Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/60/1 - September - October 1916 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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33 have been to t we asked him what he ad prefer to do you might as well leave me in Hell as leave me here he sds wohin from can cocendow It shows how little be understood of adman amenities that he sad have inagined ee acan't to leave him, the man guest. there alone That is where Iisher fails very great I have noticed, ale 70 has faibed aurioul enough be entirely opposed to conscriptio in Anstalia. He toto we the thought of it sometime took away his rigghts rest.
ta land tast bendeet caug He thought it wd 3 to bloodshed in Bueendand I sho have od to this ws a complete his judgment. The proposal we to whih Iesher o Butter want to Iricourt Iad take Mardoch to oieres we went up as far a te advanced dressing station. at the old. tramway junction on the Bapanine Rd, in our car! This is where the ambulance had taking no to when last I went to Pozieres. It was still about the most (advanced stoping place for cars. We found another car + two or three ambular there- men were still filing off along the traiway to the Af - clearly it was still the brack and to get Northward along the ridge Murdock walked alon
36 the Bapanne Rd into the vittage. Far abeut of as along the raad near the windmill we could see a gang of men. To the road was clearly pretty safe. I had told Murcoch about the shelled condition of the place. As we walked up I was getting ratien aprair to I had exaprated it - because on the right hand side of road where the pst Dunis orginal attack started, there were many shell holes but nothing like a wilderness of craters. the shell woles became thickes as we got into the vellage by the cross roads where Gibraltar stands. The conadedus were busy making the road to the left - deging it out, rather, for all trace of it had been covered when we were there. They were maken a few dujonts there - possibly shelters for water tanks. The place
was fast changing 37 we walked on up the main road; & I was relieved to find that I had not exapprated splintered wood lining the side of craters, crushed breaks scattered round the edges of them, were allto revaned fhouses. The Canadians were just deggng out to remains of cellars, we had been unknown to as The road had been cleared down to the road wetal in parts of a neal leving of stones - I do not know if it ws original kert- was appearing along either side oI street. The cellars s we saw one or two - were just beside this Kerb The road itself as covered with a deep peibold cover of mud wh hadonly partl been duf away perhaps Cishes to a foot deep fine earth scatteredo the exitb
in it 38 shell bursts. The toles hadon roughly filled in with bricks &I side of road buttressed up by wooden beams holding up the deboes wh. had been thrown into the hollows likea troughly culverts. every here + there. On the South side of road wh we overlooked move tan the Nork there was no doubt now as to the ravage - It came up to all my description & my mind was easy again. I told Murclock to we had had one excellent truck there. once & sajjested to we shd go & look for it. No trace or sga of any soit whatever remained of it. The place was simply a series of great gulfs where three or four or five by shells had fatler together (or I daressy many than that) I carve more
39 out miniature gorges like Blue mountain gorges reduced in scale – wunding sometimes around a corner So end ws partly hedden from sight. I suppose the byjist wd ber 12 foot deep, 30 or 40 feet across, & about 20 yards. long. You stool on the varrow edge of them with another gorge behind you 17 bay the Windmill later on the desolation was even greated red brown mad os crater sitted, that the thin walls between the sellboles stuck up in port of you. like a series of frail
40 crumbling fences F yo this shows very accuratel what it looked like and the craters between wals mast be imagined deep & steep not shallow. There was barely room to walk along winder new trodden pats which straggled along the lips of them. Trough this in one or two places ran our old trenches I saw marked on Popse Avenue i fatlen board - Wakers trench led off it. And the O.G trenches were traceable by the old German bron posts which once held their
41 barbed were, sticking up as I have shown it in the sketch. Many of t sketches in these diarees only give a vague inaccurate dea but this one is accurate. Half way through the village on the left hand side of road lolling on its side in a big shell hole was a heap d. something - like a stores dum variegates under a greena torpaulin. Mardoch grasped it at once - a "tank! So here was the wystery. We went up to it (two men were not far from sitting by it in a crates with their back to the shells wh were occasionally burstin inscattere morth of the road. S The tank seemed to have ent thi shell hole &t be cenable to get out. The
the Canadas Asametter of fact they neaw took it. It was countually capte by some British pioncers 2 weeks after we left CA B. 17726 42 hole was one such as newspaper accounts had described them climbin over 2 t However the mashing as apparent all right the two fen sd - and sheed cassl be day. out - with a little hilp she ad charb out. He two man were Canadian Engencers. I asked if they had been in Moaguet Farm They had not. They said the aushchans reckoned it was a two months job to take Monquet Farue - Bur 13th & 161 Battalions took it - they took it the first night they came in. which was very fay from the truth naturel - t but I suppose 15
centre The shortrly ran straight wto this bakery 12 44 of thing our men &o all otken Sort soldiers have said often enough. whill we were talking these th few 4.2 or 5.9 shell 42 I fancy - came singing down te road side not so very far ahead guite close to the gang man working there. A abostle went - but I dont think the men, stopped work. However it made t road loole a little dangerous. Io3 Cook Mardock over to see the g t Bn& 9t Bn capturedn ta Copse. One we quite close to the road- abt 30 yard away, overturned with splitered wheel by on its back The 3I were 5.9 gans, rifle

33      11
have been to him.
We asked him what he
wd prefer to do. "You
might as well leave me
in Hell as leave me here,"
he sd, looking from / car
It shows how little
he understood of ∧the ordinary
amenities that he shd
have imagined tt we
meant to leave him, Their
main guest, there alone.
That is where Fisher fails
very greatly & I have
noticed, always has failed.
[Curiously enough he is
entirely opposed to conscription
in Australia. He told me
the thought of it sometimes
took away his nights rest.


