Charles E.W. Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/52/1 July 1916 pt6

First World War, 1914–18
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  • Notebook and diaries of CEW Bean
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69 55 ot in before the brouble a Half. I is caused by people having werr gas helsets - You cant see thoo them One pte went straight across. besobed now Gas von wind np now - gas shells wont be so bad vs still when they started 10th Jot in vehend 12th I had to take my gas telut of I chance it Not much trouble in finding month of Black Watch Alley- its further up the trouble is - theres a branch in it. I left aman there (hd bear to left Bdier and another mes t staywithhim. There wand a by arty fore at 1230 - If the attack ws at 12.30as I heardit was there proops had to move into positin along a timited back are. Ply o10t was lost there. Black watch truch ws & crowded with men asks for t 3n to b 3die
69 56 moved cuto socity near Bouliff Boe maj at eudglable maclogan is wood Tillemache, co splended. notas quick as he asn to be 0 12 A pehtfully difficult business for 3rd Bde. of on darknight Wsas shells oheluc on. we hadno as helinets to wear in Gallipoh. Of course this makes a very big difference. 130 - message through Look here when we are askng after the health of James or any of he panded theath te willend 17y ornth s semeng futy o he miong tan well try Bonadi 1.30 How abt those provlers very well aind thim cnt on till we know (aust Dw) ober Send wessage to Lyvia-no news tro.
69 57 L.35. messenger from Reserve section Vickers cuns. Bdeix askidhim Co you tell at all how things were going essy S07 Part of 12 Part of 10th Part of 12th Part of 10th jone thro as Ive been getting thro commn. They seemdate boxed up somehow. sowe of 12th were just at tance of commnn trench (Blaek watch aley), He last of 12th were just going in as I left it . They were all in by tiue I got here. Tollemache trying to reassure Bdier -that must be abt 20 to 1. He wd have teken quite that? Misseger. They wdrent shelling commn brench very much - A few shrap + a flw High Explosive- 14C Maclagan By now the leading coyys of the 1th shd be in the Bodpositin Bdier I think we oughtto move the Pronces up now!
69 58 Pioncerofficer. Our party is up there - in advanced sunken road- ready to go on as sson as first By division () is thro (our guns still shroting haid- i hear few every shill above) 145. messengers sent tro to see if the commn truck is yet clear. 1147 message from 9th- from orual BHO. K.R. (UR). Tolle passes it to Mach without comment 112 Bnt No sign yet of 1A 34 ap 5 135. Signallers ordered to get into visual signal touch. ith olt BHO wh has toach
69 59 witl H.C. 7414 2cys of 2 Bdl asked prl a 10.22. charty 6 The fear now 15 tt 1 barrox is waster owin to Bns not haven been able to set thre' common Cych. in true. ] Bdier says sof. Faller t meny to 11 byd 111 antn I have heard mgs going for long time - prob our indirect 12 B1 At 1.20 510.B p12t 2.3. Elliott rjous, 1a32 7 1a34 still in Black watch Alley. holdarty barrage Zod objectes 1129 on 0 maclagan. God shought can all be got by visual 12M To 1a34 & 1a32- 10. B Reply: Ifnot abready left. such forward 9th & 8th waves)
60 69 (This message arrived unfortunitel loy after Sod Barray had liftes.]. At 1.20 rise two waves were 20 mins from place they had to AA10 reach (500 yds). Barrage wd lift Euster in 1a mins Bran Messue to dn 15 own 4 concidina di to weariy of sas Lelnits of a Crustow in too t Bnsgettey into posita. ou Exgectate and obsecion No delinte information end 2.16 Another messag hrom olt and do ouludeleyed B.H.C. 2 Campbell Both wss taken Consolidati proceeding. O.C. Attack on OGI reports forther advance of 50 yd O.C. L 091. ho p yds but stated to be can sie no sin your trops on left gernan retuliation light, 10p. on left 2 of iet. Our bombt going strong Support wants is from 124 B3n.
69 61 from 9 Br. Strong but have bo pashed We have taken J.F X 24 fust use. back ap Every big seeme favourable but I have had no word from tallatyg putes o the tstruntes. to Devo. kept At 2.15. my lett Expption reports portion M line eveny taken but lost touch w right Br. Rt Bn reports having taken one stroy Post. OG 2 but after advan short distance was pushed bask Havin receive remfts he is afain pushery foward. He has no news of how attack has propresses on eitter of his flanks 2.22 m intre reports to his tateon. He is wat d ggoen 12m7/a34 be sent &x 2 coy commds put out of action.
69 62 Bdier. to - I must get these 2 coys of 10hn 10th ap to LA32. send on support allay Your 9th & 10th waves to a of 1A 3109. M. kecpy utt on truck OF1. So far na A mach of my objve Ctaken but e haldug. oneer officer just reported & Col Nicholson is there. Coys not started yet. Maclagan very endignant. Tell Col. Nicholson is my complint to past on at once w due (haste?] Af 2.0F. Thro loys went fout to so Objecting Macl. Those bloody provcers - Com if not writing it down you know. Acoy has just reached. Ihs b ordered to lease for 2nd Objve Machegan. Retain your last coys from P. to move into trench at 11A23to
69 C3 farther developints. & there await] I do not wish entrae tem used exc. in case of Emergenc when bragch mmedth MWE ofYr H.D) 2 from rymost y officers camatli Mercalfe yote he is consolidati 21453 N? Medcalf 11 An 15tobve. 1260 rderedEs Lydia (Dwn) 245 Met. 11tE 1a33 reports neary al his officers casualties Request Officers how with you be sent up reporting ths H.D. I suypest I more coys be sent t report same place near thes HC. Bdiw says ywe have then there they may be able to pask it thro' sillip in mornay
69 64 12M 1h 252 Roberts told a ellics 2 last Coys are to go into lie N.E. of his posite but to remain under Bdeers ordera These te Bdier 1 keeping fer counter attack. we cant alter the Barrapsays Toducte. Blen I trut it wel be better for them to fight in Ivillage in dayly B.6. From 9 Bn. can get no Enfo. Wd man states pst truc taken- men all thro village. Havis diffy witth bombardment. a few igs here but no heavy fire. To 9 Bn 11t Bn reports 14 2 obsives taken now being consolidatio. Have ordered 12 on to send for 2 loys with to support yr bn with their right on 641 ground worn be consolitated you leading cnit. Macl. thinks left dde are wrob tis videge

