there to Lelp her when lettle 6 TUESDAY 137-328. 1685. Charles II. died White was born- H debcat yet she - woman managed to pull through all these rough WEDNESDAY (38-327) 1856. Annexation of Oude O Full Moon, 3.28 a.m. tmes hardships ael bravely I. 3 went to
1X FEBRUARY, 1917 68 THURSDAY (39-326. 8 Half Quarter Day 1587. Mary Queen of Scots executed her f went to the schoolmaster whom white got to help him o amnot +night 9 FRIDAY (40-325 197S. Bombardment of Soissons, Furnes and Vpres and on the remaining f3 a mante be had clote feed & lodge I0 SATURDAY (4I-324) 1763. Canada ceded to Great Britain S. R. 7.27, S. S. 5.3 and yet Linsel the S at the end years, then be cut The Rookss lavery & went into the When you see or hear a Hight of the great black birds you probably speak of them as Crows, even though you may rightly term their nesting place a rookery. Rooks eat corn and other vegetable matter, but also some carnivorous food. The smallest member of the Corvus family in Great Britain is the Jackdaw
FEBRUARY, 1917 Bunday (42-323) 11 Sexagesima Matins.—Genesis s. Matthew 23, 13 Evensong.—Genesis 6, or S. Acts 26 19rG. Russians retreat from the Masurian Lakes Royal Anitalion artiler, be has $25 savted with 12 MONDAY (43-322) 107s. Allied air raid on Belgian coast which to bey his uniform. well - with a hestor behind him like that no woudt I3 TUESDAY (44-321) 1692. Massacre of Glencoe old white has dont magnificent. He loathed the bank work hated its dreadful I4 WEDNESDAY (45-320 Valentine's Day 70rS. Frenchair raid on Metz absence monoton of intellectual fooder or of any sort of promise



JANUARY, 1917  

11 THURSDAY [11-354]

Hillary Law Sittings Begin

1698 Arrival of Peter the Great in England

/ population of

[[?]] outs flowing in,

shd alter the character

[[?]] o / country. They

12 FRIDAY [12-353]

1915 Heavy fighting near Soissons

cd repopulate it by

[[?]] but they

wanted it populated by

Australians. They thought

Australia had given

13 SATURDAY [13 -352]

1916.Fall of Cettigne


Enough to /war without

forcing those who didn't



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