Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/62/1 - October 1916 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
  • Shorthand
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26 Se 8ct 22 In London Mardoch at th hanched. oface teried we has teen t affre Benand Haig & pvin Each of them La given him an interviaws Hay wdonly make i mediage stating with how t alle Band troops needed the Birdword has promised Fen to 2 wees malita on the nce £ £or reifo ol t X 26 in Fana taken Cap to the peesent pereul majorh agst aten per cn conscription Thiy and ard according 3rance over to 56 OE 6 Young one othis pable in meeting in
Cases all seater Wapthating oes cast heart 2000 acan Started in 19/16 of Peterpon on 16 6 & l gallinot Sli over to Hande filest &is ordnand. & gave bill t5 27
28 1500 hames fou or parcels o 1200 kyt ve witial 70 90 lraned Euof article in 200 Witls $10,000 cnventorie farcels in Casts. Parcelsuns 22 et Sanvewers Calico I seal 28 cases in last 2550 20mor Hotln. wks work out t almont ever cae 7 113/15 class 440 on Saf Everytn pints teated Caet notmore then and t be 13 Seat the Soutis 29 Sett 169 condite Sels c t Woone and 41 Curnt Forwarden Cooks. Prink Sectoun. Stix traled X Wok ad slow yee 96 i Dent is notified of wit a address on shapping best comeng letters are forwardsoigs teadoe Theyge there 0 Fe4 d Cire 20 of coloar Sekit atte Ca Twks a ou a
30 5 Not Cits 000 To 4000 6 4rS Godt come use C Say Lofmetfo Now alphabetean. Govt A Given back to 601000 40 257000 be oul 6or Er 381 Esqr Royal Georg 3 ttlledriblits seed par of hold t A sal out Ordiance herd. 150 men Sor contraat Carryin wills 5 t4 65 Legat cs 146 NetKin haw in Censored Hi Every wan is fa a He has tp th no etc o bay. te op. areabt Pocker untouctid 6 waiste have the Ordrand ly Eh By us Aumantion Fiela 66 plate Brages tin toub 1000 f te shell 31 4 dal daa ou wasn Bre
32 aldem infor Frice octted W.O ist 517 they will permits sane. t0 instr. Hewit t be appo appoint We ation of the San Off will be 5 a se W 6 formed Th H Pess Burcan t be .Q death C to see Saart Henny necy photo p 17c04 BL. Sat 10.30 an. sun. 12.10 pm. mothers next Present House nam adving to Anst. Tham Sewpa 8 mote boat Usa ad Tr8 33




If not claimed within 7 days please return to:—
Please return to:-

1 26

Sunday: Oct 22. In London.
Lunched  Murdoch at The
Times office. He has seen Joffre
Haig & Briand & given Each
of them has given him an
interview - Haig wd only
make it a message - stating
how much France & the allies
needed the troops. Birdwood
has promised to send a
a message on the military
need for reinforcements
The vote in France has bn
taken & (up to the present count)
^The result is a ten per cent ^majority agst conscription.
Thy are accordingly sending
over to France O.C. Beale,
Young, & one other, to have address
public meetings in favour of



1 27

Cases all sealed
goes [shorthand] customs

nearly 2000 [shorthand] in
a day.

Started in July 1916
on old Gallipoli Kits
All Gallipoli
stuff - Handed over to
British [shorthand] ordnance & issued
& gave full [shorthand] x



28 1
1500 names of on Kits
or parcels
of 1200 Regtl No & initial
70 - 90\ - traced
End of articles in [shorthand]
2000 Wills.
10000 inventories.
Parcels in Cases.
Parcels used to get stolen
for souvenirs.
Calico [shorthand] seal.
28 cases in last [shorthand]
28 Au 28 more to follow.
7 wks work only.
In almost every case [shorthand]
113 B class ([shorthand])
on staff.
Everything opened listed & sealed
Cost not more than 25\ of what
it used to be.

1 29
Full 16 of cordite. Gets
[shorthand] x No one wd use it
... burnt
Forwarding & [shorthand] x

Cooks -
Printed [shorthand]
Alex - treated at Zentoun.
If you are slow [shorthand]
Dept is notified of kit
& address on shipping List
Covering letters are forwarded in case
They can [shorthand] the address
800 [shorthand] one day.
20 Circle [shorthand]
Scheme of colours.
3 wks after [shorthand] casualties
One man cost £13.




50 000 kits
40000 [shorthand] Egypt
4 & 5 [shorthand] x
Royal George
& 3 little driblets
Good part
of hold
3rd to come -
Used to be sent by Units -
Now So mixed - tt sorted
Govt [shorthand] out
Given back to ordnance
£300 - 500,000.
40 - 45000 bags.
Now for [shorthand] only [shorthand] had £550. [shorthand]
£12, £4 & £35 (7:50 [shorthand]) Men [shorthand]

1 31
contracts w carrying [shorthand]
wills [shorthand]

Legal Cs. Who is the mans
wife. She asks.

Next of Kin Law in [shorthand]
Censored Kits.

Every man is gn a [shorthand].
He has to put the date,
no etc in day of date
he opened it.
Care abt going in & out
Picked men.
untouched boots
Ordnance have things washed
Enemy stuff
Bugles. -
Field [shorthand] x
Braces. tin plates
some 1000 of live shells & bombs.



32 1
Once ^Baldwin gazetted. inform
They will instr. G.H.Q
to issue [shorthand] permits
& instr.
He will be appointed
We appoint.
Sanction of this Offr. will
be aft sent by W.O. to
G H Q when informed.
Press Bureau
G.H.Q to be dealt w in [shorthand]
Smart to see Kenny re
photos if necy.

1 33

Sat: 14 11.30 am.
Sun15. 12.10 pm.
Mothers next [shorthand]
House name

Advice to Aust.
Show [shorthand]
Scope [shorthand]

German [shorthand]
Motor boats USA
500 [shorthand]
Canada [shorthand]
J & [shorthand]



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Sue HarrisSue Harris
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