Charles E.W. Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/53/1 July 1916, casualties of 24 July 1916 pt1

First World War, 1914–18
Part of Quest:
  • Notebook and diaries of CEW Bean
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ae e a e e offewa. a 2 X pe net o tont y atnte ael ng on apoe ae e o e ene e Before 9 Bi 1st wave) attached. lying out into open (of course they went a bit far, abt soyds from pench aried Mek He boub ft otes esade on visit with t naas to gotr BBns, HD. & front line on Tuly2lK, We were with Hedcalf11 Bn abt 4 pm. in Copse JS. of roade PewB. But officer who surrendered L28.8.26 26 3d sur p 10070 0 12:12 This morng at Deylen German Start t Henvy stil (9Bo) white got behind Feamling 6f down. A r B Coy men there Eachman bed 3.L Earki wont Willare seems to command ground ahead of it
67 12 Bor has taken up to gan whites enfelad was a sniper. Sniping Ser od MMy and were 49 23 Ear] Sund, morn) sustaster daylight sawr 100 serms running into village. Dedn't shoot any Diont know if our own men. they got intodugonts on road 1o copts at midday. The Doctor said, (2Drs officer). ts a blessng! One suiper up a tree Didnt get thim 3
67 (232) 11 Ba. Yesteafternoon, at 4.303 1w00 patrols of al 20 each went out to take oficers were taken here in houses. The thought they were scoviden Orders to join 1et Butranch 221h Ho crard by past. 14 rly- mere cont findi 11h5 offesk: 7w. All coy comd asno End y for 1th Not recognis able. Sou sot bo far looking for it t had to be calleding
July 26 fr wt tlep teot on erd Bu 1 Dr 2 2 t 1 hed all right Cee no ad Pasite Ty 24. After. gas had cleared 70 N.0
Ch 188 Helling Pizceres & Garman Spoint 30 Faly 2
shill Eails talmanso To ON 56 a ii th view of contalin, from Pozieres (lookey back over ground of reva in Rd
67 casualties to 54 Dirarty Eng. 1 10 2 4 1 MG 248 10 11 12 3 MG ILTM admi 10 6 pom, 24 July ar. 6 43 232 10 23 12 18 39 12 54.0 88 21 191-
67 1. F.W. Maj. Lendeman & Capt. AC. Mackenzu k " Nw McVean in. HF AH yeomans 24. H.A.R Atkin K 44 B4F collier 2/e 29 Blackmort K 14 93 alford wt. 2/2 K 4 McConnell w. YH HE a Bickett w. 2. HWs Host 1 Lt CL Shorter k L Ck Mitter W. H.C.P. de Winten w 11
67 4D HH McCarthy k. (23 July & Du Baass w 6& PW Hay M. H W.P. Clemenges w. 2/4.EK. white w. 6. 24 J. W. Torbes w. Capt J. C. Campbell (210) w. 214. L.E. Trawin w L. S. Bygstley OM. w. 2/6 J.E. Harris N.w. Atouty HN.C. Weynank K H.CH Ruddle adj & Maj. w m Young wt. Capt. S. N. Lawrance W. Eft C.O. Thompson w 2/6 S. F. Rankina w 2/5 T. H. taken w. 2/4 AP. Blair w Capt WFI MeCano wc I+ Ac sandland w 108 12
12 L& H WThomas w. 21. A. E. wilver w. An. Collinsw. Capt H A Manshillk LtS.G. Nichol HS. T Torbes k 2/4 W. G. Hastgs k Capt F.G, Medcalf 16. 333 Mas J. 1. Milner w. Capt. G.G. Campbell w 2/4 AC. Elliott w Lt. H. Davison W. Copt. 1. S. Margetts & Capt. J. Ma. Kayser. W. Capt J.A. Toster w A. green i. DR M Therkell w DA.T. Brine w. apt. A. Tozer (Rms) w Sms. Capt B. H Walther w 2/21 F. Archer w 214 wa moPhee w 67 13

1st night. 104 agst 2 strong points.
1 offr wd.
6 men k.
28 wd
2 missing 
We made 5 bombing attacks
that night on 2 points
and one the night before & Brit. had made 3. 
Before 9 Bn (1st wave) attacked -
when lying out into open (of course
they went a bit far, abt 50 yds from
German trench [trench] 
The Russian who cried.
The bomb fight 

67 Notes & Sketches made by me in Pozieres
on visit with M. Maas to 9.11.&
3 Bns, H.Q. & front line on  July 24th.
We were with Medcalf. 11 Bn, abt 4 p.m. in Copse
S. of road. (S.W.B.
Brit officer who surrendered 
3 a.m. string p1 
7th Bn 


This morng at Daylight Germans
started T.M.s & Heavy shelling.
White (9 Bn) got behind Tramline
6 ft down A & B Coy men there
Each man had 3 sandbags
but now scarce. Dry earth wont
(Village seems to command ground ahead of it.)


hold — 12th Bn has taken up.
White's (9Bn) Enfilade was a sniper.
Sniping very good.

