Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/59/1 - September 1916 - Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
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100 what the supremasy of the Britich Navy means to thim, & how much all 1 allees depend on out Navy The first news ar of course moat wid leading North toto we th when fleed steamed back, a Battle Crenser Sqn made for the Clyde, they did not in pleast know what casualties they own side had had or the enemy. They were very much in I dark except as to what the actuatl saw; but they realised to eveng had come out for some purpose they think, now, th he had a number of commercy raider ready wh he wanted to smaggle out to sea- from te Baltie I fancy - & to this raid
ins 191 was to cover their de breaknng out) - they knew enemy had come out t had be brought to battle. had stragghed to avou a batle & finally trokin homewards in straggting two threes to escape from our fleet We considered we had done something for we might wh pat ourselves on back we were rate pleased with ourselves reath & only sorry because the bad light had presented from really smashing them up Soit we vating a shock to come wto pora Resyth & find everyove going about with long faces & the papers being sold with news of a naval
102 disasted - & find to people wd not believe you when you told them to the result ws really rater good than otherwise But back to the Hustralia I found Crace there in the ward Room they told ae to the ship was veytitite crace, who had bn a youngly in the Powerful, with a clark brown pointed beard. He o the commanded told me to o shepy ws ver much as she had beek. Hyde had left to besome Captain of another shep Glent, I am glad to say, by the R.A.N. Darby, oldserious Darley, was still there - but working as usual, so I dit not see him.
had been taking on at D3 The ship which has spread of oad metal 50 ofver one of her dock -clearly cod cs make big segs explained plen thy whit her ciould not go to the bottom ofhd ship and burse fn the magazine oI suppose all our ships have bn making quick changes. If the german shell only explades when it sets deep wh the vitals of a ship &our shells explode as soon as they get through the side or the dick this explains how it is to geiman crews suffer far more than ours - thy begin to show the nervous oain as soon asever we hat them their firig becomes weld & scattere rapidly gets worse. But
104 if we take sleps to tay the same usal make ferman shells burst in our apper decks we ast expect I came results. I wonder of they use a delay action frise of any sort, sth Ishelldoes not burst for some fraction of a second after sticking the first obstacle Me time on board ws up all too soon - belove cd see over I ship it a time to to. W came back to Edinburgh to London by the nights trai It was Saty Sep. 23. I had to return on the by & I worked io Ba
105 all that day. I had to see Smart about fetting an official thotogaphet appointed for Hustralia- an expereenced cinematogapher who had by c 1Msopotamcan Exped appliiet for / job. About 12.30) that night we were finishing our work. The en blinds of room were all down, & window screened according to the precautions exforced under the Depence of the Reale Ait my cars cought a dull distont crump. - and crump a little later crump! It sounded very faueliar Isdto Bayley issttason Whats that Noise. He said Yes, Ive noticed too several times. it However, it seemed to
106 be anaccompanied by other noises - no gun reports. I could by help pecturi thnk of a long sausage hanging in the night over the stran? or somewhere in the city, dropsing bont after boub - but as nothing else bapped & we ad hear, ocsacional traffic in I street I put it down that the guard on some Anderground train was bonging the doors to - you can bear the trains in H. Tames Park Station from the High Cumessioners office About half an hour later, having ticketes of Souveners. my collection for exhibitin & Basley
t 107 in Smarts Hushalian Emmonwealth wendow somewhere I reliev fom Fozures we went ito the street. It was very dark unusually dark I thought The Street lamps were alight but thy are of course always shade these days; I I think they must have been turned low as well. A postal van, + one or two taxes passed us whegzing along the street - so things seemed pretty normal. Noc many sedale were about8 concnncte it was hard to see the fe kert when you a side street whe We pot to the winds or
108 Hotel we had to leave my big brown canoas kit bog with the Forter. I heard the soured of womens voices + laughter coming from the back of the Porters room, in the basement; & it struck one. These parters aid twvelies in du than they looks if they are entertain abevy of girls in there at this time of the night. I thought at first they must be having a joke with some girls who had come en. of the street, perhaps In depositing the boy I looked in - & there were two or the rathe tired look tittle slips of girl in thaki mackin toshes sitting on a bench along the white plactes wall of the box room
109 laughing at the porter's chaf They had no hats on & were sitting together leaving their heads against the tall in a ratin patteti little group tot remember. It didn't stike we at I moment - I must be very dense. I thought the Parters must have been intertainng their consins or sisters at a beatier & they were very late or had missed thn & then as I got tr ain apstains it downed wt on me. The Hotel seemed alive at an hour when it ought to have bn asleep - I ddhear one a up or two people joing down 1servants staers. Why these are the servants of house. who live attoo driven down into basement of a to get outo f was iono Zeppelin Raid

