Charles E.W. Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/55/1 August 1916 pt1

First World War, 1914–18
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  • Notebook and diaries of CEW Bean
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5 An
Aug. 16. 2 Bele in Slaspe H0. 15t. coming in t JaSows H.O Wsgow says 4th Bde Lad not reached point reportes. but leve was t not He has added dothed cie in N.E Corner Howitzers are bomberdin trench XV xmssaze has be sent to troops in our porb line there to vocate temporarily. This nessage Glasgow says will not reach until after Coubt. The Dretish sent,
bomb down a party yesl 61 ave They had to send them roun down aur front line sent him back unito ther sd we wal bold 81; & Glassons they wnd dis another told them to 81. Commo thro Ind Bele finds 3 of slesperds Mansterally N of sips duy day. (seeovers but (t not.
28 1 2a Enotdone 2 4 £2 Snater alle the to make Tebde will have dotted improvement prmans in E H3 aen be day when Proble D.C. taken All these are day underheavy fire. SBn has reported to the pont line is now being dowaw w Shrafz & support sluff line a heavy
I Br. It ws the 6Bn that save a namber ymen (abt 50 to Field Coys to halp thim dis the commin y tho to Posceres on first day A60 had to provide t0 6 men to 15t8 15D man to 3rd Bde por ration carrying. 5 Bettation were suppose to provide tse but I dnt 6Bn offerer instead 251h Tuly. Called by 10 Blle to reluve PBn. From Cemetery to 3Bde. Capt Binns (who has be tro'! whole time s ine any ac occupied from Orchard to bnk W3 Bde. Benns poced wt in broadday light othey day in in day light
Hit by shill in wrist kept going 86 previous positi N3 SCV.P 2 3Bn T. 3Bde De While diszing 1 B Coy lost nost of its NCOS all station Serts Coy Suft Major Coy G.M.S. Sand shelping tima Yurpdy who a no of copal Garpley wok suiped. Aprot be picked outlr Cap then strypes. Buins had buckle this time shot off FForber had bn woundd while in charge of 6 Engis depry H night. Eny of had previously br but in chest 5.
Te last plation of D Coy ws checked in Commn sot caught in Carrop. Lost 25 30 men & plation off. A Samuel tate on in t remaining off of this gogy were all wd. Ct J. H. Tompson died of be sace. They were down ft when shelling began. Got 2 74 deep wt saved many men. Benns. Barie - you were tuckig you werent hit? as he walked along paropet He paller tim out pat them in shall holes in front &rear wh reduced casualtior considuck Cor at had be attached to Bn cot returned. 86Bn ws ordered to relieve 3Bn in orchard. This ws done te B Cog SBy sot out to night 2s.
46 Bloy goscalit ArD Coysb spreading its own pout shortening theirs. Reserve Coy supplied hont Coys or water & amun tiro all barrage. 26 July Shelling increased in intencity H.E. He stap, ord. sthef. Br H.Q. ws het 6ties debris - I Cights went out on top saved the place but it is later on destroged- the log hat) Knoners came thro't barrige but puncers & ration phes lost consideraly by passing thro barnge. A few men w Brnns & hewis gunnes were in 2 but most men in shell bole. That night reld be 227 part of 24 left, (right) orchard to rt. Orchard to cemity moved right back &a
tat of rest. Had had to cake up reseive officers. hosses just over 200 51h Br tesk on plation of OBr; to help them in Rogers intelliencs officer acts as soot of deason officer to front bic. Bn came in agre. by 5. 30an Aug 15 On it wo. 40 Bn. agonlef Rt Kank near windwill Left plank R35 C48. Now. R34 d 6.9. Fant wench really is mpin off E 4 placsons. Trambue r 2 plations. Other E plations in 091 & ports in adv of O.9.2. By night patrols so further out (ove beyond wind will other to lett. Omen & N.C.O. two patrols (one from each Con. Abt 12 men pom each con
B. 145 146 XX Mond Augast 20 Evenig. 30d Bde attacked may mouquet. 1916 £ (4.30 am. Casego I went up to live. Tues. 2219pm. Le0 hit Zod Dev. gong in 16t B04 Wednes. 23 L20 brought in to hospital Thurs 24 Lco buried swent with Buther to him Drid 25/ went to see Bugas. World abt hso Fat potattack Sat 2674th, Bde going in to time. Wet. Sund 27 Very wet. 28t so with Brookes t get whotes

Aug 16
to 22


Aug. 16.
2 Bde in Glasgows HQ.
1st  "      coming in
to  Glasgows H.Q.
Glasgow says 4th Bde had
not reached point
reported, but line was

He has added dotted line in
N.E Corner
Howitzers are bombarding
trench XY & message
has bn sent to troops
in our frontline there to
vacate temporarily. This
message Glasgow says
will not reach them until after
bombt. The British sent


a party yesty to bomb down
6th Ave. They had to send
them round down our front

Units there sent them back.
Sd we wd hold 81.; & Glasgow
told them they must dig another
commn [[trench]] thro to 81.

