Charles E.W. Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/54/1 July August 1916 pt15

First World War, 1914–18
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  • Notebook and diaries of CEW Bean
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1480 304 432 2 ne 10. 101 133 Rept. Prisoune sd they were in Kitle, Pronne. F. Hardecourt 14 daysback. came here 3 days ago. Prisoner Captd. abt R34d near Bg Stashard to kep pas a wd. T6 leyt 6s on his right Whole Saxon Corpe is on this pont 2xDiv 133. (39,179) in line; 40 (10x,134, 180) reserve. Reliefs every, 4 days. His reft were trying to dig connester w Pressions on it but Birtish shelling presented it. tis day x vere dodging shell fire round their Ey. Relieved 9th Tacger? Prisoner of 69Ryt. Divn- 28.29, 68, 69 Repts. 6 8protont non Ling from R33627 to 55, to R 34 a. 0.S. Truch R.33655 to R34A. 08 ws occupin by 3 plations at night, one during day 69 in thes (xloys); R33658-6 R33 b 27 ws occupi by 28, 29 Bus; also R33 b27129. Castrel Jap fom Copse R34 AO.S. to rt of Saxons bryeng to abt R34 a 34 is kept open by our arty bnk up wh is terrible & B3cant join a 6916. We have driven a wedge betw Bassians & saons. Moujust Farm is lep alone as dangerous. Av6 111916 3187 11/8/16 Reprence Map. Ferme der Monquet 15000 16 Bn port line ws R. 33 d 28-78- 89 -99 -34a12-43 with advanced LewJo Jun Post At 134. a 13. owing to heavy shelling the Thinck 33 d 28 t 78. w0 only held by a few men, garrison being withdrawn for sality to truch 2678 Abt 2Pm. observers reported Enemy leaving Mouquet Farm in large nov. - small colum in single file kept leasing farm & spreadin fanwise + formed a kick live from 33 a81- Quarry - 336 55 Evemy shelling intreased; realing to attack as impending G.C. 161 remained his truck 33 d2d. & H.A. Lewis g. delastments 15 were sent to 34a 12. Abt 3 Pm. first eveny wave advanced on 160 who wet tem w we heavy rifle & m9.10
3192 8 I don't know what Kaiser gives them a bally VS 3 bymessor dudion it wemn ny cond hear yom. I could beat him with my bloody hal. AUG 11 1916 3183 Germans came out of Monguet Faron down kill-running –& got out of sight, little fire or barrage on them at this time later a wave came over hill Carrage had lifet bub not before our men went back into forwd 24 withd awn bec of fire Enfilading from both directions) Lere had bayonets fixed? They came on well - trimendous fire opening from us quite liti Anzac- Days. Men fell, spem round, dropped, tried to ron away & fell dropped & crawled away After first wave Enite. Then a clmps came up - no resopn crowd. (They were walking, Them a longer gop- then anoh crowd. Our Lewis igs. were in crates near 81 & another near 13 & 3or 4 others. At least one was outside Call Lewss m. gs.) The men wd have L.M. 9 under coats or heyping them to keep from dirt & dust- & fond of L.M.9.
864 Atangat 4o she sigstins aveaged to ags a trr 300 gonern wndt aey a e AUG 1! 1916½ 385. one ad runforwd from one craty to another to get clear shot at ermans retiring into valley. This fire on their left flank, enplading, we most fective prnons fel in scores. S0.D signal wd sent to arty who put up barrage. Eniny retired cot valley &id be seen (like tarks at Dazac) hopping from one shelte to another. Eveny reacher abt Loogah or 150 from our truch. Robly a bached w2 Bns. some of Enemy were beckoued 63 to to come in &.20 prisoners 69 TReto at least did so. (after advance) allacked Evenin cenh onto dugonts a quarry. Brockman asked bo Peceons for fere bysheavy guns on Guarry & Monqued Farm - & guas sot on extraordinarily quickly oevn haygo t Arny Corps Hl which el ephones). many men were hunted our of Qnarry by this nob fire. Yeu of HBr were very cool ? splendid: Maj. Darrant ws in 16Bn trenches at the time
