Charles E.W. Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/53/1 July 1916, casualties of 24 July 1916 pt4

First World War, 1914–18
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  • Notebook and diaries of CEW Bean
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38 67 boys let en have it. Billy Swith he dropped his machine gun an I chucked away me bombs - I want to get atem w my fists god what a time - they starkd maning. &we after them but I was too done. I conlond runfast enough little Mike Reilly be hada wounded clep and when I asks what are you gain do w him. he says take an round the communication truc here I sd you can't to that te mans wound but hed have billed b ight enough. He's acurious chap- and that ferman ws abong on me. He wegon
67 39 to give me half of fermany See that prisoner when the tree fellacross Mr. he ran out & lifed it of him Counterattack - our mished to guess some of this guns here ought to be cried. if wed had the By beggars up there I swear we'd have gone down I bombed them out of them our batteries - Killed a lot of our best mea last night the did - couldnt stop in in time What - ws. Bill wounded. And sonon First I passed the
40 67 let Bdll quiell getting their foold & coffee & Lr chatter like schoolboys then further on the Ct Bn lying quietly by I side of trench railway some 28th Bn fatyue it was passing them othe took it forpritish. Theyr's commies – I hear one man say. It is curious how Austy alians distinguish between thenselves and tommies - and I do too you cant help it.. They are a different class of man at together. as I as going up afterdeaner to see what we on - who sad I meet in
41 the hall dark - with a Coy of the 20th (tindeses) standly on I hillside but Claud Jones. Tey were doing arattack tonight, he sd - over paripet into the old ferman and line. but it depended on ohethe a Britist dis a bit first Its better to be in front line hesd you don't get so shelled its next day its alway 66 bat cadle us there too it ws to his 18th Bn. extreordinary luick meetiny then He told me their showws of I believe 1 British S. Oron is being relieved.
67 18 pdr us at x 10 a 19. 92 115 rounds firing up rd +down July 26 morning We 13 am (C0Br) Laided O9.14 OG.2. 6 got in at 2 outside point - insidey heldap wire. The pties wh got in were shelle out, tombed & m.9. 40 Dun reported it threse ws. enof fere & bombt over he Fozeeres). They had heavy casuallies & had to retie regoined up w 48 dn at 3.6.89854. He german post wh had heldu 23654 40th for Idans ws ar 185 They tok 12 prisoners. fBdegoing in take posite of SBSe.
43 Niglt of 26/2 615 Bde relieved 2nd Bd S. half of village.

67   38
boys let 'em have it. About
Billy Smith he dropped his
machine gun an' I chucked
away me bombs - I wanted
to get at 'em w my fists -
God what a time - they
started running & we after
them but I was too done -
I couldn't run fast enough.
Little Mike Reilly he had a
wounded chap and when I
asks what are you goin' to
do w him!" he says 'Take
im round the communication
trench here " - I sd "You
cant do that- the mans wounded"
- but he'd have killed him
right enough. He's a curious
chap - and that German ws
falling on me - He ws goin'


67   39
to give me half of Germany."
"See that prisoner when
the tree fell across our - 
- he run out & lifted it off
"- Counterattack - our
guns finished tt --- "
"I guess some of these
guns here ought to be aimed.
By G- if we'd had the
beggars up there I swear
we'd have gone down &
bombed them out of their own
batteries. Killed a lot of our
best men last night they
did - couldn't stop 'em
in time".
"What - ws Bill wounded - ?
and so on.
First I passed the 3


67   40
1st Bde quietly laye
getting their food & coffee
& lying chatting like
schoolboys; then further on
the 10th Bn lying quietly
by / side o / trench railway.
Some 28th Bn fatigue
party was passing them & they
took it for Tommie British.
"They're Tommies "- I heard
 one man say. It is curious
how Australians distinguish
between themselves and
Tommies - and I do too -
you can't help it. They are
a different class of man
As I ws going up
after dinner to see what ws
on - who shd I meet in


67   41
the half dark - with a
Coy of the 20th (tin discs)
standing on / hillside but
Claud Jones. They were
doing an attack tonight, he
sd - over / parapet -
into the old German 2nd line;
but it depended on whether
/ British did a bit first.
"Its better to be in /
front line," he sd, " you
don't get so shelled - it's /
next day tts always so
Cadle ws there too
w his 18th Bn. - it ws
extraordinary luck meeting them.
He told me their show ws off."
I believe / British 1st Divn
is being relieved.


67   42
18 pdr ws at x 10.a 19.
115 rounds firing up rd
& down
July 26 morning. We
(20 Bn) raided at 3am O.G. 1 & (?)
O.G. 2 & got in at 2
outside points - inside ply
held up by wire. The
plies wh got in were shelled
out, bombed & m.g.
(48 Divn reported tt there ws
heavy m.g. fire & bombt over
Pozieres). They had heavy
casualties & had to relieve. 
We joined up w 48 divn at
X3 b 89 & 5.4. The German
post wh had held up /
48th for 3 days ws at ? X3b 54 x XB54
They took 12 prisoners.
6 Bde going in to
relieve take position of 5 Bde.


67   43
Night of 26/27
6th Bde relieved 2nd Bde
in S. half of village.

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