Charles E.W. Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/54/1 July August 1916 pt14

First World War, 1914–18
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  • Notebook and diaries of CEW Bean
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167 AU68/0 1316 makes them mose talkative. They all tell me to it is an absolute fiction A german maching panners are chained to their guns. But I think it understood, them to say th the Infanlyman is allowed to retirn sometime while maching guaner m not retirs It takes 5 men to carry one of their heavy mn. go. We sot one of their But I think it had dropped by 1 men on 1 way back He result is a at t time when I left we had our first objective on the right ngtne o an e 78 a party had bombed up O.G.2 We were diging in back tour front live on 1 let behind the truc we had left (s & gen. Brand had just ordered cannon to see if he cdnt dig out to trud we had left (digging) To far I dont knox reait. The germans told
w 168 A068/9 1916 to this trucl was now smpty Moore sd the same. The 16th Br. (of whom A Coy. ws in somewhere las night]) is to make good the ling at midnighl tomight I hear from Hulton Wilson to he is at lest letting my stuff go theo to London again.]. To ends another expensive pitty operation. It has cost a fair part of a good Bn (156 Cneensland. H Edsmance); & it has accomplished aft I what was hoped for. When will te give no some operation in wh the whole line plays it part of ona by pout? Dne takes these thens on trust? But I canthelp nder being very bitterly depressed as I came back that morning. Work abt will in I world one cansot see a spark of the geneus or imagination wh one ad like to see in British plans. Have key a flan? At present it looks as
8504 A06 8p 1918 163 leave each division to think out its petty "stunt+ c act on its own when it likes. This business last night wa even worce, thought out than ashal. Our whole success depended on success of the sufolks on our left in getting a ferman maching gun posite at Pout 78. Somione, whoe ws there before the Safolks went over (I think it was moore himself) told us (to they were simpry shivering at prospect - quite wrong ma to do it a company of our own & 16 1s to go for it tomight. Communications from the Saffolks had to go back (thro their bele, to 4th Deon to Our 4tc bde, to our 15th Bn & s0 to our time. When they wanted to tell as to they were attacking agr. 52 PS Supp thes g. at 5 am. the B40 message wd take probly Con t 2 or 2½ hers 18 to reach Col. Cannan - for 35 Ble H6 4 ther we a terrilly Div te
170 AU68/3 191 Leavy barrage - s, between Cannan & his fighting lime.e Moore & his 25 men lft 1h truckt they had taken) at abt 4.45 without 1 fawlest idea to ca te Buliah were allaching at 5 am. Indeed. Canman seens to have regarded an attacd at abo 3 am. as final I have little doubt he Was coroig in wite didiing, his men fou it positewon it is a step only to be taken a grates reluctance. He says he had no troops to support tm with but Brand had specially given him part of 16Bn; so) I dont understand this at all. They H is men successfully bombed up O.9.1& I fancy to por OG.1 w Itruel emply as it was, they might have supported moore without being exposed to Pm. gs ar Poind 783 There inan be some explanation Bur men now to they see mn face to face are ba disposed to him n whole These secueed quite decent fellows y some
The other Tide of our partition of boxes are sleeping some of the 13th Br in a similar, rougher, shelter. Outsicke - up above in 1wood is our fire, & 1 mess sheltes etc. aus sey 4 472 of them have told me.I dont thank theyee a bad crew opposite as. It is I teners o J. German metitary caste wh we cannot stand it not 6. Scm hineeg. As I wrere is is night some distant guns are very busy - poosibly a c all ack on our people; an acroplans is humming overhead for I second. time in 1 dark. I don't know if it isours or ferman. A single geaman gun is firing overour heads into a valley perhaps 5 mele away - + one wonders if I plane is direction it. I think I plane 15 probably ours. we are in an old British truch in Becourt wood. Chatean wh crasses under Road. 20 Fir roafon ohameg 29.47 Condle Cable (her 960x The wall A is covered t wood grey blanket; the wall bow B is earth w lumps of D my bed (stretcher on boxes) EPadre Dixfor chalk in it. The ffoor C ased to be chalk + dirt - but is now a platform of wood.
