Charles E.W. Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/52/1 July 1916 pt5

First World War, 1914–18
Part of Quest:
  • Notebook and diaries of CEW Bean
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Bomb. Alack towards Munstir Alley "faill? ar Ayoater BoeFIG as in about 14 steps down - 2 th other ofices simitar dgGroud. (then in Saniage Gally). Mnacpagan ain me to come t0 bes H.D, if I cared, for the Attack. (se tis diary, lates, & Duary 54p p 28.) Cev. B. 1. 726 69 & the Stainc. 41 at the rlystr ch is straped be time France! bear off - I wonder 20 the Pritich reguined f & Dewill wood advanced Nr Sof to belient am guns wh inup across country to be dropped. a h some old lives into p move fightfully taw sen. The lives of Huns u shele them - but here we cane out wit what looked like a field dug by a Titan
49 Bomb Aback towards Munster Alley "failt? Bole as in a t ortar about 14 steps down- & th oter ofices simitar desroud. (then in Saniage gally). Macpagan a me to come t0 bes H.D, if I cared, for the Ottack. (s tis diary, lates, r Dary 54 p. 28.] CEw B. 1. 726 69 & the 3ot Arnc. at the rlystr - coh is stald ma siens them - but here we cans out wit what looked like a field dug by a Titan.
93 A Bonb. Ale lowen Boe as in about 14 steps down simitar desot (then in Saniage ga me to come to bist Ottack. (e tis diary, B3 1 Dea. 69 & the Sdt Amc. 41 at the rlystr - wh is strafe. can't have a nice time Tock is in France. bear from Am today. Atack put off - I wonder wt On Mars Tuly 20 te Britisk regained a little in Longneval & Delville wood and the French advanced NrSof to Somme. We wallent sound believt am guns wh were registering - & then up across country to a commn trenc into th we dropped Ede Hars we passed through some old lives into e2 a patch of pound cut up more fightfully tan anytheng. I have ever seen. The lives of Hur 1t were bad mo afs shelle them but here we came out wit what looked like a field dug by a Titan.
69 42 It was difficult to pict your way between the craters We dat for a while in 1observat close trinch - contalnacion very clear on right. Then Bazentin wood. In port of that, a little, wash cn object wh I at first thought was a white horse & cart (what cd a horse be doing there)s ten the stump of a white house. Dick Casey to to me. Fos I wreck of an acroplane. Yesty afternoon the germans attacked to of our acroplanes - flying quite low. Case Id he wo in the othferman and line when he looked up & saw 11 aeropt circting like bees or birds above his head. He took it for granted they hn ratised were ours - bey were German. majority &t ty were firing on one in their midst - wh ws flying very low. all of a sudden it dipped, made two, or thre quick corcles, & then
we 34 le Drom. 38 o 46 on lift 15on pr pitched on its nose at t y frm him 2 44 69
45 Ftoy Bn ten andd S traw s fie not. quite you 2 5 8 pr :cosu gngit germans en o wh ho ena fomtinl Coy. Cormn 10 July 22 46 Last nights bombir attack to Manster alley failed. No particulars. tais bit widen many in ait of WWHTH r. mI 5 pa gne D r fendln. Ttt ned from here. Ten S. 15t Bn have to swing right round a good way. Sketch of Pozieres made on aft. lron of July 22 from the trensles of the Lad Br, dunng tho slow bombardan of the villap. SB. 24ppo.
47 u The Bapanmy Rd 1S Ovsie. Serary point Ct Pesito X4d11 1 Flay. X5 C.7.1 (ommon Y). 310S.C. 45C.4.3. SEPT B Ponier. X4 d 8.3. Common to K 10.13.97. St. PI x5 6. 2.0½ X544.1 Dad oboe. 151 Coy 9 at XxdSS. &5a2.2. 3d. Pioneers X5 a 9.5 X4 d9.9. Common E from x4 d.8.3 to KU.D.S.S (6822 porls). 3rdobjir. Bt Coy 9s at X 4 d 348. & x 4 d. 4.9½ 3rdloy 13 X5a3.6½0 R84. 994 - X5.A Bioneer Br. X52.701 69 48 F.M.H. no a Boiselle, looking nw la Borsikle towards Pyiere Bt ts 245 L6r& ½Lr. Bwards 2ns da E B 4000 nottt alber 2S eaps to make 4 Shoypars in cach paagter & commoif to first 2.593.C½.
49 Inquired way at End Bulish Ide HO. waited for 10 mins at Fioneer Dump till stelling cased a bit & then ran for it 52 mcewe n 24 Co 4284 X with gas. at 3 69 The Battle of Poyieres 50 (July 23. 12.15. After an awful series of adventures w Sraprel gas shell arrived at gen. peclesous. Argout in Contel manon. In the seurry of te lasd 100 yds across shraprer swept roads in wrdle of wh I had to put on my sas hiluct - forpt & thack th British signalles from Mnd Bll who actid. ao my guide Lett v. seek just before getting but helmet is certainly a hep in We have had several men lose then way here abready tys own dumn selliing andw I Purier Someone coughing. Helmets on again. 12.30 bombardment around &. heavy. aromatic swell of god all round. They ought to be in by now a Bryadiy say A lot of men have bee bit on the Bras) Gas shells
51 69 Everyone setling round table with gas masks on - thoo candled let my cyarettes on table- Pdew & most of them in new pattern belveet - gas much better of late 1245 50 of et 52 musty gas smell in this dugoutall tllg the tiue o outside about 3x to the second. actual close bursts At 12.40. Bryadier orders two reserve cays of 12th Bn to more to posch in Black watch alley. Dont let hum sleep-says comeone in day out - one of ordertis - "keck him, don't let him sleep. When I hear these two coys ordered up I can't help thinking of the (seene I saw utside doshells, Bdier sent of a party wh. lost its way (party w petrol had bombe.) they starte after 12- Bdeis sd: twomen had better go to guide them - one neight be K. They now (12.50) report to the are abt Doyds out of positu- Bdeer says to Hinwood I agvand you'll have to take thim up
53 2 E 3 69 54 stoman. Henwood fit if I says Yes Sir Beise lent there another man we cd send. Tries to buring up HB11E 12.55- all ties down to Every body Exc. Division missie to direct that sends T send messanger 7 part My Eyes are beyinng tsting 12.58. teax shells probablye 14 second of hr barrage begun 4 ms aft. No inforation to hand yet. gas swell leghtes - Coffee + wich fW. Visual signal 15 Tuning or & any where abt or near very few benry shills abover Most of the smacking is our own arty no doubt swell of gas lighter (Here Henwood came gt from Idarkaw Jendo back dodges in pded abt sbove - I put tr his a doze pties since I saw you sentences be sohe] When you start offer them toof


