Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/57/1 - August - September 1916 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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31 The British Communsque says to only infantry activity yestg (Tunday) "we 1 approach of a smal hostel force towards our ry ear Pogceres Windmill wh ws quickh disporsed C our fire leaving 7 men killed- F This made we a little anxious- I had missed a c. attack. When I happened s Hamelon Bde Maj. 715 Inf. Bde he tl me to thereb oor no attack at all. We reported to we shot 7 Germans, he sd; I dont know where they got trest fom 32 battalions ever in holding hire dednt To thro' the attempt barrage. Tery wd lough about it aben thing got back. Yesterday at Warke for 1 first tiue. I passed anadions- Today there i5 a Canadian prigade in the lie - they relieved the 7th Bde A presoner taken be the 48th 60671 at Point tis morning belongs to the 5th Foot ward Regiment
In The Guards (4t Guard Dron) relieved the divn the 69th kept beloged to - who reld, thi Taegus. The 4th guard Devn the 93rd Kegs went in first i teen the prenadier pards sel. them s now the 5th Footfds have reld. te prenadiers He others have fove to Cambrai on their left (our right) were the pB & 2nd guard Reserve Regiments ofe ward Reserve Devn wh have been holding Monquet Farm in our recent attacks This prisover sdl be had heard there had buan
34 attack a few do ago - the officers toto them to 1 Birtish Lad Conta l-the firmans had suffered heavily. They thought they were told stonies favourable to ferman to keep their spirits up they had readabt Roumanca in 1 papers I seemed to them. then that it was all Kapeet; with Jermany ept Ind 1916. Pusgow went round hes front this morning He Had to go (with Dicknson straight down 1E092 2 N. of 60 where it goes down
o the hill. Tis open as the 35 pati of your hand to the Low trett Fermans at about Booyard - A pard Reserve regt is holding the place - and grand Res. Rept, I think. But they didnt fire Some Stretther bearers were asg walking along the bank at the side - wik a white flag. They said come on, get ap here! they don't fire at you? but Dickmoon didnt as it wouldat te a fair thing. He says the Jermans were dropp lots of shell into the Guarr 5 more ferman prisoners a w. officer sman of the 515 Foot guards & 2 mew of ths snt guard Reserve Rept gave temselves up at point 7 last night
The fermans were reported yeste by Dom C.O. to be moving in troops under cover of 3 stretche beaver- 35.60 on I bank & att 30 or So men in trench moving paralled to them Others who saw them told Dockmson H Every maw in procession withir we wounded or as carrying a wounded. man dar authorities however referred matter t army &o the Cermans were to be notified today (by a stretcher beaver going across) I not more tain I man were to be allowed to a not more tan stretcher,
37 3 stretchers in a party On the evening of Ang 26th we lost 5 out of 8 acroptnes an a heavy storn Sept 2. Eg. 1318 Bdes Attack 5.20 am. R. 280. 95-66-36-83 R 27d. 94-73-42-12 R33p. 29 -28 thence Connecting with R33a7 From Pout 28C.95 on right a defeasive fland to be formed to you present to front. Attack will be caunster from a set of t day parallet to snems positi
38 Main attack agat Moajuet F. will bein great dept & stringt & will be lamiched from at7 dug. R33655 6 133a77. A small pait will also rush 1 farm pom near R336 59 direct the barrage pemits it. V stany mopping up tle I day outs as far as R27d 12 inclusive Very saper consolidatio as tosential Toavat rnning thorog own barry koops attacking on rt9 farm to advance w left on Civie R 27 d 6.0.- 5 /½23 Bele Reserve in the Loop ark have - to improve thes
Sept. Fdf. I) Slept in Gen. Toppalones defor. Ine bonbatment woke one up.
39 The No in fank A Smake barrage if woud favourable by M E CoySE Br Spy. Ede Re from K33 a 54 - 47.8 on rear of it. Overhead mg fire on G t from R27d 7342 &B & aps the Feste Gollern. Mss also to cover fanks of Commn Rt Cntre Way -09.2 Acco t Centre. Rays Drmp tomslet BoxLane. any Cef 5.716 Kays Drmp foving kays if Nof juction w Lous Dun
47 15t. I compan in here 515. 8 2 Dugont. 62 M. Farm. Termans can be saen following. 5 2nd from shell hole to Shelhole. 2 coys of 501E Bn being sent up ie support. 2 coys of canadious being ty te 20 4 in 42 0-08. Quickest 08 to 0.30. 2 rds per ppersii 0.30 to 1. per gun per mim. Later as required tanding by to & batteries be S Count Engase sibattences Sept. 3rd g Stept in fen. Tohnstone's day out at 6th D.H.Q. was waket by our bombardnenr at about 5.15. Frunner has come in from 5 psit to say tt the 5and had only got a platoon in & these are being driven back. The 51st has sung its suppest company round kd sent up from ha Bocselle to Park Lave.

The British Communique says tt
/ only infantry activity yesty
(Tuesday) "ws / approach of a small
hostile force towards our trenches
near Pozieres Windmill, wh
ws quickly dispersed by
our fire leaving 7 men
killed. [ This made me
a little anxious- I had
missed a c.attack. When I happened
to pass Hamilton, Bde Maj. 7th
Inf. Bde, he told me tt there had
bn no attack at all. "We reported tt
we shot 7 Germans," he sd; "I dont
know where they got / rest from".

