Charles E.W. Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/55/1 August 1916 pt6

First World War, 1914–18
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  • Notebook and diaries of CEW Bean
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61 46 Bennett is in up w winec 74 715 Sapport o is dep ny n the li to pup frond his. Ro pow -know ft lo X epr Robbs he can as be nate of fir an ne tont a elo 1 w be a his 7 62 right BBy reports it made 3 attagts on objective but beatin back & dissag in on present tine. Tess reports teven apparently knew of att ack from way in wh he spened is auring our bombt 8 Bn reports Right Coy went for its objve 2c- beaten back B contler who ho It is n ade as to 3 attempts for Bu 6 to Sla him well extran cretty This Bn am ast son Cuites sent more be up tey shd move (10?) to Leber have 5 Bn 20 6 oulli support purt they in necesar He is to e of again t it
11 B prean wekn at Br 46 but knew 2 Enoth pere 12 80 Mnte 5Bn (1loye O.9.14 Reseive 8Bn reports OC Coutle tl send out scouts be ha t his tie is repaired & thro! So he may beate any moment. poxed: EBn w 6 for to to portion X again 64 by Forsyt couller aske how 11.30 lou it will take him to prepare another attack as we want to bombard the r Coully doesn yet know about the left con. So it is diff - to know where to bombard Benwett reports t our own shrapnel is just missr our own parapes at Bla 2 to barr als t am Rd 33 several Contler reports to m LodCadit) Hardy Co.Crt Coyt 4others officers are camallies. The men were met by a m. o on their left (3 by to am way Maus wdwere lett an
4 65 Old Brown of French Mortars ws asked by Bolin if his mostars cd bombard agn from Mauster Alley ouly standing yesser f order, Sir. Readg to begin any monent gou want Si Abb comins tated Utrich the acting Bde major asked him: suppose your wench mortars have aned up all that 100 pound. hope the has 50 Old B Whn So many dear n Then it swack him tt be might take steps to find out does if know if he can bombe Benvett reported every then satiofy of 8Bn Bassed tho H Jame
66 the was in 4 wounded. Bn Cnest to (eft Coy of had He says he ot wounded? Smen 12.10 am. No news 7 o Coulters left says be will 415 Bde 2560. C 12 help as by getting more T.M. amnanition ap a a Call with his m. gs. & by about attackoutY Scouts are being sent, S from Bde H.Q. to right of7Bn in order to make g sure t News ont gets back of posit of 7 Bn right 12.30 From C Bn Enm shelling 6 Bn new lene heavely R35 D46 R135 A.4.8. C. 13Camly says that Bde on our rtatthes report to at 11.45 Angaas advance of appear now to be dign temsel ii No news all thes from Couller
45 A commn Lug he is this in along the 2oad Bapacnc am Coullers lep coy drivin back be a vr heavy loss to gamping Off trench. Thu held b remnants of Coy. Rt Coy wade 3 attacks & is prac non existent Couller says he is preparid make another attack but it wd at be success (ul unless made by fresd troops also Dwn on right shd coopenate. Tenry to s (lett) by of 7Bn is digi in along Bapanne t popt line Rd. word has bu reed from CO in portlime to tll is O.K. ther. Tays to the right Couth strong points in chister of want dealing with X6 67
5 68 Question now is whether the they can be done before day week. 1ad take 2 or /3 hrs to arrange an all ack with the 410 Bale get the bomband ment young or whether we can consolidate on oleft by junction of Tunken Rd (Point 46) today Fighting a battle t er at talyhe Ha to Halto Hallo- what did you say abt your right company 720 what ef coy way be that in ferman trench ye0 yeo Ch cat that conversation out get of this shone- now whats that 9e0 Thi5 15 a composed several remembered conversation
1.S there is an operate order ben got out by Bde H.C Oar people to remain as they are & consolidate The 5 Bn bombiing party is to be as stary as possible from Mwnster all 7By 15 also to 80 from 115 end also (Fess thinks he has lost a company But favy the Bdier thinks thi Co may bein the trench 2:30 a There is a doubt what has become of the right coy of the 7 Br. Teas thinks it is lost the Brigadeer does not think it can allbe k. or captures He thinks it is in german line - out if so, how is it there is no news of it Report from Engineers O Read. Hm back in 7t5BnSnfant repulsed. (He ws in paint 46
17 15 looks as if infantry might be out of the 46 point Hwos mosth about mg. fiie by ish 8Bn soby repors CBD has fallen 7th Bn Right back but they have abt 1oyds of trench. The trech deep.& to abl or 4ft rewand to Angel 100 his aounds did message says: Commn 6 Bn if thio to poud tie; it will be finished by daybreak. French from R35 C. 724½ t R 35D 106 Sie ad Capt. Moncur, Thompson 4 platoons have a commuy plalious have com thro. ACoyg Fioncer Bn s helping them 2 Runners of 6 Bn have investigated line & fi state a right of 7Bo ws appt bomber out - But 7Bn
7n say joined up w. OBn as R34D 34 (3) Thince tive in Senicercle back to R.38D 3.1 along puempig off 2 X51379. Commn made to rear. ever party did not so beyond wmp ing offy coys attacked Ben right sufferd. 6B2 86 fey time now rins R35D06 35D46 35 48 R34 D. 69 report their Bde port 44 being shelln le 10S 2 £2 8a n 1 72 lep still in wach to 673 right they hold abt 150 ydo of truch rann slightly to their right rear 6Bn Line O.K. & now quieter 3.1am. The attack by SBn bombers from Minsterally being made hopeless by above report conntermanded wall possible haste - the few Forsyt bomb rang ap 5 Bn. That attack wh you were going to make from M. Alley - well don't make it - thats all The attact by the7Bn bombers fom 1oter End 15 to so ahead Eequentt Wormar barrage now, thro nigly Sew Forsyk turns en
re 73 13 Bomberg ti out toward 1.2 n418 Resut of his afternoons altack by British Con lstt (143rd Bele 45K on at 04. 44 78. assisting 20 63 Skylne 4is hildnow to pr. inX2 81 Berks have since bombed on to 59 in same Square H. Ble 1St Dion: 10.25 Please left barrage 50 ydo in Square 28C. as infantry cannot press for ward on ap of our own artilley for 10.50 4 By have gain objective but are being c attectin & have suffered casethis (Request for Bn of 3 Bde as only one coy now out of live 10.45. Request to 2 Bn to send at once a company t Support of 4t Pn. R 28 (93 ws attacked by 3Bn & gunpit occupied byus out w found stiougly hild by enemy & owing to casnalle from our own shellpie attack


