Charles E.W. Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/54/1 July August 1916 pt8

First World War, 1914–18
Part of Quest:
  • Notebook and diaries of CEW Bean
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87 ten coming back report. No mag on th till after on etling Camaltes so for slight 21 Prisoners and for 6 Bole toooks with remain, quiet as possible 9.15 Intense Barrage 3m 918 Wa Bombl lift Prst oEn waves were to be in new ordli d in Tranling trech not to gouther till 122 waes every in forndline) Wher boubt beguis 142 waves to move out - 1as close as it can un bang, 2 at 50yds behind it. Irdware & lt wavete outof fram Live into Forward Lim At 9.15 142 waves go into 151 Objic & lake it; 3 will follow truch go over the under barrage, & will gollow at 50yds interval. & lie on our side of parapet of O.G.1. At 9.28. barrap lefts 50() gds from O92 3rd 94t waves to secure O.9.2. at 9.30 barrag lip's anothers 50yds. 9.32 Barrox will lift anther 80 yds (1e.150 yds) and after & to have peoners ete to move ap obegin work. here with be intervals in (p.90)
& little Ploint 2.5. Old gelly left I hope to god all you well whun. It is fight fully dangerous moving as he does. 2.30. am NewKat German fire is incresing cap on left. 7Bde report little fir - conso3. 2.45 tiupmned t b Bdle yet from Windmo No report 82 30 barrag. Patrols will be send out durin these intervals by 5 Bde t P35d 5.2 (Bde. 5R35 d 06x trmhis at R35. a 42 & 5.2. OOde t R 34. b. 4.&. Smoke berrage (Bommortars) to be pleced betw 9,1789.37 Mortars at X5 a821 R34. c. 12.6 6.748 Mg. barrage behind O.G.2. till betw 12 & I am The ti dises ordered to be carried by each man are to be hed onI back when it is desired to show I posite of u troops to our artilery behind or to our acroplanes. Mast be ample engs stores for flank blocking Par 4 Carryay Coys from 12Bde. Stoughiat OC.2. OG1. R. 77. & 5a ½2 7½. C. x562.5 26. R 356.2.6 74 R35672.4 58.R34. d.S.8 48(R.35 C.4.8) 89. R34 d.0.9 50(R34 d6.0.) R34 a82 " A9.RS4 67 12 (R34 b. 1.2. 13 6.3
32 16 91 The division is throwing it on to Gellibram to decide for it what further shd be done - wheter they 5hd go further (if, L Germans hewe retur) or stop where he are wam Gelly thinks they will probably are his Bde for another steent tonight. He 15 going to te tranline to se for himself - with Plant. There sarely ought to be someone here of a sufficient states t take this decision I take it quicbly. We are thio henr and line now & there ought to be nothing to hold us Bred flares ab centre of positn Barrage wanted, NW Saank. 9536.389AS 330 41morl prisoncis (1 officer) in - OBde o 4120 Fred Sockits over us 4750 Another oeair comed-dawn E Regt 162&PYmost Riftting fir increase Three red rockets aga seen 36 Bhe have taken Ration French ? lp to R]H3 Theis had not junction but hat jound up t 37 Bdl (directer to 2 central
88 Countery allack we shiff 10 latl bombs: wh tey I can throw much further tanwl The Germans, Job anto and tine near 58.- but the 24t were put onto it One chap got the Frow & yest ws captured tnext. 8men out fon Con Ki 4days Ml Courades. English officers are 29n July 08E w They caught some of our fellows in a semcevicular trench & fired ito thnfom the flank knocked t ovr fast - The were ws mot catinfront off thi Mill, butws cuten some purtor Waonegor Thurch into their M de 152 ws being rrelieve 6y 84 33 The first officer brought in ought asked at once if we had got to Carcelette. 6.15 messags recd from 7Bde were Jemman o countie attacking heavity by windmill (W of Rd) Gelly & Plant just returned & asked us to get on all art possible as the men were getting Hell up ters Gelly raing ap Dun at once Poooners told as tt they (8x) were just relieving the Haloon Commr in posib of his say mew when abbt Windmell - the bombard m When they got into windwill trunches the found 3 English e They had 26 Engl presoners 1othe day 22nd wenton 1 plation ston at first asth were not in place in time. The 7th Bde & wounder were blocking wench & the 22n had to be sent across country From Arty. Barrage along 617 Bdes fout every bombing it
34 Gelly Just back fom For. sa a if toeAn & sa Bul n tob te by c have sot tho hegoit was te int coned nver have t theo of itself it wa et for too bat a from the bomber attacks I prisoners some Counterabtack Jast bn cut back abt 50 of them. At to stand, 6 for barraged that a Latest a fermans can be ban seen returng in soal nos acroco budses to N.E. in growps Cby personal investie in spot Gellyform i patrote f his Bdle had wored out in ttally wron derecto (G. Semow checked c fun this) && were sno an romber & disover nothing. 22nd Ct Cooffeers ind 2 C Breakfast with Dloyd 5JaBde Crawled back to btar of A Will where I watehed for a bit hivoeeking 30 shelling of Coures? 18
