Charles E.W. Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/54/1 July August 1916 pt4

First World War, 1914–18
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  • Notebook and diaries of CEW Bean
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und Rld Dex 32 others cdut get past were. in some of ttis joined Harper. Feach Bcay as waiting to take End y in similar pty. (They were burnnt of to recnforce 17t Pn). C Coy made the raid. got mes age fom Haipert trench he as an if w komen but hat not cong a anyoue etarty No. of other if rushed back Ralston sast y. Col. Kawson who ws a AdT & Trunners on Shell hole homendlen sthe as buncinable to get i? fanans atwere, beih i go. 3395 It ws just down breake Cph MColl Sbback Sts colle 20 hen e ha fallen back & shls i tm a pa. Weamentig to a better 3runners, were ole hit Ednt yeb boubs up so Col. winbback to Bde to ask for barrage protect tasper. Item got another measage to say H Harper had bu bombe out o trunch by gerna who came out apperenty
H Broadbent (bombery officer) ws in thhew W 17th in Minster Alley on 20th Bonbers, & M. Ganners were in 17th Bos show in Manster ally, (Have only 1 Obombers le arcoy This attack ws made a by 2 coys. BHA (They were tued out already) B Coghes only 2d men left &7 a shill sock. our right of O.G.1 flario ing. first from tere. then workes I round to Bpine Red. Cmaltio 50 660 we ed learing on our left going theavity. Thiy gbly had bstenn posts in craters. At XIXN Ho two didy knose the they had failed till-nearly dawn The infortry hold to 1 affair has be rushed (only 2 ags notice) & insuf of atack arty preparate. Then were tered out before aback bigan carrying. 34 from 2nd French and bombed up from craters. We had 78 casnettias meh. Harper & Evans - Harper as hit on head bg a fout before he got. ento ip t Evans is bit by mg, bullet o French I before he gob into 4 Harpi by on parapit + tho he adnt stang directed operatis frm there for the s a wen werein 1 trunch o finally; gave order & witdraw (4 Estill unaccounted for). A numbers of men did not get in till folly onight (remaind in spellholes). S.BS in Dearchy fr men, came across one of 9onr of 11 Bn who had bn out sdays. EHarmans were seen killed in hene 5 by bombo & 3 w bayoret the wound among thim being a fer captein tranline and stunt. we had to akack betw. Ws Bon R then startel tget into posite abt 11.45. First two had starte to get into posetn when Eveney opend. ty had be observed under flares. Then were 4 ings. on Brive Rd & 6 in ponit. Atsame timg opened heavy arty fire. Thy sentes red + green fire before on berrage - sas shells, h.e, tear etc It ws proc. imposs. to get I disogganed mencnte positu. They were seen from
Albert. July 31 730am. Hvillagers wo in hers & sleep in cellers very night. I can see a little girl in white stockings & an old little bow legged father with a bunde going off down 1 pak as I write. (Hoths we. and Ned 7198 f an evening when the house is full of bigh lights i clerks working typewriters, Gen. Hobbs VMile & Clowes busy over the nights work & old Brown of TMB, you see one or another of hes women park. a a youngster descend by 1 capboard door underreate 1stairs a laugh & a joke wI men as the go down - but otherwise they are as complitely forotten as the 2ats & cockroades. 36 July 30. It was a purs rumoir tt I wards were att alking Shiegwal They are not The fire lastnigit we our own artg. doing this game fe believe they are atit a one ir 3t istead of alack wh ws to here by to our infontory sentup I S.OS siguals lastny st + down came our burrage & cut off a patrol of wh we got onceman prisoner cold me/a ter were very tode San very few spies be taxzaplup, in the Somms ard except sais in whapt. The Mayor of Bapiine, however was a pirson likely to be arreated yf wer we sot so per. 7 Wilson tell me my wrticls have been a little too full lately too many exact particulars- 89. We attacked at 5 0'clock. I sd "Surely 1 gernan haww i - but pert. hees right. He might draw something of uss from exact detecb The French last night attacked failler Maurepas + fBritish finly fillemont. The Ienal a Poutsberts of Mourejoas & Brilish station &edge of fillimont The germans say they caue pet