2nd Bde finds 3 of glas fwrds
saps dug N of Munster Alley
but 4th not dug. (see over)



The bde will have to make the
dotted improvement
Germans in 
Probly A B can be dug when
D.C. taken.
All these are dug under heavy
fire. 5 Bn has reported tt
the front line is now being
dowsed w shrapn & support
line w heavy stuff.



[*Story of 25th July etc*]

6Bn. It ws the 6Bn that
gave a number of men (abt 50)
to Field Coys to help them dig
the commn [[trench]] thro to Pozieres
on first day.
Also had to provide 150
men to 1st Bde & 150 men to 3rd Bde
for ration carrying.
5 Battalion were supposed
to provide these but didnt 6Bn
offered instead.
25th July. Called by 1st Bde
to relieve 3 Bn. From
Cemetery to 3 Bde.
Capt Binns (who has bn
thro' whole time since Anzac)
occupied from Orchard to link
w 3 Bde. Binns paced id in
broad daylight & they dug
in in daylight.



25th July etc (cont)

X & Y 8Bn previous position
Z  Str. Pt  3Bn.
P...T.   3Bde.

While digging
A Coy lost most
of its NCOs.
All platoon Sergts
Coy Sergt Major
Coy Q.M.S. "Spud"
[*Murphy ws k*] Murphy who ws helping them dig.
& a no. of Corporals
sniped.  Cd proby
be picked out by
their stripes.- Capt Binns had buckle
of his tunic shot off.
Lt Forbes had bn wounded
[* Hit by shell
in wrist kept
→ while in charge of 6 Bn &
Engrs digging  1st night.
Engnr offr had previously bn
hit in chest.


[*25th July*]
The last platoon of D Coy ws
checked in Commn [[trench]] & got
caught in barrage. Lost
25-30 men & platoon off. Lt Samuels
Later on in [[trench]] remaining offrs
of this Coy were all wd.
Capt Lt J. R. Thompson died
of w. since.
They were down 4ft when
shelling began. Got [[trench]] 7ft deep
wh saved many men -
Binns. "Buried - you were
lucky you werent hit!"
as he walked along parapet.
He pulled them out & put
them in shell holes in front
& rear wh reduced
casualties considerably.
C Coy wh had bn attached to
7Bn ws returned & 6Bn
ws ordered to relieve 3 Bn
in orchard. This ws done
w B Coy.
3Bn got out tt right 25/6


[*25th July*]
B Coy assisted A &D Coys by
spreading its own front &
shortening theirs. Reserve
Coy supplied front Coys w
water & ammn thro' all
barrage. 26 July shelling
increased in intensity.
H.E. HE shrap, ord. shrap.
Bn H.Q. ws hit 6 times
(lights went out - debris
on top saved the place but
it ws later on destroyed -
the log hut.) Runners came
thro' / barrage but pioneers
& ration pties lost considerably
by passing thro barrage.
A few men w Binns &
Lewis gunners were in [[trench]]
but most men in shell
holes. That night reld.
by 22 (right) & part of 24 (left),
Orchard to rt.  Orchard to cemetery
moved right back & were


glad of rest. Hav had to call
up reserve officers.
Losses just over 200.
5th Bn took one platoon of
6Bn. to help them in
Rogers Intelligence Officer -
acts as sort of liason officer to
front line.
6 Bn came in afr. by 5.30am.
Aug 15.
On rt ws. 45 Bn. 49 on left.
Rt flank near Windmill.
Left flank R35 C48.
Now. R34 d 6.9.
Front trench really is
Jumping off [[trench]] 4 platoons.
Tramline [[trench]] 2 platoons.
Other 2 platoons in O91
& posts in adv. of O.9.2.
By night patrols go further
out (one beyond Windmill)
often to left.  6 men & N.C.O.
Two patrols (one from each Coy).
Abt 12 men from each Coy



August 21 Mond. Evening. 3rd Bde attacked
near Mouquet.
1916  21 {4.30 am. Casey & I went up to line.
Tues. 22 {9.p.m. Leo hit. 2nd Div. (6th Bde.) going in
Wednes. 23 Leo brought in to hospital
Thurs 24 Leo buried
Frid 25 {went with Butler to line
{went to see Angus - word  abt Leo Father
Sat 26 {6th Bde attack.
{4th Bde going in to line. Wet.
.Sun 27 4th Bd Very wet.
28 to go with Brookes to get photos 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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