Charles E.W. Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/54/1 July August 1916 pt7

First World War, 1914–18
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  • Notebook and diaries of CEW Bean
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64 23Bn. July 28/9 orders at Sp to Bn in Bailif wood to be moving at Sm. I coys to be in B. Brind C. Smith Capt. D. Kennedy Capt. Ain support (24Bn in reservey Ab49.30-10 followed up ] th Bde No shelling - Didnt seem as if men were sen gaay up. We were shelling OG line to heavy ship. B had near seen line before? We had as marked out sumping of place - only condinate on way. move) up old german advanced line (destroyed) to rly – no Coss to notice - rt along rly & fiping of place ws prac. along it Hares were, too far off to worry as Line had to extend from jumprry of pla. They crossed rby bie jrst on time & had to so straight on. 12.15. [1r intense boubl As A soon as our fellows pbap to go on under cover of our bombt.
74 in at the corner of Brinds Rd & Brats Rd. Tis party in O.G.1as ordered back & came in alright Coycommoss, ag officers, bomb officers atc went up in morning earl to see ground; but I plation comt & WCo hadnever seen I pound & bnow nothing of it &arriow there long after dark. 26th Coot 2offs K. Capt. Newitt L. Leades & pwounded. H Peterson 1 Kennade H Neason (y abt Soomen. Cap. Herbert Hebert Hewitt were by comands, went out in 4waves on 4 coy front plation of each coy in rachwave. abt 707do -woyds between waves - 4t wave carrying y. 28th Bn lost. 8 offs K., 3w. Imissus. Glover & one man seem to heve found an opening aneveiys wire & gofthss Macrae ws killed- shot as he stipped over to wire att 18i deep. oters were tuging at it. Here it as I wire
75 in pontof first truck to ws dificult Of the 4th wave only an officer & a corpor at arrived unwounded. The and f wave found te 1st wanl byin down in port of were - they thought they weret waiting to be lay down behind tru - but they were moath knocked out on reality All 4 waves got up to wire practicill noone got through it. Te 26t on the lef ought to have bad their right on paint 58- but gt away to the left. The 265h 1& I believe the 25th tok hold to we ought to have be able to hold the 15t trench daby1 if somne had not g fated order to retire; well tere have been units gritty eno to withstend I order to retire. Tome o 1 25X7264 did hold on in spite of it & the sad all have be able to. The O.g. 1 truck was held in strong sbeuts tlistening bombir posts out on 1 Germil Irese germans were seen wire back to 1 trud but it is cuttin
76 doubtful if man others were seem an O.G.1. The 25t or 26 Bn)many some of them dugin in port of German wire of O.9.2. or began to dig there- but retured I think there may hade but. a necunderstandin between Fergusons 264 o te 23B, on tir left. The two post wases of the 23rd did come back after going too far - & I don't think thii left quite reached its objective. He last night heavy bombt. far Coy elastn than a thought (I thought it weto be 8-9 bul it waton all wigle. giing interfered with our diggen parties. Allo hundreds of wa wereantg todig I dont bt most of the got past the Chalk Pit & Boso says nearly 3000 were te. Ie is awkward work & someto I dont tuk there ayoveten to put him a place. The show is accordgl put off the 25 Bn has bn senting to notot truches of the 19R & dig? 19th has feen in 8o0. 9 no fighting jist holding on d ast by you on albert A