AUG 9 - 1916 473 one of minor worries of this cxistence is the pleas. For two days, I have been better allowe. Most of suffer from lice I kept in down antil I slept next to him, I heard a man nex door say, but I can stand a bloke thats too lazy to louse himself. I gives you a ver standard of cleanliness. The decent fellow at least goes tho his shirt sufficient to keep even with thelice. I have on extavrdinarily luckyhere in only being troubled w them onces & as fav as I know, letting 2d of them in was aft m4t wa t feto one day. There i pleas of water in our acteral camp, & I get enough for a fair bak (1400 Landbasin half full). The water is laiton ap the valler in sipes. now I don't know hes far tere o The Fermans had them an Pogieres & one of the dugonts here is leaking + drippin (twoo a break in J. ferman sipe abbove it. I believe I wills in Pieres are quite plentiful ferman telephone System splendid, is too brode by shellfire for us to use it, I am told. when I told a geran officer other day we knew their systim of
1474 8101 304 artillery went rip tonin this day Posiers mosth Lahore fev with tust dis on their himbine 2475½ observatio ws good he opened his eyes & was so astomichig to Icddee be as searshing for a remark- it is clear tt they thinkk to docon here in this battle their observate is rotten bad. (I Ieratar Armeaticres).] The planes fly very very high. AoI same time one of their chraughtey who has be drawing maps for them poin acroplan plotes says to tho tiir- plotes are smaler scale tan oars they are clearer? Thy must be, or they ard have to come lowes. heir Censes are prody far better them thng we possess. AUGHO 1916 Aug10. Last night the 16th Bn was completely success ful. Brand wentup during the day & Satdown with Cannan 200 Yds from font there the the asked I whole thing out. Brockmen & Brockmans Coy. Coud & a sufold oficer- They arranged to go for the objectios Sideways, not stiaiht i wh Brand says makes a gt. diference The 15Bn had been shelled own art out of by
AUG N0 1916 ✓F176 truch who they occupied on right. They crept back towards our line & erman trichter across into our line - but very few. And thiss weret easity shoved out when we chept back at dark. Our scouts went out first to reth 43-53-74-95 in R.34. Teey reported to enriy had 3 strony patrols, out & had tench fully I manned & possibly m.9 Cannan asked for witz to stoot at his for 5 mins before 3 tage (asked at 11,30 p.m. by Cannen Brockman, at 9.15 reported t his Bn had arrived at Pogcires the wos fetting them into Poeater inged to French morters 2 86.96) for shell circuter. lifting 5 mind before gero time o artilli Message fom Auzac (1.45 pom. Prisoner Apt by 4 AC.BSe belong to 150Bn E9 Regt vie tis front Theyeti 9 Tae afterous attack 3rd coy loss 58 from arty during relief & Sence Cd to be) reduced to off. 10
3477 301 Barber is out of Engrs. They want five him a Job an Engls Franing Depot in sydney . He had bee to Divector of Engrs. in sirdnen (wlure. Thy have men who ca come? away) ot cod not geve hems a job. So he has to gouts. civil life. 178 AU6 1377.970 th Coyhad 30 camallin 3rd Coy had bee reiigd & had ogs 2in tru &2 in one sap + E in another sap. AUG 10 1916 250 am. O.SH Bn (Brockman) At shench reported tt. Coicular of captured Strong Pt 78 captd; Enemy time R.33 D 85 - 77 captd; Line from R3YAXE tR34A 1.1 also captd gatter from in definite report tin pont 33 D 78 t 33D 89 also taken. No report yet al the valance of objective. 22 prisoners now at Bn H.O addit prisoners reported taken. Approkinst numbers SD. Official reports state 19- capt unconfirss report states 2 a Wittona. fmn g captd. All wires broken. Shelling not heavy. Cercular M presumably $32078 89299 (Captd at 2 aur. O.C. 16 Bn reports at 2.50 t he o every where successful. Tound ap w 15 Bn & et & suffolks on left. onsolidating. Has also occupied advanced posite to small party & Lewis gun in addition to objective. Ash arty not to shell tench 2P.34 A. 13 to 12 or betweenvint
9 AUG 10/1916 179 K34 a 1.3 and (33P7.2 wh is approsin ate whereabout of point mentioned. Pronierskepal me swrng round R 34B 60 abo 4 am. to R 34 B 24 Heavy shelling on right of tis Thench aloncomn freny using man enwcifer in right rostported fall yesty) 2263 from OC16 Br Rdam. (Reed &. Ssam) wants 10,000 sand boges. 300 this waler From O. 15 484 ann (Recd 457am) DC 161n reports ti 2353 74-24 him Everytin Satinf welldy W 2 Commn Estienshys. Barragh at 12 B. 1334 5 mind 76 99 65 diffe to o 28 614 1334 est sas 15t.