them got in before
“Half the trouble is caused by people having
to wear gas helmets - You cant see thro them
"One pty went straight across.
"Gas wont be so bad now.
wind up now - gas shells wont be so bad
It ws v. still when they started.
"10th got in behind 12th. 
"I had to take my gas helmet off
& chance it."
Not much trouble in finding mouth
of Black Watch Alley - its further up
the trouble is - theres a branch in it.
I left a man there (shd bear to left.) Bdier "send another [[o.p. on]]
man to stay with him?" There wsnt a big arty fire
at 12.30 - If the attack ws at 12.30 as I
heard it was there -
Troops had to move into position
along a limited back area.
Pty of 10th was lost there.
Black Watch trench ws v. crowded
with men.
1.25 Bdier asks for ½ Bn to be


moved into position near Bailiff
Wood - Tollemache (Bde Maj. at end of table) is splendid. Maclagan is
not as quick as he used to be
A frightfully difficult business for
3rd Bde.  on dark night
w gas shells & helmets on.
We had no gas helmets to wear in
Gallipoli. Of course this makes a
very big difference.
1.30 – message through
Look here when we are asking after the health of James or any of
his friends I think we will send it by visual. If the message
fails to get through then we'll try . . . 
1.30 Brigadier How abt those pioneers –
we cant very well send them on till we know -
Send another message to Lydia (1st Aust Div) – no
news thro!


1.35. messages from Reserve section
Vickers guns. Bdier asked him cd you
tell at all how things were going.
Messgs says: Part of 12th Part of 10th Part of
12th Part of 10th gone thro as Ive
been getting thro commn - They seemed all
boxed up somehow.
Some of 12th were just at
entrance of commn trench (Black Watch
Alley). The last of the 12th were
just going in as I left it – They were
all in by time I got here.
Tollemache trying to reassure
Bdier – "that must be abt 20 to 1.
He wd have taken quite that."
Messenger; They werent shelling commn
trench very much – a few shrap &
a few High Explosive –
1.40 Maclagan Bcy now the leading coys of
the 12th shd be in the 3rd position –
Bdier "I think we ought to
move the Pioneers up now." 


