Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/60/1 - September - October 1916 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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16 Cemetery the place, they was sd. I told them that Centie way lead to it - o they want o along it I fancy the top dhave ba used by people place. Our men used to wend over the top (I chour ever when we were here We strack a Divenon The guns seemedh have shup close behind Youguet. We had a glipse alho we struak of it a division going in o a on Division coming out the Road tho albert we Tle were 0 & mand. Cate the last hanc - where at o Buther were. she Buther wanted to 154 Brich Guard the to find particulary of at his brother. deat the
57 He hack had from Eena & had joined the Irish Puarda a End Lieutenant; be was killed (in the first advance of the guards from Seachy + poor old Bather 7i fcel ery much. was found the guards. We about dusk in a valley Southy Incourt Yu could men the moment the tell them? all meatly You saw dressed. bi fellows of even height; with their trousers folder over they puttees bn which Brilih the ugly ar regiments have our trowser is fav ore shapely & shows outlie of the call the However they were very neat, clean well takin se a up. They sad about
dusk 98 with the sort of restrained subdued air of men who know they have probably got to die - at least so if seemed to me as & who accept te fate. It is dangerous to go by appearances, but that was appearance. The outward discipling of the regiments was perfect; & if one could judge by the way in which they sprang to attention & Sabuted Butler wherever be ocat & whenever be spobe to tem &the keenness in their expression, I sho say to their relations to heir officers were excellent - there seemed to be real friendshep in t attitude camp about We found the g had had to t o the live - the first at Firisten which was deadly: the lat Irish guards were totd they had to take a certain objectivg. Yooy told t ere as .They were not
5 were 3/20ws of trunches in between (so the colonel to to me). They set out amarched to tim objective & dig on there, as ordered; &bat 13 officers out of 18 & 500 men out of 700 in doing so. He second time it was against Les Bocufs. They had very little opposite, & lost very few. Te fervan commn gve tatted of their tremendous losses, of the bloody natured the advance. TheI was simple fiction, te Colonel todn So for some reason ty German commaniques are lying now He guards werea for about 30 hours the first time & for a nend short spett the second time, And now thy were resting I suppose
boyist wit have t third lid Horth Te. bans of the Crish suarts 4 of the penadier guards clibbed, drais + fifes were marcheng up and down the boton of te gully playing & a line of men looking on from each sich. Te on lookers were largely New Gealenders Oppoaite with a tal officer o another was standing a little figure in a mackentost with a cane It was by Frince of wales I behieve he 1s astap Captan or some ting on the 14 a Coys to wh the yards Diva & N.E. Dwvn 3other Dwns affment belorg Butter s reconised at once he came up by several officers sitt cutsed their small mess open tent I don't think
67 Ley knn hem but they guessed who he I shoold outside was talkin to a young officer by name Swith white Butter apart in port. taled to the stoved. I saw the Colonel i for an orderly evedent some man who had bu cible Battirg brother when he died or perhaps his servant. Mcanwhile the boy was talin interestin ae a little He had been Batters 50 I knew the great friend must have someting in him. Bay he was a new tyse to me. spoke like a young prest 48 condescending to lett you of the situal? The Sxenadier guards band of the Lrish guards sum to be allowed have two big
the 62 draig together, whilst other bettalows were only alowed one - or someting to wh he seemed to attach importance. His fair hair was boashed back, he spoke with an air of quilt, impressive decision as if the points were of vast moment& he settled them ten & there. I asket if he hat seen anything of the New Zealanders. I think there are some troops of that sort somewhere near here, he sd- you see tem about I did see plenty all about. I asked how they had got on. I believe they are very brave & Tallant & all tet he said. Of course they are useless as soldiers. sa yes they re fighters
believe, but thy have no 63 disciplive at all. How do you mean? I asket. "Donb they stick to a place after they lave captured it I are bey apt to come back? Oh no - I say they are five fihlers, But tey dont know the first then about discipline. so I suppose he nicant saliting & that sort of ceremon Lot The Colonel told me to the Cook from the N. 3. Bole Headwwarters wear by had been in to their mess the night before, asking for a drink. He as a few steets in the windCeodBe had him in here for two hours, keeping as amused tole us all about te Penensule. He was
64 intelligent fellow - anew what he was doing. of course I know I oughtent to be takking to you like this he sd - oficers of the dam guards! we know what they are I am apaid be was Tather more than half light by the tie he went sd the Colonel S. I daresay tows where young Smt received the shack from which he had not recovered. In spite of it I am sure he was a boywit fineness in him or Bullers not have spoken broke f him as he did in his letters. H appears that Butlers brother was in to front of his platoon le cherge dang
65 as a Lit by a bullet through the shoulder. It was a "cushy wound - just the sort anyman as enveed for. He blay in the cratey in which he had been hit and the so Irist orderly whom terI had seen taking to Butter attended to him & tried to persuade him remam there. Te Theres sworpers about, Mr. Butter? he sd. crowds of em & young betther where you are. But butter was a restives to) chap like a high speriter horse a he insisted on moving. He started to dray himself over from crater cuts crater, leping humself with his sound arm, & as he did a dniper shat him through

Cemetery was the place, they
sd. I told them that Centre
way lead to it - & they went
off along it. I fancy the top
cd have bn used by people
used to / place. Our men
went over the top (I didnt)
even when we were here.
We struck a Division
going The guns seemed to
have got up close behind
Mouquet. We had a glimpse
of it; & altho we struck
a division going in o a
coming out
the Road tho albert we
& mand. Cate
last hanc - where
o Buther were.
Buther wanted to
154 Brich Guard
particulary of
his brother.