9     167
AUG 8/9 1916
makes them more talkative. They
all tell me tt it is an absolute
fiction tt German machine gunners
are chained to their guns. But I
think I understood them to say
tt the Infantry man is allowed
to retire sometimes; while /
machine gunner must not retire.
It takes 5 men to carry one of
their heavy
We got one of their
But I think it had to be ∧was dropped
by / men on / way back.
The result is tt at / time when
I left we had our first objective
on the right

Diagram -  see original document
A party had bombed up O.G.2; &
we were digging in back to our
front line on / left behind the
trench we had left (digging): & Gen.
Brand had just ordered Cannan to
see if he cdn't dig out to / trench
we had left (digging....). So far I
dont know / result. The Germans told


9      168
AUG 8/9 1916

tt this trench was now empty &
Moore sd the same.

[*Aug 9/10*]

The 16th Bn. (of whom A Coy.
ws in somewhere last night) is to
make good this line at midnight
[I hear from Hutton Wilson
tt he is at last letting my stuff
go thro' to London again].
So ends another expensive
petty operation. It has cost a
fair part of a good Bn (15th
Queensland & Tasmania); &
it has accomplished abt ½ what
was hoped for. When will they
give us some operation in wh 
the whole line plays its part or
on a big front?
One takes these things 
on trust? But I cannot could not help
wondering being very bitterly
depressed as I came back
this morning. With all / will in
/ world one cannot see a
spark of the genius or imagination
wh one wd like to see in /
British plans. Have they a
plan? At present it looks as


9      169

Aug 8/9 1916

leave each division to think out
its petty "stunt" & do act
on its own when it likes.

This business last night ws
even worse thought out than usual.
Our whole success depended on
/ success of the Suffolks on our
left in getting the German
machine gun positn at Point 78.
Someone who ws there before the
Suffolks went over (I think it was
Moore himself) told us tt they
were simply shivering at /
prospect - quite / wrong men
[*9/10 Aug*]

to do it (a company of our own
16th is to go for it tonight).

[*8/9 Aug*]
Communications from the
Suffolks had to go back thro their
bde, to 4th Divn,  to our 4th
bde, to our 15th Bn & so to our
line. When they wanted to tell us
Diagram - see original document
tt they were
attacking agn.
at 5 am. the
message wd
take probly
2 or 2 ½ hours
to reach Col.
Cannan - for                 
there ws a terribly


9      170
AUG 8/9 1916

heavy barrage - esp. between
Cannan & his fighting line. There
Moore & his 25 men left the
trench (wh they had taken) at abt
4.45 - without / faintest
idea tt cost the British were
attacking at 5 am. Indeed
Cannan seems to have regarded
an attack at about 3 a.m. as
final. I have little doubt he
was wrong in withdrawing his
men from a positn won - it is
a step only to be taken w / greatest 
reluctance. He says he had no
troops to support them with but
Brand had specially given him
part of 16 Bn; so I dont
understand this at all. They
His men successfully bombed up
O.G.1 & I fancy tt from O.G.1,
w / trench empty as it was,
they might have supported Moore
without being exposed to /
in Point 78.
There may be some explanation.
Our men, now tt they see
/ German face to face, are not badly
disposed to him on / whole. "These
seemed quite decent fellows," some


The other side of our
partition of boxes are
sleeping some of the 13th Bn
in a similar, rougher, shelter.
Outside - up above in / wood is
our fire, & / mess shelter etc.
9     172
of them have told me. "I dont think
they're a bad crew opposite us."
It is / tenets o / German
military caste wh we cannot
stand - not / German himself.
AUG 9 - 1916
As I write it is night
 - some distant guns are very
busy - possibly a c. attack on
our people; an aeroplane is
humming overhead for / second.
time in / dark. I don't know
if it is ours or German. A
single German gun is firing
over our heads into a valley
perhaps 1/3 mile away - &
one wonders if / 'plane is
directing it. I think / plane
is probably ours.

We are in an old
British trench in Becourt wood -
wh crosses under / road.
 DIagram - see original document


9     173
AUG 9 - 1916 
one o / minor worries of this existence
is the fleas. For two days I have been
bitten all over. Most o / men suffer
from lice;
"I kept 'em down until I slept
next to him," I heard a man next door
say,  "but I cant stand a bloke thats too
lazy to louse himself." I gives you a
new standard of cleanliness. The decent
fellow at least goes thro his shirt sufficiently
to keep even with the louse. lice.
I have bn extraordinarily lucky here
in only being troubled w them once, &,
as far as I know, getting rid of them in
one day. ^I manage to get into pyjamas at night. There is plenty of water in our 

actual camp, & I get enough for a 
fair bath (i.e. ^abt a hand basin half full). The 

water is laid on up the valley in pipes -

I dont know how far these go ^now. The

Germans had them in Pozieres &

one of the dugouts there is leaking

& dripping thro a break in / German

pipe above it. I believe / wells in

Pozieres are quite plentiful. The 

German telephone system ^there, tho'

splendid, is too broken by shell fire

for us to use it, I am told.

