Charles E.W. Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/53/1 July 1916, casualties of 24 July 1916 pt2

First World War, 1914–18
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  • Notebook and diaries of CEW Bean
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67 14 1P Capt HF. Hubbe & 4 EA watters wt 2000 May. T.T. Borwick w Dry. 6 AE. Taylord of w. Maj L.P.S. Mather W. L.L. A. Hypnbothom w 3 not in (3M) yous brgied. Har & boy 3 coused most of casualties Super 3 Bn formed on rt some of 8t wandered right ths Ng. on st & German call Posts yout Howizers 129 Suthe & our no Fellon not angry w1 juns
15 uly 24 with mage 6 6014 pen went to Mehalfe 40 a Pouires He had gast bu bit by a sheope fom a shell. Director of barrag. Mekall practically don work of 11th Br there in pout tim. out passed 2 Drow going in to Sarsa com V.20 am vuly Very heavy Combt. (aslast 2 myets). I believe Fench adached gerty & Brt also one front. We are to Bry & clear Pozures & goin c with 3914 2 a little south of Wridmell tonight 1150. guus young off -18. be uns (wh we hear) at rate 140 aminute. A german shell occasionatly on some battery- fan. I saks tear shell
6 Prisoners on 2328 8 ofs 110 0r, the (aust ors 157 Regt, 27 lyr 62 Rept, 77 Res. Inc. OC. 300 Bn 62 pegt. 8t bip 2Bn. 27 Regt. 7Vion. taken morning 26 July Culy 2 Po in Brdin Rev 181 furkes back Bn lost 80 wd an 16 - 19 Jule 21 - 24 a some dead besides. 91tkegt of 291. Res. D lied 157on July n close support 3 Bn 157 Coy ws in su brenches 62nd in supporton VI. l arty concenbish behind Cource. -lette C.O.SBn 62 Kept sd be had lost tons to those on eette side cnd estet touch two lack of orderlie notic C62B27 Regt sseedww our ia sections brought guas into so soones truch taken can god barw h gs acte, successes so for cargely n in Lary of alroplar 6 17 ope &th 3dmit sent to Becourt Chatean to aerry for 1& 3. Bdes. Tay2s 12.25. Res. army reports at 10.1.0 little movningg in area Martin suich he said he Barque. Obs. diffe to be wadet 11.53pmI arragments for flares to be sent up fom adod points reached at 9am. for Anophon 1.56 am. SBn reported in positin beto X8 c4.3 7 73. 69.16 2am. 13 10. Mm. had duy trench from R.5 d29 to X5d 78 to dept of 36 with 14t paropit. Bery sandbagged & wetted 1st. Bde asks for special J.22 arrangements for deal Pomno cmaltn pr FA Bde "Everything, satisy 242 ONAIOLCAD to reports yet to hain 228 Enemys retatiate small Heavy rifle & tg foire to We of Contel
18 New Wench E of Conalle 125 a 5-6 to 1425 a. 3 W of Curcelitti R29d 1o4 Sars 421CS9E MTIAE Vpon N508. 34. 415. d.8.6 MISCS3 or MITO83 S. Bell. 67 19 25. No reports yet. ing fire rifh died down 3.20 15t TA Bde says 5 Bn. taken 15t objec unconfirmed to end time bin consolidated - my rifle quiele 1A303 27 10 Bn. deports from XII. B.8.9. at 3. pm 2 Bde took 15c objos in 2 mins & have lwest seiced to end obpec 10Bn Combers have gone thro Siong pout at x5 B2.4 All appears well in pout of 10Dn on our right. No newript ists attack 3Bde, Bntish 15t Bde order. H Bde & S Bor to seize rest of Fo3 to cemetery this ws (rs) Ad at 3.30. 3rd A.I.Bde will occupy N. part of villags at same ling Dividing line R 34 D30t X 4133 Strong pts at X4 B07 & ceniver Counity by Fronns, Ke Bo7 by 1Fick Co. there to so Bosyds-behind 8 Bn. 2 Sedrs mY. to cemetery 2wears w Frel Coy
