Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/56/1 - August 1916 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
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AWM3S Official History, 1974-18 War: Records of C E W Bean, Official Historian. Diaries and Notebooks Hem number: 3DR160615617 Title: Diary, August 1916 Reters again to Lt E L A Buter; mentions 14th Battalion and Mouquet Farm fighting in the last week of August 1916. AWMISS-3DRLCO61561
105 5 53 380.7 250 2 oas 3 32 208 3. 52 23 5- 002 no 0 3 23333 28 2 2 23033 A 19
A 1916
17 24 3 3 35.385 Ppers Scthonate Hemambulance of vister of Cas Coms 15 Chatk Pit. Panor am From Pz. SWr 2 From S.W. Pozures N. EBaparme Rd Corcrete House churrch Brinds Rd. S.Bs Bs 135. NN10gr
Capt. R. G. Smith 246ln Aug 22 (continued tater 2 Aug 26 4.45 am. EBole. Bns Bombardment. Can yow lifts had to follow the of Monguel Barm. 21st Bn attacked from B about 33d 815 6.55 with oy n B on their lef who HESmith went out from 81 S.W. (Skytine o other 4) t foum a depnive flank 238a Kalso to have fone oun They. sem -33254. 77. 273 their objective bit abt 50.000 & then bunched a it & lost from galai pont mg fire while they were back Coun Reports 65.20 am. from occup 27 to woyds east of Count 54 found to be very strong & heavy artillery have not reached it. consolidatio isolated shell craters now procuting at 6ai
This first from left were th nothin attack DS funs came of it. 4 Ene Cattachs feard. a 628 reports to they are 216 650 &o in sant of 54. Snerians at artillery action reguired at oncion green barrage time 4714 wes t wart of Manguel Farm. 47 J am. 21 6n (67 have we pision) been stopped and driven back at various points. Eneiy is now shelling & lines o heavily barragle wanted 54. I have 1st live as strong as possible as evemy appears to be advance in some streygt 21Bn report they are t0 increased at 77 in pout of 52 arty action required at onc from time Mongeet F Westward 7.20 heag now help runs 31-27 S.W. near 77 Saut of 54 to
22 o wen & MB strong 7 stren R27d k27d12 920 am cunng reeg from 21 Bn. 54 towards &2. Barrages bn askenw for. As enemy has been seem about 27. Noing, as to 22nd Bndelachment. Small parties of advanced toops are still occupying shell holes Endeavoury to hang on & supplies are being kept ap now but carrying pties dwvendler owey to Casnafteas. o till Shellin severe. b of Youn near was lost later favm 21 pn. Rem/ts I.wam 54 cs hettby in 19 arrived wrable &co ver Itoon ais state positi of our men all offices are casnottes neart n eneming in teft are now firm where snemy are Jank 14 to 54
but bere k it be do Fortes says tie ar back ith Qua H told the but. l of the 14 Bn that he had no in sand of the Gvairy fo The two acroplare Dero hade seen his men shillhols forward 1 8 seen in S m force. We have askedt wereless for amnition- Encmy Stoke reinforig from parnt 27. also Emn seem to hade cataked fom lep first (on rathes and Cattack for massed o ver on right later this it in defin mwas now Framwar 74 which K then apto 15 caueter the drn Spm. Heroplain rep to 4 are almost wh i Exa we thought we were 2 6 I believe tim are Jermas still in2 we have not 77 or 5 but o lep tonear them both
ug 22 (continued the atrissbong shell burst 50 or Coyards & our left dackes I was ashoued yuly of the next minute. The man on the side of the French stood up there with his back to that little spetting shell as it were no more than rain. They didn't any of them even trouble to took round. About 5 fraguent of Swall size hessed past took no more notice us & they if a small bor of it than mid they wer know bung about ti Job were beavy burden fett crest to i along O right place stretther the bearers stration a
1 stretcherbearers. T ken white flag there i of their work had often hea herebefore. But by Fove, I never saw it as we saw it the f they have a orming been tale same from the say We tanded in ttipot We were in K. truch now. We abut down fo a moment to Cam. Robertsons H.C. (9Bn) & king on we 5h Casy suppected to Co along te truch I because Koult Centreway I dont tike k- it ter bat of catches the but in theopen we went along shalowe It becan shallow Just the enemy nt happened uon to abeet borreg the agh He o7


Official History,
1974-18 War: Records of C E W Bean,
Official Historian.
Diaries and Notebooks
Item number: 3DRL606/56/1
Title: Diary, August 1916
Refers again to Lt E L A Buter; mentions 14th
Battalion and Mouquet Farm fighting in the last
week of August 1916.




Australian War Memorial RCDIG1066820


Aug 22

to 29





AWM38                          3DRL  606   MEM   56   [1]




The use of these diaries and notes is subject to conditions laid down in the terms

of gift to the Austrlian War Memorial. But, apart from those terms, I wish the

following circumstances and considerations to be brought to the notice of every

reader and writer who may use them.

These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be

true. The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what

was then in the writers mind. Often he wrote them when very tired and half asleep:

also, not infrequently, what he believed to be true was not so - but it does not

follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistakes when

discovered. Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them.

