Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/60/1 - September - October 1916 - Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
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101 This we mested 102 Sept. Inddron 2 Bombt enemy replied with 5,904.2 berrag for 10 minates similarconat on Oct. 1. Sam: This Bombt. (in part,) was to form a"box as usual of them, inst. of coming back on to front live aftertengg we to so purtee back & bombard points where sveing ad frot be massing for repetting rais cex Com + Planks Ceveny retaliate a a few righ grin X 28 Sept. 4 Aust Dis. Reporti that Stary balrot of 13B had entered evenie trunsh at0 8e (ondelentan form br it empty white inform army of this ads exact time an2 Irecommand made not yet known urrant. Reported that day to after questioning a number of party be ar of opiion to they crowsed first trench wrtant knowing it oan into advagonal 208a202 where they were when suns opened
103 vo trouble in were. Saw 20 fermans. Did no fighting. Dew boubs thown from deajonal Berdie ass for prter report. was it not poosible to recover bodies of off & man reported messary Darran reports t 575 patia O.C parrol led t to wire & across on ditch; lef old ditch at right place, but him (no he & same of men had be out often before 3or Dais) went too much to Ak. When al everys parapet he gave th word go your Astillery burst out & be as right under it be one man seem to have buk. word are fu scatter for you lives So ty never got into Evenys trutt at ad.
104 Sept 29. 2. 30 am. B Bn Raid under Capt Bruce. & Capt Party left at 2.29 am. crept towards mnys were. When close to it some 10 bombs fell amongst them from (appth) enemy bombirng post in his were. Capt Lane fell wd. & several other were wd. Rest retared bombry as they went. Bruce led party out of but his time bombin intenue both from t head & bombery past. Also some reple fire Wisdom says: I feelthe failure & keenly & can only hope the Bn will have a chance to retruve it soon. I think Capt Bruce& his party disale to we poosibly. Rait as poobly expected. reports that his rair appeared to 6 5e Ofer a reasonable prospecto) a surprise &he cont acct for peculiar earmess of enemy it this roah t
L0. 1ible arty registring on this po day before had given then the tip QudDwn Rait of 30 sept / 15t Oct at 2 am f. as C.R.A. says it ad not be sap to put a varrage on Eneigs 2nd lave Whels oeex men were in port line. (This raid ws originally to have On "Sclent] (He had reported on 27 Sept that bothBde & Bn Commanders concened in this intervesss consider toconditis refre to by you are fulfilled & th at this point oenemy has shown to he is quet & not very alort &locall has on carefull recomnoitie oy both ts offficers. 30 Sepof1 Oct. 1of 2000 66Bm raided betan N.12d31at NR.d.S. 1. Sot 1 prisoner of 127 Rept one tiler Lef 2 at 20 to 10 p.m. & formed conds in pout of our wire 5 trench 10 -10.5 arty bombl. 10t rushe
I think this w3 after Bombt. Posse Bet app the there 2d 186 in without bombt, but boubt Sterty when they were in 107 Left bombir pty met io resistance but made a block. Bty went along trech & commoes for Goyds Ao. N.12. d 31/ 33 & found nothing he pty found ntting in Crate at N. 12d 4.1. Reberaed at 10.43 1off, D Harrington, Sl. wounded. or.k.2 or.wd. Eveny retatiation feeble & flow. THs began in 12mns & field gues in Binu. M.g. at once but littl of it. Evemy used Exg sattern Couls w smal efeet Same night. Selent said between O76. & 676.6.5. failed. Were ws not ens cut. I1 rifles seen fing from Qneny 529 (47Bn) night. Saw S8 bno hep t 8Bn. 9.30 pm parties left Sally Ports. Peashed enemy trench abt 30
iht 108 yds blep of proposed entr point. Crossed were by mats Moved 25 or 30 yds to let meeting one man who wa ceptured, but later wounded. There stappe by arty barroge Right portion of Lif Raid went 150yds to right in k one man Both parties bombed dejouts. Every fired only one m.g from rear. D Toint Sl. cd. br our Strapull & one man by about. Evemy Y like our own, t dujouts Pty - 7Bn. arrived at 2 unniolented. Left squad met Fren whom they kelled. Treed to capture (st man, who fired at them from down Right squad moved a commnif without meeting enemy. Then returned & went 15 2ds down fire 2f meeting one man Slyalf wd. Hes man
109 4 Army Edenlification a fuss abt no being obtan 34d at St pt Pourts of entr intended were lep ft. 30 not to lefto where intended. 2t he be abt 12 rds of above Strong H. Cwird being cut there on ot our arty got on to men at point of entry rom battery opened fire a manute Earl Boubt wt to be opene i rear treach, commn At Zere blauks. 0 ws captured, but heed to be killed away to difficulty in setting hem tom to The party brought back & regls, 2 caps, V.2 notice boards etc. No m.s. seen. we had one man &. who we brought back. renches simitar to our own but more delapidated. Left thy back by 10 Rt Bly back by 10.13 Admeans of ideutificato seem to have be removed. But a wdman who died & ws buried wt later dogup again a disc found on him ao nome. V Regt. Appeared to be a stroy Pt or X 2nd y abt Nied. 4t 46 Bn Raid
II1 44/54 Oct. This day every tries to said as lwice, as well as we him once He heavily bombd front lime from 34 to O.41, estamet have, & Old Kent Ld between 57 630 p.m. usag shellsd all. calibre. most of parrisors were withdrown well down Adkent Road & fflanks Lguns & small delachments left to hold line - wh accts for small casnolties 7.45. Enemy came out under cover of an intense arty Barrip & tid t enter our brenches at O.5.C.9.9 O3.6.7. 4 Semaltaneously Both pties seemed abt 50stron Left Raw ws rasily diven
112 of by t Junssorl potabt be way across Vomanslans. Rightland gobupt2 but faild to enter them met with heavi mt t refte fire return quickly Apparent got away all his K.W. Patrols cd find nove Our Rail by 30ff1 50 a 196 entered ferman E at I3068. F2 after bombt. Garrison had wekdrawn. Onr thy remain an Eveny 13mans. No every wet with. Two bodies of germans seem, shattered by shell. & half burns. Trench coned damaged (20 ams bought) no identificates. Retaliati by morlers & minnces slighte damaged our E. Wo hostile rifle fioe or mpfire during our bombl Bench interd
113 seems to h bu ased bor observate & calpes t rather then occupation e A Book ac al o lill morn Then want (as rut 6 Bn Cyesty 215 Con) to pict. up detail of Pyeres bepe bery but forgotten chem. Calle en on Jellibrand 46 avna denner at ndirdom quet ge be of Swene to gelebrat fee Yeu comet ong an Ceas cheer up those present. As Josbes says it wde 5 a great team! a £10 has been drawing garicaty coogier Iham. I neved know he codo to elly lett Le scetch as he wished at elss - very wiseh I have askedX F Fishey he can sait some sicture for the nation

