Charles E.W. Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/54/1 July August 1916 pt11

First World War, 1914–18
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  • Notebook and diaries of CEW Bean
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E1 e 123 122 AUG 7-1916 the Aermans have clarly come to know to Sansage fully is thick to men & suns, & are making it very wasty there & on tara Hill. Abt 18 artillery were hit lest night 4 Bdle Reports say: Cannan H.Ga Dup 156 Tkrman o what Sacke say io Tacked ws in or 814 all right. Lenes ganners Goag a Lew is gun. Land co gve an a/ of at. 3 Wte Dom 460 Bray 1 Southwards g0 whole him had hand to whesrgeting. to wdrned thes l. ta attack in thik massys. All. 9-a4a Lenis fund &one Vate knocked B97& 2 are no better thim by Shillpofes
124 124 AUa. 7- 1916 stelling section SutHwetton on list 46 tunch. 869 0 henides Baarage on OG on 1367le uapt n w ae (P758. 6-113. Stes. not allo gother bualt yit. attack This2y Tunof offcirs cop Tacka organins no tacatack ou their ow attack w pont of y8 serme vattation att 25 at 16 489 ut in action 2L. guast neary Sovemon 24 40 15t Posite being regrained trencer Support I repaired 412 Pofd gen destroyed Coy 1y in fronthis boat abt. 7o men 4 I fuus destrarged 14- 1plation reinforced hend yimproved Fidien h t Common only by iknar w Tacka Arlelon & Dobbic we all wounded of they were respons ible for our a attacte trench night Suffalks yoing for small 2 Sat night. H. Cassakhy 15 Bu went in on 5 Aug ad astaven. 6h Aug. 14 Bn no casualties
128 no Aug. S. Aug. 7 owr pight asse his attact ablack Enling attemgtal was w down 0 stone by bomber sible affair & bern. aasb th 6223 26 W8 b 16 Acg. Ening were still in shell holes in port of to 19e 23 Div bomber up munite ally (12 Bdle supporting w F.M.) to within 150 y00 of swilch Aug 6. Bebe. 647pm. H.. Obrewer reported movement of to oops alon truct bel R 29a 5.7 mench R27 D29 7 also 4o Ration s trough held eap. att Pi. R33 6.8.3. Cannan Reported. t perians had be viquick suiping w He & strap. as i he had sood obserg file badteens AUE7 Fom 1 Ble Heavng shelling N of Bap. Rd. Elig Damp of 7Bde (taken, over, by 4Bds) blown up Sof Bap. Rd. a feeble c attect wo repulied So taken 5.10 am. 20am Eneny detlid OG142 all night. C attached at day light stelling afterwar stackened. 8.15 Am. 12 Bde reports: We ag
10.57 44 216 b. 1316 127 1115 pm. 12 Bde reported H shelling of 89122 ws.v. Leavy near Foor-trench. 1 M. 9. team Jr L5. L. gunss of 48blown up. Eeneig5 planes a food dealoor oviing shelling reaccuat as result. 16.6 713 65. Mtyle. The Yorks had short notice of attack - at be notice till they th aronly o245 Br had no Gtlsays Actualy saw tegoing in The Yorks suppons were on tays our back in Contalmacion- Light H. sot After fight bedgong on ou s down Ally for one time on candet in Capt. of Yorks berng killeg C. attack & 2/4 in charge, latter was heard shouting for Anshaltan reinforcenenta. Capt. Knox of B Coy &S Bn 43 o went in wek company bombers & afterwos t youngwwith some of the C Ba. Bombers. They buil a stop at paint reached to aight a party holdiy. Y. further out while this ws being done. t Se Abt 1/2 platoons were carrying beside bombers + Coy bombers mostly but. we gt abt 30 personers over handed them over to Yorks when renp. arrives. The corps on our right Sentin special, messsze of thanks. 128 & AUG 7-1916 drove back eveng D of Bap. Rd. We hold f out shelled out of ELewis Juns, S Vickers G.G.r prigonees yaus destroyed. 50x on way down 825 am. 48t Pn report, enems attack O.9.12. Nof wind mill at 5 52 AUG 6-221E Jat 11.50om Aug. 6h 45 Bn reported that York Bagt. carried out bombin attack on Manster Alley. Tey were badly preosed & as supported them w vombers + 2 platoons. Attacking party Estab. Themselve Boyds ap munater ally & built Farrieade Drary of copld ferman officer 5d reliefs took place at Eam. tote asked to shell at th ce AUG 7-1913 From 12 Bdle. Jaug. 14t 5.52 Eney abacked O9, 1092 Nof windwill. Tread receptured by 6.20 S. of Bap. Rd normal situatir. 14 Bn reports 6.15. 2. Lewis guns blocn up during night 14 Reporte. at 950 p B. Coy. R34DSY to R35.C. a8. firng line. augt C Coy. X4 B376.X5A15 (55 D10D086 X10D81 ai
