Charles E.W. Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/54/1 July August 1916 pt2

First World War, 1914–18
Part of Quest:
  • Notebook and diaries of CEW Bean
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4 19 sooyds of enyspont time. Tust ofjoe it reached; without much trouble. Line pusted on to aid objectivg & got to withn 5yards wench but was forced to retirn to 1st ogective owing to heavy Mg. fire. Bloy 2 Bn under Capt NIX had to fall back to orrguial live as practically whole con were casualties, 26t5 Bn. report I am. unable to secure Enemegs first time trencles. Has the 28th Bn. 3 coys in 1r tie wench. Paton's order was to all Bri to return at once, in small purties, to Sansage Jully. gellibrand sut in a stranggomment that this left it ancertain whether to any men who were safiguarding the right of the 2 3rd would be withdrawn. 35 3 Fetters reports that Cd. Walber states to1 Bde have all some in &to he will have to bring his right flank back from road along
20 Communication trench (Tuby29) 5 am t Tegus i Ietters reports to 4 Lewis guns have been sent to the advanced point reached. He Lear t Coll Ferguson, has ordered 264 to witdraw & so he has given orders to the working pty to dis commn truich along Braths Road from Brinds Road towands cemetery & is havin it t dag forfire b truch Barrag asked for as fol when required Of 25t 1 out here (3 coy) it wil be in the aid completely as 7th Bde on lefts right have I wilh drawn or never gotin. Th Nix Says his coy form 4 mogs in a legth yoyards of truel. He ratler men, but ws (as faras he know). only surviver
23 5.45. First news from $ 9th Bde. Heir rt Bn ws wet by ver heavy cross m.9. fire & could not get its objie They have no news of left Bn. Camathis Seven. A Brilish (156) P.B.A.D 5 a reported to be sirig 200 yes short (by its in obseives) 20th Bu reports t it wt seen 6:15 detected advance as son as it began opend up a very heavy shell Maj. Ross fireg riftering fin he sassed am badly cut up None of 205 Bn intern enegs traches, 28th Bn Ol cot t they found mems wire inbet. scouts had reporte it eut wy had b y b There is only voyds between nd ( e 1st taken boubt Las tobe behind second line. lites This seeins to give people in t secondling time b et Keir igs out. It ceerms to
22 me it follows you ought logs unto I second trual Straight away. This sabout tte first whole sale faiture that Iug as troops have made The stort bombardment could on be effectivs in one event tt of trprise There was actuaty no surprise because our men were seen gettng out of truch & into (open for a preparaton Both Nho 20Bn 81 all positions Bas of the 7th Bde sum to have bu fired on before 1 bombt began in case of te 20th, red rockets were sent up, so cand youe tell e. I donbt if I scnd time attact dever be a sucs uley it is tak is prat becase it is so alond (6o to prat t when first is taken 1 second canobbe bompaed 18Stg 4 b are 40 yes apar A and Bomble has to be thown far over & fustreach mses thelcond
23 barvicksg up sC left crowd Shupoal e i ear nothing s0other armi 29 All I men secuned to have heard tt I wire ws not cut; but I askedmany & found none to we actuall held in it. Two sd to me - we got this it easy cnough. It as not so much gut as I thought f sd one - but I got. through it well cno. July 29. As saon as tellgram came in about 2015 Bn I had the whole story so I bp. Old jelly had clearly bu worred by the result so I piptowed his light & shpped out quiety. Io was adicsty wearing; ma I widt the Tth Bde was musteriy woyds up valey. The 20th ws veen to me - I asked a piist ofthen were any officers & be pointed me to where over 1 bank if a day out the face of little clan ws looking under his lin hat He old we - out in coate seen under verys ligtt; d knew t the 19. of first wave coat go ove