95 OC. 27B set oficer round front 1249 lin & reports sout 3 offis & 200 men aeft. stecver of Tusbde report Ser. hundreds of mneiny construction pesk flanking trench from Mongut Jarm terart C2 6000 Eneniyg Shellen O.J. J.F Of.3D. Leavily 12 conterntately asked for 1.10 Font le report enemys shelling slackine. M. r0. 9 Bde reports shelfing & heavy & atters heavy 20 Bn Of 2 heavits shalld. men cant work. Trincs emathes ochet att. Request for retonsin H.A. 5 Airty Gaison oficer at N4 B.10.5 reports lng returng on defeas of Eaback. Shale knt. 15828. (2oye vistiar) 892 leftor Bepaing St. Og. prom D. B2. 0 to pr. 79. B. 45. Trensles Expladed fom theepoar 10.35. 5 Bde from Shelled but cannallies not heary CommonGt A92 776 08 firish Walker Ave continuate t tE7 prac (in) 10.20. EBde font Wis Leavily shelle w 5.928 45 Heavy double barrage eras antwirts of across iP. Chrf Croable, dif of getting supplees. ove tint t 2 Coys of 25 Pnsentus apt c. allack. brought back. 75 gine in 15 Heavy shelling of Po3. 70 75 5 our acroptecs up. 96 6.50. Reeated Reperts our art shelly O91 R34 Centat to R34 d 77 (18pdo) 6E tod ne report enemy c ato repuland. 20 5.10. 27 Bn reports every Catler R35cp 25 Br repurt eing c at in arg nembers. 6,20 enery catter atory whole pon 6 8 reported. 7 Bdes. saidth line for 3231100 ye We of 38, 3c he by evacueley g. orderd one cry of 2x to feek in brease 5.50 5Bde occupies at 830. 22nd 760-12-91, 233 90-58-85 33 Esc 58- 75 -23. Work of Consoledati goe on under beevy sil fire conbind a bot attach from 90 ✓ 95 5.95 Ston bonbe catt on R 34 6 1.2 5 3nd eockets S.S. 7Bde still none we well
6.50 6.20 4.34 taken 37 Bele had 10p 600s. F m. 7 Ren Couas being dug from our Eg. Vickers emplosent complete at 77.. Strong Port & 2 Luvis giens at Tramod Proneers extenday Walker Ave. (Fromt S LifBde) 7th Bdle get, it T.M. ent O9.1 kit apench By N.30 Com to Capt ws almost thio. Peonier Bn wh w0 to distrine to coud will got lost & not done mech (up to 415 27 Bn at 3.15 repert End dyve caterely obblerds 12452stelling Leaveer 18020 sn had sufered no reastance in OG2 up to abt 130 Jermag abt 500 yds away Truches alt 3st deep to start w. Att 100 men went begond and Obyve & capt saddle 1815 had to s0 but & pill
0 98 then pack. Gernans as return left a ground betw 09.1& 092 phosphown flares unconfotible but not deady. ( our own smoke bombe Prac. no fire shell or ig. att tin 12.25. am 27Bn report no hand to hav fighting in traches ha Trenches nothdecerte 20 Bn reports groulling being day 125 3ooyds in port of 09.1. Rt plank abt 20 yds tlep of traintene. prot by Lewis yon. 10. SF sappers report in Everystene. 1.5 20 & 18 Bn Connected up. no 19 o of 53 Regt passed ta B un. 21 wd W astby 27ten. man of 27 Bn ws just to left of wandmill No. barbs wire there he was. evrig had igfire from 091. On 20Bn. samen say prac. no wire Haust Inf Bde at Brictfiels at 12.15 am
14 2 99 Bit attack on Msle all Tor trench hell up. 5 Bde at requist of COC, 68 Bde made demonstration a trg, aps centre of tor French A Stkes morters 12.S. R Bn says t O.G.2 will have to be corgletely recourts. Tremper reported to large 16: ar 205 of every left Swith to at dewn over open X5D78 x5B28 Res. ar line 092 R3y D 59 R34 648 R35065 R33 88.5 to near R33 87.7. whore. small break - Them Yench all Ration t X2B90 & x2B62 X 2 D 47. Theece unchared. Believe we hold manste Alley to neighbourhor of X5 B43c. 30 miles of wire were aned for last nights commus & it remained
82 28 6Ee 100 good is Bn H.O.S. aliost all through The schewe was someting like thes satily Hws a most cnteresting time we had i those two soung ferman officers in Gelly's deegont this mornyg gelly himself & Hanblnd gonc oft irs to "giv things a shove" - Worman, the if steff captain boy, brought down a ferman officer. He was a well built youngster to fair hair, clear shaven. He satonI bed looking down at his knees, one land clasping 1other wrist - & sd nothing. Tust thank you when he as offered the seat. He got another I thank you when Norman gave him an padtiof enamelled cup of porter. Atter to he sat quite, still again - looking or even rtherly vexed; angry to hinself? I asked him if he were wounded. He sim p said Nch

