Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/60/1 - September - October 1916 - Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
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88 The by car will be far move comfortable but I am at thei moment ashamed to take it. If it hadnt bu to Col Anderson had alreade war officed asker for the p1 car I shd have trud to get white to give me a permanent right to sidle in th Angac cars alto they are often not available & not near So convenient As Foote said to Smith in pont of an elderly major at Marseilles who was acting as landing officer couldad understand to St Angae CS a lnit Swik well win this war in spite beggars like that!
89 we made a raw on the Jernans last night & fot no identificate alto we were their trenches 13 menated 19th Br) a only two shell shallered Jermans were found Par Bounbt Caster 20 mens Ct 11.55 512.15 Th germans also raided -on two places close as together. One sais reashed ur trenhes but as the had bombarded them from 5p to 6.30 wehas witdrawn ( men down common to the planks all except m. go - the said ws easily beaten of possibly without enteriy. The other party ws caught by our mgs in crosseng Nomanslan
30 o sot half wa across, I went over with Buther, today, o Levy t dench alter tgis of the Intelligence of the 36th French Corps in Rosendael (Dubunt of Dungnergue). Their acreat photographic expert her has just cented the aerial stereoscopic photo -k two photos taken 100 welies apart in stead of at the distance of your two eyes oit is awonderful success the sanddunes stand out under it thethey wd took flat toe observer up there at 3400 wetres. The ent photograpt is better than their phobs at
31 13,000 feet are like ours at $2000. You can see men & guns in a phots taken at 13,000 fo. The posts ofa barbed wire cotanglement. Tese Ireach officers excecingly well anformed, a I noticed. Aoe lnch there crose gacation of what had happened on the British front last night - we raided near Betture & found proct no one at all in 1 trench there as no artiller reply or rifh fire. They kvew 7 + a lot more. Butler this had not heard of it. Their mapping arrangements are far more complete them ours, & then apparates vast
3s better so far as we co see. we went home by way of Dunkergue round the harbour where for the first time since leaving Eqyes we saw alarge montor & Several small oves The Sir Thomas More was in harbour & 3other by monitors gatside, com from the Work. we had tea on a Franch tea shop on delightfou cakes - & came Lome thro! Bergue - the ott green ramparts of which the moat, & belfries & towers, are the most romant beautiful picture I have Seen Montrenit since
93 The fermans had several shots at it, pom 13wite away, they say; & several couses including a corner cafe on the square near the betfry are messung or openedon like dollshouses & the same yan, Leay said, we the one wh fired on Dunkergi & hit the big church there We saw the church. Onr single shell had prett well smashed upthe whot in side of it. A6t Our raiks t the bones of them tave 62 follow
34 Ant t Dwn Racd abt Sept Maay wrote I had a raidiy team last night oh found Boas waiting for them on the parapet The team hoower, clared t y admirable, Kelling some 20 Bosches in hand to hand fiftt, & lting & orisoners, of whom two were obstincte & decided to stay in Domanslaw. The teais casnallies were.1off suightly W.. 200. wd & L os du fw The tean (sokn) is naluale very pleased itself today to my raid the right before foun th E cpty bath smashe but MV.14 by arti boylt back necessary idetifications takan be Tis wants with of course a salt little 95 CanC trough 18 Sept. Bnddring Commander congretilates and army on rebults from resent raids Army Commander adds ontinu al present tim a continuate of such manas ofinsin greatht be desired 15 While 15 terfor to ask t Each Dwn preparitis be made to any out as many raids as Will Dive Commdrs possible kind ty submit a programig accordigly Hast From Army (o 4x4 Div) Identification are reeded of enemy troops between Knined Farm o the Yores Omrnes Rl Sept 19 2nt Army say raids have shown tin most parts opp end army 6ot enemy 15 weak in nathers morale. Army Cound wished a series of rawds rather cimltancon on successivo nights in abt 10 days 5 ane
96 att 30SeS. 1et Dien proposed 2 paids, 75PBn at (2) L. 34. d. 30.72, & I 34. 6. 40. 04. But not at Hill 60 (bec there our own works are inan cnstabley condity & it will be some tiue before dy arein order (6) The evemy has too distincty teers Ffire (white thinks 3 &other reasons. white agreed artity proposed Den P raids his stent 1020 Sept arty stant 28 Sept. 2, 300m 5, 19.C. 2. 6. 40 men 18Bo without arty preparatu but "box after entry. No special were calt needed. (3) 15t Oct. 2am L24. d. 9½ 2. 70me 20 Bn aart & F.M. preparato. Were has to be sut. 8) 415 Oct. 12 pm. L 30 69. 8½ 50 men of 19B arty & F.H. also on Mr Sorrel. doubtful abt the Selent Ran white
97 arty to be turmd on as soon as saids enter to White doubts use of these we. to capture sentries- have Biit son capte on Somme ( to 30 lept). 29 heavy guns & hows. 92 Gieldpins & hows. 103 F. res. mg 39 41 1 (2) (3.) Kattent Divn to 257Sert. 03671 98 Di Boll propose 46 Enat Sept. 30.Hollandscheschuur Far Salient at N. 12.d. 3.1. Sept 30. 67 Bn at 07602 t 22 (hates 271) (Catu. O.8.A 4 71 Sept 27o0 28. 13 Bn. 62C3/2 Catu: Oed 77 Mater - 262) Sept 27 or 28 15 Bn No S crater Sept 26027 16B O369.1. in ton feist so of men abt 25 sine 106 15 in (3). 810 5) (2) to be a sebeet raid & (3)19)6) more like "cattin out expeditis o by strong patrols. (also sibent) White asks what is a cattin expedit? Also number seet a bil small. Also - had ke were bu considered He writed. Ar regards (E)) our to previous) experience has shown to a silent rait is a diffioul operation, the success of wh as largely dependent upon clanc & to and Drn our previous Exp has shown to such atlept are extrencly deffernt &depun for success upon eve being particularly puiet Danobervart as well as upon previous carefy reconnensance & preparato).
2a 20pamned 1ansac Pw. 2 rai. 99 2 Dw. a gaits & bwv. ra Vil Corps. 3rows latte &2) IX Coipo. 30 Du. 3 raids 7 Dis. arants II Ausac: SHart Din (15 Rd) 1 rait. 34 Dwvm Braid as from 36 Ow. 7 Div. Branks force possible Stokes Mertar boul on all ports 200 Esilts Sept. 10 ad Dm 25 16 Bn 102 pc0 10 men. were to big for our wire cutters, & new were placed then on trases Party got to within 15 or 20 y0s Stegan there o then bombed. cras. sdt have by hard. Signal for starting arty cdat be go by tlephone as this failed It we accly the 1st shot fire by our party german M. gs. fired on our pt pot art diversion in sapel one sayer cashalty 15 Bn Sept.

