Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/5/1 - April - May 1915 - Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
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28 Extracts of Signals. Apr: 26 8.v2Pm. Queen Elizabeth OK Au Div (Priority) gueen Elzaleh Ol continul 6T p ro shelling 224 on 8 from te NE can you locate & enjage ? 61h Strips firng on less our lins $5.500 yds continue. Aust Des. (Prioritz 3.55 (Prwwrit) quar The naral ships to are firiy on our left flank snd fire 500 y ds further wo advaas of our men. Aust. Di. (304.19. qreen. Scarch Velley 237V 7 Aiit dis. ntined) can you get a battleship to fire at 224.0.9 4.30 Queen (rinitz) OF. 224.0.9. with one ship please Cust Did (repeated 1.40p) 2.06 4.45 pm. Prioritz Quen 224. K, 225.A, 237.E9 Arty Aust. Div. 4.3 (Queen) Continus Please but keep further ahead on our left. Aust Dis 18.37 pm. Queen (Prionty Pleass blowpstermans that skey high Aust Dir D12.3 M. Bunitz Queen CA knoll 224 D 4 carefsl observation necessary avoid hitting our troops (sust Div) 2500 Maj. Brand. It is far quicker and mors accurately to write what you want to say & have it tetepaphed. MAckwort 18.1. queen BT Arest. Dev. 9.55 am. Queen BA 245 J366 & 224.6.2. Argest Aust Div. 33 6.20 m. Queen (Ricit) Be on look out for battery selling landing place again one shelldropped just as you recommenced Hast Div. 457M. Queen. 2.At Ridge 224F to 2240.9. Aust Div. 4.16. (ity) G. Elizabeth, OK. give them a dess, 6 queen. Lengthen then range 500 yds the guas on the left. Alo Qreen Elizabeth shells are bursting on grage, lengthen their corrector, & they should shorten tei raip by 300 7 do. 3.30p Queen Elizatck O.F. 3.F2. Queen ElizebeR O.K. 3.46 queen Elizabeth (Reont) 5 200 3.W. A.E. prionty will spot now (Aust Dir). 3.SB. Queen B.M. B) 4.12. queen Elzabeth AK. l have it B2.15 Enemy reported fallig back on our lef. Watch & increass rangs grasually (aust Du 3. 27 pm. Prionty qum OF 225&8 enemy Battery Aust Div. 5. 19.m Priont Queen Firs on our left flank O.H. increase voluse. 5.33 Prinil Quen OF 237 ws And Div 5.05 an Poronty Queen BM all ships please Aust Dir 6.38 Queen B3.M. many Hanks Anot Div. to gaeiont please reopen fire same teyts Aust e Eeqaen Queen guas somewhere about 224 p. are ceriously troubliy our infantry in 224M8 Please try to weate & engaye. (same again 7.10 pe). (6.57 pm 10 Bn reports avy hase an observing she 224 C2 Fom glasfurd Bay meke W be it Coy of 7t to lep of soopde 29
4p 1526 27 3rd Ble lt bt ivry eveantate Lassoon as o luntuge we eent sfe wil tie p 9 or fet Ben p of foowt Aep g 2 p ntes Borte wat reporte prevent flesd wt atyabiy cnt of today Wherewere funs this day ? 2 whatws shugh of eveng abvarious times 3 thatwere u wher t Ourtooses thee H 135 End pt. yestan p e n Br to1t fos Brs W oi to help w 4 C t