men coming back report:
No m.g. on them till after in 1st line.
Casualties so far slight.
26 Prisoners arrd for 6 Bde.
9      88

troops will remain, ^as quiet as possible.
9.15 Intense Barrage 3 mins
9.18 Intense Bombt to lift.
(First & 2nd waves were to be in new
forwd line; 3rd & 4th    "      "   "   in
Tramline trench - not to get there till 1 & 2
waves were in new forwd line).
When bombt begins 1 & 2 waves
to move out - 1 as close as it can under
barrage, 2 abt 50 yds behind it. 3rd wave
& 4th wave then into Bxxx out of
Tram Line into Forward Line
At 9.15 1 & 2 waves go into 1st
Objve & take it; 3 will follow &
go over trench & lie under barrage;
4 will follow at 50yds interval.
& lie on our side of parapet of
At 9.28. barrage lifts
50(9150) yds from OG2; 3rd & 4th
waves to secure O.G.2.
At 9.30 barrage lifts another
9.32 Barrage will lift another
50yds (i.e. 150 yds)
Imd. after 4th wave pioneers
etc to move up & begin work.
There will be intervals in


2.5. Old Gelly left ^& little Plant I hope to God all goes
well w him. It is frightfully dangerous
moving as he does.
2.30 am.
Now that German fire is
increasing esp on / left.
2.45  7 Bde report little fire - Consolidating
/ left mixed w 6 Bde -
No report yet from Windmill.
9        90

barrage. Patrols will be sent out
during these intervals by
5 Bde to R35 d 5.2.
7 Bde. to R35 d 06 & trenches at
R35. a 4.2. & 5.2.
6 Bde to R 34. b. 4.4.
Smoke barrage (from mortars) to be
placed betw 9.17 & 9.37. Mortars at
X5 a 8.2, R34. c. 1½ -6; 6.7;  & 8.5.
M.g. barrage behind O.G.2. till
betw. 12 & 1 a.m.
"The tin discs ordered to be carried
"by each man are to be tied
"on / back when it is desired to
"show / position of our troops to our
"artillery behind or to our
Must be ample engr stores for flank blocking Posts.
4 Carrying Coys from 12 Bde.

Strong Pts at O.G.2               OG 1.

Pt. - X 5 b ½.5.                   Pt. 77. X 5a 7½ 7½
74 (R35 b 7½.4)                 26. R 35 c.2.6
48 (R.35 c.4.8.)                   ?xx 58. R34.d.5.8

50 (R 34 d 6.0.)                   09. R34 d.0.9

12 (R34 b.1.2.)                       9.1. R34 a 8½ 1

                                               7 9. R34 c 7.9

                                               ? - 58 R34 c.5.8



9      91
The division is throwing it on to
Gellibrand to decide for it what
further shd be done - whether they
shd go further (if / Germans have
retired) or stop where they are.
Gelly thinks they will probably
use his Bde for another stunt
tonight. He is going to the tramline
trench to see for himself - with

