Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/50/1 - July 1916 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
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AWM3S Official History, 1974-18 War: Records of C E W Bean, Official Historian. Diaries and Notebooks Hem number: 3DR160615017 Title: Diary, July 1976 Reports conversations with Sir Nevill Smyth VC. mentions the 4th Infantry Brigade's raid of 2-3 July 1916, the fighting at Mametz Wood and Verdun and the difficulties of obtaining a car. AWMISS-SDRLCOC1SON
2 I 0x 53 25 F0= w 2 32 50 a 33 5- 3. 22 83 - 3 2 5 82 3.3 323 3 55 38 3- Jnly 1514 2814 Res. Dion. 23 327 0 - 2 wD 5 5 563 8 3 33 35 32 S
a 40 h 20 July 13- 14 2 63 59 Captured order of 28th Res. Dion. 4:7:16 5. The strong points of Defence which cxist in the West Lank &d Eas edges of Pozieres must be pat onto a state of defence at once so tt posscssion of th villure is assured under all circum Sterners The gap between the 2ad & 3rd positus Nofthe line Longueval-Begentin-must be closed to a cross tie trenches wh will commence at abt the crossroads Bazentin he. runne Petit, Pozieres, Contalmai on, Martinpuich. It will God line South of Here fou the via Hill 154, St of Martinpuich Hill 155 E of Foureanxword. The
commencement of this work is to be put in hand at once by L Feoneer Commander. Det orders with repe to the improveing of posers work on the frontline, of a durable nature,, is to be undertaken, if this has not already bu don Every possible meens ofabare to be and to complete this 2 The Constructo d a secnd time of trenches believ our 1st tineis to be carrd out wid. with at te resources at our disposal. In the sector Held by the 1901 Regt his line will be to wh connects Ovilliers & Contalinain 63 In 1 sector bet k 1 163ket te second tine referred to will begin from Contalm. I will run thro the middle of manety woo & afterds in an easterly & then in a Norterl directin & will you I secont live West of rd Mamety - Bazentin Pelif Particly Timpt is Iconstrn of a second Ihuch in the 20th B T Bde sector. This must eso concte thatlies are the reverse slope to th OIenemy, Io sofar as p y with not permit present accomdaln of supports, the supports must be quarter in existen suitable points where the bankin etc. will pernit o Suick Conston
I dugonts. Lat same ways many dugonts wh still remdin undamaged with must be used aot oaly for guartieng troops but also for construct strong points w. Tnedefence I sectors held by our troops to assured, Even when, as I result of enery shell fire the holding of a continuson line is endered impossibly at certain points. The obstacle former by 1 dugot pouped together in strom points will prevent 1 eney from breaking thro, especiall if blank fire support is assured from these groaps f dug-outs 63 6 3. Of partic. imptee for defence is 1 quick old in of m. go. behind ( front defence live wh command I ground behind, & wh with flank fire can suppo each oher so to enem forces wt may at any soind have temporarily broken through may be held as by M.g. fire fom further advance. &. Turtermore, thins hoat live I conveision opvillages into stroy points (See Para 2) is of greatest importance, Such velleps Pozcerss Contalinuig are Bazentin- Co. Petit Bagentin Cgrand and Lousueoal
B. Bois des Fourcans & Hight Hill 158- - 3.4 d. 28. The Cross Roads - three trees 1e July 12 Intelligee Summary says the Aft 10 days our troops have captine wholes1 system of be on a front of 14 aooyd Foat support & reseive tuichys. from 2000 4000 yd 5 villay deep incluse several barbeairedwoods I many. Arme stroy redoubts. The capture of each of hise trenches represated, a operete of some wptce whle of them a now in our hands). Enein has now ouly ore dion avaclable ron as reserve on 21 Red Dur
It was Interceptn of Ielephone messages. 109th Reg. (28h Res. Divr) on 25/3/16 had basend From time to time Battalion Commanders will have bogas messages sent thro' the telephone after previously advising the regt & the artiller (not by telephons from the pont ling with the object of ascertaining from the Evenys Acte whether messeges are intercepted. Ar instence: Minenwerfer in the Cameter at ovelliers will open firs at 11 am. lon after this tt ourman were being picker (for knowledg of Jerman) 5. intercent we yse begus names. FBASKN tothdgd Orer Bombardment; Order to III/109 R.18 of 27 Juve 1916. "Carryiy 1 dead back under present conditis tod out
50 10 result in further camattis. For this reason dead bodies will be conveyed forwards; the selected places a nrame will be shown on a sketch wh wit be presented to Bn.H.D. myd The as shells and by the Fench Eg. at Estreed. When used in larg quantities they injerred men without mas who after waldnng monns So compounds (12 kit)) ti died. Atto 1/2 Wro shelling Animal were killed (at Estrees) but Itis not man to wasks. OA douttfol ( ay I hape sod C a much touger shelling
135 11 Jermans gob into Mone Wood after 6th heavy attack.
63 12 July 13th. Sent the car back this worning. Went for a ride w youn Carraters this apernoon Hadone or two good gallops & thoroughly enjoyed them - to I am always nervous of how I am join t get on on Losseback. It is more of a trial to me to get on to a Lorse than to go into I trenches - well, perhep not in a fight like thes. The chances, are abt 30 to 100apst you in 1 venches at an active point. Scys came in this eveni after havin been out to see some gunners &his brother near Merccourt. He says

