Charles E.W. Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/52/1 July 1916 pt4

First World War, 1914–18
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  • Notebook and diaries of CEW Bean
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69 rate territorials. Why do pat second rate terriers in to Our mew on a job. like this. Thesd our Aust. arty ws not quite so good - tt it fired on 61st Dis, hit a gees plant & cassed 70 men - (May or may not be trac - it may come from the rivelartiler). 15t Army (1th Coips w8 in chary, sd to anyhow, the attack had succeeder in its object. That is not true it is the opposite Tomorogus is a more important attack - white told me to he was anxious chiefy abt artitery h 3C.OS more or less arry, 10E Corps, and have odo with Hobbo 1C tem. he pi a Fited Between it all, plan; He has & beyged Resezve army to see Gat there is a definite written arrangement tomorrow. b 22 He has also asked walkes to let the 2 Bdes goon
take not only th 15t meserable truck but the outsherts of the irly 2 2 very shortly after first attack the waves to go on and lit outaids. If they onily take the fhalow trush they will come befe when they are gleted during day. Bat if theyse on int, Ivillape it wit be very hawd for ferman arty to stelf them. 2 Lying out in front of their own treach wait for the and phase they vyst to exapt the Feran barrage by givty bot tives in frout of it at once. Tney will be too cose to ferman for him to 2s Ttell Rgn experly The slep of 13th Coops bto us ewerat tims /oher day 13½ of many other British offeeers have told me - that ts teops are not making many prisoners, you can tetl by the matberon, thy wit. Ong abs wo fosthe dey- tats wt ment. 8"100
69 95R says. 28 meny is working fiveriatly on line behind sod line just in port of Hers. Heaas of what appearto be entimely tools lying aft Res. Dis for grea 1122 J N byi Cx 3 pt ge me anoher message from v. Reity C.O. Fn Ba. 16 Bas 12. aplittlered no to be 11 July, 1916. 2Pm. Battalion parth not Existet. Could not he fire of heavyg how batery, wh for several hours hee Systematiclly and sucessblly bombarded I dejouts Of second time not be kept under by our arty. as repids I condito o1. 3dao to Bortkegt, I regard it asmy deaty to poi tmen remain are severel shaken, so t their fitling value to to be rated v. low. The bean Fire; I impression by woundedw dead; I diffy ofbringing up food & its frequent absence are cause From (foat line I have no ren Leet "i
J July 21. Came to 15t Aust D.H.Q. July 21 wittiers A y biate Bn mhi 325 Albert- From Becourt Road near top I will before entering wood 69 30
31 Stelihes made on July 24 Found out afterwos to our men were right up aginst the tranway where it entered wood (we cdsee 2 officers here Posieres fom Sw. Tramwey wa I. & Dioners V anna our hne ds. o Lalawe nlaih oh .1a a Hldn Sul denry o e ock wich Conlystree with toliage) Our meen Cere All tise trees are shriooed exc. one here 32 t 223 t Salos of German black shrepnet between as + contalmais on Remains of faller acroplare. Bast Mtnty oury 2 a Fen te E 1 17 one of our Hame shells (From somewhere near German ta two offices whom look out witl los top. wec I seo wortnn 1shelly rift up a
33 Bazentin Wood inwillwv our aeroplace whfell yesty Bidgs of Contelmation. tE 34 July 21. At 14.0C. today I came into Abbort to 15t Bast. Divn ABro. The 1st Dron is always exceptionally kind to me. Rausay had asta ane in to their mess two days ago. Tyigha had a beautiful little town hy wess in the Kude Boalan. sd to them when they went in - that tere were some excellent digs in to quarter -plenty of room. They cd have whole street & the Chatean. They were delighted a everything - there ws the beautifil Chatean; & several fine mess houses an I street. The ghallan uson one holl in 1reof orwasts & houses had Sents & W.C.S to water in them - if you pulled plug they were lushed! It ws too good to be tree. So they went in. The little
69 35 day I ws there 3 shells had fallen in the Chatean Ida - & one in back wall of chatean 1 day before. That Evl -I wd have some into wess but it ws tate & when I asked gen White of it were necessary to go back to night be sd- not for ex his. So I stayed at Contay. At 2 in the morning the inhabitants of mess C. were awaked by several big shells falling in (. Street. Milan Wenbup to Rausay & Sd CLook here Bob, is ut this getting over Iodds? How alt 1 Cellar 29 So they went down anto I cellar - next womite the house ts shaken by a tremendons crash with a dayzlin flare- Bets OI garden came this all wendowr & an unsaspected well wsfound to have be uncovered there in noon
19 36 Then there were S into te street & one outs Chouse next door. think they were anng at Frly stu- Anyway, nestday DHI stfer 0 Ruede Pont o Wopshes of the Ruelde Doslle ed 16516 11 I am arytingleg in the Cness N. 12 Rng de oullens 11 bir ghus aken tone trshe The 48th () 1so W. of Pojeeres last night had faled to take thim there ws a conference a CChatean when I arrived. Jen. Owen who had bee in confe o gen white told me there was a wistake in Part plans. Our cufantiy los to advance & te arty Xt barrag as arranged wod have cut into the second line of Cnfante To which ws right to be anxious abt this
I tink it was day wewent up farters to treches of 2 Bn in frout of the Copse. t (Nny have been next day July 22. sence the sketel on p. 46 -made up there durry the slow boubardnest-eeems & have been thet day (Tue date & biis July 22.2.10 refer to n Lost abt 50 mm The boubardment being on the to this ox I believe Go truches they were very quiets & you could water comfortably. The pocition was a sort of advanced post towards Poseeres trench. Hedialy was not (Ewl. written up as I 161716 was too busy but thereas be somee in mycables for we that day. 1 ae e ae e e on an ee Me a ie e 38 owen He had evidently senb of walr w full instons to Hobbs. I went out to (truches w M. Maze, a young French Artist on te Reserve Army staff & Casey. we went this Becout wood & up behind gis in Sansage valley & through a long commn truch. Cuntente Bn ws restig back there Northants. The 3rd pde cs to bvy torn 12 rid Colbis pt to bomb up I trenclrs Bde wh I worthants failed to boub ap - as far as Minster Alley (wh is ferman). The Dion Staff cloud think they will manoge it. walker sd to me to the 6t Aust. Dion ad be knockedout by this attack tho' most people think they will suecceed - the 3rd & lst Bdes first night & be 69
69 39 IBde second night. Acroplans. I Germans: so you think well wine, Sivs 810 MCCc9. wns are banging off all round - abt 40 or 50 to the minute, sometimes more all the true. Sowe are near - one every 15 mis or so or two o by ones, whose great report makes one sump & one can hear the shell clmber wI swish of a great rocket or eocaping steam. The Every now & then wapons or motors sometimes one or two Gallopin thro. Then the fut fut of a despatch oiders notor breyile. fired by as minute 70 shells wcl. one big one) Motor Corries Whyz past It is a curious sensalu Sleepir in a house in a strafed town - reten uneasy one. Harry Butter - an