544 14 AUG 7-1916 428 A Coy. &9265 to X10C 10 (fun Rd.) last scoys in Resiror. Relief of 28Bn complete by 9 Dm. 25 59.15. Doulhd held w 4Lewis guns - bombers - & escort for gans. BnH.R.XSAOS Auy 7. Fom Cannan At 4.30 am. Evemy c attd. 15 Bo front.Also 14 Bn & 26 Bn (wh relieved but waitin opportunty to get out). Penetrated Front line of 14 &25 but driven back. Prisoners incl, Major. Aotillery slow to cooperate. H. Bn used S.O.S. signal. Hdlite another Vickers gan in 15 Bnline 12 to 50. Bdl on our left - 12dion - got 36 P po a M.g. 315 4.10 p.m. 40 Dn. being relieved by 47. BBy WBde Obeever: N 350 am. 2. sreen lights. 415 54.30 coloured lights After 151 Sigual Arty fire stacking at heavy m.g.I sifte fire opens for 15 mins
30 304 12 Bde S vick 8 Lb sheles AUG 7- 1916 243 Hay 7Mg. Coy still in pm 4ingly Mn. 9s at 12 60 & 2at Stpt 90 191. 2 Bane of 48Bn reported t 14Bn rindend asistana four lef diring attack - Pty of 14 Bn under Falka made a o successful charge wh relieved pressure at a critical moment & resalted in Captire of Ser 2 C0. pisoners ang 2nd. Cosps is were cultirg Rd pom R38D8.92 to 8r 8. wh has on holdry up all their allacks. 4 Div. Sends 3 h. gans to 4Bde 12 Bac. 1Bn 13th Bde moves to TARA hill this afternoon. 24th Lewi juns remained in lives all last aight on a/ of arty Barroge tho relieved. Cannan reports 11.52 am Aus ] Trench from 58 to 91 is 80 yoin port of road & cannon reports to to certain it is beng shelled fo by our own arty. Making his brench of uatenable on rt flank.
132 3101 304 104 How Btz. SBle. shillit ast night mag. blown up Itis wonder they did not get oat tese, batterin before AUG 7-1916 2423 11.50 Cansan Reports. Shelling intense in 099. R.346 + K.4 a near Cemetery. New Wines 09142 bey w heavily shelled at pts. 12 to 60 & 09½58-77 asks for intermittent bars age V.S of tine 24- 12. 91.58 says. Central way &emust be Caman widee & deepensd to 6ft below ground before making attack extened to Pr 51 R34c5-1. says ca OBdl a gue ar worn out igently need relief. 14148 Bde H.G. at X 4B.8.4. Via. PBde H.G. Copse Alley, ein Alley. A06 6-1916 Homy Commander considers to 8AM sno garrisoe for 69.2 4Viches & 12 Lews Cans over whole pout now held. For O.G.1 abt 16vickers 48 L. Surs Rest of garrison to be withddawn to jumping off line provided close toust can be kept w arty. This last to be caretill considered
319 904 AUG 5 -1916 134 5t Aug. 151 Auzac orders. on no ap will O91 be evacuated. Your message indicates to ine is being held too strough. inst of by few well placed Lewis I& Vickers M.Gs. Shelling will probl continue av days & it is iesential t be prepain fo it. It is sape to go forwd hi to crup backed & shell holes in port are betw han a demotished trench Subjecty to fire. AU6. 7- 1916. Cortack Patrol RT.C repated this Genche morng te.s where exct are crowded to men. to man as in part of wondnill Seryt Twinny message at am wt didnd arrivo. Sent 5 am.8 and Twining bad L. gua wh ws blown out & sent back. He renamn tell 10& reported to beonl, had ous man left (He brought them in 9 S60) ining w w had be sent in & Tomen- on flanks Patish N.C. in aut. Corp- & Smen,
904 Harte AUG 7- 1916 135 ane only had 3 gons lefo thy were blown out & returned. Iickers juns i be tracn - only Engad can be found-can't fint crew 4.48ws and were sent out on nightr of any 5th to cover digging. No tiuce of these. germans) in Courselite not- neare a raund Mauguet Farm. Fire is now from lest. swinng stayed out by wendwell Germans Co to D. He pred on tim. Patrols came back onts OG147 beld oG1. O41 is aboapheld. (042 is woyds this side ofcrest Termais got into O41 left of Windwill L. got message from L Law a we were beng c attacked. Messages sent to Dion. Part of C Coy we sent to Cattack & tpport font hi. Of1 is mass of creter There ws a pty under Capt Harthy & certain no of wd men wolte on lest of L3t. Germans had hav surrounded. 14Pn under Tacke & Cn part of men of 48in font trunch c attacked & captured germons - 47 came in & wal.
901 AUG 7 neall 136 bd are still in 7X The pnioners were Schesars Holsteiners. There are many k. lying in front of our i but bey most have bo got going back by our arty Patroh Reported yeste to gans were shipting on th left. A srgt of 28th ws found betwo Of13 OP.2 in cratie. Had been there since Reraltack. S some of 26 En. beyond of1 in crater. twining, as tI men - burnt his mas + He saw germans, in one time f w mgs. ourarty blu one out. It had instns to cal his wap tthan Cose I. The 48th Br had a great number of camalties in relieving the Or Bde (Col. leave says) on Aly 515. They have now (Aug of) lost 5 officers kille & 17 wd. 6 3401) men.. The 45th ah releeved 516 Bole had lost 4 officers & abt same number of men The 48th was harried in to relieve Isuppose the 7th Bole (bec is w not tought t the 7Bde couldtand much more) The O9.2 line as held w a