177 I donbt if the tin discs of the and& 4 Dwns (worn on back) are mech advantage They are all taking of taking tm off first flasbeng them when an acroplen appears - wh some in craters did to success. But I writs think they gave them away in lights o 1 flares last Saty night. The pint patehes 5T At Dur were much better one officer of 25100 a t morale of the7t Bde has declined since Saturday. The 26 Bn had lost most of its officers & neos! I wish they wdput in the 4th Boe inteed- The 6Bdle wd prepy this too. Te difficulty will be to stand (shellin in to much stralfed trench when we get over top of hill. The Gernans will be ablet see tis target & to concintrate on it. The Edion if it retives with have (wh is must do quickly if we are to hold) will have a hardes job than any in holding on; Unless there is a by move chwhere at I same time to distract German arty.
78 August 46. Lieut. de Tessan came round today, senton by Birdwood, to ask me for a sost of geveral account of what the Clusticlians have done- Took him up to head of Sausage Gully from wh hec get a good ide of Foqures Contabmaison & the O.G, treuches We were shelling O.G. Terman's occasinnaly dropping 5.9-into Tieres 3 our tamway is abready working over the top of the hill at head of Sausagh gully- within veewo Germans. they must have a very slight or bad observation. We have at last, a screen along & road. to Contalmaiion W. of Easualt Corner. The attack comes off tonight early. I cant inope I am very anxious about it. The 2nd dwn will pat in its 7th Bole. Smith, Chaptein of the 25h) says the morale of his brigade is not goodf The 25,26, 127Bus are to make attack, & the 28 to carry. The 28th, I know, is a goodbu in the best they have.
Dl 1 2880 179 They 25th had dC.O. who strikes me on first right, as I wont I have ever seen worse than Bolton - Col. Walker. How the Cth [appoints such officers I cant understand. I The curse of this Bde is some of its senior officers. They impress me, a istont second closs butchers of publicans, some of them. I don't know whatstype of man is best - a smart strong uneversily man I fancy - school masters of a good type - farmers, stationowners Engineers. + There are men in Iranks of N.C.OS who od make better Colonels tan amak like Walker. The tall fellow who stands all night on corner of this wood giving coffee to ad men - a gannt gri kind cleanshern Austialion, t close croped black hair & kindly deep lines all over his long face, iod on first sight do He has a thory about better shells - & ty gil quite a few about Hcoffee stall He says "Te sall tll hit me will have my name number on it be snot any to dodge shells until to shell comes along & he wont dodge to.
86 16. the partition, in ther trench, ie Becoust wood his which are bivoracked Before the 1st attach oueh Sfirst night July 22/03, ia farmante port o the GtBroan p-craiin out Woandes Roziere Yp shoutd Balt at 942 me to the23rd had just Gelly told into position. one 87 The men the other side of this partition wh ends our duigont are intelligent fellows. They don't takk fifth & they dont oweas nore than other people. My discuss anyty at all all day long - (they area burial pt but thei dutess seem to fall lightly & I shd say they were havin a goods time Occasionally Ile a siglt -ap Where heir work.I - wh nearl sickens them of soldiering That shook me up so one 1oth day to his mates I'd sooner face shells for a day than see andher sight like to Aug. 415. At 9.15 pm we opened 3minutes bomberdmet witl all field guns a come big guns I walded it from above Gilly's dug out. After 3 minutes bombt lengtiened. Defore this the Germans had pubup red flare (breaking into Mrs) from 3 points. Ater 13 mins our boubt Cagrined again. The German flares ceased exceptin lef hand corner. flarce they still kept up a fire on this left prent edge. Dead that 230d blocked in Commn if 2 green fleris & an odd one 90 that means 2end in.
