Charles E.W. Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/52/1 July 1916 pt7

First World War, 1914–18
Part of Quest:
  • Notebook and diaries of CEW Bean
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on 47 66 11t Bn. 1t Bele Reports to 1st rnd & Bad objoss have be taken. Send orders to 2 coys of 12t Bn to push on to 32 Objvc as sapirly as possible & make dispositis to secure N. Plonk. (I seems to me th I fire is very much heaving in (distance Menang The 2 coys ofyend Bdl have be from tren orderedup. - massage to 1. Doyou know anyting of your right. repots 11tE All units have gone too 428 far to left. Strong remf shd be pusked in st. our lene 5oyds No tambr We have cealured 2 gans in Wood. Keep Leavy 4t wr8 85 A 15 barrag joiy. 0211 work continuig sensfactory bupont tine is short of tooks. In touch on left w 15t Bn.- t is open where 9Bn st be.Apaid
69 67 someting wrong there. Sners are pretty bad in oldbloys of Posures. 1st Bdewan& 61t to join up- but havent enc of men. Only alt 400 as far as know, white 9t Bn reports he is only 4.4 officer ther at present - holding on but being infiladed Now plaindaylight. Ind British Bdl reports it doesnot thank things have gone too well for as but does not know. ML. cends thanks to 115 for his missan wh very valuall. Cayges wswd in his thigh when he top 2y 1 Preported to 12Bn hadnot arrived missemper from 10 Bn says to coys are still in their Possible to message to yine I am send 3 + prwans on has not bu received: Bdier messegg not already done they shd send remainy 2 cons to attack 2nd & 3n objoc.
5d.37 x4d37 69 68 vwd tramway Copse D99. to souturn by Talt 5a.3. bu treaches essential to make good both lines of O.G.Y. thway at leadt. I smell of this gas like Chlosoform. 2nd Bde 2 cy arrd 27 Q.27 (from J4 Bu) From 9th Sector X5d2.9. to X5d.2.0 d1.I tlt by enem. ropropess on 092. (This trench diff. tofind almosr obliterited). Spicial party being sent to drive Enemy out. This seems tbe an -so as ked to repeal impossible tine From 10th Troops v mixed up in hid objective. Pushes back from s objective. Am making sto pt Od53o/. Posts report 22 nenches tt these is are hrongly held. 1st Dun says 1½2 Bussenteep to right sho be permits advanced is faras Remai under 2nd Bde. s Mh. sends 2 Coys E Bde to XI1ad.P. to 5043 To take up extra ammn
69 t Contalwaison. Germ. Pustners tstian o Ho Hon stell our men out of brins. Poaite on it Not Kush interbats in Coubts to p Wo hnen for duty Malan Mors F Bi 2 H. R.M. white (9M) 2 79
5th Bns. Fremendons bombfight. X ( d a 3o 5 6 i 3 36 134 3 sre 55 rford 7 80 SrS 43 3 3 17 0 I5 5 69 73
I t
23Ty. Af ts being up all night Ieent bock to 1 Dis. & stept. 24 Ty. went of wn Coire saw Medcall otes (with Naw) 25 Ty. Corliag now& meae ardivtte Ceboot 53) At this time I was so busy but it was imporsible - or deficalt. 6 keep a conscention deary. The notes on te opposite pap were sut down about July 28 to rnable we n the tp dates clear in my head. On te previous days, as far as I remember, t ny movemals wers. gonts July 29h 10 Sailly to obtain news of te batch Fromelles Rebierned that night to Conty as white assured ans it was not receivng for de to p forward that oyht. July2 Visite 1st Dis Hl & keno up to head of Ausage fally (with Casey & M. Maas). Visited God Bde Hl in Sansap fully o walched pous the ritp above it a boubt of Contalmaison. July 22 Went up to see the bombardsient of Pozares. went pose head of Sausage fully up a truck to lined of 3od Ba (near some abou out ferm. feashence as furtesa red brown bct (narrow) across the sunken Doad S.W of Pozires to trundes of 2 Ba, & up to an outport of 2 Bn fom which I made sketch on p. H6. (Hforger if Maesisker "Genly known as "the Copse" on that day- don Kik so) S. side of Cor Rd. Maclag at 3 BdeHe asked me if I'd care to come back to night + follow the Cattle from his Hgro in Contalmarson (nost of thy rough notes for that sight are in this book -Igo put the down us loap hand exactly what passed in Machago's despont, but very toyhand was not fagt enough to get it all, & thereare many untemp senti It was however no use thiet taking it down be shorthand, as one never had time to transcribe Fore a423T horthand in those days edays after th notes are naw ac B117/26 Tinke white notibook] 79 Night of July 22/3 (Fe. Morny) Atack by HT 3.) Beles. Mees Tess as I go back) Reach 370 Objectus exc. in N.E. p Bombardment stopped (3 believe) in order to allow troop to reconnoctre N side of road. in au o tater to Bdo agsi sawe sess there Nighe of July 23/24, (Monday sonny) oy Rd.) 131 Bole peshes across road & Bapannne. 3rd Bde also across dipiing in on Nside Poyieres being heavily shelles-work sany on steadily (Twas upto orcland & returnd via few Sang thas H.B. fia Mackagens. 8 Bn in Brueres undw wdo Night of Tube 24/25 - Int A p 7th Ba Buban Hi night - fitl 1015 59th Buo cooperate in takeng strong point. Fremendous bombfight. Dt diiven [Iesent att thi back, drives back manny, driven back day writing again. 2nd or tthe Dor. citeo this up notes II from Ble morning () bombs Sermans beck up resors to 1aust Div second lins trench Wof Pogieres Colso tremendous fight). EBn Nof LoBde. emanstwece c-attack. V heavy bouls 69
75 night of July 25/26. The 5th Bde relieves Bod Bde &2ad Bde 151 (Exc. 4 Bm ? or 3) 20th Bn at 12.30! goes over agst trench between tramvay & windwill gets boke but fombed ou we tmalt In relief mach of our Gan NE of Pzceres given up; but Bennett wt OBn, (H.Q. or) digging in. IBds ordered to estab forward Se Saw Clande posts 300 yds from Ennysline t cou out. (+ I Bde on their rt) at R 346.6.6. R34d.2.3. 5R Crupch to SBde 8 K 34 d central & at R.34 d. 9.0 Commn to left Dir aton R. 34 C. 21. to x2618.9. Right of July 28/27 But very heavy stelling since 5 po. short far wbroat atd but became intense again. Our arty asked for country batter (25 Dwn arty on our rigght? lft) Our tx rt in popn is 563.165 S a. O.4 17Bn helped British to boub up Musil a