p 186 Sunday Seryl Cengally 4 Aast Mr. G. Coy to be seen. Biloon for revey A. or 4B. & our planes am trying ato Sink it. German acroplaro brought down in 14son pont tine. Ang Brch t b00 y of mchs to Tomneo Gwillaze of Mourepas. Everyone to i pleased i Lahore Dir Crty. Aug. (3. (night 12/13) 6 22/131188 12.15 (sent) Rs Bn 37 Bole sained Objec. Les sett on. Message reed to rt of 35 Bhe in touch w Anzactroops. from S Bn. 12 Warfolks lnberdp w essex No newe yet of oom angies. 215 3715 Bde in touet w lept of 38 pole. 230. Aift corg reports at 1.55 amy. Lenkedup tr Norfolks aeobye yest 1te German c attecks didnt disoganise our sihts propaiue. B Bn. of a bomber aptreaches to night. Jan 13Bn had taken trenal on right and previous agtt. 20 an from DOBn Report just recd. tuue 11.30 pm. Objective gained & posit beig consolidatio by 3 of our coys. who are in touch with each oker & the 13 Br. No report fomour left Coy yet One prisoner brought in. This reporty took nearly 2hrs breach Br H.B.3 from tere 700 do overground to phoae 34 hro to Bde HO.
146 23131 642 7923 24 r Mari st ata &4 & objectuve for tonight. trenhes held on Aug 11. On night of Auy 1/12 13. Bn Couled up towards 38, 902. 2.22 Am. 37 Bde joun up with Hugh. 35 Bele. whole show consolediting Few Prisoners taken 37 has not goo all its objin It is not jony very far in any case - only making a short bout push Trouble here is maching juns 245 a Segr. 42 On Aug. 13. 41 13/13 189 deport us one can reach 13B ad preent on ass of heavy benye. 4 Bdle order 171816 for longts gene had bu Bde, ag succepl in reaching ils objective now holds R35 048. R34d. 60; R346. 243R34 a 8665 -34-133 R33661. R33d 28p; 26 - linking with 12Div at 26. On night etr. Copy attacher. (see page 193a) AUG 12 (110 morning of Aug12 a surper bs andoying our line. He as supposed to be in a tree just E of the Buarry, Nene of men sent out () and shot at 1 tree - & a man fellout t a mg- they had bee in stemp So Col. Brockman Says) we can see a deeminy yen Close in porto) us. Heavy gaws wh are fering at As are sd to be not at Shrepval but some miles N of it.
196 traine They have don noclt the bloody ras. Thereo a while bugger chaset me down the road; rochet y5 F.S. Russins R. got. Stanislane, Keyle me tt AUG 1I 1916 191 Chalk Pit Dump ws blown up yesterday - abt 4 P.M. Dot interval till morning flares bombs, ammunite went of - Red green white flares kept on crupting in bunke Genrians) wiaish heve thought there ws a devil of a borrigi coming 1v6 12/13, 1818 The prisoner came in. He ws a rather weakly specamen who had, been an invaled & was in the Landsturn. He beloged to 12 kong $338Bn. 59.I.R. went into truches at Wpm. &ws captured before 12. He Idt treches were full wher our shapnil startes bey were by down. Man xt him we kill. The wext he knew we an Anstialion was standey over him threatening to brain him w his rifle- I no one se toe casee trench They way have Irun away or bu shot. Hs baoter ws i him in trencht he sd they 20 had nover bre away from
