Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/59/1 - September 1916 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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  • Shorthand
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32 chair in the order falls vacant, I suppose &king George was attent opposes to giving the Lighest Brrtish orderto a man o Derdwands morals Ferd- snt mand is to have an inordinate sexaal affection for ws his own Sex & george blusted out when it was pnd before him. I wont give the farter to a bugger. This remark was repeale, as court scaudal is; &it sot back to Ferdinand's ears made him to bitter enem of King Georp daresay this is a of atterly bascless piece
33 court Jossis. Someton th authority for it seemed to that than be bettr 19th Staying at the wind sor Sep Hotel. Tings suem to be moving 50 fast in France that I don't know but what the Germans may makes retirement & sharten their lind. I must set back bz (he. 24th. I had intended to get my leave tengthened as I have not been able to get the rest I hoped for Col. Toobes 21 Bn. here, says who is stayin that one Coy of his Bn. the afternoon before the Bn a tacket this last time lost
34 in th one afternoon shellim 21men tilled 75 wounder. Dnly 2 platoon of th coy were to abback When the 2151 attacked part of it swing to right & seems to have attacked Farm Tay co find no trench He sot two of medsages & then nothing more He had a few will ecr back; & then nothing for 3 days when a wd man hobble in who totd them of Iarm. He thinks abt 50 men were taken Prisoners Fermans claimd 50 o 4.T. W. Pearce of Ballarat & Capt. H.A. Crowker (Brightion. were the two officers who stan
The Dr of 21 Bn. Capt Fogarty! gob all I damaged men off first - broken lags I masked thigh i i cleared the sick Cn Then he waited for his friend may of Torbes, in one of last boats. one man- a brallocky from the Alway Rangis od t Torbes! I cant Savim, Sir, but this is the best bloody chance ever I had of learn As the torpedo came, Capt. Langley of Victor us sitling on hatch. Someone should A torpedo! He stood up on the hatch T to see better Dr Togark Brotem 7 1ig1 was immed 70 catihblown into1 acr w r. hali F subsin w it into hold 6 into all 1 fittybelge water. There us a man in the on who ws to habe on left behind I i at Aux. a hard case! had? A Langley Ac w0 in his west? wo this man C w bilgo. when he washed his face for ide but he worked on w I rest 36 behie on Soulhar I did work. Barg started the engines (he is an enguieer Ch. Eng of steamer we atter to the lights & digname. Pearco got engines going & stayed on duty till mudros. He nearly wo scalded to deak at the first go bec be turned on the wrong cock & we covere w steam. He as almost oaly man there in Vengine room. 506 officers (Pearce us only engl) stayed & abt 20 rwen. himself away & as discovered about The queste arose who ws take him on offered to have hien in his plation gany wit thas hap's case - aI papers hand when he we blown into hold. I to resened him. He ar drageed out, bles came up to men all lived up there Torbes him - wh amused men. handley ws secerveds it taok him a month in bed to oeacov
21 Bn apt Pef o Moupuet Farm An9 26. 49ran hime tombt. Attackat 445 ts bln te w e coys Oter 2 coys brought up + one of 2end 90 stron. The i brugh on it ws found to be shougly held by patrol 2 nights before. It ws to be taken Gman party before the advance by a special It s as not to excute Armans. T bombl ws further up. 4 waves 2 Patoon from each Cvy, side by sale Part of rend Bon (90 sts) as sent out at gero in parties echelom to hold lef flank. The right having be secured the attact fot on v. well Road y ws prac wifed out. nd ws darked by stumps when they got to 77 (Capt. Sale & his party treached it easily - he ws ald by a bullet (thro bearm) Hire we from 54 - no resistance from 77. Prac no fermans seen. He hels on in 77 (shellhol) all day, 24th were to send St. patrol to Farm & dis y across S. face of farm alongy W. 2 2 155 622 300 2155 8
A pletion set out t get 54. Tey arrd. a one officer & Unew. tey got in to Se & kelled Jermas as they came from deponts. They were fighting allday till everyove ws hit exc. officer germaus reiforced down their two Es & drove us out of S.G. We abt 8.W co see him renoring put stokes & m. on them & did come damage. They had any on our men. The line near Farm tt t have taken it pome 77 to Term & hen fove 50 yot beyond it. Some thought the saw the 2s – but it wa smashe out of recognite. They went a good way too far Tey day in in parts. The neenon rt
evidently bit agst gerans in ty behind farm I had no time to dig. Fighting till att 12. 3 tod man brought back only news. A loy. Capt. Robertion, H Clarebeigh. Robertson WS W. twice t prob. taken prsoner. Clarlbough ws killed Fermans remd very strongly from behind monquet hive probturand round to meet them. (They seemed to have a tunnel - the renp disagpeared + came aplater. It is thought they fought to betes 1251 & probe what where left were taken & 24th thought they saw abt so men taken prisoner be think at lst 100 Hiswere K. there
The fighting sterted to bombery. We cleerly got into a Yr Then (when we got out) heavy stelling & mog fire from Manjuet Farne (wh ws on programine for 24th to clear) M.G. fire from Monjuet Farm cut of advance from H.Q. A coy sent 12 runen but not one got through. A man came in 3 days later anwounded. Hed bo beyont the farm, in a lg He & ebt 20 men used up I among & bombs & the 60 having bu reduced to C0) happet it & he got right round be night behind 54 into the British Ey near Kation t one ad other unwounded. These
two were ouly 2. of the 20 who g bact. Hew in B loy (shd have be on left) some of men of 22nd posts got right up by Farm. Noove got into the Farm this night. I reckond the deyouts on the Farm had steel orders & concrete cover Part of B loy day tumselves B Coy Sot1 in in coolate holes worth of Y 7 Mauguet fam Tey were heavily hit. They were not c-attacked. Commn to them from 77 (capt. Sale] Sate came. himsllf overland- made 2 trips. 54 made Kenygs difficult. we not cattacked 7 7
we smiping the fermans in D&. 7 & the shellhobs one either side were taken over by 14 Bn same night. The W truch ws given up Garrison been sent up to renf. A Coy. They went of into then air (abl 5.30). We had a message to say that A Coy needed help. The et olep were revfd by 4 more platoons (EC. ½D) Also had a plation carrying from C& from D. These eventuely got into fight. This lef line held by 2 ½ wealk plations of CP.D Coys with abt 100 men. A loy of send ws sent up 90 strary to strengthen garrison