76 Heavy shelling all day. Day: July 27/ Ebup towards and day Canebownagn in he Caltack abt & 0'c. beater off ts of tBe wounde (on left) Lad Dun took over. I saw Hig. Nigh July 29/28. Slept at Conley. July 26/ Weatin to Cninceus As I had no car I stayed first at 1st DivHO, Albert + (& for one night at Drtillery H.R.)s then went up to Padie Desters camp in Becourt wood, & stayed with him f one or two other Padres sometinen called in, & the burial party was on the same truch, on the other side of our canvas partition) until the sad of the monquet Farm fighting.] I kept my room at Contay also din this stine. ee B2/ 7/26 69 77 We seem to be at precut bombiy down hunate alley- hand fighting feib we or the British possibly bott). Boubattack on Stronpole on night of 5 Bn attack. ((24/25) 9-10 Bus Youster running aftir Him who bolted & blowing him up shorting standing up . then pecki uphombs - call for more bembers 20 wol p up – 3 come back) Kussian who to men buried dug them out ao Lo Ceshore (9 Ba) crying. When day out be ron away(3 alive-[deed). It was Bombe abt doable - Eng. at the double - Carriers at Idouble. Move Combo - att double - str of men going up I carryiy
69 78 Termans in aattack ad be seen hopping from crali to creter-probl it as one long effort to bombu On first night when 9 Ba sobout If trech & crept forwd geran in foo Eng cried Hate. Evenyous still as deat. Pot he toylt it we a patrol. then m.g started in Problyhil some. Job up on word (after Emins v: heavy trench bocft) & raced into 14Y - struck it almost und. Swerved too much to Fench & probably got left for end if into our own fire Posts in wellage across rd (igs of 1Bde) were shelled by owr gun
Dear Gonernl Talker, you asked me to nention to you the nanes of any nen that I night hear scoken of as having been prminent in this Highting. I am afraid my notes are very cisual but the follow ing are sone of them. C Bant Mctenlfe 11th In was resconsible for the super mescall vision of the digcing of the 12th In trenches beyond the Bapaine Rd during the heavy sheiling. He sas hit sivernl times but I ras told that he carried on excellently. Capt,Lillie 5th Bn after XLLxEhx nost of the other officers of his battalion in the firing line were knocked out was practically in charge of the 5th in in the firing line(ar at any a 8006 rate) Drt of it) curing the fight of the corning of July 25 mich by ill accounts was one of the hardest yet fought. Pts. Angel of 5th In, a signaller attached to 2nd Bde He w2s sent Hith E massege to the Brttalion from Bde H.Q. It was an urgent necsage. On the way he ran into the enerys barrage and Going through it was hit. As hs lay with his legs paralysed he Say an officer standing I in told 2CC yords way from hin. He aragged hinself by his hands until he was nexr enough to get the officers attantion and delivered his nessage to him. Two hours later he ras found lying there with a jiece of shell in his bick- Dons. The first question he asked was: Mexxx Did that xeesage get thioughr. I an told 1t is doubtful mether he will recover the uss of his 1Egs. During the fighting of the same norning Pte Sillbeck of the Levis gun detachment of the 5th Bnewas in the Northern portion of trench C.G.1 then our nen were being gradually, Dombed back for the second tins. MExERS More the one nan tells me that Sillbeg was noticeable to everyons by standing out head and shoulders over the pararst brside our Donbers, using his Leris gun like a rifle, He ran through all his annunition and waved for Fore, Hs he was
ECB an ritched awy. He was wrunded Another Lsvis gunn r, Pennicuici, of the sans battalion, was almays stnAing up by Skillbecr; for an hour at least, I an told, he threy Donbs, when the arns of the others were worn out. The bombers of the Dittalion 7ere practiculy :ll killed or wounds Sergt, Blair, A Coy 5th Bn, when the battalion was derioying in the nigit, as acking sure tatt the men s read out. I in told he nds Quit: Garcless of his on sfsty, going ur and dorn and farnty forcing then to deploy and sseing tht they aid it. I heard that Scigt.Hcaton of the 9th Pn, who did Gr. at PTK, ves Killed. He as farous in Crjlipoll, and they all 5.7 ae did Tellthis night. Thire is another old n.c.o. of the 8th A0ss neas I Nev: Frgotten the did great rom and 25 Ml16l. I till try and get his n-rs Egain. ELieut A.M. Thits of the 5th In on the first night ws angarently the only officer mongst grours of pen from every towards Baitalion to lost thensrlyss Iz the T.L of the objective.He took charge and orgmise; ther and tes the digging of a line in that part of the viilage on the first night srens to have been Largely due to hin.He was just KEELE of the nedge with the guns 4 in it, about the right of our Hirst nights line - an area in which erents wre very uncertain. I have not secn Angel hinself, or anyone tho asta actually ear the signal of Heey of the end. Bae knows of the facts. Yours sincerely.
e Barly 1a Contelin. 69 89 wower branten Becount wood - Ws out of NW Wood up Sansage Valley XI5-C.ES XIa d 67 new trench to lett by route up hill & ito at 5 a33 Byy worte B to Nof Contalmn & into Black watch Alley. If shelling id before Bailiff wood go by wrte Co t from. 15 C.00. & into Contalm.