69   26
rate territorials. Why do they
put second rate terriers in w
our men on a job like this?
They sd our Aust. arty ws not
quite so good - tt it fired on /
61st Div, hit a gas plant &
gassed 70 men - (May or
may not be true - it may come
from the rival artillery).
1st Army (11th Corps ws in charge,)
sd tt anyhow, the attack "had
succeeded in its object." That is
not true - it is the opposite.
Tomorow is a more important attack - white told
me tt he was anxious chiefy abt / artillery
3 C.O.s.
more or less - army, 10th Corps, and Hobbs have to do with
Between it all, have they a fixed
plan? HC has a begged Reserve army to see that there is
a definite written arrangement tomorrow.
He has also asked Walker to let the 2 Bdes go on &


take not only the 1st miserable trench but the outskirts of the village
very shortly after / first attack the waves to go on
and lie outside. If they only take the shallow
trench they will come back when they are shelled during / day. But
if they go on into / village it will be very hard for /
German arty to shell them.
Lying out in front of their own trench waiting
for the 2nd phase they ought to escape the German
barrage by getting both lines in front of it at once.
They will be too close to / German for him to
shell them properly.

The staff of 13th Corps told us several times / other day
& many other British officers have told me - that the
troops are not making many prisoners. "You can tell by the. numbers," they said. "Only about 100 for the day- that's not much." 


G.H.Q, says:                   28
Enemy is working "feverishly"
on xx line behind 3rd line just
in front of Flers. Heaps of
what appear to be entrenching
tools lying abt.

Another message from Maj. v. Reity C.O. 3rd Bn. 16 Bas/R.
c/. little red notebook   11 July. 1916. 2 pm.
Battalion partly not existent. Could not the
fire o / heavy how. battery, wh for several hours has
systematically and successfully bombarded / dugouts
o / second line not be kept under by our arty?
As regards condition o / 3rd Bn o /
16 Bav Inf Regt, I regard it as my duty to point
out that / men remaining are severely shaken, so tht
their fighting value is to be rated v. low. The heavy
fire; / the impression made by / wounded &
dead; / diffty of bringing up food & its frequent
absence are / cause
From / front line I have no report
till now.    v. Reity


July 21. Came to 1st Aust D.H.Q.