When I told a German officer /

other day tt we knew their system of


AUG 9  - 1916
Artillery went up to near
Pozieres this day.
(mostly Lahore Divn)
with 4 Aust Div on their )


9     175

observatn ws good, he opened his
eyes & was so astonished tt I cd see he
was searching for a remark - it is clear
tt they think tt down here in this battle
their observatn is rotten bad. (I
meant at Armentieres). Their
planes fly very very high.
At / same time one of their draughtsmen
who has bn drawing maps for them
from aeroplane photos says tt tho
their photos are ^on a smaller scale than
ours they are clearer - They must
be, or they wd have to come lower.
Their lenses are probly far better than
anything we possess.
AUG 10 1916
Aug 10. Last night the 16th Bn
was completely successful.
Brand went up during the day
& sat down with Cannan 200
yds from front line & there they
thrashed / whole thing out -
Brockman & Brockman's Coy Comdrs
& a Suffolk officer - They arranged
to go for the objective sideways,
not straight; wh Brand says
makes a gt. diference.
The 15 Bn had been shelled
by our own arty out of 


9      176
AUG 9/10 1916    
trench wh they occupied on right.
They crept back towards our line
& Germans trickled across into
our line - but very few. And
these were taken down easily
shoved out when we crept back
at dark.

Our scouts went out first to
reoccupy this trench 43-53-74-95
in R34. They reported tt enemy had
3 strong patrols out & had trench
fully manned & possibly m.g.
Cannan asked for arty to
shoot at this for 5 mins before
2nd stage (asked at 11.30 p.m. by Cannan)
Brockman at 9.15 reported
tt his Bn had arrived at Pozieres
& he was getting them into Positn.
Trench mortars had arranged to
shell circular trench (86 - 96) for
5 mins before Zero time - lifting

w artillery.

[*AUG 8/9 1916*]
Message fom Anzac (11.45 pm.)
Prisoner captd by 4 [[?Oct]] Bde belonged
to 1st Bn 69 Regt - new on
this front. They relieved 9th Jacque
after our attack. 3rd Coy lost
50 from arty during relief &
Since (sd to be) reduced to 1 offr. 10 men.


Barber is out of Engrs.
They wont give him a
job in Engrs Training Depot
in Sydney. He had bn to
Director of Engrs. in Sydney
(where they have men who
cd come away) & they
wd not give him a job.
So he has to go into
civil life.

9       178
AUG 10 8/9 1916   

4th Coy had 30 casualties. 3rd Coy
had bn reinfd & had 6 m.g.s 2 in trench
& 2 in one sap & 2 in another sap.

AUG 10 1916
At 2.50 am. O.C. 16 Bn (Brockman)
reported tt: "Circular trench captured.
Strong Pt 78 captd; enemy line
R.33 D 85 - 77 captd; Line from
R 34 A 42 to R 34 A 1. 1. also captd;
gather from indefinite report line
from R 33 D 78 to 33 D 89 also taken.
No report yet re the balance of objective.
22 prisoners now at Bn H.Q additl
prisoners reported taken. Approximate
numbers 50. Official reports state
1 m.g. captd; unconfirmed report
states 2 additional captd.
All wires broken. Shelling not heavy.
Circular trench is presumably R33 D78
 - 89 - 99. -
(Captd at 2 am.)
O.C. 16 Bn reports at 2.50 tt he
is everywhere successful. Joined
up w 15 Bn & rt & Suffolks on left.
Consolidating. Has also occupied
advanced positn w small
party & Lewis gun in addition to
objective. Ask arty not to shell
trench K 34 a.13 to 12 or between point


9     179
AUG 10 1916

R 34 a 1.3 and 33 B 7.2 wh is apprximate
whereabout of point mentioned.
Pioneers Report abt 4 a.m.: Line swung round R 34 B 60
to R 34 B 24
Heavy shelling on right of line
& along commn trench. Enemy
using minenwerfer in right
(? from trench reported full yesty)
 O.C. 16 Bn. 2.50 a.m. (Recd 4.55 am)
wants 10,000 sandbags. 500. tins
4.54 am (Recd 4.57 am From O.C. 15 Bn) O.C. 16 Bn
reports line 43 - 53 - 74 - 24 being
well dug in. Everything satisfy
w 2 commn trenches.

Barrage at 12pm..
5 mins 78 - 99 - 13 - 34 -
65 -
diff to  28.... 61....13...34
and rest same as 1st



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