13  32
L men in / battalions
holding / line didn't
attempt to go thro' the
barrage. They wd laugh
about it after they got
Yesterday at Warloy
for / first time I passed
Canadians. Today there
is a Canadian Brigade in
the line - they relieved
the 7th Bde.
A prisoner taken by
the 48th to 47th at Point 77
this morning belongs to
the ?5th Foot Guard Regiment


13  33

The Guards (4th Guard Divn)
relieved the divn the 69th
Regt belonged to - who reld. the
In the 4th guard Divn the
93rd Regt went in first; then
the Grenadier Guards reld.
them; now the 5th Foot Gds
have reld. the Grenadiers.
The others have gone to Cambrai,
On their left (our right) were
the f 1st & 2nd guard Reserve
Regiments of the ^1st Guard Reserve
Divn., wh have been
holding Mouquet Farm
in our recent attacks.
This prisoner sd tt he
had heard there had bn an


13  34
attack a few days
ago - the officers told them
tt / British had lost a
trench - the Germans had
suffered heavily. They
thought they were told
stories favourable to / Germans
to keep their spirits up.
They had read abt
Romania in / papers - 
It seemed to them, then,
that it was all "Kaput"
with Germany!
Sept 2nd 1916. Glasgow went
round his front this morning.
He Had to go (with Dickinson)
straight down the O.G.2 trench
N. of 60 where it goes down


13  35

the hill. It is open as the
palm of your hand to the
Germans, some stretches
at about 300 yards.  A Guard
Reserve regt is holding the
place - 2nd Guard Res. Regt, I
think. But they didnt fire.
Some Stretcher bearers were
going walking along the
bank at the side - with a
white flag. They signalled
said "Come on, get up here!
they don't fire at you" -
but Dickinson didn't as
it wouldnt be a fair
thing. He says the
Germans were dropping
lots of shell into the Quarry.
[5 more German prisoners -
a w. officer & 2 men of the 5th
Foot Guards & 2 men of the
2nd Guard Reserve Regt - gave
themselves up at point 77
last night.]


13  36
The Germans were reported
yesty by some C.O. to be
moving in troops under
cover of 3 stretcher bearers -
3 on / bank & abt
30 or 50 men in / trench
moving parallel to them.
Others who saw them told
Dickinson tt every man in
/ procession either ws wounded
or ws carrying a wounded.
Our authorities however
referred / matter to /
Army & the Germans were
to be notified today (by a
stretcher bearer going across)
tt not more than 3 men
were to be allowed to a
stretcher, & not more than


13  37
3 stretchers in a party.

On the evening of Aug
26th we lost 5 out of 8
aeroplanes in a heavy storm.

Sept 2. Eng:
13th Bdes Attack:
5.20 a.m.
R. 28c. 95-66-36-03.
R 27d. 94-73-42-12,
R33b. 29 -28 thence
connecting with R33a77

From Pont
28c.95 on right a
defensive Hand to be formed to
join present E front.
Attack will be launched from a
set of trenches dug parallel to enemys


13  38
Main attack agst
Mouquet F. will be in
great depth & strength
& will be launched from
a trench dug. R33b55 to
B33a77. A small party
will also rush / farm
from near R33b 59 directly
the barrage permits it.
V, stormy mopping up Pty
to trench dug outs as far
as R27d 12 inclusive
Very rapid consolidatn
is essential
To avoid running with through own barrage
Troops attacking on rt of
farm to advance w left
on line R27d 6.0.- 5½ 2½
Bde Reserve in "The Loop"
"Park Lane" - to improve this


Sept. 3rd I Slept in Gen.
Johnstons dugout. The
bombardment woke me up.


The smoke barrage was
put up & was successful.
No interference at all ws
experienced from the left
flank. Holland & his men
went up Skyline trench.

hand drawn image - refer to original.

13  40
Smoke barrage
if wind favourable by
No 2 Coy 5th Sp Bn Spec. Bde RE
from R33 a 54 - 47. &
in rear of it.
Overhead m.g. fire on
trenches N from R27d 73 42
& 12 & agst the
Feste Zollern. Infs
also to cover flanks of
Common trenches.
Rt. Centre Way - O.G.2
Centre. ^Across country Kays ^to Dump Toms Cut
Box Lane.
Left ^across country to Kays Dump
joining Kays trench N of
junction w Toms Dump


hand drawn diagram - refer to original

Germans can be seen
following. 52nd from shell hole
to shell hole.
2 coys of 50th Bn being sent
up in support.
2 coys of Canadians being* 


13  42
0-08. Quickest route
08 to 0.30. 2 rds per gun per min. 
0.30 to 1. per gun per min.
Later as required
Counter batteries to be standing by to
engage hostile batteries
Sept. 3rd.  
Mouquet Slept in Gen. 
Johnstone's dug out at 4th
D.H.Q. was waked by
our bombardment at
about 5.15.
A runner has come
in from 51st to say tt
the 52nd had only got
a platoon in & these are
being driven back. The
50 51st has swung its
reserve support company round

*sent up from La Boiselle to Park Lane.

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