37 2000 dead in port of their trunche in the French vaid at Lventie. Tas Bolish Consortes in very Hallon wilson told me t of course this ws very exaperated for ait must be; but it is too near 1 truth to be pleasant runch mearer ton our rubbict about trenchy gaids. We retook Delville oad a fewdays ago & germans have c attacked but not bu able to seize it.
July 31 ate anes 44 Fans her 7 muter at sumken Rd Black walley 38
39 July 31. Went thro Pogieris today alooun our front line from 21 Bn (H.Q. to 1915 Bn & when Sherborne was on his own at BaHS resliy his tere mgunners. He has 60 men of his cogleft there? The Youte was like a road this a disert. nearly half 1 way Iws going thio deserted truches dlong wh I dead lay sonetimes in batches of 10 or12 together esp of the 28t. I saw one fair bund of dead germans. He Chalk lit staike Idead orro teI ws road, before Creting to the 24 Bn H 93 totd to ss stiaught along 1 road we I shod find a commn ifa there ws not a soul in sight - ouly the pondered grey earto craters to a trodden path thgo it. I went first up 1 track to right - but at seemed to me I ws getting too much into ceatre, 01 village. By we ws a filled in truch & no shelter whatsoever in it & two bigish shells fell straght ahea. No signs of any wench of ours all as still & deaday a deselted
12 40 I turned back ash beap. goat track path to & followed there were only blackin right. dead and occasionally bits of men - torn bit of Ambs cnrecognisable along it. I wandered on for 5 mins without seeig a sign of any one till I came to a gradually emprove trench gedesrted people cnly by dead men half buried sittlly some upight w bandaged heads. apparently, little hurt except for the bondaged wound o others lyin half covereof in I little holes tre had scratched in 1 trench side. were deserly took There I as going down to tcountry &t country ws quite a slope open abeed of me- a gentle up stope. on wh there mst have bu German Mes I knew track must be used bec it ws tradden - but it might have be at night- At last I came on some Pioncers hurrying back - 5 of them. day sd middene were ahand & then some of our TM men. I
47 went on again over batteved. I hench & unto deet hollows of good trench switchback like - kurrying to avoid m. g. wh cd have caught me any time - but at seemed ages before truc ws peopled. A fast I came slead men- & ito to endo a decent held by living - British & thio them to Husti alians -21 Bn at our extreme left. Pozieres looked a surprising distance behind - we were a wile begond itson a purtier slope. I took a picture of it fom near here poind the 25Bn got to 1 other day. One cd look out & see I cup a very shallow cup - wh the 712 Bde charged over 1other day. The men were crowded on I floor of these narrow T ove had to step over them i but onwhole r were good. A german t ron out to the E.&s heard th selle, who had be all round jeist before me had told them they trust digatory eet this tought. Beath's Rd-E Fumbe cart but not much aut up you in up there - &I
19 42 had to leave I trunck & walk. along it for 20 or 30 yds. Then I got unto further from wh I looked back and saw 1 Cemetery I had passed thro without known it. A few battered stone marked perch it. Wherever you left the if here acre a few dead man pens got into good if apu - stil 21Bn faiily peck, & not badle strafed (only o 24hrs) & trench camed round, quite good. until it strack the Old ferman gundig outs & trind wh are shown on 1map. There were occupied there it crosse them but not beyond. Shortly after it petered out in 1back. hedge of houses N. al main read. The 5 Bde came next, but their trenches were 100 yds away They sdt 1 only way ws to crowl behiid I heage until one
43 reached I truck. Their S.Bs were suiped there so it ws necessar to be careful. I divnt want to go back knot deserted trud to 215Bn H.G. so I went on. It was an eerie feeling clanbering over craters - the whole ground ws notn but craters, behied I hedge, t no 3igr of any truch anywhere or of any living then. I kept as much as poosible in Ibottom of cacers & presently founds wall swith a house in pont of me I chmbered over trokin bricks (tm Windmill where they say German have observate as always upleasaull obvious ahead. However, as I got thro'1 house I saw a trainway ahead of me & begond to a line of new eart. over1 I clambered hurriedly


