Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/5/1 - April - May 1915 - Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
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been Glasperd at 5 signalled Landay effected. Cover from Steep Lille,
552 bam Gorspard at 6 synilent tal landing effected & high
35 Lieut, Rumball (now adgt) of 10R landed well N. of Fisternens Hat. Several boats andedsyone, outo wh nos got fom sillt. Party rashed Fiteres Hent, Talbottmith shat an officer thes - every man sarshed him. Ne we a ferman $50 am hadln in the place & it stank as disal to comps (in to truch I went up aday - sall F caups (Cau of 4 tints on it & camp of extents on left wh sassed this day). Rumbole says he went with p plation of his On +serious screps, & Col Clarks of 12t, up serond jully past Fisheres hat & found tinselves on slops at 1mcle to Nof where ought to b. Cd DI seo & heas fitty in that direction. Whil in sireet F. lying 20yds away bleged at R Semicel. Man who was out ground scouting (there wo one on Either plank) saw Turkfirig & hit him over head with his chubbed rifte. He we sent back under two men as pisoner The party pashed up the spar oppositet - or gather ap gully (Rumbolt thinks 237 M.o to about 0.00t They placed himselves by bearys of two peents to North & takes. then cut sank across country to 224 d 2or 4 where joined best in lime for coube attack of Turks at 10 am - after Brandhed the three guas. They took a manii on to crest most of fine came pom creet. Notmany tarks agt them pompr. Col. Charke was piked in scrut on plattar & he wand sam brown beltI glasses & a saipss got him fom behint. We hadn't time in Het find rust to chas place of enpers as we went. They johcule tarks on French half vey up hill - a few waited for bayonit; most were shot at short raix as bolted. Clarke as not kiled ind, + was trynn to conte an order when he died. Roublt cenat Party got onl destroyers at Sea abt mednight, long before sighting land. DicCoyers came in 4 began to genants suall boats abt 4. Could, just make out beach a land as came astore. By time phep to toench it was light eno to see everything.
P. Elizabett. Inflesible. Againemnos L. Welson Queen London P. of Wales Implocable Comwitted Swiftsure Trumph. 903 Altion Magesti Canopus Veageance Golial PGeorge. Brechento Euryalis Dartment Dublin talbor Dous Mineroa Many Elds dubmaines Rpp. bts, to awless, fleet sweepers. Charlemagns Taureguiberry Gaulors suffren Heari I. Ashold. N3.A Rnded SEre7tE 11, 721. 6. a.m. From Maj. Glasfard. Landiy Effecter betw. 237W 224B Steip Stopes inland afford cover, Landing appears poss. south of he Ships: Gueen, PofW, London (attend iny Frumph, Bacchants on S.Co coverig, Majests on N. C nalde (Troops in Q. Pof W. London. Jonian, Suffolk, Divanha. (at Cne willes) day ty a signal s. Bombandment commnes at I am

6 am. Glasfurd at 6 signalled
Landing effected. Cover from
Steep hills.

9.0 am.


6am Glasfurd at 6 signalled
that landing effected &


Lieut. Rumbolt (now adjt) of 10th landed well N. of Fishermans Hut. Several
landed [[shorthand]] 39 ones, onto wh [[shorthand]] got from hilltop. Party
rushed Fishermans Hut
Lieut. Talbot Smith shot an officer there - every man searched him. He ws a
 50 men had bn in the place & it stank as did all T. camps ([[shorthand]] the
trench I went
up today - & all T. camps (es. camp  of 4 tents on it & camp of 4 tents on left
wh passed this day). Rumbolt says he went, up with K platoon of his
bn & various  scraps, & Col Clarke of 12th, up second gully past Fishermans
hut & found themselves on slope abt 1 mile to N of where ought to be. Cd
see & hear fighting in that direction.
Whilst in scrub T. lying 20yds away blazed at R
& missed. Man who was out ground scouting (there ws one on either
flank) hit him saw Turk firing & hit him over head with his clubbed
rifle. He ws sent back under two men as prisoner.
The party pushed up the spur opposite it - or
rather up gully (Rumbolt thinks 237 m-n to about o. or t).
They placed themselves by bearings of two points to North & lakes.
Then cut south across country to 224 d 1 or 4 where
joined best in line for counter attack of Turks at 10 am - after
Brand had taken three guns. They took a maxim on to crest -
most of fire came from crest. Not many Turks agst them from first.
Col. Clarke was killed in scrub on plateau-  he wore same Brown
belt & glasses & a sniper got him from behind. "We hadn't time in
that first rush to clear place of snipers as we went.". They got into
Turks in trench half way up hill - a few waited for bayonet; most
were shot at short range as bolted. Clarke ws not killed imd,
& was trying to write an order when he died.
Rumbolt was at
Party got onto destroyers at Sea abt midnight, long
before sighting land. Destroyers came in & ^ they  began to get into
small boats abt 4. Could just make out beach & land
as came ashore. By time got up  to trench was it was light eno'
to see everything.
[* A very inaccurate a/c
[Either Rumbolt or I was hopelessly at fault
R. ws left with a pln on beach N. of Ari Burnu on landing.]
6/5/20.)] *]


Q. Elizabeth..                     
L. Nelson
P. of Wales
P. George.

Many tbds Submarines
torp. bts, trawlers,
fleet sweepers.

Henri IV.


NZ & A landed strength 11, 721.
6. a.m. From Maj. Glasfurd. Landing effected betw. 237 W  224 B steep
slopes inland afford cover. Landing appears poss. south of [shorthand]

Ships: Queen, P of W, London (attending)
Triumph, Bacchante on S. [shorthand] covering, Majestic on N. [shorthand]
(Troops in Q. P of W. London.- Malta Ionian, Suffolk, Devanha.)
Day [shorthand] a signal sd: Bombandment (at Cape Helles) commences at 5 am


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