20 8Bn is in folly str. pts. 24a925, 5. x 4 a 84 4 X9 a82 2 24B2 3 7chus nearer to time of 1Bde along Papaume Rd. art acie as detailed in 1st auot Dii order No 37.6. Attack will be carried out by SBn. Objective - at meing works waf T Bdearion of attack & t of trencher R4d. 5. & to R 3462.2 excl. Attack on foutage of 2 coip each coy in le waves over poutig of abt 100 yds, t right on advanced posts facing N. Rr left flonks to be covered by 1 plation oLewes guns, Echeloned berchy 4 bn to attack all enemy y betw. XX NpC59 X4 a 43 X&a46 to reliefs of bombers coorred by m.s. fire from right or t Reserve 3 coys Brd Bn, whowill follow PBn of retuired
L 67 21 152 Bns to take over truches left by 3 r4 Bus. 3r A18da. H8 3156 foom (a30. 577 Bns confirme in OGT. Peoncers moving to consoliati C9.2 4.10 fo. S Bde - No confri capture by 5 Bn of 052 4.17. I Bo: At 3 am. Have captined Ent obyve & am consolitatin 4:20 R. 3. Bll Britidls Bde on right at 3.15 reported had o penctrates hostile truch but considerable information. 5 Bn not yet jound hands w 3 Brit. Int. Bdc. 4:5 3rd A.T. Bde: Hostile arty nornal tell 9.15 sm when heavy barrage on Boald ally & sap 200 gds oir. Our gans retaliated caresing this to stacken by 10.M & at 10.30 condus nornel
67 22 Few gas shells. Good deal sinping. New Trenches from X5d29 to A5 d. 73 Janny 051 & O/2. 12abde - as 5 Br in 416 objectives barrag of 34 Dwn stoppe being bouiled out OC 5Bn 3.45 of 092- askin for remft. one coy of 9 Bn who just behend being sentup also asked for arly Barrage in pont. (.Barran on O92 orrer to be contin S Bn reports marly all officers 4.5 casnaltier- argent need recpts Sent 1 Cay 11 Bn. & 300 bouls. asks for another Bn 5 be sent up to 3AtBde. a boah to bring ap bombs ammn. small party Brt. got into Munster Alley near X554.1
23 1 am from 3 i/ Sd. on I side of Bapannes Rd. lany as allack wa brokin by our shell ring fire. mt I sent to traos Now tull. tencher. vacated belefer Ur 6 5 4.35 5150 5 24 Barrage on O9.2 South. of train stopped as HDev o be there i wants bombso there s vacating ordered to Lold 091 at all costs reoccupy 092 if positl No news from Nyet. Report from 11. 12. Bas wee 1 Bn went toward new objoe. & caught an heavy cross ig rifte fire. 12 Bo reached new linewrk part of N. Bor. & started to consolisie but came and to leavy rifter in Sr. sheap many casnalties 12 Bn arguilly need support & expect heavy c-akack from Windwell R 35 C 93 No vent to send (3 Bd. ssog till further reserve 0 from 1Bde. Allack going well nenets 3o0ydr 2 takin from X4C K4.A. 20 germans k & 10 capt. (17et O e ascounti
25 caught by mog, as ran. We Capt. 2 wys (5.50. bam. 1A1Bde - Rt & centrepusting on. Left going up german E on w of trench. Pojieres, 6-14 Both 11412 Bn reternd to positer held. last night then worn out.- The be relieved, Heavy casnalties 48kown. Hostile arty diddown at 8 am. Both enteroins failed to reach obji 5 H Bde wants reserve Bn from 5BS farter up. Avouced BH X10Ab. 25 L9t of 1A1Bdes attack has reached X4 A2.8, to touch t centre of attack; Dyvin Fo.s reports tuf. in advance of cneter 640. E8 Drn Afti heavy bountt Evemy calered our trinches near X3C.7.9. Berks aredring ene steadis back - none came this open SBde reports - sent in coy of his reserve Leaves only 1 coy dify of getting amum & bouls this cack of men.
67 26 Jam. A8 Dwn. Girmans cleare out of our positi J. So. Proviers - No1 Ety making S.p. for 16d at X4439 No 2 ppty for 3 Bell waiting opport No 3 ply Semilarl waiting. Rest making biluches, barie 12 (At Bde. 2 cogs in Porite at R3UC P.2. & x4A9 w fer camalte out IT. 5 Inf Bde group at 1Dw Risposa by auzac. Hope able relieve PBdi. 8.30 1But Du. Attack by SWB on mester alley failed. Gloster working up O92 w0 6 B41 8.50 1ABde ask; please consider beforcig Pozieris Posshn from K10D. to miss & fresh troops