what the supremacy of the
British Navy means to them,
& how much all / allies
depend on our Navy.
The first news ws of
course most misleading.
North told me tt, when /
fleet steamed back, & /
Battle Crenser Sqn made
for the Clyde, they did not
in pleast know what
casualties they own side
had had or the enemy. They
were very much in I dark
except as to what the
actuatl saw; but they
realised to eveng had
come out for some purpose
they think, now, th he had a
number of commercy raider
ready wh he wanted to
smaggle out to sea- from te
Baltie I fancy - & to this raid



cover their
breaknng out) - they knew
enemy had come out
t had be brought to battle.
had stragghed to avou
a batle & finally trokin
homewards in straggting
two threes to escape from
our fleet We considered
we had done something for
we might
pat ourselves
we were
pleased with ourselves
& only sorry because
light had presented
from really smashing them up
Soit we vating a shock
to come wto pora Resyth
& find everyove going about
with long faces & the papers
being sold with news of a naval


disasted - & find to people wd
not believe you when you
told them to the result ws
really rater good than
But back to the Hustralia
I found Crace there in the
ward Room they told ae
to the ship was veytitite
crace, who had bn a youngly
in the Powerful, with a
clark brown pointed beard.
He o the commanded told
me to o shepy ws ver
much as she had beek.
had left to besome Captain
of another shep Glent, I am
glad to say, by the R.A.N.
Darby, oldserious Darley,
was still there - but working
as usual, so I dit not
see him.


had been taking on at D3
The ship
which has spread
of oad metal
ofver one of her dock
-clearly cod
make big
segs explained plen thy whit her
ciould not go to the bottom ofhd ship and burse

fn the magazine
oI suppose
all our ships have bn
making quick changes.
If the german shell only
explades when it sets
deep wh the vitals of
a ship &our shells explode
as soon as they get through
the side or the dick this
explains how it is to
geiman crews suffer far
more than ours - thy
begin to show the nervous
oain as soon asever
we hat them their firig
becomes weld & scattere
rapidly gets worse. But


if we take sleps
tay the same usal
make ferman
shells burst in our
apper decks we ast
expect I came results.
I wonder of they use a
delay action frise of
any sort, sth Ishelldoes
not burst for some fraction
of a second after sticking the
first obstacle
Me time on board ws
all too soon - belove
cd see over I ship it a
time to to. W came back
to Edinburgh to London by
the nights trai
It was Saty Sep. 23.
I had to return on the
by & I worked io


all that day. I had to
see Smart about fetting
an official thotogaphet
appointed for Hustralia-
an expereenced
cinematogapher who had by
c 1Msopotamcan Exped
appliiet for / job.
About 12.30) that night
we were finishing our work. The
en blinds of room
were all down, & window
screened according to the
precautions exforced under
the Depence of the Reale Ait
my cars cought
a dull
distont crump. - and
a little later
It sounded
very faueliar
Whats that Noise. He
Yes, Ive noticed
too several times.
However, it seemed to


be anaccompanied by
other noises - no gun
reports. I could by help
of a long sausage
hanging in the
night over the stran?
or somewhere in the
city, dropsing bont
after boub - but as
nothing else bapped &
we ad hear, ocsacional
traffic in I street I put
it down that the guard on
some Anderground train
was bonging the doors
to - you can bear the
trains in H. Tames Park
Station from the High
Cumessioners office
About half an hour
later, having ticketes
of Souveners.
my collection
for exhibitin
& Basley



in Smarts Hushalian
Emmonwealth wendow
somewhere I reliev fom
we went ito
the street. It was very
unusually dark
I thought
The Street lamps
were alight
but thy are
of course
always shade
these days; I
I think they must

have been turned
low as well. A
postal van, + one or two
taxes passed us whegzing
along the street - so things
seemed pretty normal. Noc
many sedale were
it was hard to see the fe
kert when you a
side street
whe We pot to the winds or


Hotel we had to leave
my big brown canoas kit
bog with the Forter. I
heard the soured of womens
voices + laughter coming
from the back of the Porters
room, in the basement; &
it struck one. These parters
aid twvelies in du than they
looks if they are entertain
abevy of girls in there at
this time of the night. I
thought at first they must
be having a joke with
some girls who had come
en. of the street, perhaps
In depositing the boy I
looked in - & there were
two or the rathe tired look
tittle slips of girl in
thaki mackin toshes sitting
on a bench along the white
plactes wall of the box room


laughing at the porter's chaf
They had no hats on & were
sitting together leaving their heads
against the tall in a ratin
patteti little group tot
It didn't stike we at
I moment - I must be very
dense. I thought the Parters
must have been intertainng
their consins or sisters at
a beatier & they were very
late or had missed thn

& then as I got
tr ain
apstains it downed
on me. The Hotel seemed
alive at an hour
when it ought to have bn
asleep - I ddhear one a
up or
two people joing
down 1servants staers.
Why these are the servants
of house.
who live attoo
driven down into
of a
to get outo f was
Zeppelin Raid


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