There surely ought to be
someone here of a sufficient
status to take this decision &
take it quickly. We are thro their
2nd line now & there ought to
be nothing to hold us
3 red flares: abt centre of positn.
Barrage wanted, NW flank.
3.30 41 more prisoners (1 officer) in - 6 Bde.
4.20 3 red rockets over Pozieres
4.50 Another officer comes down prisoner.
Regts 162 & 84 mostly.
Rifle & mg. fire increased.
Three red rockets agn seen.
36 Bde have taken Ration Trench - 
up to Pt 74. They had not junction but
had joined up w 37 Bde (directn to 2 central) 


Counter attack ws chiefly w / little
bombs: wh they can throw much
further than we.
The Germans got into our
line near 58 - but the 24th
were put onto it.
One chap got the Iron X yesty
& ws captured / next.
84 men out of one Coy k. in 4 days.
English Officers are all Comrades.
170 - 200 prisoners
29th July
They caught some of our fellows in
a semicircular trench & fired into
them from the flank & knocked them
over fast - The wire ws not 

cut in front of the Mill, but ws
cut in some parts. No one got
into their 2nd trench
162 ws being relieved by 84.
9      93
The first officer brought in thought
asked at once if we had got
to Courcelette.
6.15 Messages recd from 7 Bde
tt Germans ^were counter attacking heavily.
by Windmill (N of Rd).
Gelly & Plant just returned
& asked us to get on all arty possible
as the men were getting Hell up
Gelly rang up Divn at once.
Prisoners told us tt they (84) were
just relieving the Platoon Commdr
in front of his coy men when
- abt / Windmill - the bombardt
met them. When they got into
/ Windmill trenches they found
6 3 "English" prisoners  men wounded.
[They had 26 Engl. prisoners / other
22nd went in / platoon strong
at first - as they were not in
place in time. The 7th Bde & wounded
were blocking / trench - & the 22nd
had to be sent across country.
From Arty: Barrage along 6 & 7 Bdes fronts.
Enemy bombing.


9      94
Gelly - just back from Poz. says
tt if the 3 new Austr - & some Brit.
Divns had bn there they cd undoubtedly
have got thro', but as it was
the 2nd Divn cd never have 
got us thro of itself - it was just
far too hot o time for from the
bombing attacks.

Some counterattack prisoners
just bn sent back - abt 50 of them.
Arty to stand by for barrage.
6 a.m. Latest news: Germans can be
seen retiring in small nos
across bridges to N.E. in groups.
Gelly found ^(by personal investigation on spot) tt patrols of his Bde
had moved out in totally wrong
directn (O.Cs never checked
this) & were shot at ^probly by own guns & bombed & discovered
22nd lost 10 officers.
Breakfast with Lloyd,  5 FA Bde.
Crawled back to Tara on Usna Hill
where I watched for a bit the reeking
shelling of Pozieres.


1.49. O.C. 27 Bn sent officer round front
line & reports only 3 offrs & 200
men left.
1.55. Observer of 7 Inf Bde reports sev.
hundreds of enemy constructing
fresh flanking trench from Mouquet
Farm towards R 22  C 00.
1.2. Enemy shelling OG.1 & OG 2. v. heavily
Counter battery asked for.
1.10 Front line report enemys shelling
12.20 7 Bde reports shell fire v. heavy &
casualties v. heavy.
12.40. 20 Bn in O.G.2 heavily shelled.
many casualties. Men cant work. Trenches
knocked abt. Request for retaliatn H.A.
9.15 Arty Liaison officer at X 4 B 10.5 reports
enemy retiring on defeat of c-attack.
5 Bde Line. X5 B 2.6 (20 yds N of tram) - OG2 -
left on Bapaume Rd. OG.1 from X5 B 2.0. to pt. 79.
10.45 Trenches ^7 Bde enfiladed fom Thiepval.
10.35. 5 Bde from shelled but casualties not heavy
Commn trench O.G.1 to OG 2 77 to 08 finished.
Walker Ave continuatn to Pt 77 prac. finished.
10.20. 6 Bde front line heavily shelled w 5.9 & 8.2
9.45 Heavy double barrage across outskirts of Poz; & one
across [[shorthand]]. Chief trouble, diff of getting supplies.