Bomb attack towards Munster Alley "fails” 
Bde HQ. ws in a deep dugout near
[* ?3rd Bde.*] about 14 steps down - & the other ofices
in similar dugouts around.
[(then in Sausage Gully). MacLagan asked
me to come to his H.Q., if I cared, for the
attack. [see this diary, later, & Diary 54. p. 28]
C.E.W.B. 16.7.26

69     41

Paper covering half of the page.

& the 3rd A.M.C.
At the rly stn. - wh is strafed 
ce time.
France! heard
off - I wonder
20 the British regained 
& Delville wood
advanced N & S of the
behind our guns wh
up across country to
we dropped. After leaving
some old lines into
p more frightfully than
een. The lines o /
the Germans Huns shelled
them - but there here we came out into what
looked like an absolute a field dug by a Titan.

[*9/92  19/8/16 Dear old Chas - I am writing*]



Bomb attack towards Munster Alley "failed”.
Bde HQ. ws in a deep dugout near
[* ?3rd Bde.*] about 14 steps down - & the other offices
in similar dugouts around.
[(then in Sausage Gully). MacLagan asked
me to come to his H.Q., if I cared, for the
attack. [see this diary, later, & Diary 54. p. 28.]
C.EW.B. 16.7.26

69     41
& the 3rd A.M.C.
at the rly stn - wh is strafed

7  41
9/72 Dear Old Chas - I am writing
from 1st Anzac Corps H.Q. &
the signallers are going to 
send on the letter for me early.
I am at War Coy now
attached to the Special Hospital
(in a regular Hospice Building)
for Abdominal Cases as Anaesth-

etist - Come over & see me
soon. I have had a very
wretched time with my teeth
but had 3 out under gas to
day & am now alright
Ever yours

them - but there here we came out into what
looked like an absolute a field dug by a Titan.


Capt Bean 


Bomb attack toward
 Bde HQ. ws in
[* ?3rd Bde.*] about 14 steps down
in similar dugouts a
[(then in Sausage Gu
me to come to his 
attack. [see this diary, 

69     41

& the 3rd A.M.C.
At the rly st - wh is strafed -

can’t have a nice time.
Jock is in France! heard
from him today.
Attack put off - I wonder
On Thurs July 20 the British regained
a little in Longueval & Delville wood
and the French advanced N & S of the 
We walked round behind our guns wh
were registering - & then up across country to
a commn trench into wh we dropped. After leaving
Bde Hqrs we passed through some old lines into
a patch of ground cut up more frightfully than
anything I have ever seen. The lines at
11th were bad eno' after the Germans Huns shelled
them - but there here we came out into what
looked like an absolute a field dug by a Titan.