82 10.3 wendups. White flares fewer than last Saty but still going up all alvey lind at interal v little mrs fire in front - but afair and on extreme right. 10.S 3 prs of green flares opposite cemitery - Eveiy I shalling applass noral on velleh& & commn of 10.30. Plant was speaking to a Sergt who states t Bde in - when wire ws cat 2Corps 36 Bde hench ang on a operati in Kation i at same time as we resent posite on hynch is Xsa 66 6A2.B. 9.4. Frenchk33d 647- & 2d. 4. 7 Report to Hoyd Flity Rat. 7t Bll is in Report from 5. Bde tt Bay have prisoners, Tse porsoners arrive -7 of them gellib guarder by abt 25 men a fixed bayonits. Gelly has tn talking a bonee sellew - a re nho duout when taken Bisoner States t migs were all burns lots of mink by our arty. Prisoner we F4 Re. t. another naw edhe
13 5Bll X5 a 9.5 6 Bapaino ld at X5a7.9. I toot ave at goint where it crosses train at X5.6E.5. A stop to be constrd. Len tostpt. behind it. An photos show OG.2 to be obliterated from X5 p0.8. to R356. 714 Attack thereunnecy, but strong patrols as Lewes is to be prshento craters & crates latey Joined H Objoe. R35 c 6.0.6 R34d7.7. 7 Anst Inf Bde h m R350812k3 46.0 Wondwill to be ceptined. (l. From Bapaune Rd. two 3rds of way to Brinds Rd. OG.2 as favewas -R.35.C. 74 is obliterated - to be occuseed 6 strong patrolst w Lewis funs a Craters later to be goind & consold. 18Obj R3yd 77 t R34ad g. 1. o Bele Oe R3d. 60 to R34b 12. (18.O.1&2 to Bunds Rd). special pty to seize commn trench between OG002 along brinds Rd. dine from there Along Brink. Rd to becheld as dissncive flank. had bee in t days & we io second tid 11Som 7th PBde- All objectives obtained adeging in -allgoing well. 1646 Five by colosions at uterals on other side of ridgeo numbers of objects t own up hundred feet hoks as if every were blowin up his amn 1815 Bn reports both hes Akn + Concolerate 20. sn reports both ties tken ia st deal of work tecy to consolidate. Bomb Fights apparently pooceeden wepch. in For truck (New Switeh behind Munster Alley. Lo Divt order. To etteck Gernan lives 691. Og.2. from Hanlur at 85a 9.5& R35 C8½162t R34a.92 R. 346. 12 lest sance R34 a. 9.16o R 33d. D.. to be hilf as a dejensive flant (18 from Tramway OG.4& Bapannic R309. to Bunds (Road. Denn on left to ateack an X3a certain str pts Drow on sight to allack Memslis (fllowen HisBuz: C Resit. botton ofp. st. all
1859 stench Tis Bolshes by going for th BD for several days o 3 days. et 21 Bn. 15 day reported cdit dif ybec. oo 23- nt day ordered to akack it. sd it didnt Cxist. herch 3id day ordered to dig of again; trench adat be dy bec post at 5heldimaprder This wsn't reporte, but trench simply not dog Finally ide by mcans of compromi. as gt his bu comundrs out of Gell practice of excusing work not being dowe by saying Sl too heavy? Thet exaiss not sevennew he says But be canot rely even yn his to five him a true report bec, he rel on ths going to see personall For t et old chap is going yp elf into the trut of with shes Hant to get things sushed along besaysI might have known be wasnt safe roon as Grigadies. He men are aw job is so now he can be careless of himself cure to's what he truiks 36 1240. 24th bn report tt thy have 2 copwiz port lieg s have tu front line. 2/2 have 2 an read lind gproping Cgrumnn E & The men in frontlin are yeting for cois glidatin material. Eugrs hat not arrive to tius. The t son shelling of 22 Bn (wh has toth objoes & is consolidity & 2 coys in advanced pocitin 58, 751123 This coy had t inprove perpes. Commn of from there to snengs live 11.40 shele only desultory; 11.50 message from port line to sappers lat . yet and want yelling for consolutaty material Previous message had fast sd to Bus were much mixed &7de in to them News A Maj. Mackay, 22 Bn, had bu killed had just got his promotion. 15 Bisoners arrive in charge of 10 7B de. Gelly goes up to take to thim wit troops of S Bde holding Franlene Y K5 a 1.5 to X462.9 to be relieved on Aug 3by Bn of 7Q. 1. Bole. 84 Heavy Combt 5 to 6. Normal to 9. pm. 15 mens selence during wh. followon to