9 25 h f bar. asat He Cayont in crate w 2 men as farford as t coget tgeou of borragt. The 7t Bde told me - several weeee – tt they were heloap t ancent wiee. Pit when I as ket each man if he had be be sd No. I got this ean enough? Some alt first truct line ws ceep, dit ws shellow. It ws scarcely held, if as all. The they thought were ferman Mey siCommon teh 13 They second trunh, some ggot unto tthenk, o the 5Dn. They of ther were gs on the wine bott ways ialon pous tlie ws ead dead of were betw trincle. One chap olthe wa leing in port off german it we good. The sermen ing re right out up to it the SH.33. in sancage valliy 4. 12 in Jung Of15 Tonight I bonbandment theeptal way like 1repter inding o bumpting of an 1o0
We arepr tde in pe wi heny shees for Commons alack. bombers work ill Pozieres tday – no brushwood lest FulyN9. ore bleps to only Hack brunks be seen tin before. ked brown earth New quiell dignin Engrs have got trancles faiily good now Iame S tayen wih pofect. a ou Htt. Hobbe Tabuston tll e that a attery sed miony shells pr. P.9 2100 yds awi MTM. ot th trincd morlars suring ferman a all. i G.G.2 on July 25 made germans junge from truck & ve Co sheller in creters behad tiue Beautibul weathen c t battle began July 301 spent might at Gen. Holbs CE.D. Beanle lat gius fall ound as tomewhere perman Be no counter bathery work. do prac. Shey bad I planes up eat ant observe. before but boy hat much quneter, time. avrng tatin, camaitty cowner I edde From 2 b our bes titly ito Ter Ferm wad Blacewalsh a la 2ogu. Wen t yest a Des es t to comm undergrount gernan ac ater ander callans for goormin ot leage weventie 26
C 30 July. 28 The Treas Officer wants to see me in Annieus - Mizac is sending car Until this arrives (in End Div,. H.B. measoon have time to get down a few impression, Cn night of July 22 a S DSt. D car looke out along Ficourt road. I I had left it v. late starting - it must have been 9.300r 10.- & our bombr. had stanted. I knew this admean to I Enemy might have starled his bargg in reply, & I ws doubtal if I coget up to fen. Maclaguus H.Q, an Contalin I had do idea where barrages cod be. as car gotint open before rcourt we saw skyling simply alive w lighto Fashs libe summer lighliny were quite continuous - making one flckerin band of light - but his ws. away in east behad Drecourt & montabou not Bogires way, clearly 1Britice long someting there. Every now then a low bered red flush s very anyry lit 1 boggon. we pushed cay from oue control post to nnothet trafic we going up whit I lefI car near top of hill by a bis of wood wh must have bn cone tose, a saw on Tuly on top o Chill. I sushed on on foot a gradually reashed 1 top () continued 24 pages on.
165 29 Ehs. J House Theano pe L 5 Lean 2 Tor 46 tr Eo Cos. from M. Shalided on 3 suly from haw foat line Renains of windmat tookey along Cale salmon cofoured stump patts p3 M Bole charped over acrp like this July 31, 1916
725/26 30 20 Bo. July (26/5 orders abo 7 pm p black watch alley Suneanfull Col. E1iot led tim to chalk Pit + sent as across country in Sugle file to tramway. When got to tramway be found them a bit clis orgained. Then abt 130. (orders originally to aback atmdrigght - There hadby in termttent shoing at Night Salvo every 2/5 men. Sent back from 12B Bn. H.A. to say edat do it before 12. contal Messag from Bdl to take gon at 3. got this Gabl. 10 to 3. Reformed columns abt 200 y betiev train 4 marchd in 3 parties them to flank. party t cometdity Cood. truck raiding party behind making 4th) at abt 75 yds interval in single file across 7I 116 S party inder Harper got