Hand drawn diagram – see original

My Route July 31. 1916

9    32

in. Others cdnt get past wire.

Some of others joined Harper.

B Coy ws waiting to take 2nd trench

in similar pty. (They were turned

of to reinforce 17th Bn).

C. Coy made the raid.

Got message from Harper to say

he was in trench w 40 men but

had not connected up w anyone.

No. of other partys rushed back

past Maj Col. Rawson who ws

[*Ralston 19Bn*] 

w Adjt & 3 runners in shell hole

in nomansland.  No o / men sd they

had bn unable to get in.

Germans were using

& 5.9s. It was just dawn breaking.


Capt. M'Cole went back to collect

men who had fallen back &

w asked straighten them again.

We went to a better

'ole - 3 runners were

hit. Cdnt get bombs

up so Col. went back to

Bde to ask for barrage to

protect Harper. "I then

got another message to say

tt Harper had bn bombed

out o trench by Germans

who came out apparently



26th/27th July

[H Broadbent (bombing officer) ws in the show

w 17th in Munster Alley.

60 men in trenches

20th Bombers & m.gunners were in 17th Bns

show in Munster Alley. (Have only 10 bombers left Bn & Coy)

This attack ws made by 2 coys. B & A.

(They were tired out already). B Coy has

only 28 men left & 7 w shell shock.

our right of O.G. 1 - flares & m.g. first

from there. Then worked round to Bpme Rd.

Casualties 50 to 60.

We cd hear m.g on our left going

heavily. They probly had listening posts

in craters. At XIXth H.Q. we didn't

know the thing had failed till nearly dawn.

The Infantry hold tt / affair has

bn rushed (only 2 hrs notice of attack) & insuff.

arty preparatn. Men were tired out

before attack began carrying -

9    34

from 2nd Trench and bombed us from

craters. We had 78 casualties incl.

Lts Harper & Evans. Harper ws hit on

head & leg by a bomb before he got

into trench. Lt Evans ws hit by m.g. bullet

before he got into trench.

Harper lay on parapet &

tho he cdnt stand directed operatns

from there for the 1½ hrs tt / men

were in / trench & finally gave

/ order to withdraw (43 still

unaccounted for). A number of

men did not get in till follg night

(remained in shell holes). S.Bs in searching

for men came across one of 9 & one

of 11 Bn who had bn out 3 days.

8 Germans were seen killed in

the trench, 5 by bombs & 3 w bayonet

wound among them being a German


[*28/29th July"]

2nd stunt. we had to attack betw. tramline & Bpme Rd.

Men started to get into positn abt 11.45. First

line had started to get into positn when Enemy

opened. They had bn observed under flares. There

were 4 on Bpme Rd & 6 in front. At same

time opened heavy arty fire. They sent up red &

green fire before our barrage - gas shells, h.e.,

tear etc It was prac. imposs. to get / disorganised

men into positn. They were seen from 




July 31  7.30am.

The villagers come in here & sleep in /

cellars every night. I can see

a little girl in white stockings & an old little

bow legged father with a bundle going off

down / path as I write (Hobbs H.Q. 2nd

Red Flag) Of an evening when the big house

is full of bright lights - clerks working

typewriters, Gen. Hobbs & Miles & Clowes

busy over the nights work & old Brown

o / TMB, you see one or another of these

women perh. w a youngster descending

by / cupboard door underneath / stairs

- a laugh & a joke w / men as they

go down - but otherwise they are as

completely forgotten as the rats & /


9    36

July 30. It was a pure rumour tt /

Guards were attacking Thiepval.

They are not. The fire last night

ws our own arty 

Hand drawn diagram – see original

doing this game. I believe they

are at it again tonight 3 times

instead o / attack wh ws to have bn tonight.

Our infantry sent up 3

S.O.S. signals last night & down came

our barrage & cut off a patrol

of wh we got one man prisoner.

Jangye today told me tt there were very

very few spies he thought at present in the Somme area except spies in

khaki. The Mayor of Bapaume however was a person likely to be

arrested if ever we got so far. 

Wilson tells me my articles

have been a little too full lately -

too many exact particulars -

e.g. we attacked at 6 o'clock. I

sd "Surely / German knew" - but

perh. he is right. He might

draw something of use from exact


The French last night attacked

Guillan Maurepas & the British

Givenchy Gillemont. The French reached

the outskirts of Maurepas o /

British / station & edge of Gillemont.

The Germans say they counted


9   37

2000 dead in front of their trenches

in the "trench raid" at Laventie. Then

British censorship is very s Hutton

Wilson told me tt of course this ws

very exaggerated & it must be; but

there it is too near / truth to be pleasant -

much nearer than our rubbish

about "trench raids".  Is

We retook Delville Wood a few days

ago & / Germans have c.attacked

but not bn able to seize it.