123 122
AUG 7-1916
The Germans have
clearly come to know
to Sausage Gully is 
thick to men & guns,
& are making it 
very nasty there
& on Tara Hill. Abt 
8 artillerymen
hit last night.
4 Bde Reports say:
Aug 7

Cannan 8.45
LT Dunworth of 15
[*14 what Jacka says is 
all right.*]
[[?]] [[Fuhrnean?]] Coy. 
Jacka was on it
Lewis gunners ? 
a Lewis gun
Leane Co give 
an a/c of it.
2/3 48  1/3 14.
From Pt 60
[*Brand went 

round tramway
[[?]] & thanked
them. *]
whole line 
has had 
a v. heavy 
 the line
attack in thick 
massess. All
say this.
C- all A.
4 Lewis guns
 & one Vickers
knocked out.
O.G. 1 & 2 are

 no better than
by shellholes.


shelling since 6 
on left section
O G 2 lunch. x
69 Bde
Barrage on O.G. 

trenches on 18th left
(Pt 58 to 12.) we 

most useful in [[?]]
c. attack.  This trench 
not altogether built yet.
Junior officers esp. 
Jacka organised
the [[caca?]] 
attack on 
their own 
abt 200 Germs 
20 at 4 & 45 
attacked front
 of 48 {[[?]] &
 on battalion
2 L. guns put 
in action
615 nearly 60 

40 [[?]] [[?]] [[?]]
1st Position 


4pm*] 3 
Lewis guns 
Coy 14 
in frontline 

abt 70 men
4 L 
guns destroyed
14 - 1 
platoon reinforced.
Tramline ^
trench improved.
Comms only 
by runners 

w Front line
Jacka Appleton 

& Dobbie were
all wounded - 

They were 
for our c. attack.
Suffolks going for small 
^trench tonight [[?]]
5th Aug 15 Bn went in 
on Sat night. [[?]] Casualties
6th Aug. 14 Bn "    "   "  
 Sund. aftnoon. 
no casualties.



Aug. 5.
 Aug 7
 night after 
big attack

down O.G 2
This was
done by 
bombing &
 [[?]] a
affair & 
being easily

The attack
 by the
63rd regt 

right until


still in shell
 in front of 
Tom trench
?69 Bde
23 Div. 
Munster alley
(12 Bde 
w F.M.) to
within 150 yds 
of switch
 Aug 6. Below.
 6 & 7pm. 
R F C Observer

of  troops along
truck bel R 29 a 5.7 &
R27 D 9. 7. 
also trench off
trench strongly
 held Esp.
att Pt. R32 G.3.3.

