Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/51/1 - July 1916 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
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AWM3S Official History, 1974-18 War: Records of C E W Bean, Official Historian. Diaries and Notebooks Hem number: 3DR16061571 Title: Diary, July 1976 Describes the fighting of 15-16 July, quotes from German records and mentions the 16th Bavarian Regiment and Sir Neville Howse VC. AWMISS-SDRLCOGISIH
18 E 3 2 35 5- 57 July 18 27 33 33 2 3 5 3 50 5 20t
8 July 15
July 15 ablegrams from France from April 11, 1916
Impression in France. No. 1s Apl 11. No 2 Ape. 25 Anzac Day Enemylaid 3. May 8. 2a
55 226 At the advanced Dressing Station near 3 Batler & I made some inquiries about the numbers of the casnatties in these attacks on the Somme. We hard of trenandous loases. The No. of wa passing trough his dressing station we found as follows: Tthink these are all the wd of the 13th Corps - from all its divas in line.) The losses were heavy but lessta we had feared. 30 18. Bte reld sin puton et to hold it. Then susted to Frones wood -I 30& 91l& 3r advancedon Bag-Long only had abl 2400 casuathis yesterday Tuly 2615. 9851 539. Attack& c. atteck 256. 106. 146.8. 515. 580. 502. 451 hones t Tronewd Evanate 1452 2715 3rd Din putin on 8th Advi. DressingSti co in pout of barrage & ifbarrage cars con't get up Ambee gets to Bernsfay Wood. But as they have wore gaus now men have be hand carrie afe
composition farmist os. A 7et arms. 1 III 25 (Es. L. S.15. 16. 40. any 5.11. 12. X W. 2.47. B4 14.53. 25. 32. X1. 31.39.61. VII. 37 49 2ndai 46.56. v. 50 4. VIII XVII. 29. 1X. 24 48. 51.60. XIV. Pa 6 20 38. 15. Ind lav. Cansd p. 123 E Brdar TH.O. Res. 741 1t Ang. 12. & 2car aust W. 7. 17.21.33. ( 11 car. ad. odBti Bosic. End Ind Car. 296 (t arty. XI1. 35. II. B.1. 19. 23.34. II. this time. Conqueval attack July 14 Teby the Walkig bot. 107 1 hying wd 2o 90 360 1301 omme- 2416 Army. th Corps 15 122C070 173 18 3 With 721 W Brawn Draw 33 Companll—very sood 36 1730.29.4 out. 9his SA is with the 9t Din. 1t 8 Prd 157E 29 1312 to 260
61 Pesents of 15th & 16th Tule Tuly p. Prim. whole of DeWille wood capten Prisoners in it. Enevery counterattacked from N & NE. at 245 but repulsed another counterattack prob. Hercraft report we occupy Waterlor Farm - on Strongpt in hongeral ours other believed to be omis. Enemy have Northen apex of High Wood where there is a vstrony ing positi. Thes ws bombarded hevily abt P.m. Result not yet known. Attack on switch tween front Martinpnich succeeded in places, but occapants were badly infiladed & had to reture
to time of road in S.3.C. & D. Ever cattacked Baz. L Pelit wood but driven out. We all a Pazieres + sot to edge of villag but driven out by M.g. troops duy in X10 B88 X10 a 47 X4C22. Attacke again at 5 but dibnt succeed. later 5/ Sin hows 3-5.9 howe -other hows. 4- 6i Seege Yunn fields. +1 geman Aeroplened destoyd cavalry wounded up Son
the signal fargon. Secret naves for awiwas 18.I close to S.W. corner of Poyerss 61 6 Germans near High wood & K.16 & Aapt. 45 July H. Trones wood shelle Reporto from Daisy N Elizand last night.6 report situanon yoree i Fmp to pt. wh Some shelling on High bod & Manetz Wood. Abt 10,000 prisoners, how taken. Lins from X4C 31 to X10B 1.7. consolivated From X.10.13. 1.7. lwds Contelinacion Villa held series of posts. Asman Me 4th crps has comadown is in Posieris - Sinchy

Official History,
1914-18 War: Records of C E W Bean,
Official Historian.

Diaries and Notebooks

Item number: 3DRL606/51/1

Title: Diary, July 1916
Describes the fighting of 15-16 July, quotes from
German records and mentions the 16th
Bavarian Regiment and Sir Neville Howse VC.



July 15


3DRL 606 ITEM 51 [1]





THE use of these diaries and notes is subject to conditions laid down in the terms

of the gift to the Australian War Memorial. But, apart from those terms, I wish the 

following circumstances and considerations to be brought to the notice of every

reader and writer who may use them. 