192 43 A06 b. 1818 At Burckfields, when 13/3n abt to come in Cot Telney had hi timet up in acas. He cas talling to them 21919/87st 1 Wa 13. 318 se et 4 aid le e M Ai Bde. AW622. 1916 with 500 w ava 12/3 1316 193 one another in their lives. He does not know what happing to him. He new noting abt truces. from 13Bn. 630n. Report attained our objie Linked is 50Bn. Hold continuous line thro to R3& a 87 Knce to 14 Br et 24. Have secured very extensivg arts dugont - large guant. amuum at 34 a 87½ suspected dujout night be minnd. cenalties not extensive. He replid to our 10.30 barray by intense ad setaind bombt. Lie H86 - b 12½ hasmany old gupit i M. Allen (now double 107ds apext itally last night & took left of it.
93a No 12/43 Aug. 13. orvers Aug. 194 Today german hade been shelling inpartially all parts of Pozures posity. I thought - as I went to E. Divn H.C. that they mut have put some Iblds on fird from the mghs constant crow wh, streamed across I hill top But when I sot highes I saw to it ws only dustt smole of continual shell bursts io say $1000 11 each minute t some pert of posite- or at times only 300 6 per wnnte t led te Ea centy Bomille High explosint bursts one stopes this side of Cametery (by Ratson Pranch & 75t avenue). ast night as I walledupto Bdi H B Jermans were shelling
w 12/131 1952 Ar. Hustahin Enfemt Birguste Ooder Ne 33. 81 M Reprinte. termed Anant 120 1. The Borgade has again been furcenful in rashing ot objective and new hldhe hs Re. a bo; Hs b 24 Bub F4 Ryn. H6; 65 34 13 R33 b.61; K33 d 28 26 linking th the 12kin at 26. In the night f august the pownod morement to Penaiset Forom will be continued in a spiibin with the 14t Benewn on our lept Obsective 13 the R34 a 86; R34 n 88 R 33 b. 9. 612 Canduses Objectivn so Bn. K33 b 96½ Ceschnies R33 b Ds on yoneret thare Quarry 133 a 81 Centent mnd inpointle will be made ford In the mantimre ns nench kinaods tut objection. the 13th the forming to depntive flank on the ling Rex (24; R34 o 86. by 38. As soon as this depesuve plank he been consolidented it will be held with henrs Terns him us few men nossemble the abarch with he thind in aecostante nth. Baronge Maf ateichest right 13 August ter time will be The st LIM. Pty ane st Mlbey sull out us under instruction thich will be communicated to the officers commending these Wets Wathes will be syncromned at bpen and ofien on 14h Angust Imacn hm Map No Year Benny lip Berguie Maps 2 4 M. Her 4t M Lof Hle Lahed Sr 13 thr 14 Zero time 10.30. 16t w Lrmsty Barrage 1030- 33 10.335 8 444 by 10.35 935 pf. 16 10.37 on (Maugust 10124 IAde I am Ave 11 12 1 thr Any orn
Poenitly far stikes Cea B. This was an exappration- & anyway, it was not theis fault. They were mostl better men tace I; but I have deliberately, let this stand lafair though it is, to that this record should be unattered. I was prett The ti when I wte tis, a gotes sool the hit stopeon I right of road with 142 I suppose about 10 shells fell. I think cortainly not mose w than 3 burst. This went on all night about 4 Iam. I went up on top & listenes + I heard (5 0r7 shells falt all of which were blind. One officer who had came round from 35 inf. Bde saw th he thought he mast have heard 120 shellfall + not nore tan 5 explode. probable a exageration but still very striting. Reading the English papers youw inagine that 1 Anotialions had been assisting the stron territorial divisions, between whom they squeeged, to more forward & steal a portion of german front. The tther war corres poudents none of them come witin shellfire- much less riple fire - and they simply don't know+ I sappose. with all the fass that the Dail 195 hard works