9     96
8.45. 27 Bn report OG1. OG2. Windmill taken. cas 3 offrs. 400-500 o.r.
7.55. 2 Coys of 25 Bn sent up agst c-attack.  Then Brought back.
Line thinned.
7.5  Heavy shelling of Poz. [shorthand]
7.5. 5 our aeroplanes up.
6.50. Repeated Reports our arty shelling
OG1 R34 Central to R34 d77
6.44 Wd men report enemy c-att repulsed.
5.10. 27 Bn reports enemy c.atting R35 c 73
25 Bn report enemy c.att in large
6.20 Enemy c.atting along whole front 6th &
reported 7 Bdes. said tt line for
100 yds NE of Pt 58, ^R34 C has bn evacuated
G. ordered one coy of 24 to fill in breach.
5.50. 6 Bde occupies at 4:30.
22nd: 77 - 60 - 1 2- 91; 23rd 90 - 58 - 85
24th 58 - 75 - 23. Work of consolidating
goes on under heavy shell fire
combined w bomb attacks from
90 & 95.
5.45. Strong bombing c.atts on
R34  b 1.2.
4.55 3 red rockets.
5.5. 7 Bde still no news as to Windmill

[*8.5. 5 Bde: No Patrol reports recd.
7.20. 25 Bn report enemy attacked abt 4.40 am. Repulsed.
7.5 Enemy surrendering in large nos?
[1st Anzac says v impt [[shorthand]] 2 Div.
shd asc. [[shorthand]] certain positn on left
flank. [[shorthand]] Take sp. measures]*]


9       97
4.50. 6 Bde had ^taken 1 off. 60 o.r.
on m. g.
4.20. Commns being dug from our trenches.
4.34. Vickers emplacement completed
at 77. Strong Post & 2 Lewis
guns at Tramway.
Pioneers extending Walker Ave.
(from 5 Inf Bde)
7th Bde got it T.M. into O91
& kit.
By 12.30 Comm to capt trench
ws almost thro.
Pioneer Bn wh ws to dig trench
to Windmill got lost & not
done much (up to 4.15)
27 Bn at 3.15 report 2nd objve
entirely obliterated
2.45 E. shelling heavier
18 & 20 Bn had suffered no
resistance in OG2 up to
abt 1.30. Germans abt 500 yds
away. Trenches abt 3 ft
deep to start w.
Abt 100 men went beyond
2nd objve & Capt Saddler
18th had to go out & pull


9      98
them back. Germans as retired left
in ground betw. 0G.1 & 0G2 phosphorous
flares - uncomfortable but not
deadly. (? our own smoke bombs)
Prac. no fire shell or m.g. at tt
12.25. am 27 Bn report no hand to hand
fighting in trenches. No hand to hand
Trenches mostly deserted.
1.25 20 Bn reports front line being dug
300 yds in front of OG.1. Rt flank
abt 20 yds to left of tramline,
prot by Lewis gun.
10.55 Sappers report in enemy's line.
1.55. 20 & 18 Bn connected up.
19 prisoners of 53 Regt passed thro.
18 unw. 21 wd prisoners capt by 27 Bn.
Man of 27 Bn ws just to left of Windmill
No barbed wire where he was.
Enemy had mg fire from 0G1.
on 26 Bn. All men say prac.
no wire
4 Aust Inf Bde at Brickfields
at 12.15 am. 


9       99
Brit attack on Munster Alley &
Tors Trench held up. 5 Bde
at request of GOC 68 Bde made
a demonstration agst centre of Tors Trench
w Stokes mortars
12.5. 18 Bn says tt O.G.2 will have
to be completely reconstd.
10.9 pm Trumper reported tt large
nos of enemy left switch line
at dawn over open.
Res. army line. 0G2 X5 D78 X5 B28
R35 C 65 R34 D59 R34 C48
R33 D8.5 to near R33 D7.7. where
small break - Thence to X2
all Ration trench to X2 B90 -
& X2 B6.2 X2 D47.
Thence unchanged.
Believe we hold Munster Alley to
neighbourhood of X5 B43.
30 miles of wire were used for
last nights commns & it remained 


9   100
good w 1 Bn H.Q.s almost
all through
Diagram - see original document. 
It ws a most interesting time we
had w those two young German
officers in Gelly's dugout this
morning. Gelly himself & Plant had
gone off to Pozieres to "give things
a shove" - & Norman, the
Coy Staff Captain boy, brought
down a German officer. He was a
well built youngster w fair hair, clean
shaven. He sat on / bed looking down
at his knees, one hand clasping / other
wrist - & sd nothing. Just "Thank you" -
when he was offered the seat. We got
another "I thank you", when Norman
gave him an xxx pannikin of
enamelled cup of porter. After tt
he sat quite still again - looking
utterly vexed;  ask ^or even angry w himself -
I asked him if he were
wounded. He simply said "Neh".



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