MtBi Am digtg w siducet pur Eia 7.5 from DroBll 4. Ph wisen Hastis taking straylers to (Ws troop take ap amn. to gueen and m now En plead o to Do you oall to fer kind fingatli& I both consider t o actore at onct Dansf1 toys being sent of hall to you tate afer pttng everyting Enquiry, Howi und to complet 781 reports har not 2iA9 Aeain Ct. Batole same tind as thrs suns duck of still J shrapnl ony returns t 120 E B pri e allacted w Reyoneto storting allat allat But were anvon back seringth untir 10.45 vt at treatin be rene has on taken in tim, I mnt reconetal li.t Tt reporte smet attack in fo gay of 2eoyed bets lest of y h. xeroner pte b after 11.3. 1t Br. Onlest. On twl oot I was ordered to renfore turks h. Captan Capt 1roned Lieut Elston In great confisev i
frio 18,000 r tutyont Aob Go 5.12. P.m. Send 20 gunners of 2nd Bde Amnn Col. aslore to 10bo to assioe Iadian gunnees any if f hugeewond ot quenters were iony or ten aen ale te. tep pt 5.45 Pm. W. 3. Iuf. Bole to N31 A. BID. Cannot give Bridges Wellington Iaf. DrO 9116 Bn situation bad here. Requirs whole Ple ae a te et Sen Wellington as quickly as possible. wil Et bartat dr tother 237 2 t you bnyage Greny J 22 7659. FowBG. End jun (prob. nt wort for 3 due E 1. 2244 1C 61 You linbg 64 toorgs g 224 beig stelued prorsdiact. we on left patter rapitty 239 M. court shaps tiff fo 135 messan Senious sent to guuen 224 x 9 l1 wi r an warshaps sell (queen asked to eng 217:76 2 Bd s oe of so tell it to retuer stone to ryle 1d B pent sen io begot l enard peterdiy. 2
230. Macajan cant locate & who shally his left. 2.6 (hm Id. 1 en e y Mer fine hoobile falling 238ME (3 is Fild fans or t tat Dibert ty Pen sad esn anue pryon ca Repty 7 & Cack Oles sint. 4ot. to Q.3. 30 send us pinps hous water tanks for water lighter t a 256 W fchonl 430040l NC. 88,000 rounds hawd b setyor to 4.30.40000 beingd a r h A ifilchat Ct t Bde istablst yourrelf on tie Rat paa& peatinct 7t be to e t ye e oas oveli Bod Bll 5 a w Iple totat wh is shalleg y 31 6 tutt defenes gtit but Dagel still Yous loeated neans yaus are in posite on Patth 224B lt Divl taf sayt, cannot be accurety Macay down beainoul 3-30.A Bn. prrms o ord t P.W.RVO bnysay Fra Anad sladge Fa Inslans opinion Boe ttsituate ?I will not be holding the time insalesfactory dreugt (om &c B3) 450 4t Bn ordered from up W.ES Blenny & lead a
1.40 6th Bn reports ouson ceased Et coming his eyner Mountlin batte Enjaying allock o. WE 5 2 gun p170 can Jo Witrl B30 22a2 n 224 Indian Mti 5.6 acted 235 No 6v 41 d Ful unedcyabt my lef centri 8t reports trop onto left t bath to be eut off 30 telpcnte Sa Eng fire valess the trying to dig but f two hote very few m lett. heave i apparenly Stiap anpoti a repend aget his lapt 2.15DNQ. Queen 2 Field guns wd how be advaulagious, 2 Cans of hores would be needed.
WUSTRA 16 1.5. (6302) W landed gooe in on yrless i Her Incid7. 29t Drv. selligon SX 1.T. My guns in action in E24 MP. Obseran SCN 2L4H6. - Lad.MV. T Mon rhe fertir (1.20ld pae. p of Pur inquiry of Ships fire voted for 224 F. Dr T 130. From DHA. to Queen more saas 80 amun E cr of H. Kins witl Reserse i gndt Nicil for monet 6 6th must be reng ind Note. C. Co pt Br sent in yau site of 8a cubical, toit ant 1ton