x This ws misleading 
26 th Sept. 2nd Divn Bombt.
Enemy replied with 5. 9 4.2
barrage for 10 minutes.
Similar bombtn on
Oct. 1. 5am: This Bombt. (in part,) was to form
a "box" as usual - & then, inst.
of coming back onto front line
after lengthening, ws to go further 
back & bombard points where
enemy wd proby be massing
for repelling raid in Commun 
[[trench]] & flanks
(enemy retaliated w a few rifle guards)
X 28 Sept. 4 Aust Div. Reported
that Strong Patrol of 13 Bn
had entered enemys trench
at08a ¼ 7 ½ (on silent raid) but found 
it empty.
White informed army of this
adding "exact time in [[trench]] & reconnaisance 
made not yet known".
Durrant: Reported that day tt
after questioning a number of party he
ws of opinion tt they crossed first
trench without knowing it & ran
into a diagonal [[trench]] 08a2.8½
where they were when guns opened.


11  103
No trouble in wire. Saw 20 Germans.
Did no fighting. Few bombs thrown
from diagonal [[trench]].
Birdie asks for further report.
Was it not poosible to recover
bodies of offr & man reported 
Durrant reports tt Fitzpatricks
O.C patrol led them thro wire
& across [[?shorthand]] ditch; left old
ditch at right place, but then
(tho' he & some of men had bn
out often before - 3 or 4 times)
went too much to left. When at
enemys parapet he gave the
word "Go". Our Artillery burst
out & he ws right under it
- he & one man seem to have
[[?]]. Word ws gn "scatter for
your lives."
So they never got into
Enemys trench at all. 



Sept. 29. 2. 30 am. 18th Bn Raid
under Capt Bruce. & Capt
Party left at 2.29 am. crept
towards enemys wire. When close
to it some 10 bombs fell amongst
them from (apptly) enemy bombing
post in his wire. Capt Lane fell
wd. & several other were wd.
Rest [[?]] bombing as they went.
Bruce led party out agn
but this time bombing intense
both from T.head & bombing post.
Also some rifle fire.
Wisdom says "I feel the failure
v. keenly & can only hope the
Bn will have a chance to retrieve
it soon. I think Capt Bruce &
his party did all tt ws possible."
Raid ws probly expected.
Legge reports that this raid appeared to
offer a reasonable prospect of
a surprise & he cdnt acct for peculiar
readiness of / enemy at this point Poss