9    38

Hand drawn diagram – see original


9   39

July 31. Went thro Pozieres today

all round our front line from

21 Bn H.Q. to 19th Bn - where

Sherborne was on his own at Bn H.Q.

resting his tired m. gunners. He has

60 men of his Coy left there. The

route was like a road thro a

desert. Nearly half / way I ws

going thro deserted trenches full

along wh / dead lay sometimes

in batches of 10 or 12 together -

esp of the 28th. I saw one fair

bunch of dead Germans.

You strike / dead on the Chalk pit

road before getting to the 21 Bn H.Q. From there I was

told to go straight along / road

& I shd find a commn trench. There

ws not a soul in sight - only

the powdered grey earth o /

craters w a trodden path thro it.

I went first up / roa track to /

right - but it seemed to me

I ws getting too much into /

centre o / village. By me

ws a filled in trench - no shelter

whatsoever in it - & two biggish

shells fell straight ahead. No

signs of any trench of ours -

all as still & dead as a deserted 


9    40

ash heap. I turned back -

& followed / goat track path to /

right. There were only blackened

dead and occasionally

Hand drawn diagram – see original

bits of men - torn bits

of limbs unrecognisable - 

along it. I wandered on

for 5 mins without seeing

a sign of any one till I

came to a gradually improving

trench - quite deserted - peopled

only by dead men half buried

- some ^sitting upright w bandaged heads -

apparently little hurt except for

the bandaged wound - others lying

half covered in / little holes they

had scratched in / trench side.

There were deserted tools - &

/ country ws  I ws going down

a slope & / country ws quite

open ahead of me - a gentle up-

slope on wh there must have

bn German trenches. At last I knew

/ track must be used bec. it ws

trodden - but it might have bn at

night. At last I came on some

Pioneers hurrying back - 5 of them.

They sd / Middlesex were ahead

& then some of our T.M. men. I 


9   41

went on again over battered trench

& into deep hollows of good trench

switchback like - hurrying to avoid

m.g. wh cd have caught me any

time - but it seemed ages before

/ trench ws peopled. At last I came

to / end o / dead men - & into

a decent trench held by / living - British
- & thro them to Australians - 21 Bn

at our extreme left.

Pozieres looked a surprising

distance behind - we were ½ a mile

beyond it, on a further slope. I

took a picture of it from near here

- / point the 23 Bn got to the other

day. One cd look out & see / cup

-a very shallow cup - wh the 7th

Bde charged over / other day.

The men were crowded on / 

floor of these narrow trenches & one had to

step over them - but on / whole /

trenches were good. A German trench ran

out to the E. & I heard tt Gelly, who

had bn all round just before me,

had told them they must dig along

this tonight. Beath's Rd a mass covered w

of tumbled sprinkled earth but not much

cut up ran in up there - & I


x i.e. The Bn 

9   42

had to leave / trench & walk

along it for 20 or 30 yds. Then

I got into further trench from wh I

looked back and saw / Cemetery

I had passed thro without knowing

it. A few battered stones marked

it. Wherever you left the trench there

were a few dead men.

I got into good trench agn - still

21 Bn, x fairly fresh & not badly

strafed (only in 24 hrs) & /

trench curved round, quite good - 

until it struck the old German

gun dug outs & trench 

Hand drawn diagram – see original

wh are show on / map. These

were occupied where it crosses

them but not beyond. Shortly

after it petered out in / back

hedge o / houses N. of / main


The 5 Bde came next, but

their trenches were 100 yds away.

They sd tt / only way ws to

crawl behind / hedge until one


9    43

reached / trench. Their S.Bs were

sniped there so it ws necessary

to be careful.

I didn't want to go back

thro / deserted trench to / 21st Bn

H.Q. so I went on. It was an

eerie feeling clambering over

craters - the whole ground ws nothing

but craters, behind / hedge, w no

sign of any trench anywhere or of

any living thing. I kept as much

as possible in / bottom of the

craters & presently found / wall of

a house in front of me 

Hand drawn diagram – see original

I clambered over /

broken bricks (the

windmill where they say / Germans

have observatn ws always

unpleasantly obvious ahead.

However, as I got thro / house I

saw a tramway ahead of me

& beyond tt a line of new earth.

I clambered hurriedly over /



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