Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/62/1 - October 1916 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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11 but witout thei Si away. But hese (I had not here of them before are not bee made here, but in some ti yout - tte don't think they will be made again Many camnerce o oider fits and i beteve she will have wese hage heas of enormons n fter her The Li is at priend are starting clarly avew submaring campaint Hie a lob of our ships were recently sunk of Amenccan coast- proty as 6 ay answer
12 d. 5 2 83 8 . 8 48 13 to n ontery a part OIferman people for wruklessness Aidenbi is od to bave asked thim not to press this demand for thles (ain to shakey I suppose his a citeng to deceive us or else to conciliati awerica. I wish very much to our papers ad case an perpetual howl for america to intervene. If the yanks do not think their interests sufficiente damaged (by the loss of ewerican ctizins to intervene - why said we be continued insisting that tey are? I hate all this fighting with your month. The Dad Mail & the times have inst been publishing a series oartides by a mean naned Curtin whom they claim to be a spy oftheirs returned from fermany. He has wretten seven or eight bayspern out articles on what he sow in ferman. They are in the regales to be continue in our next style. Te first one ended There I saw a spectach which if only the arman pople had seer it, wd have shekrn
11 Ihave goncacrous (as his, rqus by pais, lnds i ard is muti opt he woops upon Couscrifiion, an if t camnot send tome fou call rewlg on the Anstiation people to sendmore men. If the is in favou. resolute ttenan will consciipto it i ard tanstratio agat if Highe telepaph te pertan witl not public if but sand the recult of all shall ot none as three Highes pers all to beare sen Denver sa 4 to Austiatea agents 4 2 a I. W. w are a the wo with believe througth he Murcock undeabled helper He old fine lan a Hai chag me 40 4 4188 4
1 10 of Sall ott there wene t 4 certain divisions on wh tey looked as divisions which if they save them a bny todo, would do it. all the Austalian divisions were in that catejry, Riggety said. He did not say to autlien Droisions were better tan English divisions & I deresay thiy are not but he classed tim with the best (whether Murdock inferred this o from the above statemnt of Kigpell explicity said it I am not clear. saw old win tonight Her husband has jast come our 5 he's third turn in the Somne badle with the Royal Camadian Regt of therd. Their second ams of asking was much to worst. They had one innings, then 48hrs out then terribly heavy battle one this 3 wie
17 company came and ofCwin says 5 Strong o the Regiment 85. Cause put it to her. The casnittis are nor the cort of the we may generally oon mention; but you may take it th the Repient came out of action the strength of the full brass band Wan heard also from another source -85 or 81 That is fightful fighting everybody here cxcued about the Reperendum Birdwoods cercular to be troops did little sood rather the reverse. Col. Anderson thinks. Haghes is setting as nervous as can bo about it. Anythuy favourable, from here will be etegapted out to five austratio a lead. Anytin confavourable will be suppressed Sir Newton Moore did not weae Haher memorandim to his troops at all Anderson, who is his nent enem ans that this was because
18 thoose ad ble tosa Hapes & Laboar out of office as a result of the loss of Referendum in order to he (moore) might get some job of positon from the Liberal Govt Awd follow. But this is absurd Anderson & a clever man but a jealous & ambitious one. He has saved a lot of money for Hastalia - but sometimes his motives are not purly sublis spirited. Andepson telts me t Lord Fisher's examinate by the Dardwelles Ctee ws exceedingly funny- He ws as ked what he thought of senne proceeding ot - sheer bloody lunacy he ad reply - then turning to the reporter. Dont put down that bloody - leave that out What did be think of Winden Churchit Of- the man's damned chi
te 65 tells ts ple 25 ti Dro bims 20 damned clever - but of curn he's a bloody tittle bounder you need at pat that down I don't know how far this i lterally accurate - its what anderson says Mr Fishy told him & thr thos Mackingie (who were both present)
£20 2)
23 24 training ship necessarily not




but without their 8 in arm our

-But these (I had not heard

of them before) are not

being made here, but in

some other yard - & they

dont think they will be

made again. If any

Commerce  raider gets

out I believe she will

have these huge ships,

of enormous speed, an

top of her ,we after


The Germans at present

are starting - clearly - a new

submarine campaign; but

Hinde a lot of our ships

were recently sunk off /

American coast - probly as

a concession to an answer



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