Charles E.W. Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/55/1 August 1916 pt5

First World War, 1914–18
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  • Notebook and diaries of CEW Bean
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Postat 655. 33 4 18. Oar trench in 3Bp Une An. was as Howell Price 50 yest have is now from Skyline trech 33 a 82 gap- post in quarry. 3361½12, 3363.2 33642 6.4 95 34 a. 273.9 4.9 22 28 C. 42.0. 6. 17. 2 99 34 a 99,194 346.0.7. (with little sap NES 6.1 with anothersap & C7 at 3. 12 (on road) 5.0, 09. from this point becomes so smashed as to be scarcal traceable on air photos 2 Ferman at 6o 3 712
2 pond 50 on right from Our truck apex of 09 25ho now been. 8 road at 6. RB35.C. 13½ 92 35 d. 123 point from 4.2 (sap to this Si. X5 6 9 to X6a 42 (otnster atey Munster alle seems Brilish to 6a. T6 6 Southwards treach yerna at Sunken Rs Jun tion 35d3 5920 26 a 19 4 12 coreat New truches on right. from aeropl. photoo. as on map Thes was up to Aag 17- 1916. The greatest effort ws the degjuy last night (Aag 17/18. which of course is not shown on these photos
51 Left back to Particulars o British Position 13.8.6. British pove Pount 81. on held Skylin Y to X2B 6.7 6.24- 570-X2D1.9/½ 2/C. 248½ XID 8.8. 1D. 8. & 62:8 X1.B A 4.7½ 31 52 3101.2 N.W In germanc attack of that night We loat Skyline trebed from 33 A. 81t stray near Pe $2B.647 That night 50th helt their fland at 81. (Churchill Smet ats proming in thes 184 Aug. at3 5 Dm Brrtish attacked & sushed Nwards in Square X2 Attack seemd to be ade under cover of smake Htack earker on afternoon agst martinsuich t witch Ane
D of forward Tumpny off 2 5o 52 tranway out of view o Sonot so difficult dy but not an Camathiis Night of 16/11 by part of 715 oske under went out difficulties party of Stn under Barry anotr wh work four wcent 65 t 17KAug hoars ouly 8a -don actualy held on all day in titl ate bg. Some t6 we cast find guides Lastn 1ht 180 of 5Bn Betwrb out bent Engrs & others Bapaune Rd. sdab back word to say is cdat be done as shell we too heave i o 65 e
it of battle last that to be done That we End Tt went out off25 Lost 4 FDW (3 died) & wany mder their They complety task It ws under exceptionaty heavy fire Bn to several days volunteere t go out on &dy 5o0yds Nof to d6 Apex Bapanine it all exc & finishe Shells were ydo the on cittn side fall two between the were ours & theirs. barrages The 8 Bn party wh had sap ed d day able get out werent
in t yoo your 53 yous honeer E. 54 50 over tand (as tey got in) The engrs had a part of 12 men who sapped out & pinally day if thro. The part of 816 sot trough very weary barraye without casually owin t this 60 Barrag wap arrived at Bele H.O. at 19.40 (2erotume 21.0. Reached BnH.D. 842. 844. 8.C.S. no chance of gettery to him The have onters to sart at 97 follow like as closel as possible but they don't know the lefts French map. Commont vof 26 firc now goes thro ye to Have DoI In 6Bn rection Fench R35 d connece 480 t
56 45 8 7Bn in position. EBn Ol custo. Line to mone at Barraps at 9-91. 91-92 9.2 9.D (507ds behn offective) 93-9:10 in rear of objic 1009d Remains there thour 1e till 1pm. opmoawards as requir Thes OperaliB Objective: truck from Junction of Manster Alley & Switch Len at X6a. 5.7. to Resd. 3:5 & on to R. 35 d. 4. 6. from wh point posts will be established journg up with O.G.2 live at R. 35c. 4.8. 107. pm (Meesag from 8Bu 10 pm) 312 Bn reports beaten back by boinbs making farther
4 1h15 Afternoons Sperati 314 on our left has Dior quite successful on 200 pnisoners Abs 10 10 20. 64 attempt can artitle be asked to sustain barrage until asked to stop right. 8 Bn 18 on (M Crips is coperatin by Combarday from P 8 to 9 te trech from junction as Murister ally to R36800 From 9 to 10 they with lif onte Bapanne Rd in R 36 a central & the Factor OBn. Bennett. Line left all right No report yet. Teas. Barrage wap arrived so late a it adonly ecommund to coys phone () told them i there were min lefts him ordered to retirn at 91pm. It startes ago however without wsen heart autisipate getting but holdn
59 anote matter Cor askod by Fis in to os 5B Sent he Naistie C.G. H Cine. 2Bde order. alteck 2nd dust Ef Bde will Encuy from left of 45 Deva 46 a 2262 to R 3504. 6. & will yo present thas time to the about R35 C. 4.8. ling at &7 Bus will attack tenenng time betw. Munster Alley $6 a2/26 inclusive of Bapanie to Rd the 8th Bn. ony the 270 the 7th Bn on the eft. n Dividiy line between from will be Comma Eg C O9.2 to new foward line. This trench is the one nearest the hramway on N. side of traiway. It will be solely, att disposal of 7Bn for and f us in to posite pno 7Bn will be responsibly at ersing Eneiny Str. SA strong R35BD4.6S S tabllstiu
80 4 R35 D47 at Bn will be respossible for Sto pt near tramway X6A. Bno will form for attack each with 2 Cors in line in the pont on Coy pontage +by in support & 1 Cog in reserve: OBn will move forward & the line from left of the complete 7Br to point about R35 (48 connecting the rgght of their pocsing Newly made forward lne wt left ofthe 7En at RSSD4.6. 2MTys will cooperate from left plank of A4 InfBde 1 Drn operating on eneiy str. p on leftof enemy Ai to be atacked. inderect M ffire from N. o chalk Pet. on all roads in rear endury possitin. Patiols & pasts is Lewis Guns will be puched out in port o line when estab. 2 days Rations & full wabe bottle to be carried by al ranks (enges to be detaiked for strongts