[Hand drawn sketch, please see original]

11    35
He thought it wd lead
to bloodshed in Queensland!
I shd have sd tt this ws
a complete misjudgement].
The proposal ws tt
while Fisher & Butler went
to Fricourt, I shd take
Murdoch to Pozieres.
We went up as far as
the advanced dressing station,
at the old. tramway junction
on the Bapaume Rd, in our
car. This is where the ambulance
had taken me to when first
last I went to Pozieres. It was
still about the most advanced
stopping place for cars. We found
another car & two or three ambulances
there- we left the men were still
filing off along the tramway to
the left - clearly it was still
the road track used to get Northwards
along the ridge.
Murdoch & I walked along


the Bapaunm Rd into the
vlllage. Far aheaf of as along
the road near the windmill
we could see a gang of men.
So the road was clearly pretty
I had told Murdoch about
the shelled condition of the place.
As we walked up I was getting
rather afraid tt I had exaggerated
it - because on the right hand
side of road, where the 1st Divn's
orginal attack started, there were many
shell holes but nothing like a
wilderness of craters. The shell
holes became thicker as we got into
the village by the cross roads
where Gibraltar stands. The
Canadians were busy making
the road to the left - drying
it out, rather, for all trace of
it had been covered when we
were there. They were making
a few dugouts there - possibly
shelters for water tanks. The place


was fast changing.
We walked on up the
main road; & I was relieved
to find that I had not exaggerated.
Splintered wood lining the side of
craters, crushed bricks scattered
round the edges of them, were
all tt remained of houses. The
Canadians were just diggng
out the remains of cellars,
wh had been unknown to us.
The road had been cleared down
to the road metal in parts &
a neat lining of stones - I
do not know if it ws / original
kerb- was appearing along
either side o/ street. The
cellars - we saw one or
two - were just beside this
The road itself
ws covered with   ( hand drawn sketch)
a deep piebold
cover of mud,
wh had only
partly been
dug away -perhaps 6 inches to a foot
deep- the fine earth scattered over it by



shell bursts. The holes in it had bn
roughly filled in with bricks
& / side o / road buttressed up
by wooden beams holding up the
debris wh had been thrown
into the hollows - like a series
of roughly made culverts every here & 
On the South side of road
wh we overlooked more than
the North there was no doubt
now as to the ravage - It
came up to all my descriptions
& my mind was easy
again. I told Murdoch tt we
had had one excellent trench
there. No once & suggested tt
we shd go & look for it. No
trace or sign of any sort whatever
remained of it. The place was
simply a series of great
gulfs where three or four or
five big shells had fallen
together (or I daresay many
more than that) & carved 


out miniature gorges
like Blue mountain gorges
reduced in scale – winding
sometimes around a corner
almost so tt / end ws
partly hidden from sight.
I suppose the biggest wd  average
12 foot deep, 30 or 40 feet
across, & about 20 yards
long. You stood on the narrow
edge of them with another gorge
behind you
Hand drawn sketch
Later on by  the windmill
the desolation was even greater
red brown mud so crater
pitted, that the thin walls between
the shellholes stuck up in front
of you like a series of frail


crumbling fences-
Hand drawn sketch.
This shows very accurately
what it looked like - and
the craters between each the walls
must be imagined deep & steep,
not shallow. There was
barely room to walk along
winding new trodden paths
which straggled along the
lips of them. Though this
in one or two places ran
our old trenches - I saw
"Copse Avenue" marked on
a fallen board - Wakers
trench led off it. And the O.G
trenches were traceable by the old
German iron posts which once held their



barbed were, sticking up
 and as I have shown it
in the sketch. Many of these
sketches in these diaries only
give a vague inaccurate dea ;
but this one is accurate.
Half way through the village
on the left hand side of road
lolling on its side in a big
shell hole was a heap of
something - like a stores dump -
under a green part variegated
tarpaulin. Murdoch grasped
it at once - a "Tank." So
here was the mystery. We
went up to it (two men were
sitting by nor far from it in a crater with
their back to the shells wh
were occasionally bursting,
wildly  in a scattered way north of
the road. It
The tank seemed to have
got into this  shell hole & to be
unable to get out. The


As a matter of fact they  Canadians never took it -
It was eventually captd  by some British pioncers
2 weeks after we left
C.w. b. 17.7.26

hole was one such as newspaper
accounts had described them
climbing over-
Hand drawn sketch
However, the machine ws
apparently all right, the two men
sd - and sh cd easily be dug.
out - with a little help she
wd climb out.
The two men were Canadian
Engineers. I asked if they had
been in Mouquet Farm.
They had not. They said " the
"Australians  reckoned it was
"a two months job to take
"Mouquet Farm - Our 13th & 16th
"Battalions took it - they took
"it the first night they came in."
which was very far from the truth
but I suppose is natural - the


The short centre rly ran straight
into this battery.


sort of thing our men & all other
soldiers have said often enough.
While we were talking
there the few 4.2 or 5.9 shell
-4.2 I fancy - came
singing down by the roadside
not so very far ahead -
quite close to the gang of
men working there. A whitle
went - but I dont think
the men stopped work. However
it made the road look a
little dangerous. So M I
Cook Murdoch over to see
the guns wh the 11th Bn &
12th Bn &9th Bn captured - in the
"Copse". One ws quite
close to the road- abt 30
yards away, overturned,
with splintered wheels, lying
on its back. They
were 5.9 guns, rifled,


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