The big car will be far
more comfortable; but I 
am at this moment ashamed 
to take it. If it hadnt bn
tt Col. Anderson had already
asked ^The war office for 
the £11 car I shd
have tried to get White to
give me a permanent right
to ride in the Anzac Cars,
altho' they are only often not
available & not nearly so
As Foote said to Smith
in front of an Elderly Major
at Marseilles who was
acting as Landing Officer &
couldnt understand tt
1st Anzac ws a "Unit": "Smith
we'll win this war in spite
of beggars like that!".


We made a raid on the
Germans last night & got no
identification altho we were in
their trenches 13 minutes
(19th Bn). A Only two shell
shattered Germans were found.
Our Bombt lasted 20 mins
(at 12 (11.55 to 12.15.)
The Germans also raided
us - in two places close
together. One raid reached
our trenches, but as they
had bombarded them from
5pm to 6.30 we had 
withdrawn / men down 
Common Trench & to the flanks,
all except - & the
raid ws easily beaten off
possibly without entering. The
other party ws caught by our
m.g.s in crossing Nomansland.


& only got half way 
I went over with
Butler, today, & Le'vy, to
lunch at the HQs of the
Intelligence of the 36th French
Corps in Rosendael (Suburb
of Dunqkerque). Their aerial
photographic expert there
has just invented the aerial
stereoscopic photo - the
two photos taken 100 metres
apart instead of at the 
distance of your two eyes -
& it is a wonderful success;
The sand dunes stand out
under it tho' they wd look
flat to the xxx observer up
there at 3400 metres. The
French photography is better 
than ours - their photo at


13000 feet are like ours
at 2000. You can see men
& guns in a photo taken at
13000 ft, the posts of a 
barbed wire entanglement.
These French officers
are exceedingly well informed,
I noticed. At lunch there
arose question of what
had happened on the British
front last night - we raided 
near Bethane & found practically
no one at all in / trench & 
there ws no artillery reply
or rifle fire. They knew
this - & a bit more. Butler
& I had not heard of it.
Their mapping arrangements
are far more complete than
ours, & their apparatus vastly


better so far as we cd 
We went home by way 
of Dunkerque - round
the harbour where for the 
first time since leaving Egypt
we saw A large monitor
& several small ones.
The Sir Thomas More was
in harbour & 3 other big
monitors outside, coming
from the North.
We had tea in a 
French tea shop on delightful
cakes - & came home
thro' Bergue - The old
green ramparts of which, &
the moat, & belfries &
towers, are the most romantic
beautiful picture I have 
seen since Montreuil.