1 P. Capt H F Hubbe k
Lt E A Walters w
2 HQ May. T.F. Boswick w
Srg. Lt A.E. Taylor d of w.
Maj L.F.S. Mather w.
Lt L.A. Higginbotham m. 
3 not in.
Harris (3Bn) & Coy 3 times buried. 
Snipers caused most of casualties
3 Bn formed on rly
Some of 8th wandered right thro.
M.g. on rt & German C-attack
Sxx Posts lying out. 
Smythe & our guns - 1.29 am.
Fellows not angry w / guns. 


July 24.
Went with Maze to G O 1 & then to Metcalfes HQ in Pozières
He had just bn hit by a stone,
from a shell.

Metcalf practically doing
work of 11th Bn there in front line.
Coming out passed 2 Divn going in to Sausage Valley
1.20 am: Very heavy bombt
(as last 2 nights). I believe 
French attacked yesty & Brit,
Also on E front. We are to
try & clear Pozières & join up
with OG1 & 2 a little south of 
Windmill tonight.
150. guns going off - i.e. big
guns (wh we hear) at rate of
140 a minute. A German
shell occasionally on  some 
battery - fancy / shrald tear shell 


Prisoners on 23rd
8 offrs 110 o.r. this 1 Aust Div
157 Regt, 27 Regt 62 Regt, 77 Regt
inc. O.C. 3rd Bn 62 Regt.
5th & 8th Grp 2 Bn 27 Regt 7 Divn.
taken morning 24 July. only 2 Bn in line
3rd in Res. 1st further back.
Bn lost 80 wd in 16-19 July
                                21-24 "
Some dead besides.
91st Regt of 2 Gd. Res. Divn ws relieved
by 157th on July 22.
3 Bn 157 Coy ws in close support
trenches  62nd in support on their
Arly concentrate behind Courcelette
C.O. 3 Bn 62 Regt sd he has lost touch
w those on either side. Cdnt estab
touch thro lack of orderlies.
CO 2 Bn 27 Regt noticed speed w wh
our mg sections brought guns into
action. No sooner trench taken than guns barraged by mgs
Successes so far largely due
to daring of aeroplanes. 
[* German flying corps largely lost prestige
"14 July, It is hardly possible to stand
the strain of this shelling"*]

5th F amb sent to Becourt Chateau
to carry for 1 & 3 Bdes
July 25
12.25. Res. Army reports at 10.50
little movement in area Martinpuich Le Sars Le Barque.  obs & diffic.
(11.55 p.m.) Arrangements to be made for flares to be 
sent up from advd points
reached at 9 am. for aeroplanes.
1.56 am. 5 Bn reported in position
betw X5 c4.3 & X5 c9.6.
2 a.m. 1a32 -> 10th Bn. has dug trench from
 X5 d29 to X5 d78
to depth of 3'6" with 1 ft parapet.
Being sand bagged & revetted 
3.22  1st Bde asks for special 
arrangements for dealing w
Pozières casualties
2.52 from 1st FA Bde "Everything satisy)
3.02 1a 30  3rd AIBdeHQ No reports yet to hand
Enemys retaliatn small.
Heavy rifle & mg fire to NE of Contalm 



New trench E of Courcelette.
M 25 . a5.6. to
M25  a.3.7
W of Courcelette R29 d
W of Le Sars
M21 c59 to M21 a 2.5.
& from M.15 c8.3 to M15 .d.8.6
? M15 c83
or M15 o83

3.15. 3 Bde.  No reports yet. mg fire &
rifle died down
3.20. 1st Fa Bde says 5 Bn taken
1st objve.
Unconfirmed tt 2nd line bn
consolidated - m.g. rifle quieter
1A 30 . 3.27.  10 Bn reports from
XII B 8.9. at : 2 Bde
took 1st objve in 2 mins &
have swept forwd to 2nd objve.
10 Bn bombers have gone thro
strong points at X5 B2.½
All appears well in front of 10 Bn
on our right. No news yet
as to attack 3 Bde, British.
1st Bde order, 1st Bde & 8 Bn to seize rest 
of Poz to cemetery this ws(25)
Adv at 3.30. 3rd A.I. Bde will
occupy N. part of village at same time
Dividing line R34 D30 to X4 B.3
strong pts to be made at X4 B07 & cemetery.
(Cemetry by 1 Pioneers, X4B07 by 1 Field Coy)
These to go 300 yds behind 8 Bn.
2 Vicars m.g. to cemetery.
2 Vicars w 1 Field Coy 


8 Bn is in folly str. pts:
X4 a91/2 5,  5 m X4 a 81/2 4
X4 a 81/2 2   X 4 B 1/2 3 & others
nearer to line of 1 Bde along
Bapaume Rd.
Arly action as detailed in
1st Aust Div order No 37.6.
Attack will be carried out by 8 Bn.
Objective - all enemy works W of
3 Bde area of attack & E of trenches
X4d 5.4 to R34 C2.2 Excl.
Attack on frontage of 2 Corp
Each coy is 4 waves over frontage
of abt 100 yds, w right on
advanced posts facing N. R. & Left
flanks to be covered by 1 platoon each
& Lewis guns, Echeloned.
4Bn to attack all enemy trenches betw. X4 C78
X4 C59  X4 a43  X4 a46
w reliefs of bombers covered by
m.g. fire from right or E.
Reserve 3 coys 3rd Bn, who will
follow 8 Bn if required. 


