Charles E.W. Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/55/1 August 1916 pt2

First World War, 1914–18
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  • Notebook and diaries of CEW Bean
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just in pait of O.G.2. Remander in C.G.. They keep thm practicale up to stragh fom Tulping Y LEwis Juns. S. MCG 4 in Tumping off 2 Heavily shelled days aight exc. betw. 4.30 & 7am. 2 Vickers guns in Tama of2 both were smash & crebet within 10 min of reaching ?y. They have bn replaces. today a post is ferwd. tonight it goes out to dig a trh post at R35d06. & to cleas ant an old ferman comig of running up to it. At present they are an a post some wery out fom wh they can see town of Courceletly Mob. 1100y0s lawn
15 10 82 intell & rey with flag & mark WS ind. Harter Cape to take prom l 50d 78 whk up. 2c0 7578 take were 2 eoy 15t 1st live 7X 60 Barrage shifted Other Co and lie port of 0.9.0& at 220 am. Barrage ad lif from O 2 had ta t were advese tke O.J.2 Bombin Platoon ude Fitzguald were to block Munder allex Re wuntel Record 11 Dyghe 24/26 14 Brr July C. Prit. J. Bonton 3 Nourbombers X Fago & tape. 12 End. Cpsencion of Coln. t ing. bembers. Co. 59s. H.O Carrying Platon C same as fron coye to mov 9.30 Orders at at 1030 be in positin by 12 for reconnance No teig To logo. by Et
12 accived 3n Coy i mms before try to move some of men were lying out of tie. Had to take Ame from Coys ahead ground aos moss of shell craters wh made his dfficule As Cog ws getting out they were seen be Enemy who began to shipe &thow flares miss tiis proby showed up Bombr starte 1.58 men advanced con b order to advance. Ofis gave this by word of mouth. all Jerme Brubt bir out.
13 44 Se 2 on an ap opened lett ar cam (&) wh C fuse lnes Several in gs there. then lost direct righty Lines became groups Found O.S.1 & granps all got into it No German there r few dead genas Dignt getcnto own barrage Order go to consolidate & scob to advance to dis an men were too disorganig 0.5.2 had had to setroud look for 2 wh made th cati Of1 ws o unrecopis it t 655 Scarict Dosnble as a t 54 25 Therehad by an olt ferman i runnin ter Saghtly adtent pove O.L.J. towards O FPen
15 sles beg en 6 at 2 some offon lef flank gave order to advance forward to C.G.2 They advanced to C.C. Right er as ordered to ar vance also Cearey a few men O.S. G. in of into Of2 & begon consolidat No ferwand there. It ws) att 2.45 before ws able identif to O912 thp Sent Messag aS. back 6 Bn Cos in Op2 hep flank las Etrees or k on fle rly line Re on N atler then began to Hares come from lek rear from ight froud (wt. ally Afbt we saw tabout 45 som left res
D also paies swory point. cd see geran betint hom right thel Thortly after beand to Br had be los touch w noticed bombing nt 18 on also the got deman for bomb i 109.1 let from part rear Abt day byll decided iposs hotd os gave it tern into an old shallaw compin. Ynear M. Alley & tur again in to rt Rest of morning 98 I am. consiste till of continual fight up &down abt Goyds fermans 81 bombs but had Pea th steck bombs how mo Skelbeck in a tight oment got out on let
dewes gun w from Shoulder. Shootin fernans remforan Cd Sll overland but 619 not came of this on barrige as heavy 6e0 erald (when 3 first dilli heard from that Couta Eft rear wanted) we sent Were 65 into to lead boub fight tho inaed bombers He M. Calley ae we t there Carter as sent back abday Colovel asking for Support before tte out can 9052 adnot give but Col. s Col it. t back to retire or hol Lillie to
18 ashe thought best It we acting on this t he return The th bombers came on after Sam. Bid Bde & some of Pone were in fight also Capt Leadkater ws k near the strong point wavin his revolver in air I blowing his whistle. Tast after at attack when the had trn St. Pon left. Aug 1615 12 Bn three times of has from The strong posts () the O9.2 such as it. (3) The O9. truch. The sppport truch gets hiose straped than firing lunY. dillid us out today in pont of the time - alon
A9 Y. He stuck an old German bioter his head uppoin a duyout there was a Terman standing 200yd away from him. The Jermans are prob an old 2200yd in fow i 5/40 The Camerous on our right I splendis chaps - think tothe can see them working Ferman M.9. with some One men is ian outpot somewher in fromb of ts part & the machine gunver got one of the men of our digging party when it oent out to slart work today. It had to get out of to make 51man tome way fo ofthe previsos dy soin of one man as hit in out He ws laid in do thao. Marro About an hour
are place a e & two bits The only standen in all now from W. W. near Rd. ogierss bit df a There ws a charch not long ago later Lettir tooked gound& Iam man after man pamping out ofE & dodging into craters what in hell an you doing be showte diont I tet you you must keep in (trench Stetcher beavers want tgit a wounded man out, Sir they sd- They had got out to said the room. Today while I ws in Col. Benncks dugonb in Pozere (the Old Ambalance Dugout a stiat started. I diont know if it ws we or fermans at first - but it as we I tought we must brave bu calledon to barrage a attack; but it turned out it it as a stem Combanding ferman in port of There (were the Cameronians. Fermans in the craters there