AUG 10 1916
133 Regt. Prisoners sd they were in
Lille, Peronne. & Hardecourt 14 days back.
Came here 3 days ago. Prisoner captd.
abt R34d near B95.  It ws hard to keep
pace w wd.
96 Regt ws on his right.
Whole Saxon Corps is on this front 24 Div (133,
139, 179) in line; 40 (104, 134, 181) reserve.
Reliefs every 4 days. His regt were
trying to dig connectn w Prussians
on rt but British shelling prevented it.

This day 16th were dodging
shell fire round their trenches [shorthand].
Relieved 9th Jaeger.
Prisoner of
69 Rgt.  Divn = 28, 29, 68, 69 Regts. 68 prob out
Aug 8/9
Line from R33 b 27 to 55, to R34 a. 0.5.
Trench R.33 b 55 to R34 a. 05 ws occupied
by 3 platoons at night, one during day.
69 in these (4 Coys); R33 b 55 to R33 b 27 ws
occupied by 28, 29 Bns; also R33 b27 & 29.
[*Constantly trying to link up.*]
Gap from Copse R34 a 0.5. to rt of Saxons
abt R34 a 34 is kept open by our arty
wh is terrible & 133th cant join w 69th.
We have driven a wedge betw Prussians & Saxons.
Mouquet Farm is left alone as dangerous.

AUG 11 1916
11/8/16 Reference Map. Ferme du
Mouquet 1/5000.
16 Bn front line ws
R. 33 d 28-78- 89 -99 -34a 12-43
with advanced Lewis Gun Post
at 34 a 13.
Owing to heavy shelling the trench [shorthand]
R 33 d 28 to 78 ws only held by
a few men, garrison being
withdrawn for safety to trench
26 - 78.
Abt 2pm. observers reported
Enemy leaving Mouquet Farm
in large nos. - small columns
in single file kept leaving
farm & spreading fanwise &
formed a thick line from
R33 a 81 - Quarry - 33b 55
Enemy shelling increased; realising
 tt attack ws impending O.C. 16 Bn
remanned his trench 33d 28-78.
& H.Q. Lewis g. detachments
were sent to 34a 12.
Abt 3 pm. first enemy wave
advanced on 16th who met
them w v. heavy rifle & m.g. fire



I don't know what / Kaiser gives them a bally
bayonet for. They drop it when they come near you.
I could beat him with my bloody hat!

AUG 11 1916
Germans came out of Mouquet
Farm down hill - running – &
got out of sight. Little fire or
barrage on them at this time.
Later a wave came over hill
(barrage had lifted but not before
our men went back into forwd
trench [shorthand] (withdrawn bec. of fire
enfilading from
both directions). Line had
bayonets fixed. They came
on well - tremendous
fire opening from us quite
like Anzac Days. Men
fell, spun round, dropped,
tried to run away & fell,
dropped & crawled away.
After first wave only a minute.
Then a clumps came up - no recognisable
crowd. (They were ^all walking)
Then a longer gap - then another
Our Lewis m. gs. were in
crater near 81 & another near 13,
& 3 or 4 others. At least one
was outside (all Lewis m. gs.)
(The men wd have L.m.g under
coats or hugging them to keep
from dirt & dust- v. fond of L.m.g.)


At anzac 4 Bde signallers
averaged 60 messages a day.
Here 300.
i.e. more highly organised.
(of course we weren't attackg
all time at Anzac). 

AUG 11 1916
one wd run forwd from one crater to
another to get clear shot at Germans
retiring into valley. This fire on their
left flank, enfilading, ws most
effective. Germans fell in scores.
S.0.S. signal ws sent to arty
who put up barrage. Enemy retired
into valley & cd be seen (like
Turks at Anzac) hopping from
one shelter to another.
Enemy reached abt 2100 yds
or 150 from our trench. Probly
attacked w 2 Bns.
69} Regts attacked*]
Some of enemy were beckoned
to to come in - & 20 prisoners
at least did so. (after advance)
Enemy went into dugouts
in Quarry. Brockman asked by
Pigeons for fire by heavy
guns on quarry & Mouquet
Farm - & guns got on
extraordinarily quickly
(They ^pigeons go to Army Corps H.Q which
telephones). Many men were
probly hunted out of Quarry by this
Men of 16Bn were very cool &
Maj. Durrant ws in 16Bn trenches
at the time.


AUG 12 1916
Sergt Pengally
4 Aust M. G. Coy
to be seen.
Balloon got nearby Aug 12
4pm. & our planes [[arrd?]]
? trying to sink it.
German aeroplane
brought down in 14Bn
front line.
Aug12. French got 6000 yds of
trenches to Somme & ½ village
of Maurepas.
Everyone to is v. pleased w Lahore
Div Arty.

