Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/51/1 - July 1916 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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July 16. 47 The Lwvitch line w of High Wood has be continued thoo S.2.6, & a to S. From there i turns back to the Pozures Martin Buch road at A6 a 1.8. Another line is being built from the road at D.7.C.9.9. joining te Switch live at M. 33. d. 7.3. chere lives are taversed but not, at tis date, wired.

61 July 16.   47 
The Switch line W of High Wood 
has bn continued thro S.2.b, & a, 
to S.1.b.5.2. From there it
turns back to the Pozieres
Martinpuich road at
X 6 a 1.8. Another line
is being built from the road
at S.7.b. 9.9. joining the 
switch line at M. 33.d.7.3.
These lines are traversed but
not, at this date, wired.


61   51 
18th held.  & put on rt to hold it.
Then pushed to Trones wood
30th & 9th & 3rd advanced on
Baz - Lonqueval - only had
abt 2400 casualties yesterday
(transferred to p3.
to which it must
belong - 8/7/21


MI April 8. A Padre who said the
right thing
M2. April 20. First Impressions of
the Front.
M3. April 25 Anzac in France.
M4. May 11.  How to see a German
M5 May 23. Our Task

61   50
E1 April 2 4. General Birdwoods Speech
E2. April 8. The way through France.
E3 April 25 The Planes
E4 May, 11 The  Road to Lille
E5 May 23. In a forest of France.


61   48
Morning and
Evening Paper
New. Series. France.



3 12 B.plates.

for Col. J.P. MGlynn

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