These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be 

true. The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what

was then in the writer's mind. Often he wrote them when very tired and half asleep; 

also, not infrequently, what he believed to be true was not so - but it does not 

follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistakes when 
discovered. Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them. 
These records should, therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what

their author, at the time of writing, believed. Further, he cannot, of course, vouch 

for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded. But he 

did try to ensure such accuracy by consulting, as far as possible, those who had

seen or otherwise taken part in the events. The constant falsity of second-hand 

evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed 

upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that

those who passed on such stories usually themselves believed them to be true. All

second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind.

16th Sept., 1946. 






July 15


July 15

from France
from April 11. 1916



No. 1. Apl 11. Impression in France.
No 2 Apl. 25  Anzac Day
    3.  May 8. Enemy Raid



2a 2h

At the advanced Dressing
Station near ? Butler & I made
some inquiries about the numbers
of the casualties in these attacks
on the Somme. We had heard of
tremendous losses: The No. of wd passing
Through this dressing
station we found as follows:-
(I think these are all the wd of
the 13th Corps - from all its
divns in line.) The losses were
heavy but less than we had feared:

18th held then put on rt to hold it.
Then pushed to Trones Wood →
30th & 9th & 3rd advanced on Baz-Longwood
Only had abt 2400 casualties


July 1   2      3. 
2615, 985, 639, Attack & c.attacks.
4        5     6     7
256. 106. 146. 86.
8        9     10      11
515. 580. 502. 451. Trones Wd. 
279. Trone wd Evacuated.
13        14
1452.  2715

3rd Divn put in on 8th.
Advd.  Dressing Stn is in front
of barrage & if barrage
cars cant get up.
Ambce gets to Bernafay
Wood. But as they have
more guns now men have
to be hand carried after.


2 4 Composition of Armies & Corps at this time.


?5th (Res. army)

X. 12.




VIII. 4.





G.H.Q. Res. 

1st Anz. 1.2.4

Ist Army.


IV. 2.47.RND 

XI. 31.39.61.


?2nd Army.

V. 50

IX. 24

XIV. Inds. 6  20

Canadn. 123

2nd Anz. 5      & NZ 41

2 Cav




VII. 37




Ist Ind. Cav.

?3rd army

                                                               ↑ Aust

XV. 7. 17. 21. 33.                       {1st Cav.

High Wood Peter Baz         {3rd "

                                                  {2nd Ind Cav.           ?4th Army. 

XIII. 3. 9. 18. 30. 35

III. 3. 1. 19. 23. 34



This time. 



Longueval attack.

                                           July 14

 July 14. Walking wd:   21            13

                                            1092       1444

                           Lying wd:  25            90

                                              360         1301

Somme - ?4th Army. 

12th Corps            15th Corps

18  30 with

            drawn         7  21      17 33


9  3                          33 composite - very good.


9thDiv                   17. 30. 29. 4  out.

S A Bde is with the 9th Divn. 

Hand drawn diagram – see original




Events of 15th + 16th July.

July 15. 8 p.m. 

Whole of Delville Wood captured. 

w Prisoners in it. 

Enemy counter attacked from 

N + N.E. at 2.45 but repulsed.

Another counterattack prob.

Aircraft report we occupy

Waterlot Farm - on strong pt in 

Longueval ours, other believed 

to be ours. Enemy have Northern

apex of High Wood where there 

is a v. strong mg. position. 

This was bombarded heavily abt

5 p.m. Result not yet known. 

Attack on switch line in front

of Martinpuich succeeded in 

places, but occupants were 

badly enfiladed & had to retire



to line of road in S.3.C.& D.

Enemy c.attacked Baz. le Petit

Wood but driven out. 

We att'd Pozieres  & got to

edge of village but driven 

out by m.g. troops dug

in X10 B88 X10 a 47

X 4 C22. Attacked again
at 6 but didn't succeed. 


Later 5/--8 in hows

3--5.9 hows

3 -- other hows. 

4 -- 6 in siege

4 - 77 mm. field g. 


6 German aeroplanes destroyed

Cavalry rounded up some



The signal jargon - 

secret names for    



(I.R. v close to

S.W. corner of




Germans near High Wood.

& k. 16 & captd 45.

July 16. Trones Wood shelled 

last night. Reports from Daisy & Eliza not

yet received.

Trumper reports situation unchanged 

Some shelling in High Wd & 

Mametz Wood.

Abt 10,000 prisoners now

taken. Line from X 4 C 3 1 to 

X 10 B 1.7. consolidated

From X.10.B.1.7. towds
Contalmaison Villa held in 

series of posts. 
The 4th ^?German Corps has come down

& is in Pozieres-Sinchy  







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