? oppositn

1 & 2 Bns to take over trenches
left by 3 & 4 Bns. 
3.56 From 3rd AI Bde. HQ 1a30. 5 & 7 Bns confirmed
in OGI. Pioneers moving up
to consolidate OG2
4.10 fr. 3 Bde - No confirmn of 
capture by 5 Bn of OG2
4.17. 5 Bn:  At 3 am. Have captured 
2nd objve & am consolidating"
4.20. fr. 3.Bde  British Bde on right
at 3.15 reported had occupied 
[*(S.W.B)*] penetrated hostile trench but
considerable information.
5th Bn not yet joined hands w
3 Brit. Inf. Bde.
4.51 3rd A.I. Bde : Hostile arty normal
till 9.15 pm when heavy barrage
on B.Watch ally & sap 200
yds NW. Our guns retaliated,
causing this to slacken by & at 10.30 condns normal 


Few gas shells. Good deal sniping.
New trenches from X5d29 to
X5d78 joining 0G1 & OG2.
4.16  1 FaBde - as 5 Bn in
objectives barrage of 34
Divn stopped.
3.45.  OC 5 Bn: Being bombed out
of OG2 - asking for reinfts.
One coy of 9 Bn who just behind
being sent up. Also asked for 
arly Barrage in front. 
(Barrages on OG2
ordered to be contind)
4.5   5 Bn reports nearly all officers
casualties - urgent need reinfts
Sent 1 Coy 11 Bn. & 300 bombs.
Asks for another Bn 5 to be sent
up to 3 AI Bde w bomb to bring
up bombs ammn.
Small party Brit. got into Munster
alley near X5B 4.1 


10am  from 3 Inf Bde.
on S side of Bapaume Rd.
Enemy c-attack ws broken
by our shell & mg fire.
Now lull. Message sent to troops
to re-occupy trenches vacated
thro shellfire.

5.5. Barrage on O.G.2 South
of train stopped as 1st Divn
may be there.
4.35 5 Bn wants bombs.  These sent
vacating OG2.
Ordered to hold OG1 at all
costs reoccupy OG2 if possible
No news from N yet.
5.50 am. Report from 11. 12. Bns
11 Bn went toward new objve.
& caught in heavy cross mg &
[*128*] rifle fire.
12 Bn reached new line with
part of 11 Bn & started to consolidate
but came under heavy rifles mg & shrap.
Many casualties. 12 Bn urgently
need support & expect heavy c-attack
from windmill R35 C93 No reinfts
to send (3 Bde 7) till further reserve.
5.50 from 1 AI Bde message. Attack going well
300 yds trench taken from X4c &
X4a. 20 germans k & 10 capt.
(157 Regt ) Others 200 fled across country 


caught by m.g. as ran  We
capt. 2 mgs (5.50.
6 a.m. 1 AI Bde - Rt & centre pushing
on. Left going up German trench on W of
6.14 both 11 & 12 Bn, retired to
position held last night ?
Men worn out & shd be relieved.
Heavy casualties.
48th Divn. 
Hostile arly died down abt 5 a.m.
Both enterprises failed to reach objive
6.50.  1st Bde wants reserve Bn from
5 BH further up. Around BH X10A6.3.
6.25 Left of 1st AI Bdes attack
has reached X4 A2.8  In touch
w centre of attack; digging in.
FO.G. reports Inf. in advance of
6.40. 48 Divn. After heavy bombt.
Enemy entered our trenches near
X3 c7.9  Berks are driving enemy
steadily back - none came thro'
6.55  3 Bde reports - sent in 1 Coy of
his reserve. Leaves only 1 Coy.
Diffy of getting ammn & bombs thro
lack of men. 


7 a .m. 48  Divn. Germans cleared
out of our position.
7.30 Pioneers - No 1 Pty making
s.p. for 1 Bde at X4H391/2 ?
No 2 pty for 3 Bde waiting opporty
No 3 pty similarly waiting.
Rest making trenches, barricades
7.12 1 AI Bde  2 coys in Positn
at R34 C5.2. & X4 A9
w few casualties.
7 55. 5 Inf Bde group put at 1 Div Disposal
by Anzac. Hope able relieve
3 Bde.
8.30 1 Brit Div.  Attack by SWB
on Munster Alley failed.
Glosters working up OG2 towd Pt 41 
8.50 1 AI Bde asks: please consider
reinforcing Pozières Positn from
X10B. w & fresh troops 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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