300 yds of enemys front line. First
objve ws reached without much 
trouble. Line pushed on to 2nd
objective & got to within 5 yards of
Trench but was forced to retire
to 1st objective owing to heavy
m.g. fire.
B Coy 2nd Bn under Capt
Nix had to fall back to original
line as practicaly whole Coy
were casualties. 26th Bn.
report  2 am. unable  to secure
Enemy's first line trenches.
? Has the 25th Bn. 3 coys 
in 1st line trench. Paton's order 
was to all Bns to return at 
once, in small parties, to Sausage
Gully. Gellibrand put in a
strong comment that this left it
uncertain whether xx any men
who were safeguarding the right 
of the 23rd would be withdrawn.
4.50 Fethers 24 (23) reports that Col. Walker - 25th
states tt 7th Bde have all come in
& tt he will have to bring his
right flank back from road along


Communications trench.
5 a.m. ^ (July 29) Col Fergus Fethers reports tt
4 Lewis guns have been sent to the
advanced point reached. xxxrepts
He hears tt Col. Ferguson ^ 26th has ordered 26th
to withdraw & so he ord has given orders
to the working pty to dig commn trench
along Bzaths Road from Brinds Road
towards cemetery & is having 
it f dug for fire trench.
Barrage asked for as folls:
[Hand drawn diagram - see original]
If 25th is out there (3 coys) it will
be in the air completely as 7th Bde
on left & right have withdrawn or 
never got in. xx Nix says his
Coy found 4 m.g.s in a length of
40 yards of trench - He rallied
/ men but ws (as far as he knows) /
only survivor.


5.45. First news from 7th 5th Bde.
Their rt Bn ws met by very
heavy fire cross m.g. fire
& could not get its objve.
They have no news of left Bn.
Casualties severe.
A British (156) R.F.A.BG is
reported to be firing 200 yds short (by its
own observer).
6.15 20th Bn reports tt it ws seen
before / ad enemy detected /
advance as soon as it began &
opened up a very heavy shell
fire, rifle & mg firing. Maj. Ross
ws gassed & men badly cut up.
None of 20th Bn entered enemy's
trenches. 28th Bn told 20th tt
they found / enemy's wire intact.
(Scouts had reported it cut & it
had bn heavily bombarded).
[There is only 40 yds between
2nd & 3rd line & when xx 1st
is taken xxxx  bombt has to be
lifted behind second line.
This seems to give people in
first second line time to
get their mg.s out. It seems to


me tt it follows you ought to go into 
/ second trench straight away.
This is about of the first wholesale
failure that Anzac troops have made.
The short bombardment could only
be effective in one event - tt of
surprise. There was actually no
surprise because our men were 
seen getting out o / can trench
& into / open for a preparatory
position.  Both the 20 Bn & all 
Bns of the 7th Bde seem to have
bn fired on before / bombt began
& in / case o the 20th, red rockets
were sent up, so Claud Jones tells me.
I doubt, if / second line attack
cd ever have be a success unless
it is taken w / first; because
it is so close to / first tt when /
first is taken / second cannot be
(Hand drawn diagram - see original document )
The 2nd Bombt has to be thrown
far over the first trench & misses the second


Warwicks joined up
on our left – a good crowd.
Knows nothing of Thiepval. We
hear nothing o / other armies


All / men seemed to have heard
tt / wire ws not cut; but
I asked many & found none tt
ws actually held in it. Two sd
to me – we got thro it easy enough.
It ws not so much cut as I 
thought - sd one - but I got
through it well eno.
July 29. As soon as telegrams came in
about 20th Bn I had the whole story - &
so I  left. Old Gelly had clearly bn
worried by the result so I kept out of 
his light & slipped out quietly. It
was a misty morning; & in / mist
the 7th Bde was mustering 100 yds
up / valley. The 20th ws nearest
to me - I asked a private if there
were any officers & he pointed me
to where over / bank of a dug out
the face of little Claud ws looking
under his tin hat.
He told me – out in crater -
seen under verys light;
mg . opened; knew tt the
first wave cdnt get over