69                30

July 21

From Albert-Becourt Road near top
of hill before entering wood.




Sketches made on
July 21
Found out afterwards tht our
men were right up against the
tramway where it entered / wood
(we cd see 2 officers there

69   32

Salvo of German black shrapnel
between us & control maison

from memory next day)
One of four flame shells
somewhere near German 

look out with long top.
(From memory next day) Two officers whom
we cd see watching / shelling
right up asst to accuracy



69    34
July 21. At 11. o'c . today I came into
Albert to 1st Aust. Divn HQrs
The 1st Divn is always exceptionally
kind to me. Ramsay had asked me
in to their mess two days ago.
They night I ws had a beautiful little
mess in the Rue de Boulan. Everyone The Town Major
sd to them when they went in - that there
were some excellent digs in tt quarter
-plenty of room. They cd have /
whole street & the Chateau. They
were delighted w everything - there
ws the beautiful Chateau; & several
fine mess houses in / street. The
chateau had not one hole in / roof or walls & /
houses had sinks & W.C.S w water
in them - if you pulled / plug they
were flushed! It ws too good to be
true. So they went in. The little


69      35
day I ws there 3 shells had fallen
in the Chateau gdn - & one in / back
wall of chateau / day before. That
evg -I wd have gone into C mess
but it ws late & when I asked
Gen White if it were necessary
to go back at night he sd- not for 24
hrs. So I stayed at Coutay. At 2
in the morning the  gene inhabitants
of mess C. were awaked by several
big shells falling in / street. Mitcham
went up to Ramsay & sd "Look here
Bob, isn't this getting over / odds?"
How abt / Cellar?"  So they went
down into / cellar - next minute
the house ws shaken by a tremendous
crash with a dazzling flare. Bits 
o / garden came thro all / windows
& an unsuspected well ws found to
have been uncovered there in / morning.


19     36
Then there were 3 into the street
& one into / house next door. I
think they were aiming at / rly station.
Anyway, next today D.H.Q.  shifted
to No 12 Rue de Pont de Noyelles off the Rue de Doullens
I am writing this in the C mess No 12 Rue de Doullens.
The 48th Divn wh ws to have taken some trenches
W. of Pozieres last night had
failed to take them; there ws a
conference in / Chateau when I
arrived. Gen. Owen who had been
in Coufee w Gen White told me tht
there was a mistake in / artillery
plans. Our infantry ws to
advance  & the arty
barrage as arranged wd have
cut into the second line of infantry
arty - So White ws
right to be anxious abt this.


I think it was next day we went up farther
to trenches of 2 Bn in front of the Copse. XXXX
(Must have been next day July 22. since
the sketch on p. 46 - made up there during
the slow bombardment - seems to have
been made drawn that day (The date & time July 22.2.10 refer to it).
Lost abt 50 men
in this show, I believe
The bombardment being on the
Cy. trenches they were very
quiet, & you could
watch comfortably. The position
was a sort of advanced post towards
Pozieres trench.
The diary was not
written up as I
was too busy but
there may be something
in my cables for
that day. The men
were writing letters home
- it was a bright hot day,
& they were in good spirits
We found them in shallow red brown earth
trenches (similar to those
in Vol XII, beginning of Battle of Pozieres)

69      38
He had evidently sent off Walker Owen
w full instrns to Hobbs.
I went out to / trenches
w M. Maze, a young French artist
on the Reserve Army staff & Casey.
We went thro Becourt wood & up
behind / guns in "Sausage" valley
& through a long commn. trench.
Our tenth Bn ws resting back there
[*Northants.  The 3rd Bde is to try tonight 
1 & 3rd  (1st Div   to bomb up / trenches
3    Bde   Brit.)  wh / Northants failed to 
4 *]                       bomb up - as far as
Munster Alley (wh is German). The
Divn Staff dont think they will
manage it.
Walker sd to me tht the 1st
Aust. Divn wd be knocked out
by this attack tho most people
think they will succeed - the
3rd & 1st Bdes first night & the


69     39
2nd Bde second night.
Aeroplanes. 8 Germans: "Do you think we'll win, Sir?"
Guns are banging off all
round - abt 40 or 50 to the
minute, sometimes more all the
time. Some are near - one
or two v. big ones - every 15 mins or so whose great
report makes one jump & one
can hear the report shell climbing
w / swish of a great rocket,
or escaping steam. The Every
now & then waggons or motors
- sometimes one or two waggons galloping
thro'. Then the fut fut of a
despatch riders motor bicycle.
(70 shells tt second fired by us tt minute incl.
one big one) Motor Lorries whizzing
It is a curious sensation sleeping
in a house in a strafed town - rather
an nervous uneasy one. Harry Butten

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