Charles E.W. Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/54/1 July August 1916 pt1

9 3
? 5th A I Bde
11th Inf. Rgt.
157 1 Rgt. 6th Coy. also 2nd Musketeer Bn
& 86 M.G. Komp. (Rest of 2 Bn in OG2)
62 1 Regt. 3Bn
2 Bn
For pages 1 & 2 see other end of book
9 4
Germans in front of Pozieres at first.
1st Bn. 157th Regt to 3 Bn 157 Regt 23/7/16 10pm
acc. to / regts informatn Pozieres will be
stormed in / next few hours. For success
therefore the 3rd coy must be in positn.
As soon as I receive this coy as
support I will add 4 sections to it.
1Bn. 157 Regt to 3 Bn 157 Regt. 23/7/16.
Message 12.40 p.m. recd. Positn
must under all circumstances be held.
Supports are coming up. Up to now 24
men of 8th & 117th have arrived who must
be put on / right wing. You will
get 4 sections of Reinft during / afternoon.
3rd Coy 157 Regt to 3. Bn 157 Regt.
from new positn East of point 11 0 - date 19.7.16
Strength: 3 officers, 16 MGOs 159 men.
July 27. Arty who ws behind Courcelette is
now behind Le Sars.
The men in Pozieres were
sitting on / doorsteps smoking, after
they took / village. They wd roll
a bomb into / cellars and, when a
German bolted, wd bayonet
him. They walked freely in / village
/ first. Even after 6 days a German
cd be heard moaning in one of
cellars, but they couldn't find
9 6
July 28th Shelling of Pozieres not so heavy.
Gellibrand tells me tt in / last two
days each of his bns has in / line
(two) has had about 25% casualties.
They have to send out a third (23rd)
to protect / left flank tonight. Two
parties have to work up two trenchesxxxx & establish strong posts; &
they have to be responsible for /
surface in between.
The General has put in his
other Bde (7th) between the 6th & 5th.
The 6th had to squeeze bits left - &
let the 7th bde in to trenches
they don't know & opposite a front
they haven't any experience of.
Hore tells me tt he was in / village
twice. First on the night of 26/27 when
/ Bde relieved the second Bde. He went
up tt night to relieve the 2 Bde
He wandered up past the Chalk pit
& after passing it, on / road, saw abt
30 dead lying. Today there are abt
100 there - just S. of the village.
That seems to be / warmest corner,
where the barrage has always fallen.
He went from there (guided) still in /
9 8
open, along what seemed to have
bn roads, past a hedge, until
they emerged somewhere near the
orchard (by / cemetery) into a
wilderness of craters.
He cdn't find machine gun
post & so lay in craters. As dawn
came on he retired to strong point.
Chalk Pit.
Night of Friday July 28/29. The 6th Bde
(23Bn) to attack ridge from
(1) Commn trench R34d to R34C22.
(2) 2nd Objve: Ridge R34 A9.0½ to
R33 d. 8.4½
(650 yds width).
To Jump off from X9 d8 trench
X4a.8.9½ to commn by X4a37
Bn Panels to indicate Bn. H.Q. to aircraft
green lights - sig. to air craft
2 Coys 24, 2 Coys 22 under Lt Col R.J. Smith
Bde Reserve.
Strong Pts to be made at
R34 a 8½1, 34C4½.8, 33d. 8½ 4½,
34 C 66
For 5th Bde Opn Order;
1st Stage: 20th Bn (less two coys)
to attack OG1 from Bapaume Rd
to the tramline.
2nd Stage. 20 Bn (less two coys)
will attack OG2 from Bapaume
Rd to tramline.
17 Bn. will attack
O.G.2 from tramline to X5b41x
one MTM Batty &
5th A LTM Bty will attack
from position inside S. of X5A 9.3½
Rest of Bde will hold present
line from X5 b 41 along OG1 to
X5A.9.3½ thence to tramline
at X5 A 54 & along tramline to
X4 b 48.
9 10
2nd Div Order No. 35. (28 July)
Not many enemy seen on 27/7/16 but
believed to be in dugouts.
Res. Army Arty, Anzac H.A &
Neighbouring Corps H.A. cooperate.
Objve. Find Line trench: O.G.1, O.G.2, from
Bapaume Rd to R 34 Central,
& Ridge north of Pozieres Cemetery
from R 34 Central to R 33 d8½ 4½.
7 Bde from Bapaume Rd (incl. windmill)
to comm trench joining OG1, OG2 at
R34. b.1.2 to R.34.a.9.½ incl67th Bde O.G.1. 1st Objve.
O.G.2. 2nd Objve.
6 Bde (as previous page)
5 Bde - O.G.1 & O.G.2 from
Bapaume Rd to X5 a 8½. 5
X5b.2. 5½.
Battery of MTM & 5th LTM
to cover this attack from S.
Times by D.R.
12. move from rly line
12.14 normal intense fire
for 60 seconds
1215 Lift onto OG2 for
2 mins intense.
9 12
Preparatory :
G.O.C. 5 & 6 Bdes to prepare &
occupy line of strong points closer to
position to be attacked.