& had joined the Irish
a End Lieutenant;
be was
killed (in the first
advance of the
guards from
+ poor
old Bather
ery much.
found the guards.
about dusk
in a valley
Incourt Yu could
men the moment
them? all meatly
You saw
bi fellows of even
height; with their trousers
folder over
they puttees
which Brilih
the ugly ar
regiments have
our trowser is fav
ore shapely & shows
outlie of the call
However they were
very neat, clean well
up. They sad about



with the sort of restrained subdued
air of men who know they
have probably got to die - at
least so if seemed to me as & who
accept te fate. It is dangerous
to go by appearances, but that
was appearance. The
outward discipling of the regiments
was perfect; & if one could judge
by the way in which they sprang
to attention & Sabuted Butler
wherever be ocat & whenever be
spobe to tem &the keenness in
their expression, I sho say to
their relations to heir officers
were excellent - there seemed to
be real friendshep in t attitude
camp about
We found the g
had had to t o
the live - the first at Firisten
which was deadly: the lat Irish
guards were totd they had to
take a certain objectivg. Yooy
told t ere
.They were not


were 3/20ws
of trunches in
between (so the colonel to to me).
They set out amarched to tim
objective & dig on there, as
ordered; &bat 13 officers
out of 18 & 500 men out of
700 in doing so.
He second time it was
against Les Bocufs. They had
very little opposite, & lost
very few. Te fervan commn
gve tatted of their tremendous
losses, of the bloody natured
the advance. TheI was simple
te Colonel todn
So for some reason ty German
commaniques are lying now
He guards werea for about
30 hours the first time & for a
short spett the second time, And
now thy were resting
I suppose



wit have
third lid
Horth Te.
bans of the Crish
4 of the
guards clibbed, drais + fifes
were marcheng up and down
the boton of te gully playing
& a line of
men looking on
from each sich. Te on lookers
were largely New Gealenders
with a tal officer o
was standing a little
figure in a mackentost with
a cane
It was by Frince of wales
he 1s astap Captan
or some ting on the 14 a Coys
to wh
yards Diva & N.E.
3other Dwns affment
Butter s reconised at
he came up
by several
officers sitt
their small
I don't think


knn hem
but they guessed
who he
I shoold outside
to a
young officer by
name Swith
white Butter
in port. taled to the
stoved. I saw
the Colonel i
for an orderly evedent some
man who had bu cible Battirg
brother when he died or
perhaps his servant.
interestin ae a
He had been Batters
50 I knew the
great friend
must have someting in him. Bay
he was a new tyse to me.
spoke like a young prest
condescending to lett you of the
situal? The Sxenadier guards
band of the Lrish guards sum
to be allowed
have two big


the 62
draig together, whilst other
bettalows were only alowed one - or
someting to wh he seemed
to attach importance. His fair
hair was boashed back, he spoke
with an air of quilt, impressive
decision as if the points were
of vast moment& he settled
them ten & there.
I asket if he hat seen
anything of the New Zealanders.
I think there are some
troops of that sort somewhere
near here, he sd- you see
tem about
I did see plenty all
about. I asked how they had
got on.
I believe they are very
brave & Tallant & all tet
he said. Of course they are
useless as soldiers.
yes they re fighters


believe, but thy have no 63
disciplive at all.
How do you mean? I
asket. "Donb they stick to a
place after they lave captured
it I are bey apt to come back?
Oh no - I say they are
five fihlers, But tey dont
know the first then about
so I suppose he nicant
saliting & that sort of ceremon
The Colonel told me to
the Cook from the N. 3. Bole
Headwwarters wear by had
been in to their mess the
night before, asking for a
drink. He as a few steets
in the windCeodBe
had him in here for two
hours, keeping as amused
tole us all about te
Penensule. He was


intelligent fellow - anew
what he was doing. of
course I know I oughtent
to be takking to you like
this he sd - oficers of
the dam guards!
we know what they are
I am apaid be was
Tather more than half light
by the tie he went sd
the Colonel
S. I daresay tows
where young Smt received
the shack from which he had
not recovered. In spite of it
I am sure he was a boywit
fineness in him or Bullers
not have spoken
f him as he did in his letters.
H appears that Butlers
brother was in to front of his


Lit by a
bullet through the shoulder.
It was a "cushy wound - just
the sort anyman as enveed
for. He blay in the cratey in
which he had been hit
and the so Irist orderly
whom terI had seen
taking to Butter attended to
him & tried to persuade
remam there. Te

Theres sworpers
about, Mr. Butter? he sd.
crowds of em & young
betther where you are.
But butter was a restives
to) chap like a high speriter
horse a he insisted on
moving. He started to dray
himself over from crater cuts
crater, leping humself with
his sound arm, & as he
did a dniper shat him through


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