ibly arty registering on this pt day
before had given them the tip.
2nd Divn Raid of 30 sept/1st Oct at 2 a.m.
"Off" as C.R.A. says it wd not
be safe to put a barrage on
enemys 2nd line while our men
were in front line. (This raid ws
originally to have bn "Silent")
(He had reported on 27 Sept that
"both the Bde & Bn Commanders
concened in this enterprise
consider tt / conditions referred
to by you are fulfilled & tt
at this point / enemy has shown
tt he is quiet & not very alert
& / locality has bn carefully
reconnoitered by both these offficers."
30 Sept/1 Oct.
1 Offr 20 [[?]] 4GBn raided between
N.12d 3.1 [[?]]12.d.S. 1.
S of 1 prisoner of 12 Inf Rept. One
Left [[trench]] at 20 to 10 p.m. & formed
40 yds in front of our wire.
10 - 10.5 arty bombt. 10.5 trench rushed.


11  107
Left bombing pty met w resistance
but made a block.
Bty assault pty went along trench &
Commus [[trench]] for Goyds Ao. N.12. d 31½ 3¾
& found nothing. Left pty found nothing
in Crate at N. 12d 4.1.
Returned at 10.43.
1 off, Lt Harrington, sl. wounded.
1 or.k.2. or.wd.
Enemy retaliation feeble & slow.
TMs began in 12mns & field guns
in 15 mins. M.g. at once but little
of it.
Enemy used egg
sattern Couls
w smal efeet
night. Selent said between O76.
& 676.6.5. failed. Were ws
not ens
cut. I1 rifles seen fing from
Qneny 529
S8 bno
hep t 8Bn.
9.30 pm parties left Sally Ports.
Peashed enemy trench abt 30



yds blep of proposed entr
point. Crossed were by mats
Moved 25 or 30 yds to let meeting
one man who wa ceptured,
but later wounded. There stappe
by arty barroge
Right portion of Lif Raid went
150yds to right in k one man
Both parties bombed dejouts.
Every fired only one m.g
from rear. D Toint Sl. cd. br
our Strapull & one man by
about. Evemy Y like our
own, t dujouts
Pty - 7Bn. arrived at 2
unniolented. Left squad met
Fren whom they kelled. Treed to
capture (st man, who fired at
them from
Right squad moved
a commnif without meeting
enemy. Then returned & went
15 2ds down fire 2f meeting
one man Slyalf wd. Hes man



a fuss abt
being obtan
of entr
were lep
not to lefto
where intended.
he be abt 12
of above Strong H.
being cut there
ot our arty got on to
men at point of entry rom
battery opened fire a manute
Boubt wt to be opene
i rear treach, commn
At Zere

ws captured, but heed to be killed
away to difficulty in
setting hem
tom to
The party brought back
& regls, 2 caps, V.2 notice boards
etc. No m.s. seen.
we had one man &. who
we brought back.
renches simitar to our own
but more delapidated.
Left thy back by 10
Rt Bly back by 10.13
Admeans of ideutificato
seem to have be removed. But
a wdman who died & ws
buried wt later dogup again
a disc found on him ao
nome. V Regt.
Appeared to be a stroy Pt or
2nd y abt Nied. 4t
46 Bn Raid


44/54 Oct.
This day every tries to said
as lwice, as well as we him once
He heavily bombd front lime
from 34 to O.41, estamet
have, & Old Kent Ld between
57 630 p.m. usag shellsd
all. calibre.
most of parrisors were
withdrown well down Adkent
Road & fflanks Lguns &
small delachments left to hold
line - wh accts for small
7.45. Enemy came out
under cover of an intense
arty Barrip & tid t enter
our brenches at O.5.C.9.9
O3.6.7. 4 Semaltaneously
Both pties seemed abt 50stron
Left Raw ws rasily diven


of by t Junssorl
be way across
Rightland gobupt2
faild to enter them
met with
heavi mt t refte fire
return quickly
Apparent got away all his
K.W. Patrols cd find nove
Our Rail
30ff1 50 a 196
entered ferman E at I3068.
F2 after bombt. Garrison
had wekdrawn. Onr thy remain
an Eveny
No every wet with. Two
bodies of germans seem, shattered
by shell. & half burns.
Trench coned
damaged (20 ams bought)
no identificates. Retaliati
by morlers & minnces
slighte damaged our E.
Wo hostile rifle fioe or mpfire
during our bombl
Bench interd


seems to h bu
observate & calpes t rather
o lill

Then want
(as rut 6

Bn Cyesty 215 Con) to pict.
up detail of Pyeres bepe
bery but forgotten chem.
en on Jellibrand
avna denner at
quet ge
of Swene
to gelebrat
Yeu comet ong an Ceas
cheer up those present.
As Josbes says it
a great team!
has been drawing garicaty
Iham. I neved know he codo
to elly lett Le scetch as he
wished at elss - very wiseh
I have askedX
F Fishey
he can sait some sicture for the nation


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