The Germans had several
shots at it, from 18 miles
away, they say; & hit
several houses including
a corner cafe' on the
square near the belfrey
are missing or opened out
like dolls houses. The same
gun, Levy said, ws the
one wh fired on Dunkerque
& hit the big church there.
We saw the church. One 
single shell had pretty
well smashed up the
whole side of it.
Oct 6th Our raids
- the ^ dry bones of them - have
bn as follows:-


5th ^ Aust Divn Raid abt 17 Sept.
McCay wrote: I had a raiding
team last night wh found Bosches
waiting for them on the parapet.
The team, however, cleared the trench
admirably, killing some 20
Bosches in hand to hand fight,
& taking 4 prisoners, of whom
two were obstinate & decided to
stay in Nomansland. The teams
casualties were: 1 offr slightly 
w., 2 o.r wd & 1 o.r died of w.
The team (30Bn) is naturally
very pleased w itself today.
My raid the night before found
the trench empty & badly smashed
by Arty & M.T.M., but
bought back the necessary
[This wants to be taken 
with a little salt, of course].


18 Sept.
C. in. C, through
2nd Army Commander
congratulates 2nd army on
results from recent raids. Army Commander
adds: Continuation "at / present time a
continuation of such minor offensives
is greatly to be desired".
White is "therefore to ask tt in
Each Divn preparations be made to
carry out as many raids as
possible.  Will Divn Commdrs
kindly submit a programme
From Army (To 1st & 4 ^th ast Div.) " Identifications
are needed of enemy troops
between Ruined Farm & the
Ypres Comines Rly.
Sept 19 2nd Army says tt
raids have shown tt in most
parts opp. 2nd Army
enemy is "weak ^ both in numbers
& morale."
Army Commdr wished a 
series of raids either simultaneously
or on successive nights in abt 10 days time"


1st Divn: proposed 2 raids, abt 30 Sept, 7 & 8 Bn at
I.34.d.30.72, & I 34.G.40.04.
But not at Hill 60 bec there
(1) Our own works are in an
unstable conditn & it will be some
time before they are in order.
(2)  The enemy has two distinct tiers
of fire (White thinks 3)
& other reasons.
White agreed.
2nd Divn. Proposed 34 raids & artillery
(1) 26 Sept arty stunt
(2) 28 Sept. 2.30am. J.19.c.1/2.6.
40 men 18 Bn without
arty preparation but "box"
after entry. No special
wire cutting needed.
(3) 1st Oct. 2am. I24.d.9 1/2 2.
70 men 20Bn w arty &
T.M. preparation. Wire has
to be cut.
(4) 4/5 Oct. 12p.m. I.30.b9.8 1/2
50 men of 19 Bn. arty & T.M.
- also on Mt Sorrel.
White is "doubtful abt the Silent Raid".


X Arty to be turned on as soon
as raids enter trench.
White doubts use of these [[?xc]] to capture
sentries -
Brit. Now have captd on Somme (:to 30 Sept):
29 heavy guns & hows.
92 field guns & hows.
103 T.Ms.
397 M.G.


? Div
4th Bde propose
(1) Sept. 30 ^ 46 Bn at Hollandscheschuur Farm
Salient at N.12.d.3.1.
(2) Sept 30. 47 Bn at 0 7 b 0 1/2 to 22.

*{(3) Sept 27 or 28. (Later 27th) 13  Bn O 2 C 3 1/2 1 (Later. O.8.a 1/4 7 1/2)
*{(4) Sept 27 or 28 (later-26th) 15 Bn No 5 Crater (later 0 2 d 77)
*{(5) X Sept 26 or 27. 16Bn O 3 b 9.1.
 X altered by Divn to 25th Sept. 03 b 7.1.

No of men abt 25 eacht time in two first,
& 10 to 15 in (3). (4) & (5).
(2) to be silent raid & (3) (4) (5)
more like "cutting out expeditions"
by strong patrols. (also silent)

(White asks what is a "cutting
Expedition"?  Also numbers seem
a bit small. Also - "has the
wire bn considered?"
He writes: As regards (2), our
x previous experience has shown
tt a silent raid is a difficult 
operation, the success of wh
is largely dependant upon chance".
& to 2nd Divn: "Our previous
exp. has shown tt such attempts
are extremely difficult & depend
for success upon / enemy being
particularly quiet & unobservant
as well as upon previous careful
reconnaissance & preparation).


2 Army
/ Anzac.
1 Div. 2 raids
2 Div. 4 raids
4 Div. 5 raids
VIII Corps 3 raids (altered to 2)
IX  Corps. 36 Div. 3 raids
                    7 Divn. 4 raids
II Anzac. 5 Aust Divn (15Bde) 1 raid
                 34 Divn. 3 raids
( as from 36 Div. 7 Div. Franks Force
if possible.
Stokes Mortar. bombt on all fronts.


25 Sept. 16Bn. at 10 p.m.
1 off. 2.ncos 10 men.
Wire too big for our wire cutters,
& new wire placed there on trestles.
Party got to within 15 or 20 yds
stopped there & then bombed.
Cries sd to have bn heard.
Signal for starting arty cd nt
be gn by telephone as this failed.
It ws accly the 1st shot fired
by our party.
German M.Gs. fired on our
arty diversion - so pty got
in safely w one slight casualty.
26th Sept. 15 Bn





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