These records should, therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what

their author, at the time, believed. Further, he cannot, of course, vouch

for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded. But he

did try to ensure such accuracy by consulting, as far as possible, those who had

seen or otherwise taken part in the events.  The constant falsity of second-hand

evidence (on which a large proportion of the wars stories are founded) was impressed

upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that

those who passed on such stories usually themselves believed them to be true. All

second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind.





Aug 22

to 29





34 Divn

103 22

near La Bonnelle

or after 

North[?] F[?]

( Tyneside Irish?] )









& shell

& wire

Shell burst

near [?] Rd

3 Shells

in barrage

on [?] Rd Ridge

2 of La Berselle



Item ambulance
&  crater of Cas Coms
1 0 Chalk Pit.
From Poz. SW
2 From S.W. Pozieres IV.
Bapaume Rd
Concrete House
3 rinds Rd.


List of photographs taken by L.E.E Brooks at Pozieres  28/8/16



Aug 22 (continued later)
Aug 26 4.45 am.
6 am  Bombardment.  6 Bde


Had to follow the lifts, S&SW.

of Monquet Farm


21st Bn attacked from 
about 33a 81 to 6.55 with B
Coy22nd Bn on their left who 

went out from 81 S.W. (Skyline
trench) to form a defensive flank
(OC Killed

Capt HE Smith

Cptn RG Smith 21st Bn --> brother


 23 Bn

K. also)

The seem to have gone over

their objective - ?33 a 54.77.27 (EID. 31)

& then bunched a bit abt 50-100

do in front it & lost  from

[?] fire while they were

coming back.

Reports 6.20am

   " Live occupiers from

27 to 100 yds East of 77

Point 54 found to be very 

strong  & heavy artillery have

not reached it. Consolidate of

isolates shell craters now proceeding at 6am




This first C. attack ws

from left. Guns 

were turned on T

nothing came of it.




6.28 am Enemy C-attack feared

6.50  21Bn reports it they are

at 77 & in front of 54. Increased

artillery action required at 

once on green barrage line 47.42

west ward of Monquet Farm.

(Insert diagram )


7am. 21 Bn ( By pigeon) We have

been stopped and driven back at

various points. Enemy is now

shelling & lines & heavily. Barrages

wanted 54. I have [maintained?]

1st line as strong as possible as

enemy appears to be advancing

in some strength.


7.40 21 bn report they are 

at 77 in front of 54. Increased

arty action required at over from

line Monquet F. Westward.


7.20 line now held runs 31-27-

near 77 south of 54 to S.W.



R27d 1/2 5 1/2


A Coy 22 Bn went W 93 strong

B -------------------------73 strong




21 Bn  7.20am [?] [?]  from

54 towards 42. Barrages bn asked

for. As enemy has been seen

about 27. No info as to

22nd Bn detachment. Small

parties of advanced troops

are still occupying shell holes

& endeavouring to hang on &

supplies are being kept up

but carrying pties now

dwindling away to casualties.

shelling still severe .

31 was lost later ( near E of Monquet


7.40am  21 Bn Reinfts  

arrived. 54 is held by [?]

& is very strong. Unable to 

state position of our men as

nearly all officers are casualties.

Are now firing on enemy in left

flank 14 to 54 where enemy are 




We had 31 but were

driven back out of it.


Forbes says we are 

back in the Quarry

He told the hit. ler of the 14.15

Bn that he had no men

forward of the Quarry.

The two aeroplane observers

have seen his men in shellholes forward.




seen in some force. We

have asked by wireless for

Stokes ammunition - enemy

also reinforcing from point 27.



Enemy seem to have c. attacked

from left first ( or rather

massed for c. attack) and

on right later. ( This is very

indefinite )

The tramway now runs 

up to K trench & there is a

dump bu the cemetery.

8pm. Aeroplane reports we

are almost exactly where we thought we were.


(Insert diagram)


I believe there are 

survivors still in 27.

We have not 77 or

54 but go left to near

them both.




August 22 (continued)

the whizzbang shell burst 50

to 80 yards to our left, & I


the next

I was ashamed of myself

the next minute. The man

on the side of the trench stood

up there with his back to 

that  little spitting shell as

if it were no more than

rain. They didn't any of

them even trouble to look 

round. About 5 fragments

of small size hissed past

us and they took no more notice

of it than if a small boy

were throwing mud. They

were busy about their job-

setting a heavy burden

along over 1 crest to 1 

right place. 

They were stretcher 

bearers - Australian




stretcher bearers. They had
their white flag time & I

had often heard of their work

here before. But, by Jove, i never

saw it as we saw it that 

morning.  It was if They have 

been the same since the day 

we landed in Gallipoli.

We were in K. trench

now. We went down for a

moment to Capn. Robertsons

H.Q. (9 Bn) and then on.

Casey suggested that we should

go along K trench - I  

thought centre way, because

I don' t like K - it peters 

out & catches the barrage

in the open.

We went along K. 

It became shallower &

 shallower - & as we 

went the enemy just

happened to turn on his

barrage some way ahead

of us. He was [knowingly?] 



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