33 to 55.

Aug 18.  Our trench in 3 Bn lines
was as Howell Price sd yesty.
Line is now from Skyline trench
33 a 8.1 gap - post in quarry,
33b 1½ 1½, 33b 3.2, 33b 42,
6.4, 9.5, 34 a. 2.7, 3.9,4.9,
27 28 c. 4½.0., 6.1, 7.1,
8½.0, 99 34a 99, 9½ 7½,
34b.0.7. (with little sap NE [[?]])
6.1 with another sap & 6 T at 7.1½,
3. 1½ (on road), 5.0; 0.G.2
from this point becomes so
smashed as to be scarcely
traceable on air photos.

German [[trench]] at 28c.3½ 2
to 5-4 to 8½ 3½.


Our front trench on right from
apex of O.G.2 shd now run:
R35c. 3½ 8, road at 6.7, 9½5½
35d. 1½.3, 4.2 (Sap to this point from
SW.) X 5b.6.9 to X 6a.1.4½
(Munster Alley.)

Munster Alley seems to be
British to X 6a.6.5 Thence
South wards
German trench at 
Sunken Rd junction 35d. 3½ 5,
to 9½ 0, to X 6a 1.9 to
1½ 6

New trenches on right: corrected
from aeropl. photos:
As on map.

This was up to Aug 17. 1916.
The greatest effort ws the
digging last night (Aug 17/18).
which of course is not
shown on these photos.


Particulars of British Position.
Left from Point 81. on 13.8.6. British
held Skyline [[trench]] to X 2 B 6.7.
- 6.2½ - 5.0 - X 2 D 1.9½ -
2 C 2½ 8½ - X 1. D 8.8 - I.D. 3.4 -
back to 6½.8 - X 1.1.B. 4.7 - A.4.7½ -
31c. 4½.2 - 5.5½ - 3½.7 - 1.6 -
31a 1.2 & N.W.
In German C. attack of that night
we lost Skyline trench from
33a . 81 to Stray Pt near
X2 B. 6½ 7.
That night 50th left their flank
at 81. (Churchill Smith ws prominent
in this).
18th Aug, at 3.45  5 p.m. British
attacked & pushed N.wards in
square X2.
Attack seemed to be made
under cover of smoke.
Attack earlier in afternoon
agst Martinpuich Switch