them. Red light up, even before barrage.
He lay out in crater w 2 men as
far forwd as he cd get to get out
of barrage.
The 7th Bde  told me - several
men - tt they were held up by
uncut wire. But when I asked
Each man if he had bn he sd
"No - I got thro' easy enough ". Some
sd / first trench line ws deep,
some sd it ws shallow. It ws
scarcely held, if at all. The
German m.g.s they thought were
in Commn x trench . 
The second trench some
of them got into, I think, in the
25th Dvn. They sd there were
m.g.s on the wire – firing
both ways along / front. There ws
a great deal of wire betw
/ trenches. One chap sd tt he
ws lying in front o / German 
wire & it ws good. (The Germans
were right out up to it, he sd. ??)
4.12 in guns in Sausage Valley.
[Hand drawn diagram-see original document]
Tonight a bombardment
Thiepval way – like / regular
grinding & bumping of an old


We are pounding trenches in question with heavy shells for 
tomorrow's attack.
bombers work
[Hand drawn diagram-see original document]
Pozieres today July 29 – no brushwood left –
only black trunks – more bldgs to
be seen than before.
Red brown earth.
Men quietly digging.
Engrs have got trenches fairly good now.


mill wheel. I am staying
w Gen Hobbs.
Hobbs & Johnston tell me
that a field battery cd throw shells
on O G trench 100 yds away
60lb MTM. trench mortars during German c. att.
in O.G. trench on ^morng. July 25 made Germans
jump from trench & run to shelter in craters
behind lines.
Beautiful weather since this
battle began.
July 30, spent night at Gen. Hobbs
H.Q. Beautiful day. Got up late.
Big guns xx all around us somewhere [shorthand] but Germans,
do prac. no counter battery work.
They had 5 planes up yesty & day
before but they cant observe.
Yesty Poz. had much quieter time,
From dressing station at Casualty corner I cd see
our heavies out to O G  1 & 2 but
Germans throwing a little into
Blackwatch alley & Pozieres.
Went yesty w Padre Dexter
to Contalmaison dressing station xxxxx
underground German accdation
under cellars for 100 men at least
well ventilated.


30 July.
The Press Officer wants to see me in
Amiens - Anzac is sending car. Until
this arrives I (in 2nd Div. H.Q. newsroom)
have time to get down a few impressions.
On night of July 22 a 1st D.H.Q. car
took me xxx out along Fricourt road.
Id I had left it v. late starting - it must 
have been 9.30 or 10. - & our bombt. 
had started. I knew this wd mean  tt /
enemy might have started his barrage
in reply, & I ws doubtful if I cd get
up to Gen. Maclagans H.Q. in Contalm.
I had no idea where barrages wd be.
As car went got into open before
Fricourt we saw / skyline simply alive
w light. Flashes like summer lightning 
were quite continuous – making one
flickering band of light – but this ws
away in / east behind Fricourt & Montauban  
 - not Pozieres way. Clearly / British
were doing something there. Every 
now & then a low lurid red flash - very
angry - lit / horizon. We pushed
/ car from one control post to
another – traffic ws going up / hill –
I left / car near / top o / hill by a
bit of wood wh must have bn one of
those I saw on July 1 on top o / hill.
I pushed on on foot & gradually
reached / top [hand drawn symbol- see original document ]Continued 24 pages on.
[*Continued on page 53*]


[Hand drawn diagram - see original document]   

July 31. 1916


20 Bn. July (26/7) ? 25/26.  30
orders abt 7 pm - came up Black
watch Alley- Sunbeam gully –
Col. Elliott led them to Chalk Pit &
sent us across country in single 
file to tramway. When got to
tramway we found them a bit disorganised.
Then abt 1.30 (orders originally
to attack at midnight – There
had bn intermittent shooting all
night – salvs every 2/3 mins.
Sent back from 12th Bn. H.Q.
to say cdnt do it before 12.
Message from Bde -(Contalm).
to take place at 3. Got this message [[shorthand]] abt
10 to 3. Reformed columns abt
200 yds behind tram – marched
them to flank. Men in 3 parties
(ord. trench raiding parties [[shorthand]] w consolidating
party behind making 4th) at abt
75 yds intervals in single file
[Hand drawn diagram - see original document]
S party under Harper got













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