3.47. am.
11th Bn. 1st Bde Reports tt 1st 2nd &
3rd objves have bn taken. Sent orders
to 2 coys of 12th Bn to push on to 3rd
Objve as rapidly as possible & make
dispositions to secure N.flank. 
(It seems to me th / fire is very much
heavier in / distance).
from Divn { The 2 coys of 2nd Bde have bn
ordered up.
4.25 - Message to 11- Do you know
anything of your right.
4.28 11th ∧reports All units have gone too
far to left. Strong reinfs shd be pushed in rt.
Our line 50 yds N of tramline. 
We have captured 2 guns in wood.
m8. X5 A 1 5.  Keep heavy 4th
barrage going. 
Work continuing satisfactory but front line is short of tools.
In touch on left w 1st Bn:-
Rt is open where 9 Bn shd be. Afraid


something wrong there.
Snipers are pretty bad in old bldgs
of Pozieres.
1st Bde want 11th to join up - but havent
eno' off men. Only abt 400 as far as know.
4.45. White 9th Bn reports he is only
officer there at present - holding on but
being enfiladed 
Now plain daylight. 
2nd British Bde reports it "does not think
things have gone too well for us" but
does not know.
M.L. sends thanks to 11th for his message
wh very valuable.
Capt JAW Kayser
12 Bn*] 
Cayzer ws wd. in his thigh when he
reported th 2 coys of 12 Bn had not arrived. 
5am Messenger from 10 Bn says tt coys are still in their line.
 10th Bn  Possible th message to
send 3 & 4th [[wans??]] on has not bn
Bdiers message If not already done they shd send
remaining 2 Coys  to attack 2nd & 3rd objve. 