7    9
just in front of O.G.2.
Remainder in O.G.1.
They keep them practically
up to strength from Jumping
off trench. 
LEwis guns. 8 in O.G.1.
4 in Jumping off trench.
Heavily shelled day & night
exc. betw. 4.30 & 7a.m.
2 Vickers guns in Jumping
off trench - both were smashed
& crews hit within 10 mins
of reaching trench. They have
bn replaced.
Today a post is forwd.
Tonight it goes out to
dig a trench post at R35d0.6.
& to clear out an old German
Comm trench running up to it.
At present they are in
a post some way out from
wh they can see town of
Courcelette prob. 1100 yds away. 


 Lt Grey ( intell officer 5 Bn)
ws to flag & mark with
tape but  __ starting line.
7 Bn to take from rly to rd.
& link up. 
1st 2 coys were to take      2 coys 7 Bn.
1st line trench                          ..   .  .   .  .
Barrage shifted to OG2.
Other Coys wd lie in
front of O.G.1 & at 2.20 am.
Barrage wd lift from OG2
& if O.G.1 had bn taken they
were to advance & take
Bombing Platoon (under Lt
Fitzgerald) were to block
Munster alley. 
7    11
Regimental Record
of 5 Bn. July 25th Night 24/25. 
Orders at 9.30 to move
at 10.30 & be in position
by 12.
No time for reconnaissance
by COs Coys. 


7    12
C. Coy 5 Bn arrived  
in no mans land 5 mins before 
time to move.
Some of men were lying
out of line. Had to take
line from Coys ahead -
ground ws a  mess of shell
craters wh made this difficult.
As B Coy ws getting 
out they were seen by
Enemy who began to
snipe & throw flares.
Mess tins proby showed up.
1.58 Bombs started.
2am. men advanced
1.59 order to advance.
Offrs gave this by word of
Bombs turned all Germans


7    14
Str. Pr on left opened on 
left near them (x) wh 
confused lines.  Several
in gs there. Men lost
directn slightly.
Lines became groups.
Found O.G.1 & groups all
got into it. No Germans
there - v. few dead Germans.
Didnt get into own barrage.
L. Order gn to consolidate & 
dig in & not to advance to
O.G.2. Men were  too disorganised 
& had had to get round 
no mans land & look for trench wh 
made them late. 
O.f.1 ws so unrecognisable 
bt it ws scarcely possible 
to know it ws a trench. 
There had bn an old 
Germa German trench running 
slightly aslant from O.f.1 
towards O.f.2. 5 Bn impron  


