Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/57/1 - August - September 1916 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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the 52nd 43 se bly ew lothers. 515 49R 52nd 53 132d uhi Situati at Gam. some of the nessages have come back from the frontlim in 30. mns Farm & in front of the is sniping at the Germans as they follow the 5, 2nd in There is a lot of smiping by men apparently some of them behiw our lines They want all Phospheries bombs because these I moke so much that it is passible for the enemy to see where they are. The germans wout come out of them. One man was shot theo' the arm going down a dujout. He Germans have a dugout in the I North West of Mouquet Farm between us in the farm & D Cor furthg up 12 some of the diegonets have
5 sentrees standing over them shooting down every minute or two town Arthur has bee sent up to bee the canadians (up (2 Coye. from he Borselle. hovenzo stas his men have reached a therd you topo hill - They have a grand veew from there The Germans fouglt hard. I saw some of SD German prisoners who arrived - The were in Farm. They had & baltatin there, 2 coys in the farm. They were $15t Guard Reserve Regiment They had just come in. They had had beavy casualties by our arty Reports about 9.30 46 5:13 been Moaquet Farm has taken. There are a -5x few dugonts still holdin out. They are benn atta. Have captured ferman m.g sam sending it in. Have collected from some of C. Coy &am dealing with remang deprits. Believe there are only ? Clater. Morell had dealh with 2 ofthese 9 Have taken both objectines Meeting much oppositing a both fanks Lombin ^ pretly seavy G& About 30 prisoners 30 dead. Bidigontott holding out-celless. No 49t Not joind up with 5 2nd yet
Bombs sent 7.30. Tointd up with 5 2nd. 80 prisoners - 2m.8S taken Message sunt 6.30. from 49t Enemy shelling front line. hangry on well eplaned 52nd B. Aloy. Have- Centre of A Coys objective cannot yoin up on lef + right Have barricated w & am boli bott cacks on- Need more vombe argentty 8 which am holdin as cannot aford a guard Marwell 5151 Report verbal that t et not jound ap with t 2nd Have sent more men up. 2 dugonts are giveng us troubhe
From 4915 49 725 Conr) 49 On reports situation much quieter Have got bombry under. Litth & 2 others of 49ic bded Gwd 51. L gunner. Everything all right. Few casnalties so far. L.Juns doing good work from Point 8 Enemis are returng from helf fo to shell hote. mg. are playing on thi Farm & all along our dld line. most of wd. who have came back seem to think our own juns are firny, at as but I think they are ferman guns on left Fom Bailey: Holding out in Ad. German Y200 yds ahead of Farm. some your own shells
50 falling around us. Lates Still bolding on. Some of our own guns shelling us. Reported H When 4912 got over to their and live 5 End Bn Hloy has found up with have joined up with 498 on our right 4.9 49V 1 Tolat prisonersabt hold trench 34 & 492 on our right front. Mhey are preparing 6o caty want more bombers & men our lef. is rearwell beyond the farm & 51. In Cerman G2. shelling consistenty heavy. S2nd report that oe 52 vc 1 there are only about
51 53 Prsoners have four down. Sare k by a shell after anderet leaviy here; SI were shot on way because they wdnt keep uppole. bity 52 5omen here. They must have recpli 3 or 50s 4 4 want to Bailey & Clifford know whither to nolt ont in their trench in J9 sheat of the farm Lovyds of 30 Their right 15 in the der. above messages are out of place). 10.30 The Germans are attaching from the left agst mouquet Farm where Ccoy of 5150 were. The 5 Endare reportu to be still onny back Capt Williams I still ranging on to the Farm
B bor t 54 11.30 from Quarry. with 5 men Morell has come in to the Cuarry BrC. Coy eacuated Farm at 930 having only 35 men left, after they were in forward. Oit of Farm Bldps.J. 50 men had on sent on to port time. Bot Levis p at 7ar still in action To h port line is still hangen on in front 81 farm. A vapie unsined, message from 5151. No News of frond tine Termans are in the Ferm Report from 52nd Bn (Mas. Lane is in charge Beever having bu wd. going in) Maxwell, tho
55 not senior; has taken charge He is in line up to about Point 73. The 3 loys of 52ndBn. wentin together to the eight - got touch with 491h Bn at Pouit 36. 284 wase did not get into 42-73 but another platoon got in on the right of the 50th near 42. These were probly the 2 plations wh were sent to toto the Farm from the i They were driven back from 42 by the Jernians. Maxwell is soing to borb down from 73 towards 43 t join up ot
56 5 But Bn G.&D. plation. He has purposely not put a barricade in trech in to direction. ponef tte mn then k. Max will has Scntanthin report giving details of his line wh he holds as far as Point Gt The farm is occupied by 1 Germans. we are on left port of the farm. 5 men were lef Smokl bombs - 5 dugouts - gor all out. 1 7out of one 2mgs one blown 2mp up by a 9.2 sell 6
58 go 59. Fout line sent back to say the 9.30 wd have to come back nearer to the Farm if we have not supported cane The Gurman retir from (Cover) where th 520d aty 10. 3o bey very had ny Clifford serno age vombing up our frend hom both ends. t0.X can a party to detailed to clear the otherwise; if soe hard w us. rt Jonly 30 men left. Brown Dublin messn wd Williams
4 line io Gongi did 52nd 4 5 farm our at Farm X dotso Barrage when we away was not heavy whe ws to be 6t perishot salf caste 3 Eapers i revolve - I went back for is ossage. Iwars cobesuh going on of their were. They used to ren up tuch is is on lef Di on say front

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