Aug 12/13 1916

Aug. 13. (night 12/13) 
12.15 (sent)
Rt Bn 37 Bde gained objve. Left getting
on. Message recd tt rt of 35
Bde in touch w Anzac troops.
12. - from 50 Bn.
Norfolks linked up w Essex
No news yet of 50 Bn Anzacs.
2.15.  37th Bde in touch w left of 35 Bde.
2.30. Left coy reports at 1.55 am. Linked up w Norfolks & reached objve
[*Night of Aug 11/12*]
The German c. attack ^yesty didn't disorganise
our nights programme. 13th Bn.
bombed up trenches tt night.
[*1 am Aug 11*]
13Bn had taken trench on right
previous night.
1.20 a.m. from 50 Bn.
Report just recd. time 11.30
p.m. Objective gained & positn
being consolidated by 3 of our
Coys. who are in touch with each
other & the 13 Bn. No report
from our left Coy yet -
One prisoner brought in.
(This report took nearly 2hrs
to reach Bn H.Q.; from there 700
yds overground to phone. 3 ¼ hrs
to Bde HQ.)


Aug 12/13 1916
[Hand-drawn diagram, please see original]
+++ objective for tonight.
xxx trenches held on Aug 11.
On night of Aug 11/12  13 Bn bombed up towards 38, 96 ½.
AUG 13. 2.22 a.m. 37 Bde joined up with
35 Bde. whole show consolidating
Few Prisoners taken.
37 has not got all its objve
It is not going very far in
any case - only making a
short bomb push. Trouble
here is machine guns.

2.45 a.m.
Aug 13.
Aug 12/13 1916
Signs. Report. no one can reach 13 Bn
at present on acc of heavy barrage
4 Bde order 11/8/16 for tonights operation.
1. Bde ^has bn agn successful in reaching its
objective - now holds R 35 c 48;
R 34 d 60; R 34 b. 24; R34
a 86; w 65 - 34 - 13; R33 b 61;
R 33 d 28 x ; 26 - linking with
12 Divn at 26.
2. On night etc. Copy attached.
(see page 193a)
AUG 12 1916
On morning of Aug 12 a sniper ws
annoying our line. He ws supposed
to be in a tree just E of the Quarry.
Some of / men went out (?) and
shot at / tree - & a man fell out
w a m.g.- they had bn in / stump
(so Col. Brockman says)
we can see a dummy gun close
in front of us.
Heavy guns wh are firing at
us are sd to be not at Thiepval
but some miles N of it.


They have drained trained the bloody rackets rocks wrcks rockets
There's a white bugger
chased me down the road;
Russians h. got. Stanislaus,
10 z -
[Hand drawn sketch]

AUG 1I 1916
9  191
They tell me} Chalk Pit Dump ws blown up
yesterday - abt 11 P.M. Ats intervals
till morning flares, bombs, went
ammunitn went off - Red green
white flares kept on erupting in trenches.
Germans must have thought
there ws a devil of a barrage
Aug 12/13 1916
The prisoner came in. He ws a
rather weakly specimen who had
been an invalid & was in the Landsturm.
He belonged to 12 Korp 5 3rdBn.
69. I.R. Went into trenches at
10pm. & ws captured before 12.
He sd / trenches were full.
When our shrapnel started they
were lying down. Man next him
ws killed. The next he knew ws
tt an Australian ws standing
over him threatening to brain
him w his rifle- & no one
else tt he cd see ws in /
trench. They may have
run away or bn shot.
His brother ws w him in /
same trench - he sd they
had never bn away from



Aug 6 1916

At Brickfields, when 13 Bn abt
to come in Col. Tilney had them
lined up in a mass. He was talking
to them.
To Aug 12 1916
12 Bdes work
(*Hand-drawn diagram see original*)
(M alley
Now double, 10 yds apart)
Trenches dug by XII Bde
who are cooperating
with 45 Bde (18 Div)
6 Cam. Highlanders who attacked)
AUG 12 1916

Aug 12/3 1916
one another in their lives. He
does not know what happened
to him. He knew nothing
abt / trenches.
Report from 13Bn. 6.43am
Attained our objve Linked w
50Bn. Hold continuous line thro
to R34 a 87 thence to 14 Bn at
24. Have secured "very extensive
arty dugout" - large quant. ammun.
at 34 a 87½.
Suspected dugout might be mined.
Casualties not extensive.
He replied to our 10.30 barrage
by "intense & sustained bombt".
Line H86 - b 1 2½ has many
old gun pits.
(*Hand-drawn diagram see original*)
M. Alley
(now double
10yds apart)
Munster alley last night & took left of it.


