Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/60/1 - September - October 1916 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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45 but te must have been old because I saw no arrangement for taken the recoil Furker along in the topse were two more& I think some others mast be tere buried. Indeed it is a wonder these tree remain above ground. The ganners dejonts were by them & the Canadians now use one of these. They also use a dugont on the 5.5d of2d nearer to Sebraltar 65b dont think we knew While we were Cooking at these guns we saw, farther across the countery 3 of the windmell, another object which I spolted for a tank. I have drawn a pictue of it in the bast diary.
46 evidently if fot stuck comen across walkers French on its way back from Martin purch. (There it was straddling the trench with its nose pushed up into the air, puchey a load of eark in font of it underits breast. I fancy if had got stuck there owing tits catterpitters not heavn enough cart grep is the open trench wa underneath ten. It had be hiby by one o two stells wh went through the outer stell & setfire to br gasoline, obe tank had been burnt out. Supty cartridge cases lying all over the floor pointer t it having been an action; and under the macking gun loopholes two the forchead plate in one could
15 To 48 see clusters of bullet marks apparently made by machine gons fired at it One can favey the Ferman machine ganvers direct all teir evergies at it as ne this monater first appeared brching over truches toward tem. didnt ste we there to tony or sketch it because we were very tibel to be arrested Mardoch was in his civilian Crousers, a thati overcoat & a tin hat & I in Klake overcost & a capwittout
49 any badge we cleasly did not belong to the place. I was carrying a bit of the keyboard of a peans pickr up by Mardoch (he is awfully quick at noticin things in the landscape much quicked than I Just So road in the strieds of a loase & he wr carrying a short pagment of steel pail Sanaat off by shells. If they fot at all suspicions of us upthey is w5 1 most libely then in world to we wabot be arriate. And as ar Lad to meet Toher Butter Box at the last bouse in Aert on the left side a road out of A Cbert at 430 Fisher as apt to be very restive latout sparks about wilita staff work if anythin went
50 wrong, we did not want want to keep him waiting Murdochs quick Cye spotter two other tanks, north fthe apani Wondarch - bok waterlogged It was an extraordmen scene. The country there to the forward stope of the bill was pitted & civassed in the way have meationed. a party far oficers has passed ahead of as going towards te wandmik They were picking their way along the a winding pate between the craters about the O. tires. They as a nothing so much monntaincering party making its way on the ce ridges between the crevasses of a glacier- indeed that was wke it than
anythen else. As far as you cd see to the edge of the stope, ws this dry crinbled brown fretwark of them crater edges - like a brown turbed see suddenly pozen. and ast ap on it, dead & desolate. leaving beavily on one side or the other, in various parts of the landscape, were these sea-wonsters Tour of tim o Itwas tike an uncariny glimpte into some dead, forgottin, prepistor wouldint new emerged from the early chass of the unwverse The genmaus seemed to have been staoting at the lnk on walkers trench though I think they can only have seen it. fom an acroplase; for the cratus roand, it were covered with
58 the fine earth thrown up be recent stells &f the footprents an this were quite new. That new spembled eack is always a sort of danger signal to anyone who has been at this war any tiue If you see it in the trenches, or in the open you know that that his been a point of activity within the last few hours - or days- & probabl possibly is so still. If you want to know where the germans register on a trench - where their shells are likely to fall if they shoot, & you are a stranger visiting the place, you always take that new crumbled earth as a sign to keep you eyes open The Germans were shooting at the tank near the windmill As we walked, Murdach saw them hit it. The thing strifted. heaved a bit & then rolled back into its rut, so he said. There was some new
33 exection near the Windmill farther on towards Mantin paic An observation port, I suppose, built up on the skyline so it seemed to me. The windmill itself was just a heap of red dust with a few sticks & splinters projecting from it over the hill you co see the of Courcelette. We went foward until we adget a view down that side a bit. But as occasional shells were burating in the aer & on the ground we didn't stay very long. There was heavy shelling by Thpral. Our gans had bu firi away over us all da the timee aae
ad see many black bursts out on t directo We came back from 1 Wardmile towards the road. he roadws not distict, there; a between I windwill + Pozieres were the gang of wen we had seen Tey were rediscoveri the road. digging it out. They had t go to abt guiches of mad t fid it . And even so they had at got it quite straight Boat I suppose by row it will be all reducovered Chamged. the Canadians on the goad some of them looked at as curiously. I know to situation It is awfully likely to end in their stopping & arresting you. The
55 only thing is to look as though on were not aware of it, & to takk to them first. our smashed peang was a godsend. They boke at that first as a rule 3 said "thats a peano" They booked at it pazzled &a broke into a smile By Gand – 5o it is & the teaseon was gone. This did two or three times, tell we got through the crowd. I was very glad to be clear as we had ao time to spare We old centre way ws still und as a trench apparently; a Bok poup of British officers wanted to know where the H.Dr of the 34t Bde were - the

but they must have been
old because I we saw no
arrangement for taking
the recoil. Further along
in the “copse” were two
more & I think some others
must be there buried. Indeed
it is a wonder these tree
remain above ground. The
gunners dugouts were by them
& the Canadians now use
one of these. They also
use a dugout on the S. side
o/ rd nearer to Gibraltar
wh I dont think we knew
While we were looking
at these guns we saw,
farther across the country
S of the windmill, another
object which I spotted for a
tank. I have drawn a picture
of it in the xxx last diary.