9     64
23 Bn. July 28 / 9 

Orders at 5p.m. to Bn
in Bailiff wood to be moving at 8pm.
3 coys to be in
B. Brind Maj
C. Smith Capt.
D. Kennedy Capt.
& Air Support [24 Bn in reserve.]
Abt 9.30 - 10 followed up 7th Bde
No shelling - Didn't seem as if men
were seen going up. We were shelling
O.G. line w heavy stuff.
Bn had never seen / line
before. We had no marked out
jumping off place - only coordinates on
Moved up old German advanced
line (destroyed) to rly - no loss
to notice - to rt along rly &
jumping off place ws prac. along rly.
Flares were too far off to worry us.
Line had to extend from jumping off
place. They crossed rly line
just on time & had to go
straight on. 12.15.
Diagram - see original document
[1 min. intense bombt.] As
soon as our fellows got up to go
on into under cover of our bombt.


9     74
in at the corner of Brinds Rd &
Beaths Rd.
This party in O.G.1 ws ordered
back & came in alright.
Coy commdrs, m.g. officers, bomb
officers etc went up in morning early
to see / ground; but / platoon commdrs
& NCOs had never seen / ground & knew
nothing of it - & arrived there long
after dark.
26th lost 2 offrs k. Capt ^T. Hewitt
& Lt. Lindus
& 4 wounded: Lt Paterson
Lt Kennedy
Lt Neason [[shorthand]]
Capt Herbert.
& abt 300 men.
Herbert & Hewitt were coy commdrs.
Went out in 4 waves on 4 coy front
1 platoon of each coy in each wave.
Abt 70 yds - 100 yds between
waves - 4th wave Carrying party.
28th Bn lost 8 offrs k., 3 w., 1 missing.
Glover & one man seem to have found
an opening in / enemys wire & got thro'.
McCrae ws killed - shot as he stepped
over the wire abt 18 in. deep. Others
were tugging at it. Here it ws / wire


9     75
in front of / first trench tt ws 
Of the 4th wave only an officer &
a corporal arrived unwounded. The 2nd
first wave found the 1st wave lying
down in front o / wire - they thought
they were ^lying down waiting so they lay down
behind them - but they were mostly 
knocked out in reality.
All 4 waves got up to / wire.
practically noone got through it.
The 26th, on the left ought to
have had their right on point 58 - but
got away to the left. The 26th & I believe
the 25th, both hold tt we ought to
have bn able to hold the 1st trench
if someone had not passed along /
fatal order to retire. Well there have 
been units gritty eno' to withstand /
order to retire; some o / 25th & 26th
did hold on in spite of it & they
shd all have bn able to.
The O.G.1 trench was held in
strong points & w listening &
bombing posts out on / German
wire. These Germans were seen 
cutting back thro / trench but it is


9     76
doubtful if many others were seen in
O.G.1. The 25 or 26 Bn many some
of them dug in in front o / German
wire of O.G.2 - or began to dig there -
but retired.
I think there may have bn a
misunderstanding between Fergusons
26th & the 23rd on their left. The two
front waves of the 23rd did come back after
going too far - & I don't think their
left quite reached its objective.
Aug 3
Last night heavy bombt - far longer lasting
than I thought (I thought it ws to be 
8 - 9 but it went on all night.)
The firing interfered with our digging
parties. Altho' hundreds o / men
were sent up to dig I don't think
most of them got past the Chalk Pit
& Foss says nearly 3000 were there.
It is awkward work and & somehow
I don't think there ws ^always anyone there
to put them in place. The show is 
accordgly put off & the 25 Bn has bn
sent up to hold / trenches of the 19th
& dig.  19th has been in 8 or 9
days - no fighting, just holding on.
A nasty big gun on Albert.


9     77
I doubt if the tin discs of the 2nd &
4 Divns (worn on back) are much advantage.
They are all talking of taking them off &
just flashing them when an aeroplane 
appears - wh some in craters did
w success. But otherwise / ide
/ units think they gave them away in /
lights o / flares last Saty night. The
pink patches o / 1st Divn were much
One officer o / 25th told me tt /
"morale" of the 7th Bde has declined 
since Saturday. The 26 Bn has lost most
of its officers & n.c.o.s.  I wish they wd put
in the 4th Bde instead.  The 6 Bde wd prefer
this too.
The difficulty will be to stand / shelling
in tt much strafed trench when we get
over / top o / hill.  The Germans
will be able to see their target & to
concentrate on it. The 4 Divn if it
relieves will have (wh it must do
quickly if we are to hold) will 
have a harder job than any in 
holding on unless there is a big move
elsewhere at / same time to distract
/ German arty.