Bennett is in 46
connecting up w
Support Coy of 7th
is digging in the
jumping off line to
connect w Jafront line.
[*5th w O.G.I.*] Jess has nothing from
Right Coy.
Hobbs wants to know
if he can ease up
rate of fire as he
may run short of
Coulter is sending
scouts to see how
his left Coy is


8th Bn reports its right made 3 attempts
on objective but beaten back
& digging in on present lines.
Jess reports tt / enemy
apparently knew of attack
from way in wh he opened w
m.g. during our bombt.
8 Bn reports Right Coy went
for its objve 2ce - beaten
It is Coulter 8th Bn who has
made 3 attempts  - asks
for 5 Bn to stand by him
This pretty well exhausts
Forsyth asks if any
more being sent up - thinks
they shd move (10?) to Sunken Rd.
Coulter is to have 5Bn
in support & to put them
in if necessary. He is to
go for it again.



11.30 We know at present

6 Bn 6 Bn 46 7 Bn 7 Bn ↓ but know nothing here
8Bn  X Y Munster Alley
5 Bn
( 1 Coy in O.G.1 in Reserve)
Coulter, O.C. 8 Bn reports
tt he has sent out scouts &
tt his line is repaired and thro' -
so he may hear any moment.
8 Bn w 5 Bn has to go for
portion X Y again.

11.30. Coulter asked by Forsyth how long
it will take him to prepare
another attack as we want
to bombard the trench.
Coulter doesnt yet know
about the left Coy. So it
is diff - to know where to
Bennett reports tt
our own shrapnel is just
missing our own parapet
at 77.
? Blamey suggests
barrage along Bapaume
Rd. 35B.
Coulter reports tt many several
officers Lodge (adjt) Hardy (O.C. rt Coy) & 4 others are casualties. The
men were met by a m. g.
on their left (? by tram way)
Many wd were left in trenches


Old Brown of Trench Mortars ws
asked by / Bdier if his mortars
cd bombard agn from Munster
Yessir - only standing by
for orders, Sir. Ready to begin
any moment you want Sir.
Abt 10 mins. later Ulrich,
the acting Bde major asked
him: "I suppose your trench
mortars have used up all
that 100 rounds."
"I hope they have," sd
Old B.
"So many dead Germans."
Then it struck him tt he
might take steps to find out.
He doesn't know if he can bombard.
Bennett reported everything
Lt. James of 8 Bn passed thro,


wounded. He was in the
Left Coy of 7 Bn (next to 6th).
He says he only had
3 men wounded.

12.10 am. No news yet of
Coulters left.

[*Aug 18/19.*]
12.25 G.O.C 41st Bde says he will
help us by getting more T.M.
ammunition up w a Call,
with his & by a bomb
attack on the trench x
Scouts are being sent, I think
from Bde right of / Bn
in order to make xxxxx sure tt news
for assistance by scouts
[*12.30*] gets back of position of 7 Bn right
From 6 Bn Enemy shelling 6 Bn new line
heavily R35 D46 R.35 A.4.8.
Col. Blamey says that
Bde on our rt at 11.45 report
tt at 11.45 Anzacs advanced &
appear now to be digging themselves
No news abt this from Coulter.