Digging of forward Jumping off [[trench]]
S of Tramway out of view
& so not so difficult. Sniper
but not many casualties.
Night of 16/17 big part of 7th
went out & worked under gt
difficulties. Party of 8Bn
under Barry & another wh
ws meant to work four
hours only 8am - 17th Aug to 12 noon -
actually held on all day
till late in evg. (Some 
couldnt find way not having
Last night 150 of 5 Bn
went out  Betw rly &
Bapaume Rd. Engr's & others
sent back word to say it
cdnt be done as shelling
ws too heavy.
Reply ws it was 


it ws part of battle
& had to be done.
That ws eno'. They
went out. Lost 4 offrs -
(3 died) & many men k. &. w.
They completed their task.
It ws under exceptionally
heavy fire.
6Bn tho several days
in [[trench]] volunteered to go out
& dig 500 yds N of tro
Bapaume Rd to Apex
& finished it all exc.
80 yds. Shells were
falling on either side - they
were between the two
barrages ours & theirs.
The 8 Bn party who
had sapped during day
werent able to get out


over land (as they got in).
The Engrs had a party of
12 men who sapped out
& finally dug [[trench]] thro.
The party of 8th got
through very heavy barrage
without casualty owing to
Our men
Barrage map arrived
at Bde H.Q. at 19.40. (Zero time
21.0.) Reached Bn H.Q. 8.42. 8.44. 8.45.
No chance of getting to line.
They have orders to start at .9 &
follow lifts as closely as possible,
but they dont know the lifts.

Trench map.
Common [[trench]] just N of rly now
goes through to DOT Lane.
In 6Bn section trench
R35 d 48 is connected to


8.45 7.Bn. in position.
6Bn O.C. instr. line to
move at 9 p.m.
Barrages at 9. - 9.1
9.1 - 9.2.
9.2 - 9.3 (50 yds behind
9.3 - 9.10 in rear of
objve 100yds.
Remains there 1 hour.
i.e. till 10 pm.
10p.m. onwards as
This is operator B.
Objective: trench from junction
of Munster Alley & Switch
Line at X6a.5.7. to R35d.
& on to R35d.4.6
from wh point posts will
be established joining up with
O.G.2 line at R.35c.4.8.
10.7.p.m. (Message from 8Bn 10pm)
8th Bn reports "beaten back
by bombs. Making further


This afternoons operatn.
48th Divn on our left has
bn quite successful.
Abt 200 prisoners.

attempt; can artillery be
asked to sustain barrage until
asked to stop-"
[8 Bn is on right.]
[III Corps is cooperating by bombarding
from R33 a 47 6 1  8 to 9 the
trench from junction w
Munster Alley to R36 B00.
From 9 to 10 they will lift
onto Bapaume Rd in R36a
Central & the Factory.]
10.15. Bennett. Line left all night.
No report yet.
10.20. Jess. Barrage map arrived
so late tt it cd only
be commund to Coys by
phone. (?) Told them tt
there were 1 min. lifts.
Line ordered to retire at
9.1 p.m. It states agn
however without losing
heart. Anticipate
getting in, but holding in


another matter. Coy of
5Bn ordered asked by Jess up in to
? O.G.1 line - Sent by Le Maistre
Op. order.
"2nd Aust Inf Bde will attack
enemy from left of 15th Divn
X6a. 2½ 6½ to R 35D 4.6
& will join this line to the present
line at about R35C.4.8."
"6 & 7 Bns will attack / enemy line
betw. Munster Alley (X6a 2½ 6½)
to & inclusive of Bapaume
Rd - the 8th Bn on the rt o
the 7th Bn on the left.
Dividing line between Bns
will be commn [[trench]] "C" from
O.G.2 to new forward line.
This trench is the one nearest
the Tramway on N. side of
the Tramway. It will be solely at /
disposal of 7Bn for feeding
up into positn prior to / attack.
7Bn will be responsible for
seizing enemy na at
R35 O D4.6 & establishing strong pt.


at R 35 D47.
8 Bn will be responsible for Str. pt.
near tramway X 6 A. Bns will
form for attack each with 2 Coys
in line in the front on ½ Coy frontage
w 1 Coy in support and 1 Coy in
6 Bn will move forward &
complete the line from left of the
7Bn to point about R35 C48
connecting the right of their present
newly made forward line w 1 left
of the 7 Bn at R35 D 4.6.
2 MTMs will cooperate from
left flank of 44 Inf Bde. 15 Divn
operating on enemy Str. pt on left of
enemy line to be attacked.
Indirect Inf. fire from N. of Chalk
Pit. on all roads in rear of
Enemy positn.
Patrols and posts w Lewis Guns
will be pushed out in front o /
line when estab.
2 days Rations and full water bottles
to be carried by all ranks"
(Engrs to be detailed for strong pts.)

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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