Our line NW of Copse NW 4 D 9.9.? to Southern tramway abt 5a.3.1
Essential to make good both lines of O.G. trenches to
rail tramway at least.
[Smell of this gas like chloroform.

2nd Bde 2 coy arvd at 5.27. (from 7th Bn).
From 9th.
At. 4.15.  Sector X5d 2.9. to X5d.2.0
to Xd 1.8 held by enemy.
No progress on OG2.  (This trench diff.
to find almost obliterated).  Special
party being sent to drive Enemy out.
This seems to be an 
impossible line - so asked to repeat.
From 10th.
Troops v. mixed up in 2nd objective.
Pushed back from 2nd objective.
?? Am making str. pt O d 5 3.7.  Posts report
th these trenches are v very strongly held.
1st Divn says 1½ Bns sent up to right. Shd be
advanced as far as possible in cover cover permits.
into village (? am not sure I got this right) Remain under 2nd Bde.
Wh. sends 2 Coys 2 Bde to X11a 8.8. to 5d 4.3
To take up Extra ammn.


Germ. Prisoners
Mortars or Hows.
Hows shell our men out of trench. Positn on rt.
Not thirsty
Cd get intervals in bombt.
Volunteers for duty


240 am. 2 Coys of men  in Pozieres
2 Lt R.M. White (9 Bn)

Bombt 2.30


5th Bns. Tremendous

Skillbeck. Pte. Lewis Gun
shooting from parapet at them
Waved out more ammn. I
waved my hand & said "right oh"!
Schrapnel hit me & he ws hit
25th July 1916
[Account gn. to me by two men of
5th Bn, Lewis gunners, as they
came out after the fight. I was sleeping
in Albert & they came into the
room. C.E.W.B [[1/7/1d?]] ]
Another Lewis gunner
W. Pennicuick Pte. standing
near the N. and, on top, throwing bombs
for at least an hour always standing in
drove them down to the cutting
I never saw him since

72 started out about 80 strong - now about 30. No 7 ws No 1 before the finish.
Capt Leadbeater ws sending them across. Sergt Blair of A coy ws
making men break out & taking no care of himself.
At abt 1.30 am we went over / top. There were flares by / dozen & we soon had a
m.g. over us. Our arty kept up a screen but owing to having a very hazy idea o / direction
we were to attack. & / distance to go I think some of us ran into our own shell fire for a while.
Then someone must have put us right for we all swung round to / right & presently found ourselves
thro / barbed wire & in / trench. I saw no Germs. there. By this time we had lost a fair no of men.
Soon / word came to advance again & out we got once more - bullets & shells again - & then
into another trench. It was here th I last saw Lt McMullen LGS Officer -
He ws killed soon after. I heard th there was a Lewis g. on / left & as I had long since lost
the rest of our crew I went to find it.  I found butt stock and body cover and Cameron
& Charlie Raffles were there too, so there were 3 or my crew -
this end o / trench in


search of ammn. & sandbags.  There were only dead & wd there & all
I cd do ws to leave water bottles in their reach.  At the 1st sign of day / order came to retire
to / last trench.  I had to stick w / Germ but left word w / others to try & get /
wounded men away.  When / Germans bombed our men back for the second & last time
& things looked pretty bad a message came from Col. Le Maistre
to conserve ammn & make every shot tell & it was noticeable th they did
Capt Lillie ws prac. in charge
(Cp. Metcalf.)
Lt Fitzgerald. put up a great bombing fight.