7    15
began to dig in. 
At 2.25 some offs on 
left flank gave order to 
advance forward to O.g.2. 
They advanced to O.g.2. 
Right then ws ordered to  
advance also leaving a 
few men in O.g.1. 
Got into O.G.2. & began 
consolidating. No Germans 
there. It was abt 2.45 before 
L. ws able to identify O.g.2. 
Message ws then sent 
back to 5 Bn ws in O.g.2 
Left flank lay on 2 trees 
on rly line. Rt flank on 
M. alley. 
Flares then  began to 
come from left rear & 
from right front (in M. alley) 
Abt 2.45 we saw Pea bombs 
going up from left rear 


7    16 
strong point. Also flares 
from right. cd see German helmets 
Shortly after heard tt 
touch w 9 Bn had bn lost 
on rt - & noticed bombing 
there also. 
Got demand for bombs 
from party in O.g.1 left 
rear. Abt day light 
decided imposs. hold O.g.2 
gave rt turn into an 
old shallow commun. 
trench near M. Alley & 
rt turn again into 
O.g.1. Rest of day morning 
till 9 am. consisted 
of continual fight up 
& down abt 40 yds 
of O.g.1 Germans 
had Pea bombs but 
now mostly stick bombs. 
S Killbeck in a tight 
moment got out on left


7    17 
of trench w Lewis  gun
shooting from shoulder.
Cd see Germans reinforcing
O.g.2 overland but
nothing came of this
as our barrage ws
too heavy.
Fitzgerald (when
first Lillie heard from
left rear that bombs
were wanted) ws sent
into O.g.1 to lead
bomb fight tho
bombers remained
in M. Alley. He
ws K. there.
Lt Carter ws sent back
abt daylight to Colonel asking for
support before they
came out of O.g.2
but Col. cd not give
it. xxx Col sent back to
Lillie to retire or hold 


7    18
on as he thought best.
It ws acting on this tt
he returned.
The 7th bombers.
came on after  8 am. 
3rd  Bde & some of
1st Pioneer Bn were in
fight also.
Capt Leadbeater ws k.
near the strong point waving
his revolver in air &
blowing his whistle. Just
after 1st attack when they
had to turn to SW Pi on left.
[*Diary (cont)*]
Aug 16th
5th Bn has three lines of
front trenches. (1) The strong posts
(2) the O.g.2 such as it is.
(3) The O.g.1. trench.
The support trench gets more
strafed than firing line trench.
Lillie ws out today in
front  of the line - along 


7    19 
an old German trench. He stuck 
his head up from a broken dug out - & 
there was a German standing 
200 yds away from him. 
The Germans are proby 
in an old trench 200 yds in front 
of us. The  Camerons on our 
right - splendid chaps - think 
tt they can see them working. 
One German m.g. with some 
men is in an xxx outpost x 
somewhere in front of this part  
& the machine gunner got one 
of the men of our digging 
party when it went out 
to start work today. It had 
to get out of trench to make 
way for some o / men 
of the previous digging party going 
out; & one man ws hit in
doing this. He ws. laid in / 
narrow trench. About an hour


The only two bits of 
wall now standing in 
Pozieres - from N.W. near Rd. 
There ws a bit of a  
church not long ago.

7    21 
later Lillie looked round &  
saw man after man jumping 
out o / trench & dodging into craters. 
"What in hell are you doing." he  
shouted - "didnt I tell you 
you must keep in / trench?" 
"Stretcher bearers want to get 
a wounded man out, Sir," 
they sd. They had got out 
to give the s.b.s room. 
Today while I ws in Col.  
Bennetts dugout in Pozieres 
(the old ambulance Dugout) 
a straf started. I didn't  
know if it ws we or / Germans 
at first - but it was we - I  
thought we must have bn 
called on to barrage a 
c-attack; but it turned out 
tt it was a sham bombardment 
of / German trenches in front of 
the Cameronians.  There were 
Germans in the craters there -  

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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