Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/51/1 - July 1916 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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61 35 The By has just recd the so der from Lt Col. Kumme tt it is placed under orders of 3r0Bn 16 Bartk. as Sector Reserve. The By consists at presns time of D Greener, Adj. 2 Bn 184 D Reinhards, O.C. 8t boy /184 H Lucas Ratoon Comundr. 2 N.C.O. 19. me The Bn is they in on the vork Edge of Baz. C Pelit. I am in a dugout near battle posct o1 Leher Mf. Red.
36 10.30 pm. July 13. (o. Re.t5) 3r Bo. 16 Bav. In/ Regt to Res. Lt. Mertz & Uzefeldwebel Sterr All pactions of the 3rd Bn. 16 Baw I.R. will be fornd into a coy under the Command of Res. L. Merz The "Merz Coy willprocsed to the V. Edge of Baz. l Petit wood where the 3rd Cay 915t Res. J.R. to also statione. There the Coy will did itself in faciy. S. S. Reitz 320 am Juely 14. 320 Bn 16 Bav. M/. Ryt. Royallchr I.R. (morning report) violent even artyfire
37 continuemg on the End line in wood near Baz. C Petit. 2. By means of inf. & m.g. fire before & after midnyse, barren as produced by us. 3. Reports from Coys not yet recd. V. Reits 5.25 Am. (July 14h Brd Bn. to Bar. 1R. 5 Mert Con English have advan to the port line. Forward ab once to reinforce. von Ceity. 30 am 3rd Bn. Bar. Keft to Vizefelde Deubel, 2 On /184. Enemy penelicted to front
35 line. Parts withdrawd edge of wood. Advance at once to C. allock. V. Reity 6.5 am. Fo Bn. H6th Bar.Kept. to Rebr Inf. Regt. Evemy has penetiated into Bazentin wood Put in Reserves success doublful support urgently needed.
61 33 letter from man in 6th Coy, 16 & Ret. 10. Bav. 1De to his sister in Munick. 13 July. my kept has be transferred into the Sommo Region. We are Since the 15t in an unentrenched soriter in a region where the English lads seem to play the same properly. Our trinstes & havebn completely overturned, & what we have fove thro since this time & suffered under the Eng. Arty can scarcely be described here. It put I greatest strain on physical strength & endurance of our troops and one asks oneself if it is possible for men to hold ap under such theys.a in The village where we are, which is close to a much named wood, is now only a hecp ofroms + offers
6 aspectach oftmost desolation today I got for first t a sample of a gas shell. That is the worst means of fighting oh one can think of. I ws jirst helping to get courides out of degont where I shell had burst when suddenly I myself want quite queen in the head & tostall notion of what ws passing around me. I had just strengte to draw myself out of pito let myself sink on a beap f chalk in open & after me time got beter. But two of my poor wrades werevery Co apraid. They stared wild
41 House has baken down w beart trouble in Eggland - has had to take 1 months leave + probly 3 after th. He has bee clearing mere out of England. He went to various O.Cs. men have you worken 7 ou 18. Sir well you must do it with y They dat get on w1 work Sir. Ok. What him Do they come on. Gsir. - well they must come on at 8. what time do they knock of 4.30. Well thy must go on till 6. He docsnt get on over well with cition Anderson or Tellheim - but iffe were well he wa be master, noquestion in anytig to concernin puere 61 42 around them like idiots without recognesing anybody, believed t somebody ws tearing their breasts to peices while we stal there & cdnot help them. They cd not hepp themselves - then wept like saall children. Both however came to tremselves after an howr, but I not speak what are shells or sirapnel to this. We will probl be relieved tomorrow or 1 day after, & it fine weaker. Weall look tike weld ancinats
43 German Orders. Div. Orders Zod guard Divn 171h Tuly -7pm The 190h keft was place abt disposal of 3od guard divn this morning for dyging on the High wood Switth lan The M.J. Coy must alway be in a posite to occupy the M.g positis in the High wood switch at 1shortest pssible notice All town majors must weke preparatis for 1 depaied then villages: prepare barriers at all entrances, put ap wire cntonglewents round edges, construct st ony poiit
44 (fortibed houses, cemeteries) occupation Coyso westhe lormed pom troops in Ivillen Kumnt Trly G. I mait also thank the men for their excuptary conduct durin the streduous days we have of late passed twoo: Noking has afected t not even regrettable way an wh the 2ad Bn has bee imperilled by 1 fire of our own artillery. This incident has be made by he the subject of rygorous & street in quiry, esp the resultig loss of lives of fartife comvades. God grant to 1 Offensive power of our prestest evenie in this was may also in (fature be stayed by our residth. hin
45 Raiser to Fod fuard Divn. iacon is the and you Kolbergers (We have already net once in the East. Now I have brought you over here. The beroiom wh you have displayed shall nevw be forgotten. You have declated I law, writ in oron, unto I Enevy, Tho will not soon forget I buttend of your Powerancan Rifes 61 46 The Kasser says abt the Deech of 20Ap. 1916 western pout, to the 3s Guard but. Dwn (brought herefrom the East) fom (The Divor) is now in the west to do its share in great task in overwhelum oour evenies. The foe fights differently over were defending his natise soil foot by foot, wh we must put to his credit. This is te resisting of despair. But it must be broken

61   35
"The Bn has just recd
the order from Lt Col. Kumme
tt it is placed under /
orders o the 3rd Bn 16 Bav. I.R.
as Sector Reserve.
"The Bn consists at / present 
time of 
Lt Greiner, Adjt. 2 Bn/184
Lt Reinhardt, O.C. 8th Coy/184
Lt Lucas Platoon Commdr.
2 N.C.Os
19. men.
The Bn is dug in on the North
Edge of Baz. le Petit.
I am in a dugout near /
battle positn o / Lehr Inf. Regt.