10    32

chair in the order falls

vacant, I suppose)  & King

George was utterly opposed

to giving the highest British

order to a man of

Ferdinands morals.  Ferd-

-inand is supposed reputed to have

an inordinate sexual

affection for boys his own

sex;  & George blurted out,

when it was put before him:

"I wont give the Garter to

a bugger!"  This remark

was repeated, as Court

scandal is;  & it got back

to Ferdinand's ears &

made him the bitter enemy

of King George.

I daresay this is a

piece of utterly baseless


10    33

Court gossip.  Somehow, the

authority for it seemed to

be better than that.

Sept. 19th  Staying at the Windsor 

Hotel.  Things seem to be

moving so fast in France

that I dont know but

what the Germans may

make a retirement &

shorten their time.  I must

get back by the 24th.

I had intended to get my

leave lengthened as I

have not been able to get

the rest I hoped for.

Col. Forbes, 21 Bn,

who is staying here, says

that one Coy of his Bn

the afternoon before the Bn

attacked this last time lost


10    34

-in tt one afternoon, by

shelling, 21 men killed & 75

wounded.  Only 2 platoons

of tt Coy were to attack.

When the 21st attacked

part of it swung to / right

& seems to have attacked /

Farm.  They cd find no

trench.  He got two or 3

messages & then nothing

more - He had a few words

wd. men back;  & then nothing

for 3 days when a wd man

hobbled in who told them o /

Farm.  He thinks abt 60

men were taken Prisoners

(the Germans claimed 60).


Lt J.W. Pearce of Ballarat

& Capt. H.A. Crowther (Brighton)

were the two officers who stayed



The Dv of 21 Bn. Capt Fogarty, got all

/ damaged men off first - broken legs,

smashed thigh - & cleared the sick bdng.

Then he waited for his friend Maj.

Forbes, in one o / last boats.

One man - a bullocky from the

Otway Ranges sd to Forbes:  I cant

swim, Sir, but this is the best

bloody chance ever I had of learning.


As the torpedo came, Capt. Langley of Victoria

ws sitting on / hatch - Someone shouted

"A Torpedo!"  He stood up on the hatch

to see better &

was immed-

iately blown

into / air w /

hatch & subsided

w it into / hold

into all / filthy bilge

water.  There ws a

man in the bn who

ws to have bn left behind (shorthand)

at Alex. a "hard case". 

[[ over both pages:  ]]  He had stowed himself away & ws discovered aboard.

The questn arose who wd take him on.

Langley offered to have him in his platoon.

He ws going into this chap's case - w / papers

in his hand - when he ws blown into / hold.  It

ws This man tt rescued him.  He ws dragged out, black

w bilge.  When he came up to / men all lined up there Forbes

washed his face for him - wh amused / men.  Langley ws

dazed but he worked on w / rest.  Afterwds it took him a month in bed to recover


I asked

(Shorthand) Capt Langley


(In Bilge) West (shorthand)


Dr Fogarty (shorthand)

(shorthand) Broken (shorthand) thigh

(3 lines shorthand)




10    36

behind on Southland & div

work.  Pearce started the

engines (he is an Engineer)

Ch. Engr of Steamer ws attending

to the lights & dynamo.