9     78
August 4th. Lieut. de Tessan came
round today, sent on by Birdwood,
to ask me for a sort of general
account of what the Australians
have done.  Took him up to head
of Sausage Gully from wh he cd
get a good idea of Pozieres,
Contalmaison & the O.G. trenches.
We were shelling O.G. Germans
occasionally dropping 5.9 into
Pozieres.  Our tramway is
already working over the top of
the hill at head of Sausage
Gully - within view o / Germans.
They must have a very slight
or bad observation. We have at
last, a screen along X road
to Contalmaison w. of Casualty Corner.
The attack comes off tonight
early. I can't imagine I am
very anxious about it.  The
2nd Divn will put in its 7th Bde.
Smith, Chaplain of the 25th, says
the morale of his brigade is
not good.  The 25, 26, & 27 Bns
are to make / attack & the
28 to carry. The 28th, I know,
is a good bn - the best they have.


k. at
9      79
The 25th has a C.O. who strikes me
on first sight, as / worst I have ever
seen - worse than Bolton - Col.
Walker.  How the C'th appoints such
officers I cant understand. The curse
of this Bde is some of its senior
officers. They impress me as stout
second class butchers or publicans, some
of them. I dont know what type of
man is best - a smart strong university
man I fancy - schoolmasters of a
good type - farmers, stationowners,
engineers.  I
There are men in / ranks o /
N.C.Os who wd make better Colonels
than a man like Walker. The tall
fellow who stands all night on /
corner of this wood giving coffee to
wd men - a gaunt grim kindly
cleanshaven Australian, w close cropped
black hair & kindly deep lines all over
his long face, wd on first sight do
better.  He has a theory about
shells - & they get quite a few about
/ coffee stall.   He says "The shell tt'll
"hit me will have my name &
"number on it" - to he's not
going to dodge shells untill tt shell
comes along & he wont dodge tt.


 xi.e. the partition in
other trench, in Becourt
wood in which we
Before the 1st attack on / first
night July 22/23, a German in front
o the 9th Bn as they were crawling
out towards Pozieres trench, shouted
Gelly told me ^at 9.12 tt the the 23rd had just
one minute to get into position.
9     81
The men the other side of this x partition
wh ends our dugout are intelligent
fellows. They don't talk fifth & they
don't swear more than other people.
They discuss anything at all - all
day long - (they are a burial pty
but their duties seem to fall lightly
& I shd say they were having a good
time - occasionally they see a sight
- up where their work is - wh nearly
sickens them of soldiering.  "That shook
me up," sd one / other day to his mates
"I'd sooner face shells for a day than
see another sight like tt."
Aug. 4th.  At 9.15 pm we opened
3 minutes bombardment with all
field guns & some big guns.
I watched it from above Gelly's
dug out.
After 3 minutes bombt lengthened.
Before this the Germans had put up
red flares (breaking into stars) from
3 points. After 13 mins our bombt.
lengthened again. The German flares
ceased except in left hand corner.
They still kept up a fire of flares on this left
News that 23rd blocked in Commn trench
9.48 2 green flares & an odd one
that means 22nd in.


9     82
10.5 went upstairs. White flares
fewer than last Saty but still
going up all along line at intervals.
v. little m.g. fire in front - but
a fair amt on extreme right.
10.5. 3 prs of green flares opposite
cemetery - Enemy shelling appears
normal on village & commn trenches.
10.30. Plant was speaking to a Sergt who
states 6th Bde in - when wire ws cut.
[2 Corps 36 Bde going on w operatn in
Ration trench at moment same time as
we.  Present positn in trench
is X3 a.4.6. to X2. B.9.4. 
Trench = R33 d 6½.7 - X 2d.4.7.]
Report to Lloyd  5 Arty that 7th Bde is
Report from 5 Bde tt they have prisoners.
These prisoners arrive - 7 of them Gellbray
guarded by abt 25 men w fixed bayonets -
Gelly has bn talking to one fellow - a
red X man - who ws in / dugout
when taken
Prisoner states tt were all
buried. Lots of men k by our arty -
Prisoner was 84 Regt.  Another man sd he


5 Bde. X5 a 9.5 to Bapaume Rd at X5a 7.9.
& Torr Ave. at point where it crosses
Tram at X5.6½.5.  A "stop" to be constrd. here.
w str. pt. behind it.
Air photos show O.G.2 to be obliterated
from X5 b 0.8. to R35 c.7.4  Attack
there unnecy, but strong patrols w Lewis
guns to be pushed into craters & craters
later joined.
7 Aust Inf Bde. 1st objve. R35 c 6.0. to R.34 d 7.7.
                            2nd  "   "   R35 c 8½1½ to R34 d 6.0.