302. 11.10. Amum just arriving at 32 F 111Bd. Outport Co. of left with drawn N. Zealanders 12.1F Amms beysal up to 3o2. 18 it ara7 2noB. 10.5065 B advny under surepacl. 16.32. CK17Cande occuret Sheprel from 203-0 Aaibly S. of Rajadere N.30. 712 Bn. 2241 Aay 6th On. 160y o 5t just t soutpri? (ca. along 400) Half SKE T Half Or Bn oHelf Pi Bn in 2244 21213be will down graterfally Rest if 8t movy to support Right. Telephonic Communieate a rihe & left 2d2 being estab. amun mach eeded. shel chaf oresere topop left. (Maj. Bleney enffor Ammnttion- to list it hinsel 10.39 Berdwoon quun Well done 3rd Bll. magnificently, we of you. Open wely as possible. 10.45. From R.A.SSpiis congratetate you. 10.52. From Walker to Pr Recommend a Bde of NZers be sent to remfors gen Bees left. walker. 11.29. Fom BCt Tolnston OE. NZart. to Jodleyan Queen. can I have the howitzer battery sent in quickly & the Can of the balloon to send ove of my officers to Cocate guns. 1155. to3d Ble from 12 Bor. Reinforcements urgently regud on left. Capt Lalor. I (came Reft to D.St. O te to Oc. 3rdele you have done 11. Mules asked for fare all proud commn, as soon amen end squadron your Bds. 11.2. To Aust Div. 5th Bn repord part of 3Bde in poutdf it very driven S. at 10.20 an 1215 from Milay Cauva 26 Quens fine 12.30.-0 on 224D. urgent 12. 30. Oieen as to fire on 59 EEHK- ieinpout of let of 3d2 Queen) to near says DHAsayS: Ask7 Field nd soon. DA.O Sig Camp 5K6 be Coctil in 224& ? 12.55 Whereare 125 9DNGto Indian Juns Wite 2& Mease Ctand in adion? know where yr gans are in action. From AngadQueen) 11.30.N.3. B&c on way to storl. tocom ander fen Gyovarrival. fon walkes to or vice, Tohnsonfill
12 9 am 2nd2 on line thro 2246 to right of Lod 2 Hm Prolonging to right advancey to redp 212 GB (arow Gieatesfully) Coust. firig in 204 M. Nosigeof everyan redge in 2244 or 212B1G. my 2AA will io 10th Bn. Law apted 1248 Ke.4. I krapp Juns in 39. 224I 3rd Bry. Asked that 187 Brij shd prolory its left # 2246 (15 to spar Wherei as mast 9.30. JDZHE 224H5. Ammn o you can, at once. 950 30 2 calls poatn ammunition can besent Must I ammunites 10.14 any mens. 10.15 p. Queen. Lipter 6 1bant to amma in 104 w jout Vammenite at Ona 3od 2 16. S will 224C 6 soncial threetent. Please support mnylef (G.O.C. tol 15 Bde to and 2 coys White to Queen. Yam. Holdin of 224B towards 229t w1 2nd In/ Bdl. 6th Bn he b 2245. to operate aget 300 ridge 212 Da-rt. Positn 3rd Bde will be communicatel pt 940. mad we told by 5ig. from DHD2nwar ye right i tei rypt on sse rough along words Low So 2Bno 151Bde b bu cent to you. 954 2d 13 slowly prolongey to rylealong 1ain Kidg Havyfin aboy my centro. 10.25 6th An asks renf a 22454 12 Just 5. of 400 2 Plations of 58 sent. 9.45. To queen from DHA. sagest defer aisenbercati frew 7i ask for them. 10.66. from Quees lay Angaessendy g as soon as pos discabertg N. 1nf. het we know area where thy can best be employed
A870 (enders W.) 2515. P.B message Patterson to Queen (4) sent) Divl. Staff ashore) to queen; send S.a. amun. ashore urgent, from 151 Ansth Dion Beach W.G. Patterson Col 10.30 9 sent to Col.Ward (1.G.R.Eliz) Prisoner states 3 Bno 27 Regt dependi Kaba Tipe. 26th Regt at Serafim Chiftlik apparently reserve formations - 10.30