Pearce got engines going &

stayed on duty till Mudros.

He nearly ws scalded to death

at the first go bec. he turned on

the wrong cock & ws covered

w steam.  He ws almost /

only man there in / engine

room. 5 or 6 officers (Pearce

ws only engr) stayed & abt 20



37 (written sideways on page)

21 Bn asst [[?PE ft]] of Mouquet Farm Aug 26. 4.45 am.

Attack at 4.45 a.m. (shorthand) ^ 2 mins. Bombt. Ws holding line w 2 Coys

Other - 2 coys brought up & one of 22nd 90 strong.

The W trench on rt ws found to be strongly held

by patrol ^of 21 2 nights before.  It ws to be taken ½ min

before the advance by a special party  [[  sketch overlays writing ]] so as not to excite

Germans.  the bombt ws further up. 4 waves -

2 platoon from each Coy, side by side .. Part of 2nd Bn.

(90 sh) ws sent out at Zero in parties echeloned

to hold left flank.  The right having bn secured the

attack got on v. well.  Road (shorthand/trench) ws prac. wiped out.

Rd ws marked by stumps when they got to 77 (Capt.

Sale & his party B. Coy reached it easily - he ws wd by a bullet

( (shorthand) tho the arm) Fire ws from 54 - no resistance from 77.  Prac.

no Germans seen.  He held on in 77 (shellhole) all day.


10    38

24th were to send

sh. patrol to Farm

& dig (shorthand/trench) across S.

face of farm long Rd.

[[  Map filling page ]]

No one alive

in here


10    39  (written sideways on page)

A platoon set out to get 54.  They arrd. w one

officer & 11 men.  They got in to 54 & killed Germans

as they came from dugouts.  They were fighting

all day till everyone ws hit exc. officers.  Germans

reinforced down their two (shorthand/trenches) & drove us out of 54.  We

cd see them reinforcing ^abt. 8.15 & put Stokes 5 m.g. on

them & did some damage.  They had m.g. on our men.

the line near Farm ws to have taken (shorthand/trench)

from 77 to Farm & then some 50 yds beyond it.

some thought they saw the (shorthand/trench) - but it ws smashed

out of recognitn.  they went a good way too

far.  they dug in in parts.  The men on / rt


10    40  (written sideways on page)

evidently hit agst Germans in (shorthand/trenches) behind Farm

& had no time to dig.  Fighting till abt 12.

Wd men brought back only news.  A Coy. Capt.

Robertson, Lt Clarebrough.  Robertson ws w. twice

& prob. taken prisoner.  Clarebrough ws killed.

Germans reinfd. very strongly from behind Mouquet.

Line prob. turned round to meet them.  (They seemed

to have a tunnel - the reinf disappeared &

came up later.  It is thought they fought to

betw. 12 & 1 & probly what where left were taken (shorthand/prisoner)

24th thought they saw abt 20 men taken

prisoner.  We "think" at least 100 Huns were

K. there


10    41 (written sideways on page)

the fighting started w bombing.  We already got

into a (shorthand/trench).  Then (when we got out) heavy

shelling & m.g. fire from Mouquet Farm (wh

ws on programme for 24th to clear)

M.G. fire from Mouquet Farm cut off

advance from H.Q.  A Coy sent 12 runners

but not one got through.  A man came in

days later unwounded.  He'd bn beyond the

farm;  in a (shorthand/trench).  He & abt 20 men used up (shorthand/their)

ammn & bombs & (the 60 having bn reduced

to 20) hopped it & he got right round by

night behind 54 into the British (shorthand/trenches) near

Ration (shorthand/trench) - one wd other unwounded.  These


10    42   (written sideways on page)

two were only 2 of the 20 who got back.  He ws

in B Coy (shd have bn on left)  Some of men

of 22nd posts got right up by Farm.

No one got into the Farm this night.  They

reckoned the dugouts on the Farm had steel

girders & concrete cover. 

B Coy got 77.  Part of B Coy dug themselves

in in isolated holes North of (shorthand/trench) 77 - Mouquet Farm.

They were heavily hit.  They were not c - attacked.

Comms w them from 77 (Capt. Sale)  Sale came

himself overland - made 2 trips.  54 made

thing difficult.  77 ws not c. attacked.


10    43 (written sideways on page)

ws sniping the Germans in 54.

77 & the shell holes on either side

were taken over by 14 Bn same night.

The W trench ws given up, Garrison being

sent up to reinf. A Coy.  They went off into

thin air (abt 5.30).  We had a message

to say that A Coy needed help.

the rt & left were reinfd by 4 more

platoons (½C ½D)  also had a platoon

carrying from C & from D.  These eventually got

into fight.  This left line held by 2 4 weak

platoons of C & D Coys with abt 100 men.  A Coy

of 22nd ws sent up 90 strong to strengthen garrison



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