evidently it got stuck coming
across Walkers Trench
on its way back from
Martin puich. (There it
was, straddling the trench,
with its nose pushed up
into the air, pushing a load
of earth in front of it under its breast.
I fancy if had got stuck
there owing to its catterpillers
not having enough earth to
grip is the open trench ws
underneath them. It
had bn hit by one or two
shells wh went through the
outer steel & set fire to the
gasoline, & the tank had been
burnt out. Empty cartridge
cases lying all over the
floor pointed & it having been
an action; and under the
two machine gun loopholes
 in the forehead plate one could



Hand drawn sketches, see original

see clusters of bullet
marks apparently made by
machine guns fired at it.
One can fancy the German
machine gunners direct
all their energies at it as
this ∧ new monster first appeared
lurching over trenches toward


Hand drawn sketch, see original

We didnt stay there too long
or sketch it because we were
very likely to be arrested
Murdoch was in his
civilian trousers, a khaki
overcoat & a tin hat & I
in khaki overcoat & a cap without


any badge
we cleasly
did not belong
to the place.
I was carrying a bit of the
keyboard of a peans pickr
up by Mardoch (he is
awfully quick at noticin
things in the landscape much
quicked than I Just So
road in the strieds of a loase
& he wr carrying a short pagment
of steel pail

off by shells. If they
fot at all
suspicions of us upthey is
w5 1 most libely then
world to we wabot
arriate. And as
ar Lad to meet Toher Butter
Box at the last bouse in
Aert on the left side a
road out of A Cbert at
Fisher as apt to be
very restive
sparks about wilita
staff work
if anythin


wrong, we did not want
want to keep him waiting
Murdochs quick Cye
spotter two other tanks, north
fthe apani
Wondarch - bok waterlogged
It was an extraordmen
scene. The country there to the
forward stope of the bill was
pitted & civassed in the way
have meationed. a party
far oficers has passed ahead
of as going towards te wandmik
They were picking their way
along the a winding pate between
the craters about the O.
tires. They
as a
nothing so much
making its way on the ce
ridges between the crevasses
of a glacier- indeed that
was wke it than


else. As far as
you cd see to the edge of the
stope, ws this dry crinbled
brown fretwark of them
crater edges - like a brown
turbed see suddenly pozen.
and ast ap on it, dead
& desolate. leaving beavily
on one side or the other, in
various parts of the landscape,
were these sea-wonsters
Tour of tim o Itwas tike
an uncariny glimpte into
some dead, forgottin, prepistor
wouldint new
emerged from the early chass
of the unwverse
The genmaus seemed to
have been staoting at the lnk
on walkers trench though I think
they can only have seen it.
fom an acroplase; for the cratus
roand, it were covered with


the fine earth thrown up be
recent stells &f the footprents an
this were quite new. That new
spembled eack is always a sort
of danger signal to anyone who
has been at this war any tiue
If you see it in the trenches, or
in the open you know that
that his been a point of
activity within the last few
hours - or days- & probabl
possibly is so still. If you
want to know where the germans
register on a trench - where
their shells are likely to fall if
they shoot, & you are a stranger
visiting the place, you always
take that new crumbled earth
as a sign to keep you eyes open
The Germans were shooting
at the tank near the windmill
As we walked, Murdach saw
them hit it. The thing strifted.
heaved a bit & then rolled back
into its rut, so he said.
There was some new


exection near the Windmill
farther on towards Mantin paic
An observation port, I suppose,
built up on the skyline so
it seemed to me. The windmill
itself was just a heap of red
dust with a few sticks &
splinters projecting
from it

over the hill you co see the
of Courcelette. We
went foward until we
adget a view down that
side a bit. But as
occasional shells were burating
in the aer & on the ground
we didn't stay very long.
There was heavy shelling by
Thpral. Our gans had bu
away over us all
timee aae


ad see many black bursts
out on t directo
We came back from 1 Wardmile
towards the road. he roadws
not distict, there; a
between I windwill +
Pozieres were the gang
of wen
we had seen
Tey were rediscoveri
the road. digging it out.
They had t go to abt
guiches of mad t fid
it . And even so they
had at got it
quite straight
Boat I suppose by row
it will be all reducovered
the Canadians on the goad
some of them looked at as
curiously. I know to situation
It is awfully likely to end in
their stopping & arresting you. The


only thing is to look as though
on were not aware of it,
& to takk to them first. our
smashed peang was
godsend. They boke
that first as a rule
said "thats a peano" They
booked at it pazzled &a
broke into a smile By
Gand – 5o it is & the
teaseon was gone. This
did two or three times, tell
we got through the crowd.
I was very glad to be
clear as we had ao time
to spare
We old centre way ws
still und as a trench
apparently; a Bok poup
of British officers wanted to
know where the H.Dr of
the 34t
Bde were - the


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