Official History,
1914-18 War: records of C E W Bean,
Official Historian.
Diaries and Notebooks
Item number: 3DRL606/50/1
Title: Diary, July 1916
Reports conversations with Sir Nevill Smyth VC,
mentions the 4th Infantry Brigade's raid of 2-3
July 1916, the fighting at Mametz Wood and
Verdun and the difficulties of obtaining a car. 


July 13-14 1916
28th Res. Divn.
Original DIARY NO.50
AWM38 3DRL 606 ITEM 50 [ 1 ]
The use of these diaries and notes is subject of conditions laid down in the terms
of gift to the Australian War Memorial.  but, apart from these terms, I wish the
following circumstances and considerations to be brought to the notice of every
reader and writer who may use them.
These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be
true.  The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what
was then in the writer's mind.  Often he wrote them when very tired and half asleep;
also not infrequently, what he believed to be true was not so - but it does not
follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistakes when
discovered.  Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them.
These records should, therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what
their author, at the time of writing, believed.  further, he cannot of course, vouch
for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded.  But he
did try to ensure such accuracy by consulting, as far as possible, those who had
seen or otherwise taken part in the events.  The contest falsity of second-hand
evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed
upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that 
those who passed on such stories usually themselves believed them to be true. All
second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind.
16 Sept, 1946  C. E. W. BEAN


2 Anz Bks
Leaving 56 to be deld
to H.Q.
6   Germans in Dugouts
in Ovillers on 11th who
had been there since 2nD 

63    50      2      July 13-14 1916
Captured order of 28 Res. Divn
5. "The story points of Defence
which exist in the West South & East
edges of Pozieres must be put
into a state of defence at once so
tt / possession of this village is
assured under all circumstances."
6.  The gap between the 2nd &
3rd positions N of the line
Longueval-Bazentin must
be closed w a cross line
of trenches wh will commence
at abt the crossroads
running to Bazentin-Le-Petit, 
Pozieres, Contalmaison, 
Martinpuich.  It will
join the 3rd line South of Flers
via Hill 154, SE of Martinpuich,
& Hill 155 E of Foureaux wood.  The


commencement of this works
is to be put in hand at once
by / Pioneer Commander
Div Orders
1.  with refce to the improvement
of positns.
1. Work on the frontline, of a 
durable nature, is to be
undertaken, if this has not
already bn done.
Every possible means
& effort are to be used to
complete this.
2. The construction o a
second line of trenches behind
our 1st line is to be carrd
out imd. with all the
resources at our disposal.
In the sector held by the 190th
Regt this line will be tt wh
connects Ovillers & Contalmaison.