[At this time I was so busy that it was
impossible - or difficult - to keep a conservative
diary.  The notes on the opposite page were
put down about July 28 to enable me
to get my keep the dates clear in my head.
On the previous days, as far as I remember,
the xxxxx diary my movements were.
July 20 Vignacourt Contay To Sailly to obtain news of the battle
of Fromelles.
Returned that night to Contay as White assured me it
was not necessary for me to go forward that night.
July 21  Visited 1st Div HQ & thence up to head of
Sausage Gully (with Casey & M. Maas).  Visited
3rd Bde HQ. in Sausage Gully & watched from
the ridge above it a bombt of Contalmaison.
July 22 Went up to see the bombardment of Poziēres.
Went from head of Sausage Gully up a trench
to lines of 3rd Bn (near some abandoned Germ.
guns.  Thence up further earthier red-brown trench
(narrow) across the sunken road S.W of Poziēres
to trenches of 2 Bn, & up to an outpost of 2
Bn from which I made sketch on p.46. (I forget if
Maes ws there
that day - dont
think so).
 X Genly known as "The Copse" on
S. side of Poz Rd.
at 3 Bde HQ
asked me if I'd care to come back tt night
& follow the battle from his Hqrs in Contalmaison.
[Most of My rough notes for that night are
in this book - I had to try to tried to put them down
in long hand exactly what passed in MacLagan's
dugout, but any long-hand was not fast enough to
get it all, & there are many uncompletedfinished sentences
It was, however, no use trying taking it down
in shorthand, as one never had time to transcribe
shorthand in those days.  For the days after this are July 23 the notes are mainly
in the white notebook.]
C.E.W.B 16/7/26
[*23 Jy. After being
up all night
I went back to 1st
Div HQ & slept.
24 Jy. Went up
into Poziēres &
saw Medcalf
& others (with
25 Jy. Wrote up
notes & message
at 1 Div. HQ.
(see book 53).

Night of July 22/23 (i.e. Sund. morning)
Attack by 1st & 3rd Bdes.
(Meet Jess as I go back)
Reach 370 objective exc. in N.E.
for posts Bombardment stopped (I
believe) in order to allow troops to
reconnoitre N side of road.
Night of July 23/24.  (Monday morning) (I ws in Amiens & later to III Bde again)  Saw Jess there by Rd.)
Ist Bde pushes across road to Bapaume.
3rd Bde also across, digging in
on N side [Hand drawn sketch - see original text]
Pozieres being heavily shelled - work
going on steadily (I was up to orchard X
& returned via Gen Smythes H.Q.)
& Gen MacLagans. ?8 Bn in Pozieres 
under 1st Bde
Night of July 24/25 - the 6th & 7th Bns
put in this night - faile 10th & 9th
Bns also cooperate in taking strong point.
Tremendous bombfight.  5th driven
back, drives back enemy, driven back
again.  2nd or 4th Bn. either this
morning (?) bombs Germans back up
second line trench W of Pozieres (also
tremendous fight).  8 Bn N of 1st Bde.
Germans twice c-attack.  Heavy bombt
[*[I spent all this
day writing
up notes - I
From Bde
reports to 1 Aust Div]*]


Night of
July 25/26. The 5th Bde relieves 3rd Bde,
& 2nd Bde 1st (Exc. 4 Bn ? or 3)
20th Bn at 12.30? goes over agst
trench between tramway & windmill - 
gets both but bombed out w casualties
In relief much of our trench on NE
of Pozieres given up; but Bennett w
6 Bn. (H.Q. xx) digging in.
1 Bde ordered to estab forward
posts 300 yds from Enemys line
(& 5 Bde on their rt). at R 34 c.6.6.
R34 d 2.3.
5 Bde {up trench to R 34 d central
& at R. 34 d.q.o.
Commn w left Div along R 34 c. 21
to X 36 8.9.
Night of July 26/27
But very heavy shelling since 5 pm.
Short ½ hr interval at 8 but became
intense again. Our arty asked for counter
battery (25 Divn arty on our right?
                 23  "        "       "     "    left)

(?? Our left rt in Pozieres is 5 6 3.1 to
5 a. O. 4)

? 17 Bn helped British to bomb up Munster alley
[*Saw Claude & Carle
& men coming out*] 


Day: July 27/ Heavy shelling all day.
Let up towards midday.
Came down agn in ½ hr
C. attack abt 4 o'c. beaten
off. Lots of 6 Bde wounded
(on left)
2nd Divn took over.
I saw Haig.
Night July 27/28. Slept at Contay.
July 28/. Went in to Amiens
[As I had no car I stayed first at 1st Div HQ,
Albert; (& for one night at Artillery H.Q.); then
went up to Padre Dexter's Qter camp in Becourt
wood, & stayed with him (one or two other
Padres sometimes called in, & the burial
party was in the same trench, on the other
side of our Canvas partition) until the end
of the Mouquet Farm fighting.] I kept my room
at Contay also during this time.
C.EW.B. 12/7/26