Windmill to be captured.
(i.e. From Bapaume Rd. two 3rds
of way to Brinds Rd.).
O.G.2 as far N as R.35 c.7.4
is obliterated - to be occupied by
strong patrols w Lewis guns.
Craters later to be joined & consold.
6 Bde - 1st objve. R34 d 7.7. to R34 a.9.1.
              2nd objve R.34 d.6.0 to R34 b.1.2.
(i.e. O.G. 1 & 2 to Brinds Rd).
Special pty to seize Commn
trench between OG. & 0G2
along Brinds Rd.  Line from there
along Brinds Rd to be held as a
defensive flank.

9     84
had bn in 5 days & ws in second time.
11.5p.m. 7th Inf Bde - All objectives obtained.
all digging in - all going well.
11.40. Five big explosions at intervals
on other side of ridge - numbers
of objects thrown up hundred feet -
Looks as if enemy were blowing
up his Ammn-.
18th Bn reports both lines taken &
20 Bn reports both lines taken;  a gt
deal of work necy. to consolidate.
Bomb Fight apparently proceeding
in Torr trench (x(new Switch trench.
behind Munster Alley.).
2. Divl order. To attack German lines OG1.
OG2. from tramline at X5 a 9.5 &
R35 c 8½1½ to R34 a.9.1 & R34 b.1.2.
Left flank R34 a.9.1 to  R 33 d.8.5
to be held as a defensive flank.
(i.e. from Tramway OG1 & Bapaume Rd OG2
to Brinds Road.
Divn on left to attack in X3a
certain str. pts.
Divn on right to attack Munster
Alley & N of Buz. le Petit → (follow on
bottom of p.86)


This Bde has bn going for the trench
58 for several days - 3 days.
21 Bn. 1st day reported cdnt dig trench bec. of it.
2nd day^23rd Bn ordered to attack it.  Sd it 
didnt exist
3rd day ordered to dig trench again;
trench cdnt be dug bec. post at
58 held them up.  ordered
4th This wsn't reported but trench
simply not dug.  Finally
avoided by means of compromise.
Gelly has got his bn commdrs out of
practice of excusing work not being done
by saying "shell fire too heavy."  That excuse
is not given now, he says.
But he cannot rely even on his
C.Os to give him a true report bec. he
cant rely on their going to see personally.
For tt reason / old chap is going up
himself into the thick of it with his
staff - Plant & Norman. - "to get things
pushed along" - as he says.  I might
have known he wasn't safe even as
a Brigadier. His men are in -  job is
done - so now he can be careless of himself
I'm sure tt's what he thinks.
9     86
12.40. 22nd Bn report tt they have 2 Coys. within
front line.  24 have 2 in front line.
22 have 2 in rear line improving
Commn trenches.  The men in front line
are yelling for consolidating material.
Engrs had not arrived to time.  There
ws some shelling of
22 Bn (wh has both objves & is consolidating).
& 2 Coys in advanced positn 58,
75, 23. This coy had to improve
Commn trenches from there to enemy's line.
11.40 shelling only desultory; 11.50 message
from front line tt sappers had not
yet arrd; want yelling for consolidating
Previous message had just sd
tt Bns were much mixed & x 7 Bde in w them.
News tt Maj. Mackay, 22 Bn, had
bn killed.  (had just got his promotion).
1.10. 15 Prisoners arrive in charge of
7 Bde.  Gelly goes up to talk to them.

[Troops of 5 Bde holding tramline trench.
X5 a 1.5. to X4 b 2.9. to be relieved
on Aug 3 by Bn of 7 a. 1. Bde.
Heavy bombt 5 to 6. Normal to
9. pm. 15 mins silence during wh.
(follow on p 88)
[*?2 Div order
from p. 84.*]



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