Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/51/1 - July 1916 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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10 ferman 14 Bn 190 1nf Reft ws withdrawn on 8Tuly, filled up to recrusts 60 in Coy of 120 only) & sent bn agn on 121h Tub. Civil inhabitants and prisoners of war are being evanated. (behien forman tines). Town Mergors are being told to erect barricades & enlanglements in villages.
11 Sugar Lof Salient Indanzan 8 Si Oeron d To to go into line Then 2 days march from front. night July Smond $10/11 1/2 15th 484 Ade werk in part of art On Tues. 11th July rest wbte f 15th & 8th went 14 b On wed/ Thurs. Whole 1216 1316 Disa Faday 1th warmd I Pesh move Moved 15 & part of 14
12 6 to new posites on night of Sab. Rest baf moved on night finisted. I sund. H1 Ban bombe. ws to start at 4 ob th DiCrt on new positin or faty night 44 Dwarty & Britial 125 part on 15 parth on 16a. whole of ammn. pomb trench stores dimsed at poper places by Cam. on 1714.
1915 (Wo necessity forme to go up before the 19th 6 th Dwn relieved 4th (wh left. On Tes. 114/ 12th (clear). h Saty night fermans shape just s. of Fron (pout held 8th Bn.) near Puncy Ave. Alven in area were casualti ans left (att 100) & se adcad man + a fewe Yon. Panapet bay knocked aft. Hea stuff. (Dat 15th night
from Brigadies graf v. der. Scbulent 62 Sd. Inf. Bole. 16 N. For tis area see phots wh. Gen. Macay wistaid & of wh he permits me t have reproduction 215t Bav. Reserve Regt. opp. this part. Hers Terman Order. 1216 July Cam. to H. Col. Kumme 1. The 1832d. Inf Div is in action. The 12th Res. Inf. D is has attacked supported by heavyarty fire. 2. The Bde has received a report via the 183rd Laf Di
61 it I order to evacuate Mamety wood ws given By orders from higher quasters patroto are to be left in 1 Norther spirts of wood & commn t them is to be secured. The barrage fire gove requested by 1 Bde to goes South of the grab thro wood will be wantaied for I present. As reserve of army group a on of Reserve Inf. Ret 91, a quite fesh and, has arrived an Hers. Further fresh units will arrive this Svg. on 1 field of battle
18 The gennans are recovaing their morale now Al they can get food & water move all exc. the 2nd Easily Guard Reserve Dion wh is having a bad time from Bagentin to Toyeres We have given up High wood Our aumen have bee fir on german troops -6 cases are quoted in 1 igue in com 4. milles (pclot) & Lr Short (obseroes) seeing t our cavalry patrols were been held up by M. G. fire?
6) flew over & cojaged cne in order to pointont to our cavalry where M. G. fire ws coning from. The every fire as drawn successfully & Each time (every fired ab our acroplam our inf ws able to advance This ws repeated 6 time Copt Evans & 4 Long fired oh 7 scattered I remains of a Bn tho were eatering (e Fransty EIC
i see lates 61 20 Samnary of Casvalties in Dear of Obert Leutwant Bedall O.C.H. Bavorian Rept. Losse of Regt from July 1 - 12. Officers SK. 14 W. 642 O.r. 126. 72.i 5 Gassed 16 Sick Total 800 (heprifist Since 12th we have taken prison 5 of 340 or. M. Total 4 ir. know off. 2 J (as 14 now) Or. 132 652 356 1200 and all who have bo K& W. Sinclo July 12. Our Coubt has greatly incressed since then.
these are manity. Bazintin we 22 fins taken up to July 17. noon 21 cm Lows 15 O guns taken at hrege 4 guns calibre angrow 1 -5.5 can Belgean (sm all pun 37. Fielguns - 772. V10.2 hows. 16 Automatic Rifhs 52 m. 9 B. Minenwafer 2 Searchlihts.

61    10
1st Bn 190 ^German Inf Regt ws withdrawn
on 8 July, filled up w recruits
(60 in Coy of 120 only) & sent
in agn on 12th July
Civil inhabitants & prisoners
of war are being evacuated.
(behind German lines). Town
Mayors are being told
to erect barricades
& entanglements in villages. 