Extracts of Signals.

Apr. 26.


3.42pm. Queen Elizabeth OK Aust Div. (Priority)

4.1 Queen Elizabeth OK continue

6.35pm ∧Queen Enemy are shelling 224 on 8 from the NE can you locate & engage?

4.10pm Queen Ships firing on left of our line O.J. 500 yds continue. Aust Div. (Priority)

3.55pm (Priority) Queen The naval ships tt are firing on our left fland shd fire 500 yds further in advance of our men. Aust. Div.

(80) 4.19. Queen. Search valley 237 Y 7 Aust Div.

(continued) can you get a battleship to fire at 224.0.9

4.30 Queen (Priority) OF. 224.0.9. with one ship please (Aust Div)

(repeated 4.40pm)

4.45pm. (Priority) Queen Z.OF 224.K. 225.A, 237.Z.9 Arty Aust.Div.

4.35pm. (Queen) Continue Please but keep further ahead on our left. Aust Div

(43) 10.37pm. Queen (Priority) Please blow fisherman's Hut sky high Aust Div

(47) 12.5pm. Priority Queen CA Knoll 224D.4 careful observation necessary avoid hitting our troops (Aust Div)

3.5pm. Maj. Brand. It is far quicker and more accurately to write what 

you want to say & have it telegraphed. Mackworth

10.18am. Queen BJ Aust.Div.

(35) 9.55am. Queen BA 245 J 3 to 6 & 224.6.2. Urgent Aust.Div.

6.20pm. Queen (Priority) Be on look out for battery shelling landing place

again one shell dropped just as you recommenced Aust Div.

4.57pm. Queen. 2.O.F. Ridge 224 F to 224 0.9. Aust Div.

(79) 4.16. (Priority) Q. Elizabeth. O.K. give them a dose.

Queen. Lengthen their range 500 yds the guns on the left. Also Queen

Elizabeth shells are bursting on graze, lengthen their corrector, & they

should shorten their range by 300 yds.

3.50pm. Queen Elizabeth O.F.

3.52. Queen Elizabeth O.K.

3.46. Queen Elizabeth (Priority) 5 200

3.45. Q.E. priority will spot now (Aust Div).

3.56. Queen B.M.

(81) 4.12. Queen Elizabeth O.K. Let them have it.

(78) 2.15. Enemy reported falling back on our left. Watch & increase

range gradually. (Aust Div)

5.27pm. Priority Queen OF 225 V 8 Enemy Battery Aust Div.

5.19pm. Priority Queen Fire on our left flank O.K. increase volume.

5.33pm. Priority Queen OF 237 WS Aust Div

5.45pm Priority Queen BM all ships please Aust Div

6.38pm Queen B.M. many thanks Aust Div.

6pm. Queen Priority Please reopen fire same targets Aust Div

6.49pm. Queen guns somewhere about 224 p. are seriously troubling our

infantry in 224 M8 Please try to locate & engage.

(same again 7.10pm).

(6.57pm 1st Bn reports army base are observing site 224 C 2)



From Glasfurd.

[Hand drawn diagram]



Ap 25  26


3rd Bn sig.

Enemy will have

in g or [field?] [guns?]

at head of gully on

left of 3rd [infantries?]

ship take position

2235 or 2223 to

enfthat  prevent




11.47. 3rd Bde we

want every available

round as soon as 0.

([? sentup?] w reinfs)


Send guide

from each


report to DHQ

& lead water [?]


End of 1st day.

  1. Where were our guns this day?
  2. What ws strength of enemy at various times
  3. What were [?] guns & where?
  4. Other losses.
  5. Where were 16th.



To 16th Bn

Two Bus going

forward to help 3rd

Bde. You must

do your best to


entrench & hold on.


11.35 2nd Bd.

Message to Gen.

Birdwood. Must organise

entrench & hold on.