61    36
10.30 pm. July 13.
(v. Reitz.) 3rd Bn. 16 Bav. Inf Regt to
Res. Lt Merz & Vizefeldwebel Sterr
"All fractions of the 3rd Bn.
16 Bav I.R. will be formed into 
a Coy under the command of 
Res. Lt. Merz.
"The 'Merz' Coy will proceed
to the N. edge of Baz. le Petit
wood where the 3rd Coy 91st
Res. I.R. is also stationed.
"There the Coy will dig
itself in facing S. " v. Reitz"
3.20 am July 14. Violent arty
3rd Bn 16 Bav. Inf. Rgt to
Royal Lehr I.R. (morning report)
" Violent Enemy arty fire


61   37
continuing on the 2nd line in
/ wood near Baz. le Petit.
2. By means of inf. & m.g. fire
before & after midnight, barrage
ws produced by us.
3. Reports from coys not yet
v. Reitz-

5.25 am (July 14)
3rd Bn. 16 Bav. I.R. to "Merz" Coy
English have advanced
to the front line. Forward
at once to reinforce.
von Reitz.
5.30 am
3rd Bn. Bav. Regt to Vizefeldwebel
Deubel, 2 Bn/184
"Enemy penetrated to front


61    38
line. Parts withdrawn to
/ edge o / wood. Advance
at once to c. attack.
v. Reitz.

6.15 am.
3rd Bn. 16th Bav. Regt
to Rehr Inf. Regt.
Enemy has penetrated into
Bazentin Wood.
Put in Reserves.
Success doubtful
Support urgently needed.


61   39
Letter from man in 6th Coy, 16th Regt
10 Bav. Inf Div. to his sister in 
13 July.
...My Regt has bn transferred
into the Somme Region. We are
since the 1st in an unentrenched
positn in a region where the 
English lads seem to play the game
properly. Our trenches have bn 
completely overturned, & what
we have gone thro, since this time,
& suffered under the Eng. arty
can scarcely be described here.
It put / greatest strain on /
physical strength & endurance of
our troops and one asks oneself
if it is possible for men to hold up
under such things. We are in
The village where we are, which is
close to a much named wood,
is now only a heap of ruins & offers


61    40
a spectacle o / utmost
Today I got for / first time
a sample of a gas shell. That is
the worst means of fighting wh
one can think of. I ws
just helping to get comrades
out o / dugout where /
shell had burst when suddenly,
I myself went quite queer in
the heat & lost all notion of
what ws passing around me.
I had just strength to draw
myself out o / pit &
let myself sink on a heap
of chalk in / open & after
some time got better.
But two of my poor
comrades were very
afraid. They stared wildly


Howse has broken down w
heart trouble In England - has
had to take 1 months leave &
probly 3 after tt. He has bn
clearing men out of England: He
went to various O.Cs.
How many men have you working here?
18- Sir- Well you must do it with 4.
They cdnt get on w / work Sir.
Oh. What time do they come on.
9 Sir. - well they must come on at 8.
What time do they knock off ?
4.30. Well they must go on till 6.30
He doesnt get on over well with either
Anderson or Sellheim - but if he
were well he wd be master, no question,
in anything tt concerned him.

61    42
around them like idiots without
recognising anybody, believed
tt somebody ws tearing their
breasts to pieces while we stood
there & cd not help them. They
cd not help themselves - then
wept like small children. Both
however came to themselves after
an hour, but cd not speak.
What are shells or shrapnel to
We will probly be relieved
tomorrow or / day after, & it
is fine weather. We all look
like wild animals . . . . ."


61    43
German orders.
Div. orders 3rd guard Divn.
17th July - 7pm.
The 190th Regt was placed at /
disposal of 3rd guard divn
this morning for digging on
the High Wood Switch line....
The M.G. Coy must always
be in a position to occupy
the m.g. positions in the 
High Wood Switch at / shortest
possible notice.
All Town mayors must make
preparations for / defence of
their villages : prepare barriers
at all entrances, put up
wire entanglements round
/ edges, construct strong points


61             44
(fortified houses, cemeteries).
"Occupation Coys" must be
formed from / troops in / village.

Kumme July 9 : I must also
thank the men for their
exemplary conduct during
the strenuous  days we
have of late passed thro!
Nothing has affected tt -
not even / regrettable way
in wh the 2nd Bn has bn
imperilled by / fire of our own
artillery. This incident has bn
made by me the subject of
rigorous & strict inquiry, esp.
the resulting loss o / lives of faithful
comrades. God grant tt / offensive
power of our greatest enemies in this
war may also in / future be stayed by our
resistance . Kumme


Kaiser to 3rd Guard Divn.
" And you Kolbergers ! We have
already met once in the East.
Now I have brought you over here.
The heroism wh you have displayed
shall never be forgotten. You
have dictated / law, writ
in iron, unto / enemy , who
will not soon forget / butt end
of your Pomeranian Rifles."

61               46
The Kaiser says abt the 
Western front in speech of 20 Ap. 1916 to the 3rd
Guard Inf. Divn (brought
here from the East) from
"(The Divn) is now in the
west to do its share in / 
great task in / overwhelming
of our enemies. The foe
fights differently over here;
defending his native soil
foot by foot, wh we must put
to his credit. This is the resistance
of despair. But it must 
be broken.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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