61     11
2nd Anzac. Sugar Loaf Salient
5th Div. ordered on Frid. 7. to go into
line - Then 2 days march
from front.

Sund/Mond night July 9/ 10/11 ½ 15th & ½ 8th
Bde went in & part of arty.

On Tues. 11th July rest
of 15th & 8th & whole 14th went

On Wed/Thurs. whole
12th/ 13th

Div. In.

Friday 14th warned of
fresh move.

Moved 15th & part of 14th


61    12
into new positns on 
night of Sat. 15th. Rest
of Inf. moved on night
of Sund. 16th (finished 3a.m.
bombt. ws to start at 4)

5th Div Arty in new positn
on Saty night.

4th Div Arty & British
(125 guns) partly on 15th, partly
on 16th.

Whole of ammn. bombs
trench stores dumped at
proper places by 4 am. on 17th.


(No necessity for me to
go up before the 19th)
61    14
5th Divn relieved 4th (wh left
on Tues. 11th/12th (clear).

On Saty night Germans straffed
just S. of Trou (front held
by 58th Bn.) a little near
Plumey Ave. All men
in area were casualties
(abt 100) & Germans left
a dead man & a Lewis
gun. Parapet badly
knocked abt. Heavy 
stuff. (Sat 15th- night).


from Brigadier
Graf v. der
6th Gd Inf. Bde.
61     16
[NB. For this area see
photo wh. Gen. Macay
mislaid & of wh he
permits me to have

21st Bav. Reserve Regt.
opp. this part.
German order. Flers 12th July 1 a.m.
"To Lt. Col. Kumme
1. The 183rd. Inf Div is in
action. The 12th Res Inf. Div.
has attacked supported by
heavy arty fire.
2. The Bde has received a
report via the 183rd Inf Div


61     17
tt / order to evacuate
Mametz Wood was given.
By orders from higher quarters
patrols are to be left in /
Northern skirts o / wood &
commn w them is to be

The barrage fire zone
requested by 1 Bde, tt goes
South of the "Grab" thro' /
wood, will be maintained
for / present . . . 

As reserve o / Army group a
bn of Reserve Inf. Regt 91, a
quite fresh unit, has arrived
at Flers. Further fresh units
will arrive this evg. on / field of battle.


61     18
[The Germans are recovering
their morale now tt they
can get food & water more
easily - all exc. the 2nd
Guard Reserve Divn wh
is having a bad time from
Bazentin & Pozieres].

We have given up High Wood.
Our airmen have bn firing
on German troops - 6
cases are quoted in /

Lt. Miller (pilot) & Lt Short
(observer) seeing tt our 

cavalry patrols were being
held up by m.g. fire,


61    19
flew over & engaged / enemy
who in order to point out
where to our cavalry where /
m.g. fire was coming from.
The enemy fire was drawn
successfully & each time
/ enemy fired at our aeroplanes
our inf. ws able to advance.
This ws repeated 6 times.
Capt Evans & Lt Long fired on &
scattered / remains of a
Bn who were entering Le Transloy.


61   20 
(:X: see later)
Summary of casualties in 

Diary of Oberst-Leutnant Bedall,
O.C. 16. Bavarian Regt.
Loss of Regt from July 1 - 12.
Officers 6 k.    14 w.
o.r.         126    642
                         72 m
                         5 gassed
                         16 sick
Total 800
Since 12th we (The British) have taken prisoner
5 off. 340 o.r.

    k. w. m. Total
Know loss
is now
Off. 6 14 5 25
o.r. 182 662 356 1200

and all who have bn k &
w. since July 12. Our
bombt has greatly increased since then.



These are in 
Mametz &
61    22
Guns taken up to
July 17. noon.
( 5 - 21 cm hows
( 3 - 15    "        "
( 4 - 6" guns (taken at Liege)
4 guns calibre unknown
1 - 5.5 cm Belgian (small) gun
37. Field guns - 77 in. & 10.2 hows.
14 Automatic Rifles.
52 m.g.
30 . Minenwerfer
2 searchlights.



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Loretta CorbettLoretta Corbett
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