69     42
It was difficult to pick your way between
the craters.
We xxxx  sat for a while in / observation
trench - Contalmaison very clear ^close on right.
Then Bazentin Wood. In front of that,
a little, was the an object wh I at first
thought was a white horse & cart (what
cd a horse be doing there); then the stump
of a white house. Dick Casey told me.
It ws / wreck of an aeroplane. Yesty
afternoon the Germans attacked two of
our aeroplanes - flying quite low.
Casey sd he ws in the old German 2nd
line when he looked up & saw 11 aeroplanes
circling like bees or birds above his
head. He took it for granted they
were ours - but & then realised they were German.
& tt they ^/ majority were firing on one in their
midst - wh ws flying very low.
All of a sudden it dipped, made
two or three quick circles, & then



We relieve 34th Divsn.
38th also gone out
48th on left. 1st on Right

69    44
pitched on its nose abt the p 150 yds from him.



Hand drawn diagram - see original

69    46
July. 22
Last nights bombing attack on the Munster
Alley failed. No particulars.

Hand drawn diagram - see original

Sketch of Pozières made on aft-

ernoon of July 22 from the trenches of the
2nd Bn., during the slow bombardment
of the village. C.E.W.B. 24/8/16.



Hand drawn diagram - see original
The Bapaume Rd near La Boiselle, looking into La Boiselle towards Pozieres
1st Objve.
Strong points 1st Positn
1st F. Coy x 4 d 1.1
3rd F.C. [x 5 C.7.1 (Comm trench).]
               [- x 5 C.4.3. ]
1st Pioneers: Ste Pt x 4 d 8.3
                        Commn to x
                         Str. Pt x 5 6.2.0½
                                      x 5 1.4.1.
1st Objve.
1st Coy  at x 4 d 5.5
3d.              x 5 a 2.2.
Pioneers   x 5 a 9.5.
                    x 4 d 9.9.
Comm trench from x 4 d.8.3 to x 4 D.5.5.
                                                           (i.e. is 2 post).
3rd objve. 1st coy 9s at x 4 d 3½.8. & x 4 d.4.9¾.
                   3rd Coy 9s x 5 a 3.6½. (all 3 one)
                   Pioneer Bn. x 5 a.7.9 - and x 5a. 9.9½ - x 5: x 0.8 & x 5 a 3.6½.
69     48
Hand drawn diagram - see original
Engrs to make 4 strong points
in each positn
& Commn trench to first



Inquired way at 2nd British Bde HQ.
Waited for 10 mins at Pioneer Dump
till shelling eased a bit & then ran
for it.

Hand drawn diagram - see original

x with gas

69     50

The Battle of Pozieres
July 23. 12.15. After an awful series
of adventures w shrapnel &
gas shells arrived at Gen.
Maclagans - dugout in Contalmaison. 
In the scurry of the last
100 yds across shrapnel swept
roads in middle of wh I had to
put on my gas helmet - forgot
to thank be British signaller from
2nd Bde who acted as my guide
Felt v. sickx just before getting
in but helmet is certainly a help.
We have had several men
lose their way here already.
Pioneer sheltering under their own dump.
Someone coughing. Helmets on again.
12.30 bombardment around v. heavy.
Aromatic smell of gas all round.
" They ought to be in by now " Brigadier
says. A lot of men have bn hit on the (? road ),
Gas shells
This was written in gas helmet in 3rd Bde H.Q.
almost impossible to see thro them


Everyone sitting round table with
gas masks on - Two candles lit -
my cigarettes on table - Bdier
& most of them in new pattern
helmet - gas much better of late


69     52
Musty gas smell in this dug out all
the time - Shells falling  Explosions outside about
to the second. actual close bursts
of these
our guns
At 12.40. Brigadier orders two reserve
coys of 12th Bn to move to positn in
Black Watch Alley.
'Dont let him sleep" - says someone in
dug out - one of orderlies - "Kick him,
dont let him sleep."
When I hear these two coys
ordered up I cant help thinking of the
(scene I saw outside - dark, shells, smell of gas.)
Bdier sent off a party wh
had lost its way (party w petrol
bombs.) They started after 12 - Bdier
sd: "Two men had better go to guide
them - one might be k."
They now (12.50) report tt they
are abt 700 yds out of positn -
Bdier says to Henwood "I'm
afraid you'll have to take them up



3rd Bde H.Q.
during Pozieres

Hand drawn diagram - see original

69     54
old man." Henwood gets up & says
"Yes Sir". Bdier. Isnt there another
man we cd send. Tries to ring up H.Q. 12th
12.55 - "All lines down to everybody
exc. Division".
Sends message: send messenger to direct that party
My eyes are beginning to sting b
12.58.  tear shells probably.
1.4.  Second ½hr barrage begun 4 mins ago.
No information to hand yet -
[gas smell lighter] - coffee &
1.15. Visual Signal - "Is Jimmy or
Jack anywhere abt or near?".
Very few heavy shells above. Most
of the smacking is our own arty no
doubt - smell of gas lighter.
[Here Henwood came
back from / darkness
above - I put
down his
sentences as
he spoke]
Guide back - dodges in. "Guided abt
a dozen pties since I saw you"
When you start off w them ½ of












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