193a Aug 12/13 1916

Aug. 13. Today Germans have been shelling
in-partially all parts of / Pozieres
positn. I thought - as I went to
4. Divn H.Q. that they must have
put set some bldg on fire - from the
constant smoke cloud wh streamed
across / hill top - But when
I got higher I saw tt it ws only /
dust & smoke of continual shell
bursts - say 10 or 11 each minute
in some part of / positn- or at
times only 3 or 4 per minute
[Hand drawn sketches, please see original] 
High explosive bursts on slopes
this side of cemetery (by Ratson Trench
& 1st avenue).

Aug 12/13
Last night as I walked up to
4 Bde H.Q Germans were shelling


 193a Aug 12/13 1916
Secret 9/181
4th Australian Infantry Brigade.  Order No 33.
Map Reference. Ferme du Mouquet 1/5000
1. The Brigade has again been successful in reaching its objective
and now holds the line R 35 c 48; R 34 d 60; R 34 b 24; B 34 b
24 R 34 a 86; 65 34 13; R 33 b. 61; R 33 d 28; 26 linking
up with the 12th Bn at 26.
2. On the night 12/13 August the forward movement to Mouquet Farm
will be continued in co-operation with the 14th tomorrow on our left
Objective 13th Bn R 34 a 86; R 34 a 38; R 33 b. 9. 6 ½ [[?]]
Objective 14th Bn. R 33 b 9. 6½ (exclusive) R 33 b 55 on Mouquet Road
Quarry R 33 a 81 (inclusive)
3. In the meantime as much ground as possible will be made good
towards [[?]] objective. the 13th Bn forming a defensive flank on the line
R34 b 24; R 34 a 86; 67 38. As soon as this defensive flank
has been consolidated it will be held with Lewis Guns and as
few men as possible.
4. The attack will be timed in accordance with Barrage Map attached

Zero time will be       night 13 August
5. The 4th LIM. Bty [[and?]] 4th [[mgt?]] [[coy?]] will not [[act?]] under instruction
which will be communicated to the officers commanding these
6. Watches will be synchronised at 6pm and 9pm on 12th August
7. Green flares shall be shown by the front line at 7.30am and 10.30am
tomorrow 13th and contact aeroplanes will fire white [[rear/Very?]] lights
8. the [[camouflage?]] for [[?]] will be - British [[East?]] - Australians [[?]] - Queensland

Issue at
Copy No 1. War Diary
2. 4th Aus Div
3. Lahore Div
4. 13th Div
5  14th
6  16th
7  4th LIM Bty
8  4th [Mg?] Coy
9  35th Inf Bde
10 12th Inf Bde
11  13th  [[do?]]
12  15th Bn
JMA Durrant

Brigade Major
4th Aus Inf Bde
Zero time 10.30.
Barrage  10.30-33
                 10.37 on (Mouquet
 Farm line)



[*Possibly gas shells
C. Ew. B.

[*x This was an exaggeration - &
anyway, it was not their fault.
They were mostly better men than I;
but I have deliberately let this stand
unfair though it is, so that this
record should be unaltered. I was pretty
hard worked at the time when I wrote this & rather sore.*]
the hill  slope on / right of road
with 4.2 - 
I suppose about 10 shells
fell. I think certainly not more than
3 burst.
This went on all night. About
4 35 am. I went up on top & listened
& I heard 5 or 7 shells fall all
of which were blind. One
officer who had came round from
35 Inf. Bde said tt he thought he
must have heard 120 shell fall
& not more than 5 explode.
probably a exaggeration but
still very striking.
Reading the English papers
you wd imagine that the
Australians had been assisting
the strong territorial divisions, between
whom they were squeezed, to
move forward & steal a
portion of German front. The
other war correspondents none
of them come within shellfirex -
much less rifle fire - and
they simply don't know & I suppose.
with all the fuss that the Daily

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