63    4
In / sector held by / 163 Regt the
second line referred to will
begin from Contalm. & will run
thro the middle of Mametz Wood
& aftwds in an Easterly & then 
in a Northerly direction & will
join / second line West of
rd namely - Bazentin-le-Petit.
Particly impt is / constrn
of a second trench in the 20th
B I Bde sector.  This must
be so constructed that it lies
on the reverse slope to tt
o / enemy.  In so far as /
present trench will not permit
/ accomdatn of supports, the
supports must be quartered
in existing suitable points
where the banking etc. will
permit o / quick constrn


of dugouts.  In / same
way, / many dugouts
wh still remain undamaged
will must be used not 
only for quartering troops but
also for constructing new
strong points w. the defence
o / sectors held by our troops
is assured, even where, as
/ result of enemy shell fire,
the holding of a continuous
line is rendered impossible
at certain points.  The
obstacle formed by / dugouts
grouped together in strong
points will prevent / enemy
from breaking thro', especially
if flank fire support is
assured from these groups
of dug-outs.

63     6
3. of partic. imptce for
defence is / quick bldg
in of m. gs. behind / front
defence line wh command
/ ground behind, & wh,
with flank fire, can support
each other so tt enemy
forces wh may have at
any point have temporarily
broken through may be
held up by m. g. fire
from further advance.
4. Furthermore, behind
/ front line / conversion
of villages into strong points
(see Para 2) is of greatest
importance.  Such villages
are Pozieres Contalmaison
Bazentin-le-Grand and


NB. Bois des Foureaux = High wood
Hill 155 = S. 4 d. 28.
The Cross Roads = Three Trees

63      8
July 12 Intelligce Summary Says tt
Aft 10 days [shorthand] our
troops have captured
whole of Germanys 1st
system of line on a
front of 14 ,000 yds
i.e. Front support & reserve
trenches from 2000 - 4000 yds
deep including 5 villages
several barbwired woods
& many immensely
strong redoubts.  The
capture of each of these
trenches represented an
operatn of some imptce
& / whole of them are
now in our hands).
Enemy has now only
1 more divn available
as reserve on W front
21 Red Divn 


63    9
Interceptn of telephone messages:-
109th Regt. (28th Res.Divn) on 25/3/16
had bn ordered:
"From time to time Battalion
Commanders will have bogus
messages sent thro' the Telephone
after previously advising the
regt & the artillery (not by
telephone from the front line) with the
object of ascertaining from the
enemy's actn whether messages
are intercepted.  For instance:
'Minenwerfer in the Cemetery
at Ovilliers will open fire at
11 a.m.'
It was ₵ ^long after this tt our men were being
picked (for knowledge of German)
IS intercepted  IS. intercept we use bogus names,
Buzzer is worst
Our bombardment: order to III / 109 R.I.R
of 27 June 1916. "Carrying / dead back
under present conditions wd only


63    10
result in further casualties.
For this reason dead bodies will
be conveyed forwards;  the
selected places or names
will be shown on a sketch
wh will be presented to Bn. H.Qrs.
The gas shells / much used by the French.
where E.g. at Estrees. When
used in large quantities
they injured men without
masks - who after walking
to prisioners' compounds (12 kil.)
After 1½ hrs shelling animals
were killed (at Estrees) but
not men w masks.  It is 
doubtful if they'd have stood a much longer shelling


63     11
Germans got into Trones Wood
after 6th heavy attack.


63     12
July 13th
I sent the car back this 
morning.  Went for a ride w
young Carruthers this afternoon.
Had one or two good gallops
& thoroughly enjoyed them - tho'
I am always nervous of how
I am going to get on on horseback.
It is more of a trial to me to
get on to a horse than to go
into / trenches - well, perhaps
not in a fight like this.  The
chances are abt 30 to 100 agst
you in / ^front trenches at an active 
Seys came in this evening
after having been out to see
some gunners & his brother
near Mericourt.  He says



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