Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/50/1 - July 1916 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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1 5 s f Cs 1 63 23 this town last night moved. out wnto 2nd Corps area today - abt 8 miles (they were very very footsore, some of them, after their time on I trenches And the first of the staff of the 4th Dwn moved down here. Dickmson G.SO.S- an Austalian - abtt only one On their man staff. They are not benyan their artillery they will have the arty of the Lahore Dion - brand new Antouched British rega lar arty - That ought to make agreet difference to them Juby 14 Newsk our troops tghismorn Last nigh took Bazentin 5 Bay. Wood & Longueval.
A 24 63 The cavatry tm broke through & reached th Hois de Foureans just in port of ferman Sr Line 4th Bde Raid 2/3/7/16. (rght of 2/3 July mes reached briged 11.59 912.H.Q.: in all right &now coming out. Alltives cat and. After. gate-closes at 12.10. art fire stopped at 12.16 Enemy mg fire on were canset some deliy both goin parties return RtW Yous &c dugonts full of Germans w bombed. Evening were little cut. nearly all our casualties while in enemys vx
Br Alt 14 all Capt Eoxt Coy. 63 20 Lind after crossing Cursan wire found - 2 belts. Beg craters is them but wire hards touched. M.g. on them en were rait Left I found neither men nor juns - dujonts empty, much artillery damage ty Re Iledby Sergt. Jarcea (wd). Bomber 3 to 5 dugants - one had Elec light stell burny. Estimate to 25 menk in these. (seream heard), our wd had to be got thro were wh made slow work. Both telephonists w. on way out t put out of actin Lt. Wanless ws cod but carrin on till be collegsed.
was 63 27 All oficers were wd. (some evemy shragnel on our were advence of hoot ws due to loss of time in crossing wire Returning Y havinghands fiell w tod. w. Lt wantiss, Harvey, Roderick & 25. M. L Julian - &9others. T. ws dead - carried part of way back + then abon one for a a man. All intyee had to be carries by runvers to Bde H.O. Our scouls enconntered every patrol in nomanstin When Bombt began & drove them back into our
28 63 mee bombt. some of these bodies were seen by some men. 6 dead K. by our boutt a trechess were seen. tep 8t did enounter germans. After Roderick we het the bomber 5 dugonts w germans in them - lifted cover of tamaties threw bomb in party dugoe rt y. 25 Prob. letrimenly Bombl. 2tgutes& Domnesland 51. 6095 It Harvey ar hil which cathing were - shouting cove on Australea wanless hin on tell gave signal out-then collopsed
23 30 &This sounds rather like the Sort of Story which Monach used to be fond of telling, but which those why really knew the front line did not credit. It struck me as cuch in oe Apt. F have often heard its cited, as rrecat an Eleprobable Trench 5 opp battle story. CE. 1925. some of scouts & cod. throthuaetoes on were to help rest, of stz. cross. tench Replica very like Enm threw shrap? or his sen were attw our bowbt started, Part had to go thro this Loss of officers made no diffec to ty, Sergts takeng on Woral - uncertain ray of M.T.M. German raid next night on Same Br Same point- Thro boub Att 1026 R.So. Infantry came over at 12.50 Nomensland seen by patrol in &by Hlanking Lewes guns X
abt 5 32 who were on took out for them. They were shown up be their own flares. reachy Abt 12 1 parepit 7 I pot in. They were bomber on Paropet by att 50f our men in bay then entered (French S7 They tried to pull out Lieut Mackay whows burnd be fall of eark caught his leg. Then were bomber by our mew- Oneman W8 sd to have by baymeted (any revolve prch We got I. rifhs sparant be our if, I on & 2 bodies afront of wire Bloodstann cap on sarshet etc. Our cas. Oft
33 Pti E. Calway 14 Bn. I st Edmonstone since died ofanputat 63 34 25w in this part 5k in workeng part away to flank Serpt in pait on patiol Cd. Saw En. Commy. todo dressed by te who stood by him. When saw En. comning The carien him in through were + barrage to then went back to his patrol who lying out and is gen. orders) & later came in on flank. Send May 2. Turks cttacked Quinns (ap) & cocerniing in mass abt 2otwards. M.9
63 35 On Serns night Ap.21 He 15th Bn ws pet in (part ofitI at steep & we diggen support live behind font line. Tey navoyed to did standin up. On monday morning they had to advance t0 troops them there & dig in post of pont line hose in Scrut wan to dothis standinga picks & Hovels, all day & complie trinc. There seeme to be few 15 neas Taken was the heart and sout of line there If ever a man deserved the Victoria X he did, sd Dicknson (clearly, If course, it wo near whites suby, not steeles tos
2Cby man fo kecodel. 36 63 at all that they were digging.) Juby 14th later. I wentout to the battle with Dickmson J.S.O.S of 4th Divn. We fauns1 roads crowded w juns aroukd Bethincourt & Frecourt. We had to leave the car at Bethencoart &wall & Cdont get a little E 8/ manetz. Manets wood - I farther edge of it- seemed to be being attacked for we were pourin artiller fire onto the farter edge of it + Jervans were peppering it. few Artillery ws sempty streaming up the Balley towarrds Bazentin on I hells of

*x Not quite accurate - 
They had been 
with 3rd Australian Disn as 
well as their own  

