Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/58/1 - September 1916 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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19 10 begin back to the old tine. Chastnights little jumping off treach from 51 to 77 ws very shallow & men were hit crawling up it. About 845 the people in the Farm say the Germans advancing vin 11 directi of 42/9/7 (2) coming from shellhole to shellhol & the platoon, of the 52n falling back in ferit of them. Thes plation us only under a sergeant. They were been beaten back by much aie numbers with bombs This sight was a by blow to our men who till th had been confident to th
19 down. were w They about this time wessage also came from Clifford to say to there were termans both on his right & left bombing 1 trech fom both ends - & that he would have to fall back to a line neared the Farm unless he could set reinforcuments for his le Morvell sent him 50 mey som the Farm. Williams with his men bean took up a line around Dr. Barm. on the East, in craters shooting at the fermans who F up the 5 2nd were following
19 12 The Farm was being shol at by t in shells - but our m cong gitinto the dugants because the had to man the crater against the perman within who were, co 70 yds. At last when Williams had only 15 mew & morrel 45 35 altytn the german m.9. Lavn on blown up by a 9in sill 1 they sent a wessap in front 151) that they were tire to the et within quite a shoottime tt Germans had a trincd mortar in the Farn i6 Ms wnt 5 10
19 13 i Mr Noping 15 known sipe 10 30 am of the two) coys of the 515t who were out in fron tas abt dims time this evening a rn tht has come round telln Tunner of te X 1.W we are still. g Fan 1 asow also says a a cer inty we a in 427131 5 he Canady Bn) Septaph has taken over to y our proutlin
14 19 40 17 has all Farm Fotin envaluable aa Kf 4 lank. From there a us had fond on the germans attacking the left of the 513 had got a great of them 4 Vickers enus wt. fitug to the Quar the Farm by 6. arr to appeared t 4 od be a tween 51
19 15 Glasgon ordered Capt Herbert of 1h 501 fill the gaping. Herbert took his men up toth Quarry but on going into the 5 2n (2) Bn) treaches near Mongug 59 tastward) found scarcely anyone in them feetured towardth 5 frr He Canadians were therefore sent by Glasfon to take over this sec -excellent which they did of 134 Cakad 44 in going in ux to 4
19 16 Somnch fort the le. The right 42 o The first wave ft bntsbo 50 tirg t thing out ag 4 Bobly to 1wt fawile in 19 Ghlity t Their newt fave them a great con m C th
They were right on the fdae on of are there now Apt 1ph1 49 505 fla bariage ws turned on the NE corne we ad fio during de a In belwenthe 151 the 4ql shd been right of the 5 End of parated. trom its -dea of libe came D
19 18 Maxwell quite a gunior leutenant who took change of I line altho there were seniors in it. They were only messages we had from the 5 end as all were very cle Arthur Maxwell- to Elder broter) we don plended work Suidin the battations in wense -outs x Duncan; N 24 a 4 first n cet ws not in with the 49th or 5151 He ws putting a block in on right to hold, while whe 5 doe laft he ws
19 19 trunch toward. it toued if possible 1other lost plaloons th 5 2nd batr amiscage can in th Manwell had fot touch a 49 & ha state a block (at9 would hold it. He $960 ak fi abead unt loae by war barra 4 vanled I banng lte thw not done The his plank has hal The 49 fof a

19                                  10

begun back to the 

old line. (Last night

little jumping off trench

from 55 to 77 ws very

shallow& men were hit

crawling up it).


About 8.45 the

people in the Farm saw

the Germans advancing

from I directn of 42 & 73 (?)

coming from shellhole to shellhole

& the platoon of the 52nd falling

back in front of them. This

platoon ws only under a

sergeant. They were being

beaten back by much

bigger numbers with bombs.

This sight was a big blow

to our men who till then

had been confident th they


19                               111

were winning hands down.

They About this time a

message also came from

Clifford to say th there were

Germans both on his right &

left "bombing I trench from

both ends"- & that he

would have to fall back

to a line nearer the Farm

unless he could get help

reinforcements for his left.

Morrell sent him 50 men

from The Farm.


Williams with his

men begun took up a

line around the Farm 

on the East, in craters,

                       shooting at the

Sketch          Germans who

                      were following up the 52nd.


19                                        12

The Farm was being shot

at by 9 in shells - but

our men cdnt get into

the dugouts because they

had to man the craters

against the Germans

who were coming to within

70 yds.


At last when Williams

had only 15 men, & Morrell

very few - 35 altogether

-one German m.g. having

bn blown up by a 9 in shell-

they sent a message to the

51st ^in front that they were coming

back & retired to the Quarry.

Within quite short time the

Germans had a trench

mortar ^going in the Farm throwing

10 lb shells into the Quarry


19                                13

& a m.g.


Nothing is known since

10.30am of the two coys

of the 51st who were out in



Much later, abt dinner

time this evening, a rumor

has come round from an ^thro' the

Artillery ^from a runner of some

sort) th we are still in

the Farm.


Glasgow also says th

for a certainty we are

in 42, & 31, to 50.

I believe the Canadian

Coy (13th Bn) sent up there

has taken over the trench as

part of our front line


19                                   14

So much for Mouquet

Farm. Point 77 has all

thro' bn invaluable as a

flank. From there 3

machine guns had fired on

the Germans attacking

the left of the 51st &

had got a great number

of them.


4 Vickers guns were

sent up to the Quarry

from the Farm by OC.

51st but arrived too



When it appeared th

there wd be a gap

between 51 & 52 Gen


19                                15

Glasgow ordered Capt.

Herbert of the 50th to

fill the gap in - Herbert

took his men up to the

Quarry but on going

into the old 52nd (12th

Bn) trenches near Mouquet

(59 Eastward) found

scarcely anyone in them

& retired toward the

Quarry again!

The Canadians were

therefore sent by Glasgow

to take over this sector

which they did - excellently

-two coys of 13th Canadian

Bn going up to 42.


19                                   16

So much for the left.

The right had two objectives

-two trenches


The first wave ^attack of the

49th Bn got into both

Someone gave I word

"retire" & they came 

out again. They were

rallied & put in again

& this time stuck there.

Probly th is why they lost so

heavily in officers. They 

had heavy fighting with

the Germans - bomb fighting

largely - Their new trench

gave them a great view

over miles of country -


19                                 17

they were right on the

event. They have hung

on & are there now.

Abt 8pm they sent up

some SOS flares & a heavy

barrage ws turned on the

NE corner - we cd

hear I guns during dinner.


In between the

51st & the 49th shd have

been the 52nd. the

right of the 52nd got

separated from its left.

Littler - dear old Littler of

Anzac Beach - was

killed. The messages th

came thro' came signed

w I name of Dunean


19                               18

Maxwell - quite the junior

lieutenant who took charge

of I line altho" there were

seniors in it - Thye were

I only messages we had 

from the 52nd at all-

& were very clear.

(Arthur Maxwell - his

elder brother) ws doing

splendid work guiding

the battalions in himself

& his scouts.


Duncan Maxwells

first message sd th he

ws not in touch either

with the 49th or 51st.

He w putting a block in on

his right to hold, while w his

left he ws going to bomb down


19                              19

I trench towards 73

& get touch if possible

w I other lost platoons

of the 52nd.


Later a message came

in th Maxwell had got

touch w I 49th & had

placed a block at 94

& would hold it. He 

had also pushed up

I comm trench ahead until

stopped by our barrage &

wanted I barrage lifted

(wh ws not done). There

his flank has held, quite

in I air, ever since.


The 49th took about

50 prisoners & the other



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Marj MoodieMarj Moodie
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