Essential to drive Enemy into
Preliminary reconnaissances
had to be made.
Reconnaissance "tonight" to
ascertain how far trenches held
wire exists, how far ground held
by enemy, result of bombardmt.
Troops to be advanced as close
as possible to objectives
Ground gained to be at once
Positns for Lewis guns to be
selected & occupied agst c. attack
Pioneers to make Str. points
in OG.2.
08 X5 b 08. OG1.
74 R35 c 7½.4 X5a7½ 7½ 77
48 35 c.4.8. R35 c.2.6. 26
69 34 d. 6.9½ 34 d. 5. 8. 58
12 34 b. 1.2. 34 d. 0. 9. 09
91 34 a 8½ 1 34 c. 6. 6.
48 34c. 4½ 8
85 33 d 8½ 4½
I came up for this - the first big
attack ever made by the 2nd
Australian Division - to Gellibrand
H.Q. in Sausage Valley - very
All the bdes are now very far back
(quite close together in deep German
dug outs). I am writing this in Gelly’s
bedroom - 20 feet under the under the ground, wh
some German battalion commander
had turned into a perfect something
like a well upholstered little railway
compartment - dark wooden battens -
stone coloured wallpaper, electric light fittings a bunk
on wh Gelly is now lying. He is very
seedy. The telephone by his bed leads to
the 7th Bde.
By 12.40 - All communication with
the division exc. from here shut
A little later:- signallers at report
centre say tt they are out of touch
cut off with from trenches because by German
m.g. fire down the road past the chalk pit.
9 14
12.7. From 36 Inf. Bde (on left) 11.5pm. Enemy putting
shrapnel barrage on Pozieres - only
usual burst of shelling.
12.14. 1 minute intense bombt. Never
heard anything quite like it.
A fair amount of m.g. fire in
several places before this started.
12.15 Noticeable lift. Both green and red
flares going constantly.
Up to 12.25. Enemy has been firing a good
many flares but there was are less of
them in what I take to be the
Pozieres position. A few heavy
shell crumping some distance
away; several 4.2. shrapnel
crashing v. high overhead but you
can see the smoke cloud in the
flashes of our guns & the flares.
12.35. Arty conflated again.
12.55 Flares still going - red flares too -
but I think fewer from the Pozieres directn.
I can hear a m.g.
Paton has rung up asking if
this doesnt seem funny to
Gellibrand curious. Also he wants
to know why they have no news.
You cant expect news for an
Gelly was splendid this night.
Cool as ice - obviously had battle on
his mind but slept between whiles
9 16
hour yet. I shd say.
1.10 Messenger comes down stairs asking
for drink for Capt. Brinsmead 24th Bn who
had a crack from shrapnel in his leg
in this rally.
1.35. Red flares still being thrown up
constantly from one point directly beyond
head of Sausage Valley. Rifle fire or m.g.
fire cd be heard.
2.0. Second hand report thro signaller
of 20 Bn tt / stunt on left of 20th
Bn. didnt altogether come off.
(i.e. 7 Bde attack).
2.7. Man who had lost an eye (he
doesnt know what by) & limped
down - reported to 7th Bde H.Q.
tt the 28th Bn had "got there" -
2 officers & 10 men lost in getting
there (i.e. probly getting to jumping
off point)
He ws an orderly & ws hit on2 / way down. He says tt he heardmachine rifle fire (but not m.g.) about
4 mins before our bombardment started.
Clearly our men were seen.
2.25. Still red lights over Pozieres
9 17
way. Shelling a good deal lighter.
our 1st Div. gunners are just abt
worn out. No word yet. Visual
signalling station up near chalk pit
reports tt it thought it cd see
a light once , but was not
all in front of it is dust & smoke ;
& thought it has / exact bearing
o / stations it cd see nothing.
5th Bde is in touch with a
Bn H.Q. but the H.Q. has no
2.55 Got commn. with report advanced
signalling Stn by lamp - they will
send a message shortly .
Guards going for Thiepval tonight I believe.
3.15. News by runner (wd) from 26th Bn that
one of their Companys had got into
both trenches but had too few men
to hold it - had fallen back - & had on them in retreat &
coy commndr reports he was / only
man who was left. Lost abt 156 he thought.
News from 25th that they got in
& had to fall back.
News from 28th that they got hung
up in wire & attack failed.
9 18
A little later. News from 23 Bn tt
their attack succeeded. They reached
had m.g. shrap. & rifle on them when
their second wave went over but got
both objectives & now had trench 4ft
deep along line of road.
Of course this leaves their
right hopelessly in the air.
[*Russell-Watson*] Col. Watson arrived at this
moment; he said he had left
up the Coys wh. were. to have bn
retired & had advised Felbeso(?) Walker →25th to
xxxx have his troops ready to go out on / right of 23rd.X
(These men will be very thick in /
trench unfortunately).
Gen. Paton immediately
decided to withdraw all / remnants
of his Bde 3 Bns to their own line.
& tell arty to switch off. This
leaves Gellibrands event in rather
a tight position.
" 25th Bn report at 2.28a.m.
that starting point was left at 12
midnight & line proceeded to within.

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