This town last night moved
out into 2nd Corps area 
today - abt 8 miles (they were 
very very footsore, some of 
them, after their time in / trenches) 
And the first of the staff of the 
4th Divn moved down here - 
Dickinson of the SSO . 3 - an 
Australian - abt only one 
on their main staff. They are 
not bringing their artillery; 
they will have the arty of the 
Lahore Divn - brand new 
untouched× British regular 
arty - That ought to make 
a great difference to them. 
July 14 News th our troops 
last night  at 4 this morning took Bazentin 
& Baz. wood & Longueval -



The cavalry then broke 
through & reached the 
Bois de Foureaux  just 
in front of German [[shorthand]] 
4th Bde Raid 
2/-3/7/16. (Night of 2/3 July.)
11.59 message reached brigade H.Q. : in all right 
& now coming out. All lines 
cut trench. after.
Gate closed at 12.10. 
Arty fire stopped at 12.16 
Enemy m.g. fire on wire 
caused some delay both going 
& returning × RT parties found 
dugouts full of Germans 
who they bombed. 
Enemy wire little cut 
nearly all our casualties while 
in enemy's wire vx


All 14th Bn. 
(all Capt ∧ A R Cox's Coy)
Ind. after crossing Coursan
wire found - 2 belts. Big 
craters of them but wire
hardly touched.  M.G. on them
in wire
Left ∨ party found neither men
nor guns - dugouts empty, much
artillery damage.
Rt party led by Sergt
Garcia (wd). Bombed 3 to 5
dugouts - one had Elec. light
still burning. Estimated th
25 men k in these. (screams
heard). our wd. had to be
got thro wire wh made slow
Both telephonists w. on 
way out, put out of action.
lt Wanliss ws wd but carried 
on till he collapsed.


All officers were wd.
(some enemy shrapnel on our
Absence of loot ws due 
to loss of time in crossing wire.
Returning Y having hands full
w wd.
w. Lt Wanliss, Harvey,
Roderick & 25.
m. Lt Julian - & 9 others.
J. ws dead - carried
part of way back &
then abandoned for a 
w. man.
(All intgce. had to be carried
by runners to Bde H.Q.
our scouts encountered
enemy patrol in Nomansland
when Bombt began it
drove them back into our


bombt.. Some of these ∧ mens bodies
were seen by some men.
6 dead k. by our bombt
in trenches were seen.
Left p trench did encounter
Germans - after Roderick
ws hit My they bombed
3 dugouts w Germans in 
them - lifted cover of 
dugout & threw bomb in.
Prob. casualties              : rt party 25
                                               left        10                                                
                  Bombt. nomansland    10               
                                      trenches        6
Lt Harvey ws hit while
cutting wire - shouting
"Come on Australia"
Wanliss hung on till gave
signal out - then collapsed.


x This sounds rather like the
sort of story which Monash used to 
be fond of telling, but which those who
really knew the front line did not 
credit. It struck me as such & I
have often heard it cited ∧ in th typical
of an 
battle story. 
(opp, Trench 57)
Some of scouts & wd.
x threw themselves on wir
to help rest of pty. cross.
Replica trench very like.
Enemy threw shrap.
on his own wire after 
own bombg started.  Party
had to go thro. this.
Loss of officers made no
diffce to Pty, Sergts
taking on.
[[???al]] -uncertain range
of M.T.M.
German raid next night
on same Bn same point - 
2 hrs bombg aft 10.30 to 12.30
(seen by patrol in nomansland 
& by flanking Lewis guns


abt 50
who were on look out
for them.  They were shown
up by their own flares.
All 12 reached parapet &
some 5 got in. They were 
bombed on Parapet by all
5 of our men in bay then
entered (Trench 57)
They tried to pull out
Lieut Mackay who ws
buried by fall of earth.
Caught his leg. They
were bombed by our 
men. One man ws sd
to have bn bayoneted (carrrying
revolver). We got 5 rifles
in our trench, 2 on parapet,
& 2 bodies infront of wire
Bloodstained cap on 
parapet etc. Our cas. abt


Pte E. Calway
14 Bn.
Sgt Edmonstone
(since died
of amputatn)
25 W. in this part.
5 k in working party
away to flank
Sergt in front on patrol
wd saw En. coming - wds dressed by Pte who
stood by him. When saw
En. coming Pte carried
him in through wire to 
barrage to S.Gs. &
then went back to his
patrol who lying out
(under gen. orders) & later
came in our flank.
Sund May 2.  Turks
attacked Quinns (sap)
& counting in mass
abt 30 towards. M.g.


on Sund night Ap.25
the 15th Bn ws put in  (part
of it) at Steeles & ws digging
support line behind front
line.  They managed to dig
standing up. On Monday
morning they had to advance
thro troops then there &
dig in part of frontline
- those in scrub managed
to do this standing  - w picks
& shovels, all day & completed
trench. There seemed to be
few Ts near ).
Saker was the heart 
and soul o /  line there.
"If ever a man deserved the 
Victoria X, he did" sd Dickinson.
(clearly, of course, it ws near
Whites Gully, not Steeles Point

? ?

? Probly[[ meant]]
for Becondel.
63  36
at all that they were digging.)
July 14th. later. I went out to
the battle with Dickinson
G.S.O.3 of 4th Divn. We found I
roads crowded w guns
around Bethincourtx & Fricourt..
We had to leave the car at 
Bethincourt & walk & cd only
get a little E of Mamets.
Mamet wood - / farther
edge of it - seemed to be
being attcked for we were
pouring artillery fire onto
the farther edge of it & /
Germans were peppering it.
Our Artillery was simply streaming
up the Valley towards
Bazentin on / heels of

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