Pioneers Officer. "Our party is
up there – in advanced sunken
road – ready to go on as soon
as first Bty division (?) is thro.
(Our guns still shooting hard –
can hear few enemy shell above)
1.45. Messengers sent thro to
see if the commn trench is yet
1.47 message from 9th – from original
K.R. (11th).
Toll. passes it to Macl. without
<<No sign yet of 1 A 34 (12th Bn) up to
Visual Signallers ordered
to get into visual signal touch
with old BHQ wh has [[touch]]


with H.Q. of 11th.
2 coys of 2 Bde asked for l a l o. 22.
1.56 The fear now clearly is tt / barrage is
wasted owing to supporting Bns not having
been able to get thro' commn trench.
in time. [Bdier says so].
? alter tt message to Lydia to 11 (1st Aust Div) 
I have heard msgs going for
a long time – prob our indirect
2.3. Elliot (12th Bn) reports at 1.20 1 a 32 ↑10th Bn & 1 a 34 ↑12th Bn
still in Black Watch Alley –
hold arty barrage 3rd objective
from 1 a. 33 ↑11th Bn (Maclagan : God Almighty!)
(can all be got by visual)
 to 1 a 34 ↑12 Bn & 1 a 32 →10th Bn 
Reply :"If not already left,
push forward 7th & 8th waves)"


[This message arrived unfortunately
long after 3rd Barrage had lifted.].
At 1.20 these two waves were
[*1 A 10*] 20 mins from place they had to
reach (600 yds). Barrage wd lift
in 10 mins.
Beam*] Message to divn. 2.15 "owing
to wearing of gas helmets considerable difficulty
[* & Custom*] in two last Bns getting into position.
No definite information but expect attack 2nd objectives

↓↓and 3rd objective delayed
2.16 Another message from old
Campbell in 
[*?11 Bn*] Both lines taken. Consolidatn proceeding.
 O.C. attack on O G I reports further advance of 50 yds
O.C.L O G I. (shorthand) 50
yds I fc 
but states tt he can see no sign of our troops on left.
German retaliation light, esp. on left. 
left . Our
bombt going strong.
Wants support from 12th Bn


From 9 Bn.
We have taken Strong Post but have bn pushed
back agn to first line.
Everything seems favourable but I have had no word
from / attacking parties on the other trenches.
Rept to Divn. at 2.15.
My left battalion reports portion 2nd
line enemy taken - but lost touch w
right bn. Rt Bn. reports
having taken pos one strong Post
OG 2 but after advancing
short distance was pushed back.
Having received reinfts he is again
pushing forward. He has no news
of how attack has progressed
on Either of his flanks.
2.22: 11 Bn Milner reports 1st line taken. He is wd.
12 Bn → 1 a 34 bn sent forward x 2 coy commdrs
put out of action.


To 1 A  Bdier: "I must get these 2 coys of
10th up." To 1 A 32. ↑10th Bn send on
your 9th & 10th waves to CO G 1 support attack
of 1 A 31 → 9th Bn
Keeping right on trench O.T.1.  So far now
tt most of  2nd objve (?taken but rt held up?)
Pioneer officer just reported x Col Nicholson
is there - Coys not started yet -
Maclagan very indignant:
"Tell Col. Nicholson w my compliments
to push on at once w due
At 2.05 - Two Coys went forwd to 3rd
Macl: "Those bloody pioneers – comms
of not writing it down you know."
1.33. A Coy of 12th has just reached...
& has bn ordered to leave for 3rd
Maclagan. Retain your 2
last Coys from Present. They are
to move into trench at 11 A 23 to 53


& there await further developments. I do not wish
them used exc. in case of extreme
emergency when .........
(into trench immedtly NE of yr H.Q.)
? from 11th. Regret most my officers casualties.
2.45 Metcalfe ↓ ? Medcalf 11 Bn reports he is consolidating
1st objve. 
Ordered Elliott 12 Bn to ............
2.45 To Lydia (Divn) Elliott xx 12Bn a 1 a 33 11th reports nearly all his
officers casualties Request Officers
now with you be sent up reporting
this H.Q.             
"I suggest 2 more coys be
sent to report same place near
this H.Q." /
Bdier says -  if we have them
there they may be able to push rt
thro' village in morning".


2.52. Roberts 11 Bn told tt Elliots 12 Bn 2 last
Coys are to go into line N.E. of his
positn but to remain under Bdiers'
orders –
These the Bdier is keeping for
Counter attack. " we cant alter the
Barrage" says Tollemache.
Bllin. " I think it wd be better for
them to fight in / village in daylight
3.6. From 9 Bn.
Can get no infm. Wd man states
1st trench taken - men all thro village.
Having diffy with bombardment.
A few mgs here but no heavy fire.               
To 9 Bn
11th Bn reports 1st 2 objives taken now being
consolidated. Have ordered 12 Bn to send for
2 coys with to support yr bn with their
right on OGI
Ground won must be consolidated
Inform your leading units.
Macl. thinks left bde are probly
thro village

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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