We seem to be at present bombing
down Munster alley - hard fighting
(either we or the t Br British -
possibly both).
Bomb attack on strong pt by
9-10 Bns. on night of 5 Bn attack. (24/25th) Youngster running after
Hun who bolted & blowing him up.
Shooting standing up - then picking
up bombs - call for more bombers
20 wd go up - 3 come back.
Russian who 4when men buried
dug them out w Lt Cheshire (9 Bn)
crying - when dug out he ran
away - (3 alive - 1 dead).
It was Bombs at / double -  Inf.
at the double - carriers at / double.
More bombs - at / double - string
of men going up & carrying


Germans in c-attack cd be seen
hopping from crater to crater - probly
it ws one long effort to bomb.
On final night when 9 Bn got out
of trench & crept forwd German in good
Eng cried Halt. Everyone still as
death. Prob he thought it ws a patrol.
Then m.g. started in. Probly hit some.
Got up on word (after 2 mins v. heavy
bombt) & raced into 1st trench - struck it
almost imd. Swerved too much to
left for 2nd trench - & probably got
into our own fire.
Posts in village across rd (mgs
of 1st Bde) were shelled by own guns.



End of book


Dear General Walker,
you asked me to mention to you the names of
any men that I might hear spoken of as having been prominent in
this fighting.  I am afraid my notes are very casual but the following
are some of them.
Medcalf  xxxxx Capt. Metcalfe 11th Bn was responsible for the supervision
of the digging of the 11th Bn trenches beyond the Bapaume
Rd during the heavy shelling.  He was hit several times but I was
told that he carried on excellently.
Capt. Lillie 5th Bn after xxxxtxx  most of the other
officers of his battalion in the firing line were knocked out was
practically in charge of the 5th Bn in the firing line(or at any
rate/ a good part of it ) during the fight of the morning of July 25 xxx
which by all accounts was one of the hardest yet fought.
Pte.Angel of 5th Bn , a signaller attached to 2nd Bde HQ
was sent with a massage to the Battalion from Bde H.Q.  It was an
urgent message.  On the way he ran into the enemys barrage and
going through it was hit.  As he lay with his legs paralysed he
saw an officer standing I am told 200 yards away from him.  He 
dragged himself by his hands until he was near enough to get the
officers attention and delivered his message to him.  Two hours
later he was found lying there with a piece of shell in his back-bone.  The first question he asked was:  Xxxxx Did that message get
through".  I am told it is doubtful whether he will recover the
use of his legs.
During the fighting of the same morning Pte Skillbeck of
the Lewis gun detachment of the 5th Bn was in the Northern portion
of trench O.G.1 when our men were being gradually bombed back for
the second time.  Xxxxxxx More than one man tells me that Skillbeck
was noticeable to everyone by standing out head and shoulders over
the parapet beside our bombers , using his Lewis gun like a rifle.
He ran through all his ammunition and waved for more.  As he was


shouldering his gun to fetch it, he was hit by shrapnel and the xx
gun pitched away.  He was wounded.
Another Lewis gunner , Pennicuick , of the same battalion,
was always standing up by Skillbeck; for an hour at least, I am
told, he threw bombs, when the arms of the others were worn out.
The bombers of the battalion were practically all killed or woundd.
Sergt.Blair, A Coy 5th Bn , when the battalion was deploying in
the night, was making sure that the men spread out.  I am told he
was quite careless of his own safety, going up and down and forcig
forcing them to deploy and seeing that they did it.
I heard that Sergt.Heaton of the 9th Bn, who did
great work, was killed.  He was famous in Gallipoli, and they all
say he did well this night.  There is another old n.c.o. of the 9th
whose name I have forgotten who did great work and was killed.  I
will try and get his name again.
S/Lieut R.M.White of the 9th Bn on the first night was
apparently the only officer amongst groups of men from every
battalion who lost themselves towards in the N.E of the objective.  He
took charge and organised them and xxxx the digging of a line in
that part of the village on the first night seems to have been
largely due to him.He was just XxXxX E.N.E. of the hedge with the guns x
in it, about the right of our first nights line - an area in
which events were very uncertain.
I have not seen Angel himself, or anyone who xxxx
actually saw him.  But xxxxxx the signal officer of the 2nd Bde
knows of the facts.
Yours sincerely,



Baili wd.

Becourt Wood - tramline ouf of NW corner of
wood up Sausage Valley.
X15-C.45  X 14 d 67.
To left by route up hill & into new trench
at 15 a 33.
By route B to N of Contalmn. & into
Blackwatch Alley.  If shelling rd before
Bailiff wood go by route C. E
from. 15 C.00. & into Contalm.
routes to

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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