A commn trench is being dug
in along the road (? is this
Bapaume Rd).
Coulter's left coy driven back
by w v. heavy loss to jumping
off trench. This is held by
remnants of Coy.
Rt Coy made 3 attacks & is
prac. non existent.
Coulter says he is prepared
to make another attack but
it wont  be successful unless made
by fresh troops. Also Divn on right shd
Jess reports:
D right (left) Coy of 7Bn
is diging in along Bapaume
Rd. to front line. Word has been recd from
N.C.O. in front line tt all is
O.K. there.
Coulter says tt the right
cluster of strong points in
X6 wants dealing with.


Question now is whether the
thing can be done before daybreak.
It wd take 2 or 3 hrs to arrange
an attack with the 41st Bde &
get the bombardment going;
or whether we can consolidate
on / left by junction of Sunken
Rd - (Point 46)
[Fighting a battle today:-
Bdier at telephone: Hallo - Hallo - Hallo-
what did you say abt your
right company - yes - what -
that yr rt coy may be in /
German trench - yes - yes -
Oh cut that conversation out
- get off this phone-  now
what's that? Yes -
(This is  a compound of
several remembered


There is an operatn order being
got out by Bde H.Q.
Our people to remain
as they are & consolidate.
The 5 Bn bombing party is to be
as strong as possible (from
Munster alley)
7 Bn is also to go from
its end also (Jess thinks
he has lost a company. But I
fancy the Bdier thinks this
Coy may be in the trench.
2:30a.m  There is a doubt what has
become of the left right coy of the
7th Bn. Jess thinks it is lost
- the Brigadier does not think
it can all be k. or captured.
He thinks it is / German
line - but, if so, how is it there
is no news of it.
Report from Engineers Lt Read.
"Am back in 7th Bn HQ. & infantry
"repulsed". (He was in point 46). 



Oct 30/1921*]


Looks as if infantry might be
out of the 46 point.
It ws mostly m.g. fire & bombs
by wh 8Bn got it.
2.35am: 6Bn reports
7th Bn Right has fallen
back but they have abt
150 yds of trench. The trench
is about 3 or 4 ft deep.

[Angel got no reward -
& died of his wounds.]

6 Bn message says: Commn
trench thro' to front line; it will be
finished by daybreak. Trench
from R35 C. 7 ½ 4½ to R 35D 406 (sic)
Capt. Moncur, Thompson with 4 platoons
have a commn 4 platoons
have comm trench thro. "A" Coy c/
Pioneer Bn is helping them.
2 Runners of 6 Bn have
investigated / line & find tt
state tt right of 7 Bn ws
apptly bombed out - But 7 Bn


7 Bn 4.25 say joined up w. 6Bn at
R34D 3.4. (?) Thence line in
semicircle back to R.35D3.1
along jumping off trench  X5B79.
Commn made to rear.
Engr party did not go beyond jumping
off trench (C & B Coys attacked. Bn
right suffered).
6Bn. 4.40.
My line now runs
R35D46  R35D06
R35 D48  R34 D. 69
44th Bde report their front
line being shelled.
8th Bn in trench,  trench,  trench & 0G1.

left still in touch w 6 Bn
right & they hold abt 150
yds of trench running
slightly to their right rear.
6Bn Line O.K. & now quieter.
3.15 am. The attack by 5Bn
bombers from Munster alley
being made hopeless by /
above report is nox
countermanded w all
possible haste - the Gen. Forsyth
rang up 5 Bn. "That bomb attack
wh you were going to make
from M. Alley - well don't
make it - that's all."
The attack by the 7Bn
bombers from / other
end is to go ahead.
The Engineer
3.27. Request for Normal barrage now, thro' night
Gen Forsyth turns in. 


5.15am. Bombing trench
out towards 1.2 x 4.8

Result of his afternoons attack
by British of on left (143rd Bde
145th on rt assisting)
- 04. 44 - 78.
    I      I
   20 - 62
   in X 2B.
Skyline trench is
held now to pt.
Berks have since bombed on
to 59 in same square.

1st A.I. Bde:
To Divn:
10.25 Please lift barrage in
50 yds in square 28C. as
infantry cannot press forward
on a/c of our own artillery fire.
10.50 4 Bn have gained
objective but are being c. attacked
& have suffered casualties.
(Request for Bn of 3 Bde as
only one Coy now out of line)
10.45. Request to 2 Bn to
send at once a company to /
support of 4th Bn.
R 28 C93 ws attacked by
3Bn & gunpit occupied by us
but trench ws found strongly held
by enemy & owing to casualties
from our own shellfire attack

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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