2nd wave.
sapping here
last [[?]]
12th Bn dug here
Early Sund 23rd morng just after daylight saw 100 Germs
running into village. Didnt shoot any –
Didnt know if our own men.
They got into dugouts on road.
16 Captd at midday. The Doctor said
(2 Drs & officer). "It's a blessing!"
One sniper up a tree (?) Didnt
get him.



11 Bn. Yesty afternoon (23rd) at - 4.30
Two patrols of abt 20 each went out
to lake officers were taken here
in houses. They
thought they were surrounded
Orders to join 1st Bn trench
No exact [trench] post
rly - men
cdn't find it.
11th 5 offrs k; 7 w.
All Coy Commdrs gone
Was no 2nd [trench] for 11th 
Not recognisable. Some
got too far looking for
it & had to be called in


July 24
X 4B 7.2
X 4d 3.8
X 4b 3.3
X 4a 9.3
4 a 8.2
4 a 8.0
4d 1.8.
4c 6.5
up to X 4c58
Up to Farm this morng
3rd Bn
had 107  Casualties including 7 offrs.
3rd Bn formed
up again on tramline

wh ws parallel to the objective
(The 3rd who were to go
past 2nd objve did
this & it saved them)

Position Jy 24. aftn.
No deep dugouts
on 3rd Bn

Germans shelling this.
We went
300 yds
up this
July 23/4
German [trench]
8 Bn posts
sg. posts
digging here to
4 Bn.
3rd Bn
15 to 20
3rd Bn cdn't find
Not much fire
Once reached Pozieres line
all right. All Germs had cleared
Pozieres trench
B. Watch



Shelling of Pozieres & German str point
7.30 July 24



White Rd
White Rd
Not one Straggler
View of Contalm Blethxx from Pozieres (looking back over ground of advance.) as from near
Casualty Corner.)


Casualties to 6p.m. 24 July. 
Div arty          &H           am. 
Eng.                       3.             43     
1                             10            232 
2                              4            359 
3                          ?  7             107 
4                              5               23  
1 MG                                          12    
2 HQ                        1 
5                                                 18 
6                                1                39 
7                                2                71 
8                                2                27 
9                                8               150 
10                               5               121 
11                                9             540 
12                                7               88 
3 MG                          3               21 
1 LTM                                            8 
P                                  2              30 
Aamc                                            22
                                    69              1917


1. Maj. Lindeman  k
Capt A.C. Mackenzie  k
    "   MW  McVean w.
Lt GH Yeomans  k
2/Lt  H A R Atkins  k
2/Lt  B H F Collier  k
2/Lt  L G Blackmore  k
2/Lt  G B Alford  w.
2/Lt  K H McConnell  w.
2/Lt  H E a Beckett  w
2. Lt W J Hoot  k
Lt C L  Shorter  k
Lt  C K Miller w.
Lt C. P. deWinter w.   


4.  Lt H H McCarthy  k.  (23 July)
Lt D W Isaacs   w
Lt P W Hay   M.
Lt W P. Clemenger  w.
2/Lt E. K. White   w.
6. 2 Lt J. W. Forbes  w.
7.  Capt J. C. Campbell (MO)  w
2/Lt.  L. E. Trawin   w
8 Lt. J. Biggsley   QM  w.
2/Lt  J. E. Harris sl.w. off duty
9  Lt N. C. Weymark   k
Lt C M Ruddle  adjt   k
Maj. W. M Young   w.
Capt. S. N. Lawrance   w.
2/Lt C. O. Thompson   w
2/Lt  J. P. Rankema   w
2/Lt  J. H. Lukin   w.
2/Lt  A. P. Blair    w
10 xx. Capt W F J McCann   w
Lt  A C Sandland   w


Lt H W Thomas   w.
Lt A. E. Wilmer   w
Lt A. W. Collins   w.
11 xx. Capt H A Mansfield    k
Lt J. G. Nichol   k
Lt S. T.  Forbes   k.
2/Lt W. G. Hastings   k
Capt F. G. Medcalf   k. ???
Maj. J. T. Milner   w.
Capt G. G. Campbell   w
2/Lt  A. C.  Elliott   w
Lt  H. Davison   w
12 Capt. I.S. Margetts   k.
Capt. J. A. W. Kayser  w.
Capt. J. A. Foster   w.
Lt A. Green   w.
Lt R M Thirkell   w
Lt A T  Brine   w
Capt C. J. Tozer  (RMO)   w

3 M.g. Capt B. H Walther   w
2/Lt F. Archer   w
2/Lt W A McPhee   w

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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