75 from 3rd Bde

4th Bde urgently


(NZ troops sent)


Hastie taking

stragglers to

take up ammn.


To Queen 2nd Brig how 2

Enemy (shorthand)


Ships please 



To all 3 (shorthand) Do you


To Gen Birdwood

Gen Godling & I both

consider (shorthand)

ashore at once

no 23 Aus 11 coy's being sent off

I shall fn you late after

getting everything off


7.14 8th Bn

reports [[?]]


7.5 6th Bn holding

same line as 2 hrs

before digging in

Same [[?]] of HQ

Still (shorthand) shrapnel

7.45 [[?]] returns to tt [[?]]


10.26  8th Bn reports

enemy attacked w

bayonets shouting allah allah

but were driven back strength weakened


10.45 6th reports attack threating

on left of [[?]] I think reserve half of bn of 8th has bn taken into firing line.

5th 6th 7th want ammo

7th report sneak attack in front

Gap of 300 yds Gets left of 5th & 3rd Bde



11.15 16th Bn on left

of line wh I was

ordered to reinforce

Turks / Captain

Capt McDonald

Lieut Elston

Strict confusion

owing not firing



4.20 68,000 units

sent till 3.30

Another 40,000 being sent


5.12 Send 20 gunners of 2nd

Bde [[?]] ashore to helbo

to assist Indian Gunners

(many of / knocked out & our

gunners were long at them)


5.45 pm from NZ Inf Bde to NZ&A DHQ

Cannot give Bridges Wellington Inf

Psn situation bad here. Require whole bdw

Send Wellington & as quickly as possible


5.37 3rd Heavily attacked

5.44 DHQ to Queen

4th Inf Bde [[?]]

reqd. Can you 

expedite the 


5.55 To Queen

237 Z

6-3 can you engage

enemys guns to 22qT 6&9

From K.B. 5.55 send guns (prob not more

than 3) due eff 224K5


6.15 rd Bat

Firing line being 

(shorthand) on left [[?]]



6.4 Troops on ridge 224H

being shelled 

forging direct

238m outships help

From 236A Serious


sent to Queen)


2nd Bde

Has anyone seen 8th?

If so, tell to return 

at once to right


4.45 3rd Bde

Has not seen 8th


5.20 Regret say

(shorthand) wounded



5.50 12 [[?]]

now on its way to you

on mules



2.20 Maclayan

Aust Locate 

Wh shelling his left


2.6 (From 3rd Bn)

NZ 2 Brg apparently

now up

have secured



From DHQ to Queen 

3.10 hostile shelling located

in 238M5

(3.25 Field Guns

arrived on 


(3.25 water



Please send as many 

[[?]] as you can

(Reply) 15 Pack mules sent


Lotb to Queen 3.34 Send us pumps hoses

water tanks for water lighter


3.35 to 3rd Batt

Has ammn arrived


3.56 From [[?]]

can you see how

far 9th Divn 

has reached


4.30 DHQ to

KC 68,000 rounds

have been sent you up

to 4.30. 40000 is

being [[?]]


4pm 29th Div captured

Siddel Bahha

Landed on their left

4.7 Ammn not arriving please

Distant over the front


2.55 to 2nd Bde

Establish yourself

on line RND wh



7th Bn 6th Bn 8 th Bn grp 1600 yds / [[?]]

In trench

3rd bde


From 3rd Bde

[[?]] Locate'

/ ish to shelling



3rd, 6th, 8th built up

firing line but

shape is still (shorthand)


Guns located by

/ [[?]] Bn says enemys guns are in position on south 224B

Mackay doesn't vouch for it. Divl staff says cannot be accurate

3.30 A Bn promised it would be 

3.36 Order to hold RN(1) (staff say it not needed)


I will not be holding the line 

in satisfactory strength (from K.B.)

4.50 4th Bn ordered to

Firm up


4.45 Blasing to lead

4th Bn up



3rd Bde





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