Cannan Reported 
that Germans
had bu v. quick 
sniping w HE
& shrap. as if he 
had good 
w kite 

Aug 7
From 12 Bde
Heavng shelling
 N of Bap. Rd.
Damp of 7 Bde

 (taken over by
4Bde) blown up. 
S of Bap. Rd.
 a feeble c
by [[sh ?]] was 
x 3 [[ co?]] taken.
 5.10 am.
6.20 am Enemy
 shelling OG 
1 & 2
all night. C.
 attacked at
 day light

8.15 am. 12 Bde 
reports: We again



11.15 pm. 

12 Bde 
H shelling
of OG 1 &2 

was v. heavy
near Torr to
trench. 1 M. g.
team & 5 L. 

guns of 
48 blown
up. Enemy's 
planes a 
deal now. 
as result.

69th Infy Bde.
The Yorks had 
short notice of 
attack - sd to be
1/2 hr only; 45 Bn 

no notice till they 
[*GH.Q says [[it?]]
On Aug 5 our

Light H. got 

200 [[T.s?]]

our cancel in

C. attack*]
Actually saw 
them going in.
The Yorks 
supports were
back in Cortal maison-
After fight 
bad gone our
down Ally 
for some time
Capt. of Yorks 
berng killed
& 2/Lt in charge, latter
was heard shouting for Australian
reinforcements. Capt. Knox of B Coy 44 Bn
went in with his own company bombers & afterwards
Lt Young with some of the 445 Bn. Bombers.
They built a stop at point reached the right
a [[party?]] holding. Trench further out while this
was being done. The Abt 1 1/2 platoons were
carrying beside bombers + Coy bombers
mostly brit. we got abt 30 prisoners over &
handed them over to Yorks when reinfo.
arrived. The corps on our right
Sent inspecial message of thanks.


drove back enemy [[?]] of Bap. Rd.
We hold O.G.1 but shelled out of
O.G.2 8 Lewis Guns, 3 Vickers
guns destroyed 50 prisoners on way down
6.25 am. 48th Bn report, enemy
attacking O.G.1 & 2 N of
wind mill at 5. 52

[at 11.50 pm on Aug. 6th 45 Bn reported
that York Regt. carried out bombing
attack on Munster Alley. They were
badly [[prcosed?]] & 45 supported them
w bombers + 2 platoons.
Attacking party Estab. Themselves
100 yds up Munster alley & built
Diary of captd German officer
sd reliefs took place at 2 am.
Arty asked to shell at that time.

From 12 Bde. 7 Aug.
At 5.52 Enemy attacked OG, & OG2 
N of windwill. Trench receptured by 6.20
S. of Bap. Rd normal situation.
14 Bn reports 6.15. 2. Lewis guns
blown up during night
[14 Bn Reported at 9.50 pm Aug 6

 B. Coy: R34D59 to R35.C. 48. firng line.
 C Coy: X4 B37 to X5A15

 D '' : X10D08 to X10D87 (sw also)



A Coy:  X9D65 to X10C 10 (Gun Rd.)
last 2 coys in Reserve.
Relief of 28Bn complete by 9 pm.
".          "   26 "     "                "     9.15.
Frontline held w 4Lewis
guns - bombers - & escort
for guns.
Aug 7. From Cannan.
At 4.30 am. Enemy c attd.
15 Bn front. Also 14 Bn
& 26 Bn (wh relieved but
waiting opportunty to get out).
Penetrated Front line of
14 & 26 but driven back.
Prisoners incl, Major.
Artillery slow to cooperate.
14. Bn used S.O.S. signal. Would like
another Vickers gun in 15 Bn line
12 to 60.
[ 36 inf Bde on our left - 12 divn - got
3 German prisoners and a  M.g.]
4.10 p.m. 45 Bn. being relieved by 47.
By WBde Observer:
N 350 am. 2. sreen lights.
415 54.30 coloured lights
After 151 Sigual Arty fire stacking
at heavy m.g.I sifte fire opens
for 15 mins



12 Bde
3 Vick
8 L. guns
 [[ d...y sholes?]]


5pm. 7 [[?]] Coy still in.
4 mglogs M. qs at 12. 60.
& 2 at Stn pt. 90 & 91.
L zone of 48 Bn reported that 14Bn
rendered ft assistance to our left
during attack - Pty of 14 Bn under
Jacka made a v successful
charge wh relieved pressure at a
critical moment & resulted in
Capture of Sev German prisoners
2nd. Corps arty is wire cutting Rd from
? R38D8.91/2 to 8 1/2 8. wh has on

holding up all their attacks.
4 Div. Sends 3 L. guns to 4 Bde
                        5  "     "       "   12 Bde.
1 Pon 13th Bde moves to TARA hill
this afternoon.
24th Lewis guns remained in
lives all last aight on a/c of
arty Barrage tho relieved.
Cannan reports 11.52 am Aug 7 .
Trench from 58 to 91 is 80

yds in front of road & Cannan
reports he is certain it is beng shelled

 from by our own arty. Making his
trench untenable on rt flank.




104 How Bty. 5 Bde.
shelled last night
maj. blown up. It is
a wonder they did not
get onto these, batteries

11.50 Cannan Reports.
Shelling intense in sqq. R.346
& X4 a near Cemetery.
New lines OG1 & 2 being v heavily
shelled at pts. 12 to 60 &
09 - 58 - 77
asks for intermittent barrage
N.E of line 24.12. 91.58
Cannan says: Central way trench must be
widened & deepened to 6ft below
ground before making attack &
extended to Pr 51 R34c5-1.
Cannan says
6 Bde run gunners are worn out
& urgently need relief.
14.48 Bde H.Q. at X 4 B. 8.4.
Via. 7 Bde H.G. Copse Alley, [[Z?]] Alley.

6 Aug: Army Commander considers that
Ens garrisone for O G .2
wd be 4 Vickers & 12 Lews Guns
over whole front now held.
For O.G.1 abt 16 vickers 48 L. guns
Rest of garrison to be withdrawn
to jumping off line provided
close touch can be kept w
arty. This last to be carefully



5th Aug. 1st Anzac orders:
on no ap will OG1 be evacuated.
Your message indicates that
line is being held too strongly.
inst. of by few well placed
Lewis I& Vickers M.Gs. Shelling
will probly continue [[several?]] days
& it is essential to be prepared
for it. It is safer to go forwd than
to creep backwd & shell holes
in front are betw than

a demolished trench
Subjected to fire.

Contact  Patrol RFC reported this
morng trenches where exist are
crowded w men.

[* 7 Aug German trenches*]
Sergt Twinning & 10 men as in front of windmill.
sent message at 4 am wh didnt arrive.

5am message arrvd
Twinning had L. gun wh was blown out &
sent back.
He remained till 10 & reported
tt  he only had one man left
(He brought them in & S.G O)
& Twinning ws wd & had to
be sent in.
Patrol N.C.O & 10 men - on flanks
in out. Corp- & 3 men,


Leane only had 3 guns left & they
were blown out & returned.
3 Vickers guns - be traced - only tripod
can be found-can't find crew
4 Lewis guns were sent out on
night of Aug 5th to cover
digging. No trace of these.
Germans r in Courselithe not- nearer
& round Mauguet Farm. Fire is
now from left.
Twinning stayed out by windmill
Germans coming to N. He fired on them.
Patrols came back onto OG1 &  

held OG1. OH 1 is always held.
(0G 2 is 100 yds this side of crest)
Germans got into OG 1 left of
L. got message from Lt Law
tt we were being c. attacked.
Messages sent to Dion. Part of
C Coy ws sent to C attack & support
font line. OG 1 is mass of craters.
There ws a pty under Capt Hartly
& certain no of wd men [[Holate?]]
on left of 48th. Germans had them
14Bn under Jacka & C.Coy
part of main of 48 in front
trench c. attacked & captured
Germans - 47 came in & wd.

[* Hartley ws killed in this. carter ws captd & released.*]


Wd are still in trench.
The prisoners were Scherwig
Holsteiners. There are many k.
lying in front of our trench but they must
have bn got going back by our arty.
Patrols Reported yesty tt guns were shifting
on the left.
A sergt of 28th ws found betw OG1 & OG.2
in crater. Had been there since their attack.
Also some of 26 Bn. beyond O G 1 in
Twining, was w 5 men - burnt
his map. He saw germans, in
one line - w mgs. Our arty blew
one out. It had instns to [[ca8?]] his
map than lose it.
The 48th Bn had a great number
of casualties in relieving the
7th Bde (Col. Leane says) on Aug 5th.
They have now (Aug 7) lost 5 officers
killed & 17 wd. &  340(?) men. The
45th wh relieved 5th Bde had lost
4 officers & abt same number of men.
The 48th was hurried in to relieve
the 7th Bde (bec I suppose it ws not thought tt
the 7Bde could stand much more).
The O.G.2 line ws held w a



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